Hudspeth Co. TX - Births, 1937 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: 9/1/2000 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================================================================== Last Name First Name Middle, Suf Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ============================================================================================================================== Acosta Irene 10-22-1937 F Luz Contres Jose Acosta Hudspeth Acox Donald Warren 10-1-1937 M Helen Cyer Clark Acox Hudspeth Apodaca Maria Eloisia 10-13-1937 F Eva Hernandez Manuel R. Apodaca Hudspeth Apodoca Leonar 6-19-1937 F Leonar Cisneros Edwarda Apodoca Hudspeth Apodoca Leonar 6-19-1937 F Leonar Cisneros Edwarda Apodoca Hudspeth Avalar Frederico 9-27-1937 M Cisceria Martinez Juan Avalar Hudspeth Avelar Federico 9-27-1937 M Cesaria Martinez Jesus Avelar Hudspeth Barbosa Maria Louisa 5-18-1937 F Angel Arallano Lous Barbosa Hudspeth Brand Jerry Dean 5-22-1937 M Vennie Eloise Arnold Whit Brand Hudspeth Brown Barbara Anne 6-19-1937 F Mae Cragg Mcloughlin John B. Brown Hudspeth Bustamonte Francisca 2-9-1937 F Socora Ambrio Jose Bustamonte Hudspeth Calderon Flora 3-24-1937 F Guadalupoe Hernandez Cruz Calderon Hudspeth Casturita Francisca 3-9-1937 F Louisa Aguilar Pascual Casturita Hudspeth De La Rosa Gilberto 10-27-1937 M Antonia Morales Sefarino De La Rosa Hudspeth Diaz Maria Ernestina 11-11-1937 F Josefa Seneceros Vicente Diaz Hudspeth Diez Moises 9-5-1937 M Rita Tobar Uberno Diez Hudspeth Esparza Francisco 3-14-1937 M Manuela Anaya Crespin Esparza Hudspeth Esparza Lidia 9-5-1937 F Jesus Legaretta Lebrado Esparza Hudspeth Flores Enrique 4-25-1937 M Catarina Riez Antonio Flores Hudspeth Franco Josephina 2-17-1937 F Anita Rameriz Manuel Franco Hudspeth Frescos Manuel 12-24-1937 M Clementina Bargos Gilberto Frescos Hudspeth Gallegos Edmundo 4-13-1937 M Maria Vasquez Ramon Gallegos Hudspeth Gomez Cecilia 11-6-1937 F Ofamia Navarrette Miguel Gomez Hudspeth Gonzales Antonio 1-14-1937 M Andrea Vasques Estanislao Gonzales Hudspeth Gonzales Juanita 7-11-1937 F Julia Onzurez Pablo Gonzales Hudspeth Gonzalez Eduardo 10-13-1937 M Marcos Martinez Roman Gonzalez Hudspeth Hernandez Alfonso 9-13-1937 M Emelia Lopez Margretta Hernandez Hudspeth Hernandez Juana 12-8-1937 F Marcimina Sapato Librado Hernandez Hudspeth Herrera Bertha 1-21-1937 F Aurora Sanchez Tomas Herrera Hudspeth Johnson M. L. 10-10-1937 F Ruby May Mitchell George Johnson Hudspeth Jurado Maria Victoria 7-28-1937 F Elisa Mahle Amado Jurado Hudspeth Lava Raul 5-31-1937 M Felipa Navarette Juan Lava Hudspeth Layman Betty Lou 7-22-1937 F Clara Mae Dukes Roland Robert Layman Hudspeth Legarreta Hector 9-9-1937 M Lus Arrieta Eulalis Legarreta Hudspeth Legarrette Roberto 1-9-1937 M Dolores Feliz Angel Legarrette Hudspeth Legretta Carmen 8-26-1937 F Monica Hernandez Mariano Legretta Hudspeth Lujan Ostolia 2-21-1937 F Aljeandra Porras Marcos Lujan Hudspeth Marcius Fransico 5-11-1937 M Elena Marano Gonzalo Marcius Hudspeth Marquez Elisa 3-10-1937 F Rosa Montez Daniel Marquez Hudspeth Martinez Lodenca 10-13-1937 M Maria De La Rosa Anastacio Martinez Hudspeth Martinez Seturnino 11-29-1937 M Adella Armendarez Alfonso Martinez Hudspeth Mckinney Jerry Wayne 9-17-1937 M Margrette Haass Lee Parker Mckinney Hudspeth Miller Larry Wesley 12-24-1937 M Annie A. Jones John Wesley Miller Hudspeth Miller Melba Louise 2-26-1937 F Virdie Kyle Roberts Albert Miller Hudspeth Montanes Maria De Jesus 2-22-1937 F Dolores Hernandez Esquipulos Montanes Hudspeth Morales Alfredo 7-20-1937 M Manuela Yglescia Alfonso Morales Hudspeth Naul Gerald Elden 6-22-1937 M Lucy Reagan Archie B. Naul Hudspeth Navarrette Estella 11-25-1937 F Maria Luz Molinia Nativadid Navarrette Hudspeth Ortega Christina 12-14-1937 F Juana Baroza Pete Ortega Hudspeth Porras Santos 11-1-1937 F Martina Carabay Jose Rodriquez Porras Hudspeth Rameriz Lucia 2-27-1937 F Conception Samanego Patricio Rameriz Hudspeth Rameriz Cleotilde 3-18-1937 F Basilisa Navarrette Pedro Ramirez Hudspeth Ramirez Raul 11-12-1937 M Refugia Sanchez Bernardino Ramirez Hudspeth Reed David 4-19-1937 M Nora Windchester Claud Reed Hudspeth Rodriguez Juan Rogelio 10-26-1937 M Juanita Nava Ruperto Gutierrez Rodriguez Hudspeth Ruiz Maria Celina 11-20-1937 F Antonia Martinez Luz Ruiz Hudspeth Russ Melvin 6-4-1937 M Mable White Charlie Russ Hudspeth Sanchez Avelia 1-28-1937 F Esperanza Sanchez Cirilo Sanchez Hudspeth Sanchez Roberto 5-27-1937 M Manuela Valles Ysedro Sanchez Hudspeth Sanchez Alfredo 7-20-1937 M Idela Soto Angel Sanchez Hudspeth Smith Elizabeth Aurora 5-9-1937 F Elizabeth Carter Harding Ralph Paschal Smith Hudspeth Stewart Rose Mary 1-26-1937 F Rosa Duran Bill Stewart Hudspeth Tarango Elvida 12-31-1937 F Elvida Ortega Louis Tarango Hudspeth Tercero Alberto 4-8-1937 M Josefa Sanchez Enrique Tercero Hudspeth Terrazas Arturo 8-5-1937 M Maria R. Ramirez Gonzalo Terrazar Hudspeth Torres Maria Magdalina 11-19-1937 F Petra Reyes Teorodoro Torres Hudspeth Varela Margarito 10-5-1937 M Maria Gutierrez Felex Varela Hudspeth Wiley William H. Inf Of 4-30-1937 F Grace Laughner William H. Wiley Hudspeth Wilkey Evelyn Doris 4-23-1937 F Eretta Pearl Dixon Luther Wilkey Hudspeth Yglecias Daniel 6-4-1937 M Marta Ramirez Ramon Yglecias Hudspeth Yzguierdo Marioano 4-17-1937 M Marselina Rameriz Daniel Yzguierdo Hudspeth