VITAL RECORDS - HENDERSON COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1979 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 23rd, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Adams, Ruth G 31-Mar-1979 F Adrian, Vernon Tilmon 16-Jun-1979 F Alexander, Glenn Edward 13-Jan-1979 M Alexander, Donna Scheibe 13-Jan-1979 F Alexander, Marjorie 06-Jun-1979 F Allen, Ella Lee 06-May-1979 F Alston, Atha V 03-Jul-1979 F Andrews, Marvin Emmett 22-Feb-1979 M Angell, Audrey Allen 27-Mar-1979 M Angell, Cecil Robert 21-May-1979 M Ansley, Doris Johnston 27-Jun-1979 F Anthony, William Franklin 21-Apr-1979 M Arias, Catarino O 24-Nov-1979 M Atchison, Annie Pearl 06-Feb-1979 F Atherton, Robert William 24-Jun-1979 M Balasa, Martha Susan 24-Apr-1979 F Ball, Emma Ludie 20-May-1979 F Bancook, Daniel Frederick 03-May-1979 M Bankston, William Claude 23-Mar-1979 M Barker, Eric Deshune Royall 18-Sep-1979 M Barnes, Thera Belle 17-Jul-1979 F Barron, Dora 11-Jan-1979 F Barrow, Leon C 03-Sep-1979 M Barrow, Graydon Elton 02-Dec-1979 M Bass, Edna Mary 03-Jan-1979 F Bell, Edward Nelson 23-Jun-1979 M Black, Ola Elwyn 20-May-1979 F Blankensopp, Joe David 21-Mar-1979 M Blaylock, Johnnie Michael 13-Jul-1979 M Bond, Henry D 25-Jan-1979 M Boyd, Velma Lee 26-Jun-1979 F Boyd, Roland Dwight 03-Sep-1979 M Bristow, Manuel L 26-Jun-1979 M Brookins, Willie E 14-May-1979 M Brooks, Lonnie 23-Jan-1979 M Broughton, John Leland 09-Jan-1979 M Brown, Macu W 27-Jan-1979 F Brown, Tommie P 28-Jan-1979 M Brown, Lula 11-Feb-1979 F Brown, Febie 16-Mar-1979 F Brown, Beatrice Jordan 05-Aug-1979 F Brown, Thomas Peyton 25-Dec-1979 M Browne, Harold Howard 15-Aug-1979 M Brownlow, Mary D 23-Dec-1979 F Buckner, Joanna 18-Sep-1979 F Bussey, Heather Lynn 25-Jan-1979 F Bussey, Gretchen Michelle 25-Jan-1979 F Caddell, Bennie Leon 29-May-1979 M Calicutt, Joe Ernest 21-Jul-1979 M Call, Michail Wayne 02-Jul-1979 M Campagna, Anthony Joseph 31-Aug-1979 M Carnes, Dimple 28-Mar-1979 F Carson, Dwight Harold 07-Jun-1979 M Carson, Pink A 21-Dec-1979 M Carter, Robert David, JR 12-Mar-1979 M Carter, Ruth E 08-May-1979 F Carter, Mack, JR 18-May-1979 M Carter, Josephine 02-Jun-1979 F Castleberry, Electra Marie 11-Jun-1979 F Chambers, Nancy Mae 05-Dec-1979 F Cherry, Gurtha Ray 17-Apr-1979 F Cherry, Cora Mae 28-Jun-1979 F Christie, Dorothy Edith 28-Jun-1979 F Christopher, Robert Henry 03-Sep-1979 M Clark, Jewell Beene 09-Feb-1979 F Cloyd, Maude P 24-May-1979 F Cobb, Leona 28-May-1979 F Coen, Kenneth Richard 07-Aug-1979 M Collett, Eddie Dean 26-Nov-1979 M Combs, John D 15-Sep-1979 M Conner, Dewey Glenn 29-May-1979 M Cook, Elmo Lawrence 05-Jul-1979 M Cox, Rhonda Lynn 03-Aug-1979 F Craig, Viola Mae 25-Aug-1979 F Crawford, Johnny Monroe 22-Jul-1979 M Creswell, Jerry Dean 13-Jul-1979 M Creswell, Jerry Dean 13-Jul-1979 M Crist, Gertrude May 18-Dec-1979 