HUDSPETH COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1931 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - July 29, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Acosto, Lorenzo 12-6-1931 M Petra Anondes Jose Salomond Acosto Aguilera, Faustina 7-29-1931 M Olilia Natado Estevan Aguilera Almengor, Rigoberto 1-4-1931 M Antonisia Gonzalez Juen Almengor Almonza, Canuta 10-12-1931 F Foustina Martinez Conuta Almonza Apodaca, Alicia 3-23-1931 F Leonor Candelaria Manuel Apodaca Arnelas, Flora 10-20-1931 F Dionisia Rodriguez Bartolo Ornelas Avelar, Pedro 4-14-1931 M Cesarea Martinez Juan Avelar Buezaza, Manuel 9-9-1931 M Francisco Volleal Simon Buezaza Carona, Jose 5-15-1931 M Timata Ramirez Elfrena Carona Colunga, Florita 11-22-1931 F Manuela Gomez Felix Colunga Deloserda, Patricio 3-17-1931 M Encorriosion Delosarda Anastocio Deloserda Eason, Sherry Loeta 2-23-1931 F Velma Leona Kenney James L. Eason Flores, Antonia 5-10-1931 F Maria Castillo Felipe Flores Franco, Crespina 2-28-1931 F Epigmenia Padilla Valente Franco Franco, Evangelina 9-25-1931 F Anita Ramirez Manuel Franco Freeman, Bettie Lee 6-30-1931 M Delphia Ara Waller Willie Andrew Freeman Galinda, Evangelina 9-1-1931 F Evangelina Viscaua Audres Galinda Galvan, Julia Anita 4-22-1931 F Julia Salazar Benafocio Galvan Garlick, Otila 11-30-1931 F Julia B. Segura William F. Garlick Gill, Lottie 1-10-1931 F Virginia Laregetta Dave Gill Golindo, Falipe 5-9-1931 M Delores Nunez Falipe Galndo Gomes, Aurelia 7-21-1931 F Jesus Maese Manuel Gomez Gomes, Manuel 4-6-1931 M Frenidad Nauatti Naror Gomes Gomez, Manuel 4-5-1931 M Trinidad Gomez Nabor Gomez Gonzales, Maria 9-12-1931 F Concepcion Gebrares Bonita Gonzales Hernandez, Bertha 3-20-1931 F Attagracia Silva Alphonso Hernandez Hernandez, Susana 8-11-1931 F Angelita Lavario Florentino Hernandez Hillbolt, Grover Lee Roy 3-24-1931 M Betty Johns Frank Walter Hillbolt Holguin, Margarita Castro 2-10-1931 F Selsa Castro Jose Holguin Jimenez, Emilio 8-5-1931 M Salud Arias Fortino Jimenez Jurado, Lorenza 8-10-1931 F Clotilde Nunes Luz Jurado Jurado, Ysabella Amalia 7-8-1931 F Nicolasa Molina Porfirio Jurado Legarreta, Roberto Ignacio 10-16-1931 M Ignacia Apodaca Joaquin Legarreta Lester, Velma Louise 11-6-1931 F Verna Acker Dick Lester Lopez, Pedro 6-28-1931 M Josephina Poblana Gomsindo Lopez Love, Luna Mae 12-2-1931 F Addie Erline Fenley B. N. Love Macias, Manuel 5-13-1931 M Maria Lopes Francisco Masias Martinez, Benito 3-21-1931 M Francina Martinez Pedro Martinez Mcadoo, Jessie Geraldine Dorot* 1-11-1931 F Julia Jewell Hammock J. V. Mcadoo Mccraley, Donald Wade 10-11-1931 M Ruby Loydine Wade Donald F Mccraley Mcglothein, Charles Hilton 6-14-1931 M Margaerite Hagan John Glen Mcglathein Mendoza, Dominga 9-27-1931 F Groveola Mendoza Merritt, Mary Joe 11-7-1931 F Mary Ellis Will Merritt Miller, Billy Sue 1-26-1931 F Thelma Conn William J Miller Minjares, Jesus 10-15-1931 M Catarina Serna Marcelo Minjares Moore, Elaine 8-24-1931 F Berniece Elaine Todd Fred Obenchin Moore Oletis, Ecelsica 5-14-1931 M Vedolo Alocon Marguieta Oletis Ornelas, Flora 10-20-1931 F Dionisia Rodriguez Bartolo Ornelas Perez, Manuel 5-28-1931 M Pauline Valdez Jose Perez Preusser, Billy Worthwell 8-30-1931 M Rose Lorene Beach Edgar Arthur Preusser Rameriz, Melcedia Inf Of 3-23-1931 M Michalia Navareti Melcedia Rameriz Rameriz, Ruben 5-31-1931 M Blaca Nawerett Pedro Rameriz Ramirez, Alberto 4-23-1931 M Isebel Nauareti Albino Rameriz Ramirez, Amalia 5-22-1931 F Juana H Ramirez Ponfirio Ramirez Reyna, Guadelupe 11-23-1931 F Concepcion Vedal Pantalon Reyna Rios, Virginia 5-21-1931 F Aljandra Hinojosa Jose Rios Robles, Engracia 4-16-1931 F Luz Robles Rodriguez, Pedro 5-19-1931 M Engolia Rendon Pablo Rodriguez Rodriguez, Teodoro 5-22-1931 M Sebastiana Alarcon Francisco Rodriguez Rodriguez, Trinidad 5-31-1931 F Sevastiana Alarcon Francisco Rodriguez Ruiz, Julita 7-30-1931 F Juanita Gomez Francisco Ruiz Salas, Maria Amparo 2-3-1931 F Rosalia De Santiago Jose Salas Sambrand, Mabel 11-30-1931 F Francisca Lopez Ignacio Sambrand Sanchez, Margrita 6-11-1931 F Juana Villas Ombrosia Sanchez Sarila, Manual 4-15-1931 M Anne Lia Henofas Ive Sarila Sepeda, Zeferena 8-26-1931 F Catilina Hernandez Juan Sepeda Solis, Virginia 4-12-1931 F Elucia Pablona Pedro Solis Stephens, Wanda Juanita 12-12-1931 F Martha Ophelia Francis Andrew Jackson Stephens Terrasez, Ruben 2-21-1931 M Maria Rameriz Gonzalo Terrasez Valles, Cruz 5-3-1931 M Maria Angela Eduardo Valles Varela, Flabia 3-25-1931 F Isac Frujillo Tomas Varela Vidana, Masimino 6-8-1931 M Jobita M Vidana Antonio Vidana Villa, Miguel Nemesio 12-19-1931 M Carmen Serna Frederico C. Villa Villarreal, Jacinto 7-20-1931 M Francisca Serna Daniel Villarreal Jr. Williams, Leonard Claud 5-2-1931 M Bertie Fay Griffin Elvie George Williams Yglacia, Josefina 12-12-1931 F Marta Rameriz Ramon Yglacia