VITAL RECORDS - JEFFERSON COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1979 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 23rd, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Abernathy, Lethia Lenora 11-Dec-1979 F Abston, Cornelia T 25-Feb-1979 F Acker, Ready Lavern 06-May-1979 M Acker, Stella Blanche 16-Jul-1979 F Adams, Gertrude Lillian 15-Feb-1979 F Adams, Elsie Mae 13-Oct-1979 F Adams, Verra 16-Oct-1979 F Adams, Beverly Regina 18-Nov-1979 M Adams, Thomas B 21-Nov-1979 M Adams, Gladys C 23-Dec-1979 F Adams, Roberta Captain 23-Dec-1979 F Adaway, Juanita Ann 04-Jul-1979 F Addison, Julian L 20-Dec-1979 M Aery, Leora B 04-Sep-1979 F Aguilar, Gabino G 06-Sep-1979 M Ainsworth, James Franklin 06-Feb-1979 M Akin, Ira K 27-May-1979 M Albaugh, Effie Vallee 15-Sep-1979 F Alexander, William Colvin 10-Feb-1979 M Alexander, Howard, JR 02-Apr-1979 M Alexander, Silton 05-May-1979 M Alexander, Vaughn Edward 30-Oct-1979 M Alexander, Mae Belle 18-Dec-1979 F Alexis, Daniel Joseph 03-Dec-1979 M Allemore, William 20-Sep-1979 M Allen, Dennis Loyd 20-Jan-1979 M Allen, Madge Pauline 02-Feb-1979 F Allen, Ballie Whitten 13-Jun-1979 F Allen, Ella Margarett 05-Jul-1979 F Allen, Howard Morgan 13-Oct-1979 M Allen, Homer Alford 28-Oct-1979 M Allen, James H 14-Dec-1979 M Allison, Eva Ola 02-Jul-1979 F Allred, Zeak 29-Jul-1979 M Alpough, Luke 02-Feb-1979 M Alston, Geraldine 26-Aug-1979 F Ambrose, Larry 21-Dec-1979 M Ames, Raymond William 29-Dec-1979 M Anawaty, Nicholas 30-Jan-1979 M Anderson, Elizabeth 04-Jan-1979 F Anderson, Oscar C 05-Jan-1979 M Anderson, Clinton 28-Jan-1979 M Anderson, Henry 04-Mar-1979 M Anderson, Gordon B 11-Apr-1979 M Anderson, Hagar 16-Jun-1979 F Anderson, Arnold 31-Aug-1979 M Anderson, Ethel Aline 04-Sep-1979 F Anderson, Douglas Raphael 12-Sep-1979 M Anderson, Delia 10-Nov-1979 F Anderson, William Axel 25-Nov-1979 M Anderson, Howard Lawrence 09-Dec-1979 M Andrews, Robert Roy 05-Jul-1979 M Angenend, Gregory Joseph 05-May-1979 M Anglin, Michael Hammes 13-Mar-1979 M Anthony, John Thomas 01-Dec-1979 M Antwine, Percy 21-Apr-1979 M Aquilera, Manuel Duran 31-Dec-1979 M Ard, Recie 24-May-1979 F Ardoin, Norma Meyer 28-Mar-1979 F Armand, Emma L 09-Mar-1979 F Armintor, Ellen 14-Jul-1979 F Arnold, Joseph Stanley 12-Feb-1979 M Arnold, Jack Robert 07-Apr-1979 M Arnold, Fred Loranzy, SR 19-Jul-1979 M Arnold, Mabel F 21-Aug-1979 F Arnold, Carmel N 10-Sep-1979 F Arrington, James Fred 29-Aug-1979 M Aschentrup, Charles H 19-Jan-1979 M Ash, John 12-Aug-1979 M Ashley, Cora 05-Jul-1979 F Ashworth, Archie Lee 07-Jun-1979 