Hunt Co., TX - Church: Methodist Choir Entertained ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Sarah Swindell USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ***************************************************** Methodist Choir Entertained In Home of Mrs. Furr The Choir of the Celeste First Methodist Church was entertained with a salad supper Thursday, June 1, 1967, in the home of Mrs. H. H. Furr on North Third Street. Assisting hostesses were Mmes. M. M. Pruitt, Bill Barnard, and H. F. Lewis. Food was served from the counter divider. Quartet tables were set for twenty guests. Low crystal bowls held floating daisies. Attending were Rev. and Mrs. Bill Davis, Mrs. Ruth Davis of Seattle, Washington, Mmes. Tom Sparks, John Gill, W. R. Roach, Waitman Floyd, Sam Gibson, and Clydie Elam. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hazal, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lacy, Miss Mary Eastwood, and Misses Marianna Floyd, Mary Lou Hazal, Vicki Baker of Greenville, and hostesses. (June 9, 1967, The Celeste Courier) Mrs. Bill Barnard is confined to her home with mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Gertie McGee are proud parents of a seven pound, ten ounce son who arrived at a Greenville hospital. He was named John Gregory McGee. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I. H. McGee, Celeste, and Mrs. Odell Lyday and Jess Childress of Dallas. (June 9, 1967, The Celeste Courier)