HENDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1930 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - dala@mindspring.com June 30, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Adair, Doil Wane 2-14-1930 M Ruth Nowlin Dan Adair Adair, Juett Maynon 11-3-1930 F Opal Nicholas L W Adair Adair, Selman Derl 9-7-1930 M Una Blanche Smith George Wesley Adair Allen, Roy Lee 11-27-1930 M Millie Lue Sanders William Frankling Allen Allen, Royal Hayden 12-13-1930 M Edna Perkins H. W. Allen Allen, W. A. Inf Of 7-23-1930 M Verbie Cantrell W. A. Allen Anderson, Joseph E Inf Of 11-14-1930 F Ollie Belle Bizzell Joseph E Anderson Anderson, Pat Inf Of 11-29-1930 M Hester Kirkpatrick Pat Anderson Anding, Roy Durwood 5-1-1930 M Lillie Mills Bud Anding Andrews, M C Inf Of 10-14-1930 F Manie Adams M C Andrews Anthony, Melba Jane 11-25-1930 F Soleta Warren Will Anthony Armer, James Ray 6-26-1930 M Ora Durham James Armer Arrington, Catton Inf Of 3-9-1930 F Kate Allen Catton Arrington Ashton, Bobbie Joe 2-8-1930 M Morline Whiggant Edgar Lee Ashton Ashton, James E. 11-25-1930 M Minnie Wallace Elaxander Ashton Avont, W L 7-11-1930 M Carrie Mason Rollen Avont Bailiff, August Jessie 4-3-1930 M Elizabeth Avance Christopher Bill Joe Bailiff Baker, Bobbie Jean 12-26-1930 F Ethel Elmore John Tom Baker Ballard, James Elrod 2-22-1930 M Jewell Featherston George Ballard Barker, B. S. 5-20-1930 M Lillian Barker David Barker Barr, Noble Inf Of 9-12-1930 M Emma Bristow Noble Barr Barr, Wanda June 9-12-1930 F Emma Lena Bristow Noble Dewey Barr Barrett, Edgar Dunk Inf Of 3-26-1930 M Esta Lena White Edgar Dunk Barrett Barron, Harlee 7-25-1930 M Jessie Sparks F. J. Barrem Barron, Helen Louise 7-14-1930 F Willouise Law Horace S Barron Barry, Jimmy Darnell 5-6-1930 M Jessie Romasovalle Tom Barry Barton, Ruben Lee 1-14-1930 M Lydia May Palmer Willie Barton Bass, Benjiman Franklin Inf Of 12-27-1930 F Willie Floys Hester Benjiman Franklin Bass Bates, Lonie Inf Of 7-20-1930 M Ruth Spikes Lonie Bates Bearden, Billie Finton 4-4-1930 M Ada Davis Kirby Bearden Beasley, Joe Willie 10-12-1930 M Maggie L. Lollar Tommy Beasley Beckworth, Annie Lovett 3-27-1930 F Pauline Lovett Langer Alvin Glen Beckworth Bedford, Hershell 3-9-1930 M Velma Jones J D Bedford Beeson, Mildred Joyce 4-19-1930 F Viola Hathcock Thomas L. Beeson Bell, Jettie 2-10-1930 F Marrie Johnson Ben Carter Bell Bell, Tommie Joe 7-24-1930 F Ruby Riddlespinger Lespie Bell Bell, Wilma Jean 7-17-1930 F Susie Thelma Williams Elmer O. Bell Benge, William Stanley 2-22-1930 M Lessie Tarrant Sidney A Benge Bennight, Billie Max 7-23-1930 M Gracie Edith Lewis William W Bennight Billins, R A Inf Of 1-13-1930 M E. A. Holt R A Billins Bims, John Evan Inf Of 1-25-1930 F Mary Knogn John Evan Bims Black, Jacob Marshall 7-13-1930 M Zulema Beaty T. L. Black Blackman, Billy Ray 12-27-1930 M Lockie Faye Petrey William H Blackman Blackwell, Willia Franklin 12-9-1930 M Lula Bettie Blackwell Elmer Dueast Blackwell Bostic, John Vernon Jr. 6-12-1930 M Mamie Hardin J. V. Bostic Bousal, Robert Laguin 10-29-1930 M Nina Taylor Robert Lee Bousal Bowden, Carlton Lavren 10-11-1930 M Minni Lee Jones Claud W Bowden Bowen, Charley 2-11-1930 M Cassie Smith Henry Bowen Boyd, John Buchanan 11-13-1930 M Eula Bell Chitty John Lee Boyd Bracon, Mary Edna 6-27-1930 F Letha Parker Orie Bracon Bradford, Onie Carine 4-13-1930 F Onie Kensel Humbert Bradford Bragg, Martha Julia 8-11-1930 F Gladyis Ora Easeley George W Bragg Brittain, Richard Inf Of 6-3-1930 F Juanita Smith Richard Brittain *Bronscona, C. O. Inf Of 5-1-1930 M Altce Normon C. O. Bronscona Brooking, Annie Mae 11-10-1930 F Lura Beattress Brookin Homor Brookin Brookins, Flora Lee 10-29-1930 F Parre Lee Shepherd Judge Brookins Brookins, Sammie 9-24-1930 M Jessie Mccurin Booker T. Brookins Brown, Betty Jo 8-14-1930 F Mary Huckabee **Death File Number Exists** Brown, Bonner Inf Of 12-26-1930 F Henry Etta Smith Bonner Brown Brown, Iva Jo 2-12-1930 F Laura Featherson George Brown Brown, Ruby Fay 1-18-1930 F Ida Grimes Jake Brown Brown, Thomas Jr. 2-20-1930 M Josie Brown Thomas Brown Brown, Tommye Lou 7-30-1930 F Sara Carolyn Griffin Thomas Alec Brown Brown, William Inf Of 10-4-1930 F Lela Barton William Brown Buford, Bud Jr. 3-30-1930 M Nettie Coher Bud Buford Buford, Clifton Franklin Inf Of 11-25-1930 M Etta Belle Mixon Clifton Franklin Buford Burns, Gerald Donald 8-17-1930 M Cora Adell Chetty Gus Burns I Busby, R. Del Wesley 9-19-1930 M Ida Jane Bryant Robert Burton Busby Caddall, Francis Delitha 12-18-1930 F Dana Kirk E. R. Caddall Cade, Clyde Inf Of 2-18-1930 F Ione Ellis Clyde Cade Cade, Jack Luster 6-5-1930 M Nettie Murl Turner