F Crocker, Robert Clifton 26-Jul-1979 M Culp, Zoe G 30-Oct-1979 F Culwell, Tollie Leeola 30-Dec-1979 F Curlin, Jesse Jacob 29-Nov-1979 M Dagnell, Lenora 14-Apr-1979 F Dake, Alma Pauline 26-Oct-1979 F Davis, Carlos Wade 26-May-1979 M Davis, Osburn O 22-Jul-1979 M Dickerson, Monroe Jefferson 23-Oct-1979 M Dickson, May 09-May-1979 F Dingler, Tina Louise 28-May-1979 F Dixon, Oran Young 21-Aug-1979 M Dodd, Alton Hill 19-Jul-1979 M Dowell, Lucy L 05-Oct-1979 F Dugan, Thomas Edmond 14-Jul-1979 M Easley, Essie Arthur 02-Jan-1979 F Eaton, Robert Lee, JR 18-May-1979 M Edwards, Herman Harvey 25-Jul-1979 M Ellison, Mary Ellen 18-Apr-1979 F Engledow, Johnnie Waymon 25-Jan-1979 M Ennis, Mary W 27-May-1979 F Eoff, Girna Hazel 21-Sep-1979 F Espinosa, Ima Irene 30-Apr-1979 F Eubanks, Hill 01-May-1979 M Fain, Michael David 21-Apr-1979 M Feagin, Beth Ann 23-Oct-1979 F Feagins, Venus Christine 28-Jan-1979 F Featherston, Ara Alice 11-Jun-1979 F Fields, Mineola L 20-Nov-1979 F Findlay, William Matheson 09-Dec-1979 M Fisher, Mary Beth 02-Jul-1979 F Fite, Jack H 02-Jun-1979 M Fitzgerald, Grover Cleveland 29-May-1979 M Fitzgerald, John Hill 21-Dec-1979 M Floyd, Sam Francis 19-Jan-1979 M Foley, Leon 27-Aug-1979 M Forehand, Edwin M, JR 25-Jun-1979 M Frater, Bryant 04-Aug-1979 M Frizzell, Alice Blanche 29-May-1979 F Fuller, Lawrence Lewis 03-Mar-1979 M Fulton, Hubert Thomas 20-May-1979 M Garner, Alvis Odell 27-May-1979 M Garner, Ida Edith 25-Jul-1979 F Gatlin, Annie Laura 01-Apr-1979 F George, Lenis Harrison 11-Nov-1979 M Givens, Gennie 26-Jun-1979 M Glaze, Addie John 02-Dec-1979 F Glenn, Roy 17-May-1979 M Godwin, Milton Edward 13-Dec-1979 M Goldman, Henry S 12-May-1979 M Graham, Jimmie Joe Edwin 13-Jun-1979 M Graham, Ella M 06-Nov-1979 F Graham, Nancy Faye 19-Dec-1979 F Grant, James Hamilton 31-Oct-1979 M Gravelle, Kenneth A 22-Oct-1979 M Greathouse, Liddie Bell 09-Sep-1979 F Green, Flossie Lucille 25-Feb-1979 F Green, Curtis 26-Mar-1979 M Griffith, Jack 31-Aug-1979 M Guana, Sabrina 24-Jun-1979 F Hall, Arthur Edward 29-Mar-1979 M Hall, Margaret Osie 30-Oct-1979 F Hamilton, David Marion 30-Sep-1979 M Hancock, Marjorie Catherine R 09-Sep-1979 F Haney, Michael Shane 27-Jul-1979 M Harmon, Zennie 27-Sep-1979 F Harris, Mary Frances 15-Jul-1979 F Harris, Marlene J 17-Nov-1979 F Hart, Novella 12-Feb-1979 F Hatton, Lela Estell 30-Nov-1979 F Hawley, Margaret Thompson 04-Aug-1979 F Haynes, Mary Ann 31-Dec-1979 F Haynie, Nettie Catherine 19-Jun-1979 F Hearn, Paul Clarence 20-Nov-1979 M Hellman, Vera Emogene 11-Sep-1979 F Henderson, Hattie Lee 30-Oct-1979 F Herrington, Marshall W 05-Sep-1979 M Hinkle, Minnie 11-Mar-1979 F Hiten, Thelma Carey 19-May-1979 F Hobbs, Cecil Duke 22-Jun-1979 M Hombrick, Manzell 17-Apr-1979 M Hood, Vernon Lee 12-Oct-1979 M Howard, Michael James 13-May-1979 M Howell, James Randall 21-Jan-1979 