Hudspeth Co. TX - Births, 1934 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: 3/13/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================================================= Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ======================================================================================================= Alecon, Inez 4-20-1934 M Antonio Rocha Cleto Alecon Hudspeth Almengor, Bonafico 7-5-1934 M Refugo Gonzalez Lasiro Almengor Hudspeth Almonte, Guadalupe 7-28-1934 M Maria Ysidra Billovos Louis Almonte Hudspeth Andradie, Falipi 5-26-1934 M Balvina Sarvantes Jose Andradie Hudspeth Armas, Patricio 5-11-1934 M Maria Sabina Salazar Patricio Armas Hudspeth Arnelas, Federico 6-6-1934 M Dionisia Rodriguez Bartolo Arnelas Hudspeth Arona, Juanita 10-16-1934 F Severa Martinez Nolividad Arona Hudspeth Arona, Juanita 10-16-1934 F Severa Martinez Natividad Arona Hudspeth Baeza, Generio, Jr. 7-10-1934 M Guadelupe Muelia Generio Baeza Hudspeth Campos, Micala 10-25-1934 F Mercedes Martinez Ignacio Campos Hudspeth Campos, Mieala 10-25-1934 F Mercedes Martinez Ignacio Campos Hudspeth Carabay, Luz 11-11-1934 M Lupe Hernandes Jose De La Luz Carabay Hudspeth Case, James Raymond 5-8-1934 M Jimmie Mae Ricketts James Raymond Case Hudspeth Chavira, Teresa De Jesus 11-18-1934 F Soledad Carillo Adrian Chavira Hudspeth Chavria, Teresa De Jesus 9-18-1934 F Soledad Carillo Adrian Chavria Hudspeth Cisneros, Jesus 4-4-1934 M Lougina Polomaris Daniel Cisneros Hudspeth Cisneros, Jesus 4-4-1934 M Longina Palomaris Daniel Cisneros Hudspeth Colungo, Rachael 2-3-1934 F Manuela Gomez Falice Colungo Hudspeth De La Rosa, Gilberto 7-9-1934 M Antonio Morales Sefarino De La Rosa Hudspeth Duran, Consuela 6-12-1934 F Josefa Costa Benjamin Duran Hudspeth Espaiza, Juan 5-6-1934 M Eloisa Gutierrez Juslino Espaiza Hudspeth Esparza, Raymundo 11-1-1934 M Manuela Anaya Griffin Esparza Hudspeth Flores, Gavina 2-19-1934 F Catalina Ruiz Antonio Flores Hudspeth Frescas, Consuela 4-26-1934 F Clementina Bargas Gilberto Frescas Hudspeth Frescos, Consuela 4-26-1934 F Clemenlina Borgos Gilberto Frescos Hudspeth Galindo, Andres 10-4-1934 M Helena Bescara Andres Galindo Hudspeth Galindo, Jeorge 2-28-1934 M Delores Urita Falipe Galindo Hudspeth Garcia, Felipe 5-31-1934 M Leonora Contreras Ascencion Garcia Hudspeth Garlick, Marvin Wayne 11-10-1934 M Julia Segorva Fred Garlick Hudspeth Gill, Daniel 4-4-1934 M Virginia Laregetto Dave Gill Hudspeth Gomez, Nabor 3-15-1934 M Eufema Navarette Maguil Gomez Hudspeth Gonzalez, Eleanor 7-1-1934 F Concepsion Cabrera Benito Gonzalez Hudspeth Granado, Armando 3-22-1934 M Loreta Hernandez Simon Granado Hudspeth Hernandez, Alvara Inf Of 2-19-1934 M Maximinia Zapelta Alvara Hernandez Hudspeth Hernandez, Artura 2-24-1934 M Hermallia Ebanllia