Luster Cade Cain, A. V. Jr. 12-3-1930 M Bertha Hunter A. V. Cain Sr. Caldwell, Wade Inf Of 9-5-1930 F Anna Adams Wade Caldwell Calhoun, Doris Marie 12-30-1930 F Hellan Hagood Linnie Calhoun Campbell, J. D. 1-15-1930 M Dortha Mabell Hanson Andrew Jackson Campbell Campbell, William Oscar Inf Of 8-30-1930 M Mary Mertis Corkern William Oscar Campbell Carden, John Inf Of 4-24-1930 M Laura Robinson John Carden Carroll, Bettie 5-31-1930 F Ida Ellen Kennon William Paneler Carroll Carroll, William Otto 10-16-1930 M Vera Sijamore Willie Carroll Carter, A. D. Jr. 3-6-1930 M Ruth Cochran Arthur D. Carter Carter, Thomas Willis Inf Of 1-29-1930 F Chellie Iren Burrough Thomas Willis Carter Cartlidge, John A. Inf Of 10-28-1930 M Euna May Gray John A. Cartlidge Cashion, Ward E. 12-5-1930 M Paulina Duke Milton Cashion Cason, Betty Earl 9-22-1930 F Eva Justus Buckalew Roy Earl Cason Casttebery, A. J. Inf Of 4-3-1930 M A. J. Casttebery Chancellor, James Harrison 11-5-1930 M Rena Robertson Godfrey Harrison Chancellor Chapman, Helen Virgie 9-11-1930 F Opal May Abney Donaly Chapman Chapman, Joe 2-11-1930 M Eula Craig P H Chapman Chapman, Margie 2-25-1930 F Effie Colahan Jim Chapman Chavez, Lucia 7-9-1930 F Julia Peredes Munoz Julio Moreno Chavez Chesser, Clarence 6-28-1930 M Artie Stone Arthur G Chesser Chiles, Nonalyn Marie 6-16-1930 F Flora Thomas R. L. Chiles Christpher, Alice Maudine 11-14-1930 F Tonetus Townley Delmer Christpher Christy, Charles Lee 11-19-1930 M Nora Pauline Patterson Arthur W. Christy Clanton, Billie Jeane 3-25-1930 F Mamie Ethel Stogner Paul De Lay Clanton Clanton, Peggie Deane 3-25-1930 F Mamie Ethel Stogner Paul De Lay Clanton Clark, Bobby Dale 10-9-1930 M Maudie White J A Clark Clark, Roy Presley 9-10-1930 M Gladys Rene Hightower Roy Reaves Clark Cliaci, Dorthy Joe 6-5-1930 F Mary Mcilrat Franklin B Cliaci Cloud, Virginia Marie 8-21-1930 F Opha King G. W. Cloud Clutty, Irvin Buck 10-6-1930 M Cyntha L Blackerly Rufus H Clitty Coker, James Clanton 4-12-1930 M Zora Thelma Buford Ed Gordon Coker Cole, William Joe Inf Of 5-5-1930 F Lou Ella Wright William Joe Cole Coleman, J. L. Inf Of 9-9-1930 M J. L. Coleman Collin, Mae Evia 8-17-1930 F Mable Donnell Walter Collin Collins, Nancy 3-25-1930 F Ererline Collin Conway, Prentiss Stokes Inf Of 3-11-1930 F Alma Honor Harris Prentiss Stokes Conway Cook, Ethell Lee 7-26-1930 F Lillie Corley William Cook Cook, G. W. Inf Of 8-18-1930 F Fannie Tergeson G. W. Cook Cook, Joice Merriel 3-14-1930 F Lillie Murrell Melton G J Cook Cook, Mary Josephine 6-4-1930 F Fannie Bell Pharis Clyde Cook Cope, Thresa Ella 2-12-1930 F Faye Ratcliff Hershall Cope Corbin, Olen 4-22-1930 M Katie Fletcher George Corbin Cowden, James Eldrige 2-23-1930 M Ruth L. Keller Jesse Cowden Cox, James Eddie Inf Of 4-13-1930 M Ora May Sanderdale James Eddie Cox Crabtree, Larkin Howard 4-31-1930 M Velmra Fort M. A. Crabtree Craker, E Inf Of 4-23-1930 M Ruby Abbe E Craker Crist, James Carley 1-10-1930 M Willie Weaver Steve Crist Cross, Joe Willard 12-14-1930 M Annie Garner Jerome Cross Crow, Betty Jean 1-9-1930 F Florence Wilma Vinson Johnie Eugene Crow Crow, William Joe 3-24-1930 M Bonnie Thedford Clifton Crow Dalton, Ellis Inf Of 11-15-1930 F Eva Lanier Ellis Dalton Daniel, Ocie Inf Of 5-15-1930 M Tressie Jewel Arnold Ocie Daniel Dansley, Bishop Marvin Inf Of 11-11-1930 F Maudie Williford Bishop Marvin Dansley Darden, Vegie M. 11-12-1930 M Arleeta Easley William Garrett Darden Davis, Bennie Inf Of 12-31-1930 F Mary Lou Garner Bennie Davis Davis, Bennie Inf Of 12-31-1930 M Mary Lou Garner Bennie Davis Davis, Bettie Joe 3-22-1930 F Allie Lee Palmer Larkin Davis Davis, Bevelyn Jay 2-9-1930 F Minnie Clough J. W. Davis Davis, Edith Isabelle 7-15-1930 F Maud Ruth Murphy Edward F. Davis Davis, Joy Bee 3-10-1930 F Nobie Lee George Davis Davis, Lonnie La Rue 4-1-1930 M Ruby Ellendn Price Willie Edward Davis Davis, Major L. 6-9-1930 M Mary G. Kaemmerlen Major Davis Dawkins, Joanema Jane 5-19-1930 F Angie Dale Freeman Nathaniel T Dawkins Dawson, Albert 4-3-1930 M Zula Mae Walson Jerry Dawson Day, Claudie Clark 6-26-1930 M Mabel West Charles C Day Dean, Annette 2-24-1930 F Ruby Browning Charlie Dean Deckerson, Mace Jr. 1-16-1930 M Mable Griffith Mace Deckerson Sr. Deleon, Joe 8-30-1930 M *** Villegas ***Do Not +++Issue Dennis, Laris Inf Of 1-2-1930 F Corene Wright Laris Dennis Dickerson, Betty Jeane 10-21-1930 F Pauline Brooks Charles Wesley Dickerson Dickerson, Monroe Jefferson Jr. 1-20-1930 M Katye Bell Mckinely Monroe Jefferson Dickerson Dingler, Frank Inf Of 12-13-1930 M Ila Mills Frank Dingler Dodson, Betty Jean 4-8-1930 F Pearl Malcolm Dewey Dodson Dollar, Anna D. 2-20-1930 