M Asta, Roy 24-Mar-1979 M Atencio, Rex Patrick 30-Jan-1979 M Atkins, Alice Ray 21-Sep-1979 F Aucoin, Stephen Eric 11-Apr-1979 M August, Herman 13-Mar-1979 M Auld, Gertrude Mae 21-Oct-1979 F Austin, Lucy 25-May-1979 F Auzenne, Anthony Vincent 07-Dec-1979 M Averre, Chester Duval, JR 03-Sep-1979 M Avery, George 15-Feb-1979 M Baber, Kenneth Wayne 24-Aug-1979 M Bachert, Mary L 18-Oct-1979 F Baden, Joseph, SR 07-Jun-1979 M Badger, Brantley 05-Apr-1979 M Badgett, Ethel Pearl 22-Feb-1979 F Baggese, Charles 02-Dec-1979 M Bagneris, Marie Kerr 30-Sep-1979 F Bagwell, Leonard Mitchell 21-May-1979 M Bailey, Sara Elizabeth 07-Apr-1979 F Bailey, Henry Lancaster 28-Jun-1979 M Bailey, Richard Zelna 04-Aug-1979 M Bailey, George 10-Oct-1979 M Baize, Sarah Bell 14-Jul-1979 F Baker, Mae Graham 16-Jul-1979 F Baker, Leon C 08-Sep-1979 M Baker, Audra L 07-Nov-1979 F Ball, Alice 08-Mar-1979 F Ball, Edith 11-Apr-1979 F Ball, J H 03-Jul-1979 M Ballew, Altha Roberta 23-Jan-1979 F Ballou, Willie Jean 06-Jun-1979 F Balloue, Edward Hill 12-Apr-1979 M Baloney, Curley 04-Dec-1979 M Bandy, Stella 14-Apr-1979 F Banks, Edolia 26-Mar-1979 F Banks, Albert 11-Apr-1979 M Banks, Cecil O 30-Apr-1979 M Baptiste, Sam 22-Feb-1979 M Barager, Jeanette M 13-Apr-1979 F Barber, Evelyn 28-Jan-1979 F Barclay, Murra John 11-Feb-1979 F Barfield, Mable Clair 14-Apr-1979 F Barker, William Harold 06-Dec-1979 M Barlow, Vergie 04-Jun-1979 F Barnes, John Carr 16-Jan-1979 M Barnes, Roberta Laura 09-Apr-1979 F Barnes, Robert Ernest 13-May-1979 M Barnes, Eldridge Kenneth 29-Jun-1979 M Barnes, Vernon A 05-Jul-1979 M Barnes, Mattie Ellen 10-Aug-1979 F Barnett, Laura Delphine 17-Jan-1979 F Barnett, Ella 09-Dec-1979 F Barra, Frank William 22-Feb-1979 M Barranco, Lena Fertitta 20-Nov-1979 F Barras, Joseph D 14-Dec-1979 M Barrows, Joseph Richard 12-Feb-1979 M Barry, Joseph Wallace 02-Oct-1979 M Bartels, Clayton Henry 17-Aug-1979 M Barton, James Ausbon 04-Feb-1979 M Barton, Edward C 02-Dec-1979 M Basil, Amye 07-Feb-1979 F Bass, Paul Quincy, SR 04-May-1979 M Batchan, Leon 07-Oct-1979 M Bates, Willie Mae 14-May-1979 F Batiste, Norris 27-Jan-1979 M Batiste, Junius 14-Feb-1979 M Batiste, Mitchell 10-Jun-1979 M Beach, Norman D, SR 10-Feb-1979 M Beafneaux, Wanda Anderson 24-Apr-1979 F Beagle, Herman Edgar 11-Dec-1979 M Beaman, Oscar Lloyd 02-Jun-1979 M Bean, Lera Louise 11-Jul-1979 F Beaty, Oscar, SR 17-Jan-1979 M Beavens, Richard R 25-Mar-1979 M Bebee, James Earl 02-Jan-1979 M Bech, Jules Victor 08-Oct-1979 M Beck, Richard Terry 18-Feb-1979 M Becka, Irene Marie 05-Oct-1979 F