Hood Co. TX - Births, 1934 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: shall@balista.com 3/13/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/bvs/registra/index.htm _________________________________________________________________ ====================================================================================================================== Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ====================================================================================================================== Addison, Elbert Don 6-8-1934 M Marie E Nyman Mack Addison Hood Allred, Billy Joe 12-18-1934 F Virgie Lee Allred Ferdie Hausford Allred Hood Anderson, Bruce Wayne 11-12-1934 M Agnes Pearl Parten Lewis Herbert Anderson Hood Applegate, Flora Verginia 4-18-1934 F Flora Ince Dewey Applegate Hood Baker, Edward Ray 11-3-1934 M Myrtle Wilma Hastings Charley Edward Baker Hood Barton, Donald 8-19-1934 M Mattie Eden G. L. Barton Hood Biggs, Keneth Warren 10-25-1934 M Mendozia Elen Neely Herschel Raborn Biggs Hood Bird, Bobbie Lee 4-9-1934 M Eula Edan Delbert Bird Hood Blackwell, William Graves 7-7-1934 M Carrie Graves Homer M. Blackwell Hood Bombard, Lois Marie 4-10-1934 F Lizzie May Schulte Eddie Bombard Hood Boyd, Carol Jo'ann 10-6-1934 F Ethel Lillie Barry R. S. Boyd,Jr Hood Brazell, David Franklin 5-21-1934 M Maragaret Dumas Alvin Brazell Hood Brewer, Conde 8-29-1934 M Rosie B. Roberts Dallas Brewer Hood Briggs, Flora Virgina 12-19-1934 F Ona Lee Hill Charles Lewis Briggs Hood Britt, Janelle 1-27-1934 F Dessie Sue Chandler John H Britt Hood Bryant, Flora Virginia 7-8-1934 F Lotie Tidwell Richard Bryant Hood Bryant, William Douglass 8-27-1934 M Georgia Tidwell Bradley Bryant Hood Burrows, Tommie Joe 6-11-1934 M Cara Idella Dunaway Thomas D Burrows Hood Busby, Ray Carter 6-13-1934 M Anna Eulalia O'neal Evan Carter Busby Hood Caldwell, Doris Aileen 12-3-1934 F Francis Estel Smith Curtis Chester Caldwell Hood Campbell, Billie Joe Ann 9-5-1934 F Ola Alexander Othal Campbell Hood Campbell, Don Max 1-5-1934 M Celia Belle Gardner **Death File Number Exists** Hood Campbell, Jean 6-19-1934 M Vita Musick William Virgil Campbell Hood Campbell, Jerry 6-19-1934 M Vita Musick William Virgil Campbell Hood Campbell, Mary Elizabeth 8-31-1934 F Mary Lou Fitzhugh Lathaine Campbell Hood Cantu, Madelia Lawernce 10-28-1934 F Cricket Ingram F. C. Cantu Hood Carmey, William Charles 1-12-1934 M Leona Rousseau Charles A Carmey Hood Carnelison, Edward J 11-3-1934 M Jaunetta Newland Floyd U Carnelison Hood Click, Lamoin Dale 10-23-1934 M Bula Kmpe O Click Hood Compton, Mona Celene 6-18-1934 F Jewell Foster Thomas Leslie Compton Hood Cook, Bobbie Lee 12-10-1934 M Lou Ella Tracy Max Herman Cook Hood Davis, Jimmie Edward 8-16-1934 M Emma L. Daniel Morris E. Davis Hood Dunning, Claudie Mae 7-3-1934 F Annie Lee Haught Robert Dunning Hood Duvall, Joyce Alline 1-5-1934 F Nina B Kelly W. S. Duvall Hood Edwards, Charles Gary 10-1-1934 M Blanche