F Trudie Mae Stringfellow William L Dollar Donalson, Evely Louise 9-16-1930 F Ressia Lela Sherman Joseph Warren Donalson Duncan, Hazel Marie 9-12-1930 F Mattie Susan Fryer Johnie Lee Duncan Dupree, Farrell Richard 9-6-1930 M Edna Ethel Johnson Charles H. Dupree Eberhart, Gidson Frances 4-25-1930 M Bettie Anderson D B Eberhart Edwards, Hugh M. 10-15-1930 M Julia Elizabeth Barton George Russell Edwards Emiliano, Diega 8-5-1930 F Diega Hernandez Apolonia Emiliana English, Johnie B 6-16-1930 M Lavie Black Eugene English Essary, Katherine Louise 10-3-1930 F Lovie Meeker Cecill Essary Evas, Ruby Fay 8-14-1930 F Hattie Chapman Wiley Evas Everett, Norman Wayne 12-4-1930 M Joice Holt Luda B Everett Everett, Thomas Leon 4-16-1930 M Blanche Bowman Tom L. Everett Farmer, J. E. Inf Of 12-1-1930 M Eva Tolbert J. E. Farmer Farries, George Howell 10-9-1930 M Clara Girtrude Graham Leo D Faries Featherston, Cesiro Inf Of 3-24-1930 F Ima Clayton Cesiro Featherston Featherston, Willie Joe 8-20-1930 F Ruby Clayton Carl Featherston Fisher, Guy Jr. 1-26-1930 M Lillian Gartman Guy Fisher Fitzgerald, Clenie Madison 2-20-1930 M Effie Schultz Noah F Fitzgerald Fitzgerald, Katherine Nell 6-22-1930 F Jewel Powell Taylor T Fitzgerald Folsom, William Barton Inf Of 4-20-1930 M Claudean Russell Dooley William Barton Folsom Ford, Joe Earl 6-29-1930 M Lenia Mclain Hal Ford Foreman, Tom Inf Of 5-11-1930 F Cleo Brewer Tom Foreman Forester, John Robert Inf Of 4-16-1930 F Zella Pearalee Cobb John Robert Forester Forrester, Lillie 7-3-1930 F Nannie Nix L. A. Forrester Fort, W. H. Inf Of 9-6-1930 F Nora Pace W. H. Fort Fountain, W. M. Inf Of 10-1-1930 M B. Thomas W. M. Fountain Fowler, Bettie Sue 8-18-1930 F Bertha Brown P. L. Fowler Fowler, Gordon Mauriae 9-2-1930 M Eva Page S. W. Fowler Franklin, Lee 7-29-1930 M Eva Malone C. D. Franklin Franklin, Olie Pearson 10-17-1930 M Merta Ray C. F. Franklin Frizzell, Thomas Erastus Inf Of 12-15-1930 F Annie Dora Bearden Thomas Erastus Frizzell Fulgham, Lou Beth 4-8-1930 F Charlsie Polmer Nelan Fulegane Fuller, Charlie Wesley Inf Of 3-10-1930 F Oma Hazel Speakes Charlie Wesley Fuller Fuller, Mary John 3-31-1930 F Sallie Miller John Joseph Fuller Gamble, Louis Clinton 1-22-1930 M Alice Clinton Douglas Louis Frank Gamble Gandy, W. E. Jr. 3-7-1930 M Effie Pool W. E. Gandy Gann, Jess Franklin 8-16-1930 M Bulah Mae Calder Gene Gann Gardene, Ben Inf Of 6-10-1930 M Ben Gardene Garrett, S. E. Inf Of 6-6-1930 F S. E. Garrett Gartman, Doris Faye 9-6-1930 F Nora Levonia Lawrence Andrew Joseph Gartman Gatlin, Edward Herbert Jr 11-14-1930 M Mable Berthnia Cook Edward Herbert Gatlin Geddie, Thomas Edwin 10-7-1930 M Fannie Troublefield Nolen Dawson Geddie Gibson, Alford 2-21-1930 M Mollie Moore James W Gibson Gidean, Eva Odive 4-7-1930 F Ethel Dingler Willie Gidean Gilkey, Gratie 8-24-1930 M Hett Gilkey Yancy Gilkey Glasgow, Robert William Jr 1-24-1930 M Gladys L. Watts Robert William Glasgow Gleen, Amos 3-16-1930 M Emma Gleen Osker Gleen Goldman, Bennie Fay 9-2-1930 F Rosie Byrd Currie Goldman Goldman, Willie Faye 6-13-1930 F Gracie Faye Hodge Thomas Eddie Goldman Goodyard, Hubert Inf Of 10-19-1930 M Pauline Trice Hubert Goodyard Green, Albert Inf Of 2-21-1930 M Gertrude Benge Albert Green Green, Albert Inf Of 2-21-1930 M Gertrude Bengl Albert Green Green, Arthur Lanell 2-9-1930 M Bonnie May Freeman Weaver Green Green, W. F. Inf Of 12-8-1930 F Maud Godwin W. F. Green Greenhaw, Donald Glin 9-10-1930 M Alleen Brisendine Roy M. Greenhaw Greenhaw, Zola Fern 7-26-1930 F Florence Hancock Ross Greenhaw Greenhow, Charles 8-15-1930 M Dollie Rossom Ramond Greenhow Griffen, Thomas 8-28-1930 M Teney May Haralan Gordon Griffen Grizzell, Arthur Buel Inf Of 5-3-1930 F Thelma Margaret Langridge Arthur Buel Grizzell Guleres, Dorares 4-12-1930 F Labrado Guleres Gunn, Christine Elaine 8-6-1930 F Hettie Lee Henderson Barnett Elwyn Gunn Gunnells, W. B. 5-6-1930 M Ona A Carroll Barney Gunnells Gunter, Oreta Beatrice 10-16-1930 F Victoria Ruth Bridges Thomas Jessie Gunter Guthrie, Douglas Ray 3-1-1930 M Carrie Agnes Hughes Douglas J. Guthrie Guthrie, Janie Cozet 12-31-1930 F Estele Easley Arthur Guthrie Hainsell, J. D. Inf Of 12-7-1930 M Eula Willbanks J. D. Hainsell Hall, Alvin Inf Of 10-9-1930 F Abbie Leon Johnson Alvin Hall Hall, Cora 2-22-1930 F Bertha Jackson Richard Hall Hall, Ed Inf Of 4-13-1930 M Ruby Avery Ed Hall Hall, Edith Calvery 5-20-1930 F Luceil Hall Frank Hall Hall, Robert Clifford Jr 8-12-1930 M Emma Ruth Holland Robert Clifford Hall Hallonquist, Bobby Glenn 7-3-1930 M Maggie Lyle Wallace A. Grady Hallonquist Hambrick, Andrue 3-8-1930 M Anna Green Arthur Hambrick Hammonds, Norrie Evanda 