Beckman, James Robert 17-Aug-1979 M Bedford, Clara Etta 19-Aug-1979 F Beesley, Walter 10-Jan-1979 M Beeson, Gerald Lawrence 28-Apr-1979 M Bell, Norman Lameral, JR 30-Mar-1979 M Bell, Agnes Thomas 19-Aug-1979 F Bell, Anne Sylvia 22-Dec-1979 F Bell, Walter Joseph 27-Dec-1979 M Bellard, Pauline 02-Dec-1979 F Benard, Mary 13-Oct-1979 F Bendo, Jessie Joseph 20-Dec-1979 M Benge, Forest L 12-Apr-1979 M Benjamin, Nell 09-Jan-1979 F Bennett, Arlice Posy 05-Mar-1979 M Bennett, Jennie A 08-May-1979 F Bennett, Ed August 24-Sep-1979 M Bennett, Mary 25-Oct-1979 F Benoit, Oretha 20-Aug-1979 F Benoit, Dorestin Joseph 29-Aug-1979 M Benoit, Louis Joseph 27-Sep-1979 M Benson, Milton 27-Mar-1979 M Bergeron, Doris Katherine 09-Feb-1979 F Bergeron, Billie Jean 10-Sep-1979 F Berly, Lela Mae 07-Jan-1979 F Bernard, Bertha 22-Feb-1979 F Bernard, Clovis, SR 15-Jul-1979 M Bernstein, Harry Louis 16-Aug-1979 M Berry, Doyle Cubley 24-Feb-1979 M Berryman, Arthur Corbett, SR 18-Mar-1979 M Bertoloni, Rosie 09-Dec-1979 F Berwick, Mary Margaret 26-Jul-1979 F Besse, Marie Pearly 28-Sep-1979 F Beumeler, Caroline 04-Nov-1979 F Bevil, John Richard 31-Mar-1979 M Biery, Leonard L 06-Sep-1979 M Bigelow, Harlow Ogden 10-Feb-1979 M Bigler, Andrew S, JR 09-Jan-1979 M Bingman, Lorine 27-Aug-1979 F Birdwell, Carrie Lee 30-May-1979 F Birmingham, John Thomas 19-Jan-1979 M Bishop, William E 19-Jun-1979 M Black, Harvey 30-Apr-1979 M Blackman, Delwin Maurice 16-Nov-1979 M Blacksher, Dave Hubert 24-Sep-1979 M Blair, John Phillip 31-Mar-1979 M Blair, Jean Wilkins 26-Jul-1979 F Blake, Connie Sue 21-Dec-1979 F Bland, Ray Lawrence 30-Apr-1979 M Bland, Walter Douglas, SR 13-Jul-1979 M Bland, Catherine Touchstone 31-Oct-1979 F Blanda, Carrie O 01-May-1979 F Blanda, Josephine 15-Jul-1979 F Blanks, Eula Milenda 24-Nov-1979 F Blaylock, William Henry, SR 13-Apr-1979 M Block, Francis J 10-Dec-1979 F Bobb, Joe, JR 05-Feb-1979 M Bobino, Julia 03-Oct-1979 F Bodin, Noeline Gros 14-Jun-1979 F Boehme, Edward V 26-Sep-1979 M Bogan, Richard 03-Nov-1979 M Bogel, Robert Wesley 21-May-1979 M Bolen, Earl William 30-Jul-1979 M Bond, Fannie Belle 06-May-1979 F Bonds, Margaret Inez 08-Nov-1979 F Bonhomme, Norris 08-Nov-1979 M Bonner, Jessica Ray 29-Jun-1979 F Bonsall, Melvin Joseph 21-Dec-1979 M Bonura, Velma Lee 04-Dec-1979 F Booker, Nancy Grace 22-Apr-1979 F Booker, Don Raymond, SR 18-Dec-1979 M Booth, Thomas Eugene 24-Jan-1979 M Booze, Jessie Mae 25-Jul-1979 F Boozer, Sherrie Rene 10-Oct-1979 F Bordonaro, Kenneth Wayne 25-Mar-1979 M Boren, Claude Birkhead Dr 28-Aug-1979 M Borque, Pearl 