Cross Millard Edwards Hood Farrens, Lois Bernice 6-17-1934 F Ethal May Price B. B. Farrens Hood Fisher, Winona 11-11-1934 F Joe Carter H L Fisher Hood Ford, Jno 11-29-1934 M Leona Modge Stacy Estel Lafayett Ford Hood Frank, Ila Fay Ruth 10-21-1934 F Agnis Mertle Pace E.M. Frank Hood Gibson, Charles Keith 1-9-1934 M Vergie Evinager Clifford Gibson Hood Gibson, Laura Evelyn 12-31-1934 F Lois Monroe Travis Gibson Hood Giles, William Edward 9-5-1934 M Unice Edmonds Will Giles Hood Gilliam, Goldia Eva Joyce 2-4-1934 F Gladys Little Dwight Gilliam Hood Gilliland, Maud Charlene 7-27-1934 F Luna Jane Alexander Johnnie Dale Gilliland Hood Green, Bobbie Lee 2-10-1934 M Zada Tidwell Lee Green Hood Harris, Daniel Lavon 8-26-1934 M Roselee Williams F. T. Harris Hood Harrison, Yvonne 10-21-1934 F Victoria Valree Snow Clyde Cliford Harrison Hood Haskison, Estel Monroe 4-16-1934 M T. F. Fuller E. M. Haskison Hood Hawthorne, Annie Jane 9-23-1934 F Lydia Coulston Harry Hawthorne Hood Hayworth, Frances Dean 10-1-1934 M Robbie Elizabeth Armstrong B. H. Hayworth Hood Hayworth, Patricia Ann 10-19-1934 F Hettie Lina Armstrong H A Hayworth Hood Henslee, John Clinton 1-16-1934 M Loren Daniels Maxfield Henslee Hood Hill, Mary Belle 3-31-1934 F Mary Jewell Pope Raymond A Hill Hood Holder, Clara May 11-9-1934 F Willie Mae Atar Clarence F Holder Hood Holley, Charles Walter 5-14-1934 M Jimmie Josephine Hogue James Jacob Holley Hood Holt, Johnie Ray 5-30-1934 M Harper Ray Lofton George Holt Hood Huston, Travis Alvin 7-1-1934 M Floy Mae Mcintosh Alvin Huston Hood Kay, Mary Gene 3-7-1934 F Mary Lois Marsh Gordon Ellsworth Kay Hood Kelly, Anna Lee 7-7-1934 F Tommie Lucille Addison Ray Lee Kelly Hood Kennon, Don Milton 3-25-1934 M Nell Durant Milton Kennon Hood Kirkpatrick, Jober Donald 3-31-1934 M Sybil Albright Frank Kirkpatrick Hood Knipe, Billie Joe 1-16-1934 F Jewel Click R. L. Knipe Hood Light, Averil 3-2-1934 F Datta D. Fuggle George R. Light Hood Mabey, Daphna May 7-25-1934 F Menl Vaughn Rosco E. Mabey Hood Massey, Lydell Marie 11-29-1934 F Annette Chiny Ford H. Massey Hood Maulder, Billy Gene 9-20-1934 F Annie Dora Davis Claude Maulder Hood Mccoy, Drew Davis 9-23-1934 M Tobithia Magnola Whitehurst Dave Newton Mccoy Hood Mccuan, Billy Fred 11-10-1934 M Jewel Gafford Jno Mccuan Hood Mcqueen, Betty Joe 12-6-1934 F Olla Fay Mcdaniel Jack Mcqueen Hood Mcreynolds, Doyce Wayne 9-16-1934 M Mary Catherine Linthienm Elzie H Mcreynolds Hood Meeker, James Eldon 6-17-1934 M Ollie Barnena Swaims Loyd Bruce Meeker Hood Mills, Mattie Lee 10-22-1934 F Verda Ragou A. R. Mills Hood Mitchell, Howell 2-21-1934 M Gladys Willis Alex Mitchell Hood Mitchell, Ken Maynard 10-6-1934 M Bonnie Mitchell Jim Yarber Hood Moore, Richard Lee 8-22-1934 M Fay Marie Traughber Lee Bryan Moore Hood Newman, Conde B. 8-19-1934 M Bertha Beatrice Hunt Kenyon Thomas Newman Hood Newman, John Wesley 1-22-1934 M Somea Jane Britt James Lindsley Newman Hood Newton, Barbara Ann 4-7-1934 F Dora Carney