2-11-1930 M Lucile Tatum Clayton E. Hammonds Hanna, Alford Leroy 3-13-1930 M Emma Pettis John Hanna Hanna, Thomas F Inf Of 8-21-1930 F Cora L. Dickerson Thomas F Hanna Hanna, Thomas F Inf Of 8-21-1930 M Cora L. Dickerson Thomas F Hanna Harbrough, Oda Inf Of 12-8-1930 F Ella Dillard Oda Harbrough Hardee, James W Inf Of 9-17-1930 M Ella Criner James W Hardee Hargett, William Howard 9-11-1930 M Flora Greer Fred Hargett Harris, Frank Jr. 10-13-1930 M Anna Shumaker Frank Harris Harrison, W. B. Inf Of 3-13-1930 M Kelia Hocett W. B. Harrison Hattan, Donald Sherwood 9-1-1930 M Leila Johnson Clifton Hattan Hatton, A. C. 4-27-1930 M Thousa Malone J. B Hatton Hauden, Ora D. 7-25-1930 F Narcis Rollin Jim Hauden Hawkins, Bobie Leon 10-8-1930 M Mildred Lucile Harris Raymond Leon Hawkins Haynes, Anthony Samuel Inf Of 1-6-1930 M Lillie Emiline Alexander Anthony Samuel Haynes Haywood, Melvyn Earl 11-19-1930 M Grace Emily Mott Lester Clayton Haywood Haywood, Ruby T 10-7-1930 F Ruby E. Adaneret R D Haywood Heaton, Thomas B. 1-21-1930 M Annie Geurin Frank Heaton Henderson, Jim Lee 1-21-1930 M Lula Bell Howard Cleam Henderson Henderson, John Earl 11-13-1930 M Ruby Fitzgerald Bertram Henderson Hendrick, Catherine 1-13-1930 F Henry Williams Will Hendrick Henley, Burrell Carter 1-6-1930 M Bertha Myrtle Carter Mathis H. Henley Herrington, Thurman Guy 6-17-1930 M Inez Wimbesh Guy Herrington Hester, Billie Ruth 2-7-1930 F Donna Izola Huggins Roy Lee Hester Hickman, Erie Glen Inf Of 10-27-1930 M Helen Geraldine Willingham Erie Glen Hickman Hicks, Gloria Gene 4-12-1930 F Eric Williams Elbert Hicks Hill, Doyal Wayne 11-6-1930 M Odist Taylor William Hill Hilton, Billie Mathew 8-6-1930 M Willie Ruth Gamble James Sanford Hilton Hitt, Joe Tom 5-13-1930 M Bertha Pinkard E A Hitt Hocutt, Alvin Burl 2-26-1930 M Verlie Velera Bass Johnie Clay Hocutt Hodge, L. P. Inf Of 1-22-1930 F Daisey Findley L. P. Hodge Holland, Hosea Moss Inf Of 11-12-1930 M Lollie George Overton Hosea Moss Holland Holland, Jack Humphry 6-8-1930 M Rena Lewis R. F. Holland Holloway, Wilson T. Inf Of 4-5-1930 F Lena Mefalls Wilson T. Holloway Holt, Bernice Inf Of 5-2-1930 M Gladis Sutherland Bernice Holt Hopkins, Travis Melvin 2-7-1930 M Ruth Carnway Edward Hopkins Hopson, Willie Inf Of 12-28-1930 F Nannie Rounsavole Willie Hopson Hosch, Ottis Glenn Inf Of 1-29-1930 M Nora Louise Holmes Ottis Glenn Hosch House, Elsie Joy 12-6-1930 F Mary Riley A. House Houston, J. C. Inf Of 2-22-1930 M Mary Grace Bowan J. C. Houston Hubard, Georgia 8-9-1930 F Sarah Moss Ralph Hubbard Hubbard, A Y Jr. 8-21-1930 M Louvinia Hubbard Anthony Hubbard Huggins, Jerrell Clifton 5-7-1930 M Maudie Mclen J. Clifton Huggins Hughes, Margaret Ann 1-30-1930 F Edna A. Ballard William O. Hughes Humphrey, Armon Mc Ray 5-4-1930 M Zeffie Carlisle Armon Humphrey Hunter, Oran Jr 7-30-1930 M Maggie M Barker John Oran Hunter Hunter, Ruben K Inf Of 6-19-1930 F Ruth K White Ruben K Hunter Hurt, James Clyde Inf Of 6-7-1930 M Annie Allen James Clyde Hurt Ingram, Carmen Goldie 2-20-1930 F Ollie Bessie Duncan William Owen Ingram Ingramm, R. L. Inf Of 8-30-1930 F Clara Cooper R. L. Ingramm Jack, Edward Everett 7-11-1930 M Ethel Fay Taylor Earnest Jack Jackson, Chester T. 7-1-1930 M Essie Jackson M. N. Jackson Jackson, E L 2-8-1930 M Ellen Norris H R Jackson Jackson, Ed Junor 7-2-1930 M Gertie Jackson Ed Jackson Jackson, Ethel Mae 2-8-1930 F Doshia Lee Jimerson Ephren Jackson Jackson, Mathew 9-6-1930 M Arlee Jackson Mathew Jackson Janeway, Robert Jewel 1-14-1930 M Essie Pruitt Curtis Janeway January, Nellie Ann 10-31-1930 F Velma Stephens Derono January Jeffries, Robert 3-29-1930 M Ethel Black Robert Jeffries Jernigan, Aline 1-29-1930 F Lorena Baruett Henry Jernigan Jernigan, James 2-1-1930 M Lorena Bennett Henry Jernigan Jewell, William Henry 1-9-1930 M Ula Bass William Jewell Johnson, Delay Desmond 9-4-1930 M Hiram Delay J. S. Johnson Johnson, Harvey 8-12-1930 M Georgia Hollingsworth George Johnson Johnson, Richard Inf Of 2-25-1930 M Sallie Barton Richard Johnson Jones, Dewey Jr. 9-27-1930 M May Bell Smith Dewey Jones Jones, Theresa Yniece 9-4-1930 F Pearl Ray Willie Jones Jordon, Freman Inf Of 9-28-1930 F Belle May Jones Freman Jordon Jzaquerro, Santon 6-27-1930 M Nerolasa Ortez Perdro Jzaquerre Kale, Alton Inf Of 9-10-1930 F Hazel Sweeny Alton Kale Kale, Carson Inf Of 7-27-1930 M Clydele Williams Carson Kale Kale, Cason Inf Of 7-27-1930 M Clydele Williams Cason Kale Kale, Frances Yvonne 9-9-1930 F Hazel Swinney Alvin Kale Kendrick, Roy H. Inf Of 10-16-1930 M Ollie Manning Roy H. Kendrick Key, George Inf Of 6-15-1930 F George Key Kidd, Coleman Inf Of 12-17-1930 M Bertha Chapman Coleman