M Hubbard, Jack W 21-Mar-1979 M Hubbard, Will Arthur 27-May-1979 M Hughes, James K (j K ) 06-Mar-1979 M Humphrey, Leonard W 27-Oct-1979 M Hunter, Cynthia Irene 15-Apr-1979 F Hunter, Willie Jolly 21-Nov-1979 F Hutchison, Grover Clenton 03-Sep-1979 M Jackson, Priscilla 23-Jul-1979 F Johnson, Joseph Oscar 06-Feb-1979 M Johnson, Mcbeth 13-Jul-1979 F Johnson, Iva 23-Dec-1979 F Jones, Carrie L 31-Oct-1979 F Joseph, Dorothy Nina 05-Mar-1979 F Joubert, Burnea 10-Sep-1979 M Kennedy, Lloyd Monroe 24-Jun-1979 M Killough, Mary E 10-Mar-1979 F Kimmey, Louise P 26-Feb-1979 F Kissentaner, Leonard Clifton 02-Mar-1979 M Knight, Eddie 20-Apr-1979 F Knight, Troy Rex 27-Oct-1979 M Koelsch, Edwin Raymond 20-Feb-1979 M Lamb, Lucious Leigh 12-Feb-1979 M Lambert, Mary Corine 23-May-1979 F Lambright, Annie Ruth 26-Jun-1979 F Lane, George Rane 26-Apr-1979 M Latham, Myrnia Irman 14-May-1979 F Lazarus, John 04-Mar-1979 M Lewis, Ellen C 02-Aug-1979 F Lochner, James Louis 22-Feb-1979 M Loller, Charley 05-Oct-1979 M Loveall, Lawtence C 05-Sep-1979 M Lovelace, Willie M 16-Jul-1979 F Lundy, Cora Ethel 07-Jul-1979 F Manuel, Calvin Freeman 26-Sep-1979 M Martin, Coy Dale 03-Dec-1979 M Matthews, Sam Derden 07-Apr-1979 M May, Frederick Bert 28-Apr-1979 M Mays, Lella Myrtle 18-Feb-1979 F Mc Caffiety, Tom Riley 08-May-1979 M Mc Daniel, Ewen Cleburne 17-May-1979 M Mc Daniel, Ewen Cleburne 17-May-1979 M Mc Evoy, Thomas J 02-Jul-1979 M Mc Guffey, Elizabelle 25-Nov-1979 F Mcbee, Glen Merle 12-Nov-1979 M Mccallister, Alton Vernon 28-May-1979 M Mccandless, Reva Sue 20-Apr-1979 F Mccoy, Dorothy Juanita 01-Sep-1979 F Mccuin, Zennie 01-Dec-1979 F Mcdaniel, Delmer Roy 06-Aug-1979 M Mcdonald, Billy Gene 31-Mar-1979 M Mcfaul, Guy Allen 19-Dec-1979 M Mckeever, Johnnie Bunyan 10-Oct-1979 M Mcquary, James Fred 31-Dec-1979 M Meredith, Vivian Irene 27-Mar-1979 F Milam, Joe Oliver 02-Oct-1979 M Miller, Johnie Howell 30-Nov-1979 M Mills, Steven Ross 22-Mar-1979 M Mills, Alma Ruth 24-Jul-1979 F Montgomery, Thomas Nathaniel 12-Mar-1979 M Moore, James Bud 08-Sep-1979 M Morris, Wynona Dixon 19-Jul-1979 F Moss, Ruby Pearl 23-May-1979 F Moss, Pearl Mae 13-Aug-1979 F Neill, Frank Forrest 09-Jan-1979 M Noble, Vera Catherine 15-Oct-1979 F O'neal, Ruthe Juanita 18-Feb-1979 F Overton, Thelma Reeves 14-Feb-1979 F Owen, Harvey Lee 18-Jul-1979 M Oxley, John Willis 21-Sep-1979 M Pack, Alice Marie 03-Dec-1979 F Palmer, Jennie 28-Sep-1979 F Parmer, Curtis Neil 14-May-1979 M Paroline, Willie F 04-Dec-1979 F Perry, Percy Collie 07-Dec-1979 M Philen, Virginia Thornton 04-Jul-1979 F Pickett, Chester S 02-May-1979 M Pierce, Murrie Lee 28-Jan-1979 M Pierce, Astor Lamar 21-Jul-1979 M Pinkerton, Mary Hollie 08-Nov-1979 F Pirtle, Orval S 09-May-1979 M Pitman, Arleta Marge 04-Dec-1979 F Pope, Rachel Wilemena 27-Jun-1979 F Posey, Janet Ann 27-Oct-1979 F