Hudspeth Co. TX - Births, 1933 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: 12/26/2000 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================================================================= Last Name First Name Middle, Suff Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ======================================================================================================================= Abilar Teresa 5-2-1933 F Sara Martinez Juna Abilar Hudspeth Alecon Apalonio 4-10-1933 M Antonio Rocha Clito Alecon Hudspeth Alecon Manuela 4-10-1933 F Antonio Rocha Clito Alecon Hudspeth Apodaca Elisia Lourdis 2-11-1933 F Lenora Candalaia Manuel Apodaca Hudspeth Apodaca Santiago 4-4-1933 M Francisca Sambrano Santiago Apodaca Hudspeth Arrellanos Maria 9-12-1933 F Ramona Campos Jose Arrellanos Hudspeth Baker Dorothy Belle 7-24-1933 F Ava Belle Colbaugh Robert Baker Hudspeth Bonilla Lucio 3-4-1933 F Jobita Villalarez Tomas Bonilla Hudspeth Bowington Joelene Mae 10-11-1933 F Thelma D Massey Ralph C Bowington Hudspeth Campos Ynacio ,Jr. 6-16-1933 M Mercedis Martines Ynacio Campos Hudspeth Castro Jose Pedro 7-24-1933 M Arbala Lagaretto Pedro Castro Hudspeth Castruita Victoriana Aguilar 3-23-1933 M Louisa Aguilar Pasquil Castruita Hudspeth Chavez Anistacia 11-18-1933 F Christine Oretez Anastacio Chavez Hudspeth Cisneros Estela 2-8-1933 F Lojena Palomaris Daniel Cisneros Hudspeth Crump Annie Louise 2-18-1933 F Alice Wohlgahager Glenn Crump Hudspeth De La Rosa Elvira 3-8-1933 F Antonio Morales Seferina De La Rosa Hudspeth Delaney Arthur Eugene 3-18-1933 M Pearl Thomas Robert Delaney Hudspeth Delgado Daniel 1-3-1933 M Ramona Vasquez Elialdo Delgado Hudspeth Escajada Ygnasia 10-4-1933 F Aurora Esparsa Sebero Escajada Hudspeth Esparza Apolonio 4-10-1933 M Eloisa Gutierrez Justino Esparza Hudspeth Flores Guadalupe 7-2-1933 M Concepcion Apadaca Benjmen Flores Hudspeth Franco Antonio 6-23-1933 M Anita Rameriz Manuel Franco Hudspeth Furlow Katherine Jo 6-4-1933 F Mary Katherine Morris Richard Tillery Furlow Hudspeth Galinda Simona 2-18-1933 F Dolores Hurita Felipe Galindo Hudspeth Galindo Beatrice 2-18-1933 F Dolores Hurita Felipe Galindo Hudspeth Gallego Salvador 6-19-1933 M Jesus Sales Guadalupe Gallego Hudspeth Galyean Sam Nicholas 10-11-1933 M Henrietta Pickens Sam Huston Galyean Hudspeth Gomes Maria Guadalupe 12-11-1933 F Jesus Maese Manuel Gomes Hudspeth Hernandez Manuela 1-5-1933 F Angelita Lavarita Florentino Hernandez Hudspeth Hernandez Felix 5-2-1933 M Ambrosia Castillo Roberta Hernandez Hudspeth Hernandez Juan 9-30-1933 M Sahara Garcia Carlos Hernandez Hudspeth Herrera Esther 12-15-1933 F Pilar Mendoza Jesus Herrera Hudspeth Herrera Manuela 8-3-1933 F Marcella Corrales Augustice Herrera Hudspeth Hinojosa Francisco 2-19-1933 M Angela Puebelita Decero Hinojosa Hudspeth Juarado Tinateo 8-22-1933 M Hermincia Casery Jose Juarado Hudspeth Laman Bonnie Jo 10-10-1933 F Clara Mae Duke Roland Roert Lamon Hudspeth Lancaster Empress Toelene 10-3-1933 F Eunice Stephens Luther Wesley Lancaster Hudspeth Legarreta Adela 10-18-1933 F Ignacia Apodoca Joaquin Legarreta Hudspeth Lopez Gumensinda 1-14-1933 F Petra Aleman Juan Lopez Hudspeth Lujan San Eulogia 3-11-1933 F Julia Lopes Refugio Saminageo Hudspeth Marquez Macario 3-10-1933 M Rosa Montez Daniel Marquez Hudspeth Martinez Manuel 1-29-1933 M Marie De La Rosa Anistacia Martinez Hudspeth Mathers Frank C.,Jr. 2-16-1933 M Pearl Allison Frank C. Mathers Hudspeth Mendosa Teraza 8-31-1933 M Gouriela Mendosa Hudspeth Merk Joan Jewel 6-14-1933 F Eudorah Stevens Dan Merk Hudspeth Munoz Francisco 5-11-1933 M Juana Salas Santos Flores Munoz Hudspeth Ortez Elioria 1-14-1933 F Vidalia Ortez Morgurita Ortez Hudspeth Rameriz Manuel 1-11-1933 M Amelia Navaretti Acardia Rameriz Hudspeth Rameriz Pilar 5-4-1933 M Pilar Naveretti Sacundino Rameriz Hudspeth Ramirez Manuel 11-18-1933 M Isabel Naverette Albino Ramirez Hudspeth Remariz Gloria 4-16-1933 F Refugio Sanchez Bernnardino Remariz Hudspeth Reyes Manuel 2-20-1933 M Celsa Reyes Hudspeth Rodrequez Amelia 12-19-1933 F Maria Folice Amelia Rodrequez Hudspeth Rueda Blasa 2-3-1933 F Maria Hernandez Juan Rueda Hudspeth Sage Ola Alberta 9-7-1933 F Oma Lamb Evart A. Sage Hudspeth Salinas Guadelupe 11-8-1933 F Encarnation Sareno Ynacio Salinas Hudspeth Sanchez Jose 11-23-1933 F Cosornera Chaves Primativo Sanchez Hudspeth Sepeda Josefina 11-26-1933 F Catalina Hernandez Juan Sepeda Hudspeth Steinbarn Amelia Gene 5-27-1933 F Ida Crawford August Steinbarn Hudspeth Torres Leno 9-23-1933 M Manuelo Arallio Macedonio Torres Hudspeth Vasquez Claudis 10-30-1933 M Juliana Sumaria Juvincio Vasquez Hudspeth Vasquez Claudio 10-30-1933 M Juliano Somorio Gubencio Vasquez Hudspeth Vi Dana Julian 1-9-1933 M Jovita Amaya Antonio Vi Dana Hudspeth Yglacia Miguel 9-29-1933 M Maria Saminego Eduardo Yglacia Hudspeth Yglecias Otilia 7-13-1933 F Marta Rameriz Ramon Yglecias Hudspeth