21-Jun-1979 F Bossier, Norman Leo 05-Feb-1979 M Boston, Albert Maurice 11-Apr-1979 M Boswell, Frances Mae 08-Jul-1979 F Boudreaux, Pauline Dominque 25-Jan-1979 F Boudreaux, William J 14-Apr-1979 M Boudreaux, Lastie 01-Jun-1979 M Boudreaux, Georgia M 18-Nov-1979 F Boule, Harvey N 17-May-1979 M Bourdon, Ildege A 27-Jun-1979 M Bourgeois, Morris Joseph, SR 29-Jul-1979 M Bourland, Walter Earl 17-Mar-1979 M Bowen, Joel Van 24-Jun-1979 M Bowers, Mary Wilma 15-Mar-1979 F Bowers, Fay E 20-Jun-1979 F Bowser, Robert, SR 19-Sep-1979 M Boyd, Lida S 15-Dec-1979 F Boykin, John Jacob, SR 03-Mar-1979 M Boykins, Aldridge 02-Oct-1979 M Bradberry, Maggie Elma 27-Jan-1979 F Bradford, Lula Small Carter 28-May-1979 F Bradford, Verlinda 17-Aug-1979 F Bradshaw, Mirl Jackson 17-Feb-1979 M Brammer, Ivy Estelle 28-Nov-1979 F Branch, Bernadine Kelley 27-Feb-1979 F Brandt, George Ottomar 15-Jul-1979 M Brannan, Gerald Gene 27-Oct-1979 M Brannon, Hester 21-Feb-1979 F Braugh, Marguerite 31-Dec-1979 F Breaux, Mary 20-Apr-1979 F Breaux, Calvin Joseph 28-Apr-1979 M Breaux, Keith Allen 12-May-1979 M Breaux, Agnes Antionette 19-Sep-1979 F Breaux, Curtis 01-Oct-1979 M Brewster, Marvin Carl 23-Jun-1979 M Brian, Goldie 14-Jul-1979 F Bricker, Louise Murray 10-Apr-1979 F Bridges, Forrest 27-May-1979 M Bridges, Jeannette Franklin 25-Nov-1979 F Bridges, Electra Hortense 13-Dec-1979 F Briggs, Nelda Mary 07-Nov-1979 F Bright, Stanley 23-Jan-1979 M Bright, Georgia 03-Apr-1979 F Bright, Arthur R 24-Jul-1979 M Britnell, Richard D, SR 19-Apr-1979 M Brocato, Delphine L 17-Sep-1979 F Brock, Nettie M 27-Jun-1979 F Brocks, Wilford 29-Jan-1979 M Brodnax, Peggy 06-Dec-1979 F Brookins, Elton Maurice 19-Feb-1979 M Brooks, Selena 14-Jan-1979 F Brooks, Roy, JR 24-Mar-1979 M Brooks, Frances 16-Apr-1979 F Brooks, Mathew, JR 22-Dec-1979 M Broomes, Alma Marie 28-Aug-1979 F Broughton, Catherine 01-Dec-1979 F Broussard, Maudry 13-Feb-1979 F Broussard, Emma Le Blanc 24-Mar-1979 F Broussard, Allie L 26-Mar-1979 F Broussard, Ewell 03-Apr-1979 M Broussard, Joseph Nathan 16-May-1979 M Broussard, Laura 11-Jun-1979 F Broussard, Edna Marie 30-Jun-1979 F Broussard, Rene T 13-Jul-1979 M Broussard, Iantha Lee 28-Jul-1979 F Broussard, Meance 03-Sep-1979 M Broussard, Laura 20-Sep-1979 F Broussard, Joshua Chad 17-Oct-1979 M Broussard, Whitney 12-Nov-1979 M Broussard, Zelamie Marie 09-Dec-1979 F Brown, Hughie A, SR 04-Jan-1979 M Brown, Georgia Coleman 18-May-1979 F Brown, Andrew Jackson 05-Jun-1979 M Brown, Bernard Pierce 05-Jul-1979 M Brown, Robert Wayne 28-Jul-1979 M Brown, Virginia Lee 