Kidd Kidd, Reba 7-9-1930 F Lou Ella Dalton John Hollan Kidd Killingsworth, Ruth Nell 1-2-1930 F Allie Horton Nolan Killingsworth Kinabrew, Marshall Royall 11-12-1930 M Ruth Ellen Powell Justice Hoyt Kinabrew King, Mose Inf Of 12-12-1930 F Jo Anna Sanders Mose King King, Rex 2-4-1930 M Elsie Dillard Lewis King Kirk, Walter Inf Of 9-15-1930 M Virgil Fort Walter Kirk Kirkpatric, Ima Oleta 7-29-1930 F Retha Farnings Homer Kirkpatric Knott, Annie Inf Of 7-6-1930 F Annie Knott Lamance, Volley Inf Of 12-22-1930 M Creasie South Volley Lamance Lawler, Charlsie Mamie 3-29-1930 F Linnie Lane Charlie Lawler Lawson, Andy Inf Of 10-18-1930 F Loretha Thompson Andy Lawson Leach, John Inf Of 5-14-1930 F Bertha Starr John Leach Ledbetter, Alvin R. Jr 2-22-1930 M Trixy Rogers Alvin R. Ledbetter Lee, Mary Ann 2-28-1930 F Minnie Evans Porter Lee Lee, Will Inf Of 7-10-1930 F Della Glaze Will Lee Lehew, Lyndell Frances 2-25-1930 F Alma Thomas R. C. Lehew Sr. Levassar, Lucille 10-24-1930 F Lizzie Gatewood C. L. Levassor Lewis, Iva Lee 3-30-1930 F Marravia Lewis Noble Lewis Lewis, Luther 8-1-1930 M L H Lewis Lindsey, Crosby 12-20-1930 M Bettie Stewart Anda Lindsey Linsey, Fred 1-22-1930 M Bettie Stewart Andy Lindsey Locke, Terry 2-11-1930 M Amanda Meridth Frank Locke Loden, Edwin May 8-20-1930 F Willie Tanner Lester Loden Loden, Vasker Smith Inf Of 10-1-1930 M Pearl Beaver Vasker Smith Loden Lofton, Joe Mac 10-6-1930 M Myrtle Walker Aubry Lofton Long, Tolly Inf Of 12-13-1930 M Lillian Dowell Tolly Long Lopez, Ramon Jr. 12-27-1930 M Victoria Hernandez Ramon Lopez Sr. Lopez, Ramonia 12-27-1930 F Victoria Hernandez Ramon Lopez Malder, Leon Jr 5-24-1930 M Reta Tomlinson Leon H. Malder Malder, Valdez Bryan 4-25-1930 M Pela Thomlinson Leon H Malder Mallard, Betty Jane 1-26-1930 F Esther Langley Ollie D. Mallard Mallard, Willie Earl Inf Of 12-4-1930 F Mattie Opal Fulton Willie Earl Mallard Mann, Robert Clenton 11-22-1930 M Vera Turner E. C. Mann Mannal, Gracie Turner 3-22-1930 F Johnie Mae Mannal Tobie Mannal Manning, Opal 4-13-1930 F Mary Ann Diggins Fornice Manning Marshana, Macario 3-10-1930 M Josie Day J S Marshana Martin, Juan Inf Of 2-13-1930 F Alberta Faster Juan Martin Martines, John Inf Of 12-27-1930 M Blanco Martines John Martines Mason, Bernice 12-16-1930 F Athanie Pate Jake Mason Matthew, Cere 1-21-1930 M Trudie Davis Willie C. Matthew Mayfield, Jinnie Sue 3-5-1930 F Mary Day Jim Mayfield Maynard, W. J. Jr. 1-4-1930 M Claudie Fisher W. J. Maynard Mc Gee, Mary Louise 3-5-1930 F Ethel Gregory Henry L Mc Gee Mc Glaun, W. D. Inf Of 6-20-1930 M W. D. Mc Glaun Mccain, W. D. 4-28-1930 M Jonnie Milles Bill Mccin Mccalestar, Janes Larly 1-18-1930 M Sarah Annie Pain Janes Early Mccalestar Mccallam, Elmer Inf Of 2-8-1930 M Ruth Oneill Elmer Mccallam Mcclaster, E. S. Inf Of 12-20-1930 F Rosa Blanton E. S. Mcclaster Mcclintack, Elsie Beatrice 10-12-1930 F Francis Dowdy Richard B Mcclintack Mccool, Tommie Joyce 3-2-1930 F Mable John Trammell Charlie Loyd Mccool Mccool, W. L. Inf Of 8-12-1930 M Lillie May Howard W. L. Mccool Mccool, W. L. Inf Of 8-13-1930 M Lillie Mae Howard W. L. Mccool Mcdaniel, Theo Inf Of 10-30-1930 M Selma Simpson Theo Mcdaniel Mcdonnell, Alongee Inf Of 7-20-1930 M Alongee Mcdonnell Mcgee, Virgil Carroll 8-28-1930 M Lorene Pardon **Death File Number Exists** Mcneill, Robert Daniel 9-19-1930 M Allie Zola Mcphail Lloyd Hector Mcneill Meddellon, Roy Wayne 5-26-1930 M Carriee Lee Afield W. G. Meddellon Melton, Ellen Belle 9-15-1930 F Maudine Robertson G. G. Melton Mexican, Perfecto 2-16-1930 F Perfecto Mexican Mikeal, O. D. Inf Of 10-1-1930 F Edna Reed O. D. Mikeal Miller, Dorothy Mae 7-9-1930 F Carrie Etta Bradford Eddie May Miller Miller, Earl Dawayne 3-30-1930 M Ruby Yancy Bob Miller Miller, Jerald Milton 12-22-1930 M Lillie Rhodes John Miller Mills, Alonza C. Inf Of 7-21-1930 F Margie E Mills Alonza C. Mills Mills, Foy Joe 7-9-1930 M Loy Perkins Skinner Virgil Joseph Mills Mills, Otto Inf Of 9-18-1930 M Site Snowden Otto Mills Mitcham, Willie Thurmon 2-26-1930 M Lillie Kirk Elbert F. Mitcham Mitchell, Billie George 11-27-1930 M Myrtle Lee Lamper Walter E Mitchell Mitchell, D. C. Inf Of 11-22-1930 F Sally Lewis D. C. Mitchell Moody, Chester Maes Inf Of 8-3-1930 M Suddie Lewis Chester Maes Moody Moody, Mary Elizabeth 4-20-1930 F Kathelan Glenn R. J. Moody Moore, Dorothy Sue 9-21-1930 F Allie May Gipson N. T. Moore Moore, James Lee Roy Inf Of 12-8-1930 M Ollie May Mayfield James Lee Roy Moore Moore, Jewell Marie 9-25-1930 F Golda Mickle Jack Vester L. Moore Morgan, Johnie Inf Of 7-30-1930 M Pearl Brown Johnie Morgan Morgan, Kenneth Ray 10-18-1930 M Emma Croff S. L. Morgan Morgan, William