Incarcinon Hernandez Hudspeth Herrera, Jose 3-19-1934 M Rosa Albidrez Francisco Herrera Hudspeth Hilboldt, Frank James 4-4-1934 M Betty Johns Frank Hilboldt Hudspeth King, Sandra Anne 11-19-1934 F Woodie Ethel Mcbride Hollis B. King Hudspeth Leyva, Juan, Jr. 10-30-1934 M Felipa Leganeta Juan Leyva,Jr Hudspeth Leyva, Juan, Jr. 10-30-1934 M Felipa Liganeta Juan Leyva,Sr. Hudspeth Lopez, Carmen 1-29-1934 F Marcela Duenios Enrique Lopez Hudspeth Lujan, Anna Maria 7-30-1934 F Clara Rameriz Angel Lujan Hudspeth Lujan, Maria Lus 7-6-1934 F Guadalupe Torres Jose Lujan Hudspeth Lujan, Senaida 10-30-1934 F Alejandra Porras Marcus Lujan Hudspeth Martinez, Ustolio 1-7-1934 F Felicia Jurado Levia Martinez Hudspeth Mc Cassland, Glen Creel 12-3-1934 M Wilma Creel Albert Mc Cassland Hudspeth Mccoy, Guy Dale 12-27-1934 M Bessie Lucile Green Guy Mccoy Hudspeth Moore, Prudella 10-16-1934 F Bernice Todd Fred O. Moore Hudspeth Nova, Juan 5-8-1934 M Pasqual Levin Benjamin Nova Hudspeth Ornelos, Frederico 6-6-1934 M Dionicia Rodreguez Bartolo Ornelos Hudspeth Ornelos, Frederico 6-6-1934 M Dionicia Rodreguez Bartolo Ornelos Hudspeth Page, Shirley Ruth 11-3-1934 F Margie Aloyse Glenn George A. Page,Jr Hudspeth Pimental, Augusto 8-3-1934 M Catalina Amendariz Baltazar Pimental Hudspeth Poras, Jose, Jr 12-23-1934 M Martina Carabre Jose Poras Hudspeth Ramer, Maudie Sue 2-18-1934 F Ethel Jobe B. N. Ramer Hudspeth Ramerez, Pilar 8-5-1934 F Estanislada Ruiz Flutosia Ramerez Hudspeth Rameriz, Amanizo 8-25-1934 M Concepcion Samenigo Patricia Rameriz Hudspeth Ramirez, Herlinda 12-23-1934 F Blaca Navarrete Pedro Ramirez Hudspeth Ramoz, Carlos 11-4-1934 M Antonia Ybarra Juan Ramoz Hudspeth Rees, Retha Ann 11-14-1934 F Eaythe Gardner George E. Rees Hudspeth Ronquillo, Alpidio 1-5-1934 M Maria Gallegos Dario Ronquillo Hudspeth Ruiz, Maria De La Luz 1-16-1934 F Antonia Martinez Luz Ruiz Hudspeth Ruiz, Ysabel 11-5-1934 F Rosaria Corrilla Genora Ruiz Hudspeth Salazar, Augustina 10-15-1934 F Amelia Sanchez Felipe Salazar Hudspeth Salgado, Otimio 7-16-1934 M Juanita Rameriz Bernardino Salgado Hudspeth Salvas, Maximo 5-29-1934 M Angeleta Alocon Falipe Salvas Hudspeth Sanchez, Lorenzo 7-27-1934 M Ramona Almengo Bartola Sanchez Hudspeth Sanchez, Luis Ismael 12-17-1934 M Petra Hernandez Rogelio Sanchez Hudspeth Santallano, Julio 1-1-1934 F Maria Ramerez E. Santallano Hudspeth Santellono, Sulia 1-1-1934 F Maria Danirez Clemterio Santillono Hudspeth Sheehan, Cloys Luther 12-7-1934 M Irma Spindle Clarance L. Sheehan Hudspeth Steel, Jake Aryan 5-10-1934 M Vera Case Roy Vernon Williams Hudspeth Upchurch, Joyce Earline 8-6-1934 F Docia Stewart Earl Upchurch Hudspeth Upchurch, Joyce Earline 8-6-1934 F Docia Stewart Earl Upchurch Hudspeth Vasquez, Catalina 2-13-1934 F Juliano Somorio Gubencio Vasquez Hudspeth