Jack County, TX - Obituaries - Bud Scroggins ************************************************************************************* This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dorman Holub Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ************************************************************************************* The Rural Citizen Thursday, March 24, 1881 Found Hang The dead body of an unknown man was found on last Saturday in Howard Valley, nine miles from Jacksboro, hanging by the neck and shot nine times through the back. Who his executioners were, or why he was executed, has not yet been ascertained, but as a part of men have been in the vicinity in pursuit of stolen horses, it is presumed the deceased was found with the stolen property in his possession and met his fate at the hands of Judge Lynch. The Rural Citizen Thursday, June 16, 1881 Frank and Will Kirby and Joel Blackwell were arrested in Parker County on 15 June 1881, on a charge of murder of Bud Scroggins and were brought to Jacksboro 16 June 1881. Blackwell proved himself to be, not the man wanted and was released. It is alleged that the Kirbys with others not yet arrested, went to the Indian Territory in search of stolen mules and found the mules and arrested Scroggins and started to return with Scroggins under arrest. Some days after the dead body of Scroggins was found hanging to a tree on HowardÕs Creek in Jack County. They waived an examining trial and gave bond in sum $1,000. each.