Guy Inf Of 5-30-1930 M Bulah Mae Millis William Guy Morgan Morman, Jim Lavell 8-21-1930 M Nettie Raney Lenard Morman Morress, J F Inf Of 1-7-1930 M Delia Cason J F Morress Morris, Billie Marie 11-26-1930 F Annie Ray Eubanks Troy Herman Morris Morris, Gladys Lee 2-1-1930 F Ethel E. Manning Thomas F Morris Mott, J. J. Inf Of 6-1-1930 M Clinton Holbert J. J. Mott Mullens, Claudie Charles 7-31-1930 M Ivy Jane White William B Mullens Murphy, Nina June 6-1-1930 F Rosie Lillie White Alvie E Murphy Napps, Elta Evelynn 3-16-1930 F Tressie Rumbo Everett Napps Newbill, Bobby Frank 12-15-1930 M Willie Johns Frank Newbill Newman, David Carroll 9-18-1930 M Nancy E. Hopper Jim R. Newman Nichols, Horace Jr. 2-28-1930 M Jessie Carter Horace E. Nichols Nobles, Barnet Milton Inf Of 2-26-1930 M Osha May Pack Barnet Milton Nobles Norris, Lutrica Joan 12-15-1930 F Mildred Mabel Jenks Martin Luther Alphonso Norris O'bannon, James Edgar 1-2-1930 M Clyde Harris James Willie O'bannon Olson, Luster 11-30-1930 M Johnie Kidd Hudnel Olson Olson, Oletta May 8-5-1930 F Ora Isget L L Olson Oneal, Mason Byron 3-6-1930 M Jessee Irene Reeves William Mason Oneal Owen, Ralph Fowler 9-2-1930 M Nannie Mae Vaughn William Chester Owen Oxford, Emory Coleman 10-30-1930 M Katherine Hardie E. G. Oxford Pace, Rose Lee Weaver 7-3-1930 F Nettie Mae Redd Thedore Pace Page, Orban Jr. 9-14-1930 M Rosa Lee Smith Orban Page Pagers, Jack Inf Of 11-5-1930 F Grace Barr Jack Pagers Parker, John Thomas Inf Of 3-21-1930 M Gertrude Schaepr John Thomas Parker Parline, Arthur Horton 2-14-1930 M Fannie Ronnsavalle Joe Parline Parmer, Nathan N Inf Of 11-25-1930 F Thelma M Parmer Nathan N Parmer Parris, Martha 1-13-1930 F Birtho Shaw Jeff Parris Parrott, R L Inf Of 12-6-1930 F Luveta Loller R L Parrott Patterson, Zella Fay 6-15-1930 F Edna Marcs J. R. Patterson Payne, Jackie Avanell 5-14-1930 F Nettie Jones Arch R Payne Pearl, Gena 6-11-1930 F Bandelle Marian Pelham, Ruby Merle 2-2-1930 F Jessie Smith Authur Pelham Perdue, L. K. Inf Of 5-9-1930 F Lacey Miller L. K. Perdue Perkins, Chubby Azell 3-18-1930 M Daphne Irene Barnett Claudie Harold Perkins Perkins, Homer Inf Of 8-5-1930 F Mary Darr Homer Perkins Perry, Emma Joyce 4-30-1930 F Aunie Josephine Cain Dan Murchnson Perry Perry, Erwin Inf Of 5-5-1930 M Eva Felts Erwin Perry Perry, Erwin Inf Of 5-5-1930 M Evie Felts Erwin Perry Perry, John Molk 10-26-1930 M Maitha Gannan Joe Perry Petrey, Melva Dean 8-19-1930 F Lockie Rae Sharp John Mobley Petrey Petty, Edward 1-5-1930 M Cera Grate Roy Petty Pharo, C. W. Inf Of 10-17-1930 M Violet Lyons C. W. Pharo Phillips, Carl Eugene 3-9-1930 M Otis O. A. Winston Willie Wesman Phillips Phillips, Roy Inf Of 12-25-1930 M Perl Normon Roy Phillips Pickens, J. P. 2nd 10-31-1930 M Louise Smith Johnie P. Pickens Pickle, Herman Inf Of 6-11-1930 F Herman Pickle Pickle, Mildred Louise 7-16-1930 F Annie Brown Floyd Pickle Pierce, James Alton 9-24-1930 M Sudie Lee Cartlidge Thomas J Pierce Pitts, Mary Lillie 8-30-1930 F Leila Jackson B. R. Pitts Poss, Charles E. 11-6-1930 M Jessie Bayless Claud Poss Poston, Arthur Eugene Inf Of 1-7-1930 F Nellie May Green Arthur Eugene Poston Price, R. C. Inf Of 11-5-1930 F Beulah Mcclure R. C. Price Prichard, J. M. Inf Of 3-17-1930 F Viola Pryor J. M. Prichard Pritchett, John William Frankl* 1-4-1930 M Erie Gladis Wright John Henry Pritchett Pruett, Willia Pearl 5-21-1930 F Effie May Pruett Willie Pruett Querry, Leroy Inf Of 12-29-1930 M Mary Mildred Perry Leroy Querry Quinn, Marcus Inf Of 7-15-1930 F Flora May Quinn Marcus Quinn Rainwater, Brem Inf Of 7-10-1930 M Brem Rainwater Ramsey, Billie Wayne 6-26-1930 M Emma Wilbanks Jesse Ramsey Ramsey, Ruby Jack 9-11-1930 F Beatrice Partin Carson Ramsey Rash, Thomas Jr. 11-22-1930 M Stella Mitchell Thomas Rash Ray, Mae Eliza 10-2-1930 F Bessie Ray Erwin Ray Ray, R C 4-13-1930 M Helen Ray Gilbert Ray Ray, Thomas Daniel 10-29-1930 M Ethell Coopier Howard Brook Ray Reagan, Billy Reece 11-24-1930 M Margie Elsie Lutrick Oscar Samuel Reagan Redic, Hellen 8-9-1930 F Texanna Thomas E Manuil Redic Redic, Henry Jr. 11-22-1930 M Ora Dunn Henry Redic Redic, R. L. 8-30-1930 M Lillian Redic Lenard Redic Redye, Arrue Gee 4-1-1930 F Sarah Steetina Jess Redsie Richardson, Charles Inf Of 11-15-1930 M Iley Bailey Charles Richardson Richardson, John Inf Of 8-5-1930 M Josie Payne John Richardson Richardson, Omer Jr. 8-14-1930 M Ruby Bostic Omer Richardson Richardson, Ruetonia 1-24-1930 F Etta Thomas Horace Richardson Riddlesperger, David 5-29-1930 M Mattie Fade Foster Riddlesperger Riley, Bettie Ruth 1-24-1930 F Bula Simons R. G. Riley Rivere, Tilman Me 4-18-1930 M Artie Cleveland Millard River