Hunt Co., TX - Kingston's Sixth Homecoming ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Sarah Swindell USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ***************************************************** Kingston's Sixth Homecoming Sunday A large crowd attended the annual homecoming at Kingston last Sunday for the first time, although it was the sixth one. For many, the day started early as they traveled many miles to attend the homecoming to see many friends for the first time in years. The community center doors were opened at 9:00 AM for those who could arrive early to being their visiting. The morning was spent in registering and visiting. Bro. Jimmy Shedd, new pastor of the Kingston Baptist Church, gave the invocation after which the delicious meal was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Bessie Farmer was in charge of the food. Mr. Nelson Shankle, a former teacher at Kingston and president of the gathering, called the meeting to order for the business of the day. Thinking of the boys now in service and as a dedication to them the group sang, "My Country 'Tis of Thee." At this time, our minds went back to the ones that have passed on since the last meeting. Those who are missed are: Mrs. Ike Lackey, Mrs. J. I. Abernathy, Mrs. Tolbert Leinart, Mr. Frank Burnett, Mr. J. R. Shields, Mr. Johnny Baker, Mrs. Howard Nix, Mr. Guy Moore, Mr. Jake Scott, Mr. George McGee, Mr. M. D. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morrison, Mr. Herman Scott, Mr. Herman Pearce, Mrs. Tommie Gale (Seabolt) Stuart, and Mr. Oscar Guy who for many years was president of the Calhoun College Reunion. Rev. Bill Davis, pastor of the Kingston Methodist Church led in prayer in memory of these. Gifts were presented to the following: Mr. Lee Franks, former store owner at Kingston, received a gift for the one coming the farthest, from Yucaipa, California; Mrs. A. J. Wallace, oldest Calhoun student; Mrs. Lovena Barr Wilson, oldest Kingston student; Mrs. Katie George McGee, teacher with most pupils present; Mrs. Nettie Humphries Peebles and Mrs. Loura Cole Ross tied as those teaching farthest back, year of 1916-1917. Mrs. Ross had received this gift many years and this being Mrs. Peebles first time, Mrs. Ross said to present it to Mrs. Peebles; Mrs. Carl Lamm for faithful service as secretary. Five former teachers were present, Mr. Nelson Shankle, Mrs. Nettie Peebles, Mrs. Loura Ross, Mrs. Lovena Irvin, and Mrs. Katie McGee. Many pupils present and not a teacher of theirs present. Teachers, let's not let them down in 1968. Officers to serve for another year are: President, Mr. Leon Norris; Vice- President, Woodrow Little; Secretary, Mrs. Carl Lamm; Assistant Secretary; Mrs. Cloyd Gibson. Mrs. Roy Beezley stated that she had in her possession a book telling many things about the old Calhoun College that stood in Kingston. The book stated that room and board was $2.00 and many were not able to attend. She wishes to give this to the Kingston, Calhoun, and Civic Center Reunion organization. Mrs. Beezley was secretary for many years to the Calhoun Reunion. Reported by Mrs. Carl Lamm. (June 16, 1967, The Celeste Courier)