Robert Newton Hood Owens, Billie Jean 9-10-1934 F Thelma Ledbetter Jessie F. Ownes Hood Pace, Dorothy Louise 11-21-1934 F Thelma Louise Cogdells M. E. Pace Hood Parkerson, Mary Sue 8-1-1934 F Muriel Allen W. C. Parkerson Hood Parkerson, Scott 5-28-1934 M Sallie Scott R F Parkerson Hood Peviler, Charles Lanham 6-5-1934 M Floy Lanham Milton Peviler Hood Pool, Viann 8-10-1934 F Annie Violet Schultz Frank E. Pool Hood Porter, Charlie Marion 2-3-1934 M Tressie Alma Dyer W. P. Porter Hood Price, Patsy Myrl 5-5-1934 F Allace Merrell E B Price Hood Rasb, Lindell Beryl 11-21-1934 M Violet Robins H. B. Rasb Hood Ratliff, Betsy Jennall 4-7-1934 F Lena Owens Giles J. Ratliff Hood Ray, Wilbur Urshell 5-21-1934 M Geneva Marton Ralph E Ray Hood Reece, James William 2-9-1934 M Ethel Mary Masterson William Emmett Reece Hood Reeve, Dewey Clyde 10-20-1934 M Elsie Marie Osmon Dewey Lee Reeve Hood Rodgers, Mary Roberta 4-3-1934 F Ada Herring Will R Rodgers Hood Rogers, Elmer Lee 12-6-1934 M Pauline Tidwell Joe Rogers Hood Shannon, Glenda Dean 12-28-1934 F Minnie Myrl Tidwell Glen Shannon Hood Sledge, Sidney Le Roy 11-22-1934 M Virgie Dodd C C Sledge Hood Smothers, Wayman Lane 12-3-1934 M Beaulah Ima Brown Elvin Smothers Hood Snow, Joe Warren 11-9-1934 M Tommie Thelma Graves Marion Mathew Snow Hood Spencer, Robert Eugene 12-25-1934 M Ada Odell Neagle Robert B Spencer Hood Stavenhagen, Mac John 5-28-1934 M Ira Elizabeth Stclair John Mac Stavenhagen Hood Stewart, James Henry 8-7-1934 M Mary Elizabeth Cleveland James Henry Stewart Hood Swaims, Elgie Lou 3-11-1934 F Nora Collins Frank Swaims Hood Tankersly, Theron Don 12-6-1934 M Kenard Boyd D O Tankersly Hood Thomason, Carolyn Francis 3-24-1934 F Verda May Musick Clarence M Thomason Hood Thompson, Bobby James 11-11-1934 M Gladys Boyd E. D. Thompson Hood Tidwell, Alta May 1-22-1934 F Leona Smith Mack Tidwell Hood Tidwell, George Weldon 2-11-1934 M Eula Mae Wood Vannie Markus Tidwell Hood Tidwell, Ophie Lucille 7-9-1934 F Cecil Cooper D. C. Tidwell Hood Tidwell, Wyoma Lane 8-4-1934 F Ilean Cole Edner Tidwell Hood Tracy, Johnnie Gilbert 12-29-1934 M Mary Lou Hettie Morris Thomas Gilbert Tracy Hood Umphras, Jamie Lou 5-22-1934 F Jauanita Hamilton Hubert Umphras Hood Vestal, Nell Rose 9-11-1934 F Gertrude Hull Oliver Clinton Vestal Hood Whitaker, Lillian Opal 1-16-1934 F May Belle Lunkquist Floy M. Whitaker Hood White, Bittie Lew 5-6-1934 F Nora Mitchele White Charlie C. White Hood Whitehead, Wane 2-11-1934 M Pearl Molder Elmer Whitehead Hood Wilhait, Howard Ray 8-15-1934 M Mary Lou Boccus Henry Wilhait Hood Williamson, Wilburn Roger 8-8-1934 M Bertha Umphrens Walker Williamson Hood Wilson, Maxine 9-6-1934 F Katherine Hightower Andrew Wilson Hood Wood, Marvelle 8-1-1934 F Leita Alleen Hendon Willard Allen Wood Hood Wyatt, Harmon Lee 2-5-1934 M Evelryn Gaye C. L. Wyatt Hood York, Dayton Randol 1-20-1934 M Lizzie Huwett Mervin York Hood York, William Delroy 10-17-1934 M Ora Iona Walls William Russell York Hood