Roberson, Frank 5-4-1930 M Lizie Roberson Lee Ray Roberson Roberts, Cletus Edward 6-29-1930 M Ada Jewel Camp Cephas Edward Roberts Robertson, E B Inf Of 7-14-1930 F E B Robertson Robinson, Jed Neal Inf Of 12-26-1930 M Stella Elizabeth Larue Jed Neal Robinson Robinson, Nell England 1-22-1930 F Willie England Cyrus P. Robinson Sr. Rogers, Aubrey Inf Of 10-21-1930 F Ada Katherine Tayler Aubrey Rogers Rogers, James Robert 3-6-1930 M Clara Mae Ward Jm Henry Rogers Ronnsavalle, Weno Georgie 2-1-1930 F Willie Chester Homer Ronnsavalle Royall, Oleta 3-11-1930 F Pearl Dorbondt Richard Ben Royall Rozel, Raymon Cecil 11-3-1930 M Alin Plumblee R. R. Rozel Ruth, Lois Maxine 8-24-1930 F Gladis Hall J. W. Ruth Saldana, Arthur Donnelly 4-9-1930 M Maude Donnelly Sobas Saldana Sammons, Fred Howell Inf Of 10-3-1930 M Ardie Jewell Code Fred Howell Sammons Sanderford, Johnnie Merle 5-7-1930 F Winnie Viola Sanderford Johnnie Watley Sanderford Sanders, Lee Inf Of 2-13-1930 M Bulah Richardson Lee Sanders Scott, Clara Dan 2-26-1930 F Clara Lee Carnes Coy Scott Selman, Bobby Gene 5-28-1930 M Mae Ingram E. D. Selman Sessions, Marvin Jr. 1-30-1930 M Ella Joe Hopson Marvin Sessions Shackelford, D. F. Inf Of 11-28-1930 F Georgia Brown D. F. Shackelford Shalarr, W C 8-12-1930 M M M Thorn W A Shalarr Shaw, Bessie Ann 1-30-1930 F Rosie Thompson Jesse Shaw Shaw, Layafatte Inf Of 2-19-1930 M Kate Lue Watley Layafatte Shaw Shipley, J. T. 9-3-1930 M Tempie Fitch Jim Tom Shipley Shurman, Ora 6-1-1930 F Lillie Young Andy Shurman Sinclair, Bettie Joe 2-8-1930 F Ella Sheflet Gus Sinclair Sloan, Dosie Mae 6-20-1930 F Eluena Sloan Smith, Betty Jean 8-30-1930 F Eula May Peavy Dan Smith Smith, Ira Rufus 11-24-1930 M Ivie Hollis Earnest Smith Smith, John Cole Inf Of 12-10-1930 F Minnie Etta Carroll John Cole Smith Smith, Larkin Inf Of 7-29-1930 M Carry Barron Larkin Smith Smith, Mildred Opal 2-13-1930 F Maye Miller William Henry Smith Smith, Nelda Sue 3-13-1930 F Beulah Elizabeth Yrisha Oval William Smith Smith, Polk Samuel Inf Of 5-11-1930 M Lena Pauline Graham Polk Samuel Smith Smith, W. A. Jr. 6-11-1930 M Irene Bland W. A. Smith Snowden, Doris Jane 11-14-1930 F Ruth Breeland Herbert Snowden Sowels, Stafford 1-19-1930 M Catherine Smith Ike Sowels Speaks, Pearl 3-13-1930 F Ethel Johnson I. R. Speaks Spence, Katherine Joyce 1-25-1930 F Siller Lucile Tiner Jack J. Spence Spicer, Barbara Louise 10-11-1930 F Maggie Stove H. P. Spicer Spicer, H. F. Inf Of 11-22-1930 F Bessie Hallens H. F. Spicer Spraggins, Archie Burton 1-6-1930 M Laura Horton Lester Spraggins Star, J P Inf Of 5-24-1930 F Bulah Jarrells J P Star Starley, Dennis Bell Inf Of 5-31-1930 F Mattie Clyde Elrod Dennis Bell Starley Stephens, Betty Lou 11-15-1930 F Neva Graham C. C. Stephens Stepp, Betty Josephine 7-25-1930 F Eva Fay Ferrell L. J. Stepp Stevens, Cecil Bradly 12-26-1930 M Ruth Hodges Tom Stevens Stevens, G. C. Inf Of 3-4-1930 M Era Montgomery G. C. Stevens Stewart, Francis Mae 9-5-1930 F Annie Stewart Thomas Stewart Stroud, Evelyn Louise 4-11-1930 F Ola Suvilla Pickle Carl Stroud Stuart, Hubert James Jr. 10-21-1930 M Ione Mckinney Hubert Stuart Stugard, Jerome Beal 9-29-1930 M Edna Beal Jerry Stugard Sutherlin, Jean Catherine 2-16-1930 F Norma Johnson Jimming B Sutherlin Tapp, Earl Thomas 11-7-1930 M Flora May Garner Frank M. Tapp Tate, Thomas 12-13-1930 M Mary Black B. G. Tate Taylor, Audra Jean 2-25-1930 F Evelyn Saxon Tom Taylor Taylor, Cora Estelle 3-27-1930 F Martha C Rogers Jessie M Taylor Taylor, Helen June 2-10-1930 F Parra Lee Warren Alforso Bascom Taylor Taylor, Morris 7-12-1930 M Lillie Taylor Robert Taylor Taylor, Nellie Nodine 4-6-1930 F Ethel Arnett Everett Taylor I Taylor, T B Inf Of 7-10-1930 M Ruby Barry T B Taylor Tedford, Willie J. 6-26-1930 M S. L. Ray J. E. Tedford Templin, Leslie Oliver Inf Of 9-21-1930 M Ella Lea Arnold Leslie Oliver Templin Terrell, Steve Inf Of 6-6-1930 F Lavern Wyatt Steve Terrell Terry, Horace W. Inf Of 7-4-1930 F Donie Eweing Horace W. Terry Terry, Samuel Rush 10-1-1930 M Margaret Colling Samuel Leech Terry Thomas, Bobbie Jo 12-27-1930 F Clarite Wills J. Henry Thomas Thomas, Lavern 6-18-1930 F Bernice Humphins Rory Thomas Thomas, Vernon Inf Of 11-14-1930 M Leuta Humphries Vernon Thomas Thompson, Glen Inf Of 5-25-1930 M Patrice Wilson Glen Thompson Thompson, Margie Adure 2-26-1930 F Bernice Frazier Fred Hamilton Thompson Thompson, Opal Fay 6-15-1930 F Edna Fayrene Brown Ray Luthur Thompson Tidmore, George Robert 12-23-1930 M Eva Andrews Julious Tidmore Tidmore, James Horton 1-30-1930 M Lena West Irenus Tidmore Tidmore, Mamie Joyce 3-11-1930 F Marry Hughes Travis Tidmore Tidwell, Clifton Inf Of 6-3-1930 M Jewel