Powell, Hubert Lee 29-Sep-1979 M Price, Barton 11-Aug-1979 M Price, Myrle 21-Nov-1979 M Rainwater, Maudie N 10-Mar-1979 F Ramsay, David T 18-Sep-1979 M Rash, Vattie Mae 12-Feb-1979 F Reynolds, Zelma J 02-Jul-1979 M Richardson, Billy E 02-Mar-1979 M Richardson, Richard R 08-Apr-1979 M Richardson, Hattie 11-Oct-1979 F Richardson, Dee, JR 24-Oct-1979 M Robinson, Ernest Jack 14-May-1979 M Rollan, Robert Lee 25-Aug-1979 M Ross, Alvin Dewey 10-Dec-1979 M Royall, Arthur 18-Feb-1979 M Rozelle, Maudie Lee 31-May-1979 F Rozelle, Samuel J 11-Jul-1979 M Ruff, Ray 06-Jun-1979 M Russell, Thomas Henry 27-Oct-1979 M Sanders, Rufus Thomas 04-Aug-1979 M Sawyer, Irene 05-Mar-1979 F Schwartz, William John, JR 30-Sep-1979 M Scott, Mickie L 22-May-1979 F Shaver, Clifford A 04-Mar-1979 M Shaw, Della Maude 02-Mar-1979 F Sherfield, Mary E 11-Oct-1979 F Simmons, Thelma Raye 12-Apr-1979 F Simons, Alton Thomas 24-Nov-1979 M Sisk, Guynell 09-Mar-1979 M Slider, Ella Lou 09-Nov-1979 F Smith, Roseanna 20-Mar-1979 F Smith, Adeline 16-May-1979 F Smith, Dolly Madge 23-Sep-1979 F Smith, Travis E 22-Nov-1979 M Sowells, Barbara Jean 19-Sep-1979 F Sparks, Elbert, SR 20-Oct-1979 M Splawn, James Nathan 29-May-1979 M Stafford, George L 18-Jun-1979 M Stanley, Andrew B 26-Oct-1979 M Stewart, Horace Melton 13-Oct-1979 M Stewart, Roy 22-Oct-1979 M Stewart, Omie R L 25-Nov-1979 M Stewart, Claude 17-Dec-1979 M Stone, Noma Estell 06-Jan-1979 F Strange, Claudie Lee 10-Apr-1979 M Street, Melvin Fines 08-Jan-1979 M Surber, Donald Paul 21-Jul-1979 M Tanner, Martin M (bud) 13-Nov-1979 M Taylor, Modest Sanders 06-Apr-1979 F Templin, Willie Lee 15-Dec-1979 M Terrell, Mark N 30-May-1979 M Thomas, Hattie Tom 17-Oct-1979 F Thompson, Shirley Maxine 13-Apr-1979 F Thompson, B D 07-Jul-1979 M Thompson, B D 07-Jul-1979 M Thompson, Lester W 05-Aug-1979 M Thrasher, Leroy C, JR 06-Apr-1979 M Tidmore, Delia D 10-Jul-1979 F Tidwell, Albert J 30-Nov-1979 M Till, Adcus N 25-Jul-1979 M Trammell, Jessie V 27-Mar-1979 F Trowell, Lena Nan 20-Apr-1979 F Truitt, Lula B 20-Jan-1979 F Trussell, John Rence 15-Nov-1979 M Tucker, Lenetta Neilson 18-Jan-1979 F Underwood, Annie S 03-Aug-1979 F Valdez, Adolfo Rudy 15-Jun-1979 M Walker, Mildred F 22-Mar-1979 F Walker, Mamie Bell 12-Aug-1979 F Walker, Lenora 12-Nov-1979 F Ward, Maude 24-Jun-1979 F Ward, Mike 02-Dec-1979 M Warren, Lee 21-Mar-1979 M Warren, Rayford 11-Apr-1979 M Watson, Samantha White 23-May-1979 F Wells, Royce 28-Feb-1979 M Wells, Grace Huddle 06-Jul-1979 F Wilbanks, Eva Mae 30-Apr-1979 F Williams, Rhoda Hobby 20-Jan-1979 F Williams, Annie Ora 01-Jul-1979 F Williams, Lucy Elna 30-Dec-1979 F Willis, Billy True 13-Feb-1979 M Wilson, Elijah Orlando 18-Jan-1979 M Wilson, Mildred Ruth 20-Oct-1979 F Wolford, Jessie Eugene 11-Apr-1979 M Wyatt, Grady Gerome 18-Dec-1979 M Zimmerman, Helen Ruth 30-Aug-1979 F