Smith Clifton Tidwell Tidwell, F. K. Inf Of 10-2-1930 F Zona Davis F. K. Tidwell Tidwell, Norma Gene 10-16-1930 F Maudie Morgan James Tidwell Tony, J. L. 1-25-1930 M Zena Lawson Toueless Tony Trammel, Truman Inf Of 3-24-1930 M Willie B. Rogers Truman Trammel Trammel, Walter Jr. Inf Of 5-1-1930 M Ona Rogers Walter Trammel Jr. Troublefield, Willie May Inf Of 9-22-1930 F Willie May Troublefield Tuller, Jim 10-8-1930 M Kate Cox Joke Tuller Turlington, Margaret Christene 8-26-1930 F Ellen Watkins W. A. Turlington Turner, Bettie 8-21-1930 F Nellie Turner Henry Turner Turner, Manual 8-14-1930 M Thelma Irene Whisenant Less Turner Turner, Shane 3-19-1930 M Fanney Cravin Shane Turner Urmbish, Lawsin Rufus 8-22-1930 M Inez Robison Grady Urmbish Vandiver, Emory A Inf Of 12-27-1930 F Belle Woods Emory A Vandiver Vew, Inez Marrie 9-16-1930 F Jennie Champion Allen Vew Vick, L. T. 8-30-1930 M Virga Mae Vick E. S. Vick Vilo, Mary 3-26-1930 F Rosa Espinosez Jeff Vilo Vines, Major 1-9-1930 M Martha Brown Virgil Vines Vinson, Ed Jr. 4-27-1930 M Nora Everett Ed Vinson Waits, Weldon 1-15-1930 M Renia Green Henry D. Waits Waldrof, Sid 7-26-1930 M Ella May Spence Albert R Waldrof Walker, Edwin Horton 2-7-1930 M Ida Lee Finley Walter Walker Walker, Fayrene 9-17-1930 F Mary Hambric J B Walker Walker, R. A. Inf Of 6-16-1930 F R. A. Walker Walker, William Keith 4-8-1930 M Lenora Holland William Ethan Walker Wall, Emma Gene 6-15-1930 F Lillie Franklyn Ab Wall Wall, Hubert Inf Of 8-20-1930 M Eva Nalls Hubert Wall Wallace, Ernestine 7-17-1930 F Penny Phillips Hubert Wallace Wallace, Freddie 2-12-1930 M Marjorie Frater J. D. Wallace Wallace, J. H. Inf Of 10-22-1930 M Maytee Vinson J. H. Wallace Wallace, Mark Inf Of 8-8-1930 F Jessie Joe Hart Mark Wallace Walls, Dewey Ray 8-20-1930 M Evah Nalls Hubert Walls Walls, Geneva Fayrene 2-4-1930 F Mary Estell Teague Larkin Enoch Walls Ward, Watson Jr. 4-17-1930 M Ruth Herrell Watson Ward Warren, Earline 5-18-1930 F Alta Berry William Jessie Warren Warren, Nelda Ladine 3-26-1930 F Elsie January Clifford Cole Warren Watson, Monroe 12-6-1930 M Rubie Lee Ruben Watson Waugh, W F Inf Of 12-28-1930 F Maurice Montgomery W F Waugh Weaver, Bettie Gene 11-18-1930 F Lucy Ellen Garlington George W. Weaver Weaver, Gloria Nell 7-31-1930 F Delia Hanna Alva Weaver Weaver, Lillian Irene 9-3-1930 F Serena Lucille Curtis Otis Franklin Weaver Weaver, Thomas Floyd Inf Of 6-16-1930 M Ruby May Huddleston Thomas Floyd Weaver Welch, Elmer J. Inf Of 1-20-1930 F Catherine Tidwell Elmer J. Welch Wellaford, C C Inf Of 7-16-1930 F Mable Kimberlee C C Wellaford Wendel, Frank Inf Of 8-23-1930 F Katy Slater Frank Wendel Wertenberger, Norman 8-14-1930 M Hattie Elizabeth Gardner Henry Wilburn Wertenberger West, Edwin Joseph 1-12-1930 M Lela Ed Harris J. C. West Whaller, Marvin Earnest 5-27-1930 M Laura Gertrude Brown Horace Newton Wheeler Whisenhunt, Virginia Maurine 4-1-1930 F Lillie Mae Jackson Richard M. Whisenhunt White, Marion 2-16-1930 M Jacona White Charley White White, Willie Mae 9-5-1930 F Gertrude Ford Willie White Whitehead, D. L. Inf Of 2-22-1930 M Exie Whitehead D. L. Whitehead Whitehead, Jamal L 4-23-1930 M Mattie Whitehead Whitehead, Jashes 5-20-1930 F Nettie Hambrick Eddie Whitehead Whitehead, William Alfred 2-22-1930 M Exie Gimstanson D L Whitehead Whitely, R. S. Inf Of 6-17-1930 M B. Jack R. S. Whitely Whitesides, William Edward Vi 2-28-1930 M Nola Earley William Edward Whitesides V Whitman, Martha Dean 12-27-1930 F Eva Adams James C Whitman Wilburn, J. Carter 5-5-1930 M Jewel Coker Thomas U Wilburn Wilians, Rural Art 9-21-1930 M Leona Moor Jessie Wilians Williams, Dewey Jr. 2-18-1930 M Mary Richardson Dewey Williams Williams, Eurra Ray 4-9-1930 F Fannie May Nder Ruben Williams Williams, Glenn 3-31-1930 M Amanda Jane Turner Alfred Boone Williams Williams, Guinn 3-31-1930 M Amanda Jane Turner Alfred Boone Williams Williams, H. L. Inf Of 9-11-1930 F Ella Honea H. L. Williams Williams, Isidore Inf Of 12-20-1930 F Nora May Rusk Isidore Williams Williams, James Howard 1-14-1930 M Flora Hardee Arthur Williams Williams, Jay Willie Inf Of 10-17-1930 F Vonnah Laverne Ezell Jay Willie Williams Willis, Mary Julia 11-5-1930 F Bertie May Murphy Fenton Willis Wilson, James Edward Lewis 4-19-1930 M Esie Cluo Doois James Edward Lewis Winlson Woffard, Wynelle 7-8-1930 F Lochie Hubbard Gilmer Woffard Wright, Martha Magdalene 4-30-1930 F Verna Davis Lester B. Wright Wyatt, Bud Inf Of 7-28-1930 F Lenamay Ford Bud Wyatt Wyatt, Clint Inf Of 1-3-1930 M Bessie Clayton Clint Wyatt Yarborough, Richard R. 1-12-1930 M Effie Quinn Richard Yarborough Young, E. A. Inf Of 6-28-1930 M Ethel Lee Lake E. A. Young