12-Aug-1979 F Brown, Elizabeth 03-Sep-1979 F Brown, Trish Marie 23-Nov-1979 F Brown, Marcus Renard 01-Dec-1979 M Brown, Louis William 03-Dec-1979 M Brown, Richard Van 15-Dec-1979 M Browne, Carolyn Ann 02-Mar-1979 F Brownrigg, Margaret Glendora 10-Nov-1979 F Bruce, Marie Louisianna 02-Nov-1979 F Bruce, Viva Bell Kennedy 24-Dec-1979 F Bruchmiller, Bessie W 03-Feb-1979 F Brunette, Elizabeth Oleskey 22-Sep-1979 F Bryant, Sherman E 05-Mar-1979 M Bryant, Clarence Russell 07-Mar-1979 M Bryant, Haywood 13-Mar-1979 M Bryant, John L 22-Mar-1979 M Bryant, Myrtle Abigale 23-Aug-1979 F Buchanan, Dean 01-Feb-1979 M Buchanan, Beverly Beth 17-Jul-1979 F Buchanan, Lucy 06-Dec-1979 F Buck, William Roy 12-Jun-1979 M Buckley, Christopher Wayne 11-Jun-1979 M Buckner, Bettye Jo 10-Mar-1979 F Budnik, Anastatia Blanche 03-Feb-1979 F Bugna, Mona Barbra 28-Dec-1979 F Bull, Ewell Jefferson 23-Mar-1979 M Bundick, Daniel Lee 03-Jun-1979 M Burch, William J, SR 20-Apr-1979 M Burch, Elsie Earle 23-Dec-1979 F Burge, Lottie T 12-Jul-1979 F Burkhart, Chauncey Victor 25-Apr-1979 M Burney, Myrtle C 31-Oct-1979 F Buroker, Francis, SR 29-Dec-1979 M Burroughs, Clyde 21-Aug-1979 M Burrow, Veronica Ann 13-Jan-1979 F Burt, Marie 07-Jun-1979 F Burton, Brad E 27-Apr-1979 M Busby, Russell 16-Feb-1979 M Bush, David Jefferson 25-Aug-1979 M Bush, Homer Lavelle 21-Oct-1979 M Butler, Isaac 03-Sep-1979 M Butler, Alta Hall 04-Dec-1979 F Byars, Katie Elaphair 25-May-1979 F Byerly, Purdee Ebner 29-Apr-1979 M Byerly, Frank Robert 28-Dec-1979 M Byley, Roy W 04-Mar-1979 M Byrom, Leland Alton 01-Mar-1979 M Caffery, Marion 17-Feb-1979 F Caillouet, Joseph Alvin 28-Jul-1979 M Cain, Emma Alice 10-Mar-1979 F Cain, Lillie Louise 13-Jun-1979 F Cain, Hazel Marie 22-Oct-1979 F Cain, Jenett Louise 31-Oct-1979 F Calaway, Agee Gideon Rev 15-Oct-1979 M Caldwell, Lacy Bell 28-May-1979 F Caldwell, Luther 27-Nov-1979 M Calvin, James 14-Nov-1979 M Campbell, Charles E 11-Mar-1979 M Campbell, Mattie Mae 26-Apr-1979 F Campbell, Thomas Coleman 05-May-1979 M Campbell, Odessa 06-Jul-1979 F Cannon, Johnnie Mae 10-Mar-1979 F Cannon, Curry 22-Oct-1979 M Canter, Francis Bess 14-Oct-1979 M Canton, Hulda Kasper 20-Oct-1979 F Cantu, Victoria 28-Jun-1979 F Cao, Mui Van 19-Sep-1979 M Capps, David Columbus 08-Jul-1979 M Carabin, Evelyn J 24-Oct-1979 F Caraway, Thomas Lester 31-Mar-1979 M Caraway, Harrick Ray 07-Aug-1979 M Cardenas, Silberio 09-Aug-1979 M Carleton, Mack 16-Feb-1979 M Carlisle, Elby Alfred 08-Mar-1979 M Carlock, Ola 22-Jun-1979 F Carls, Bessie Marie Poff 13-Jan-1979 F Carr, Mary Bertha 11-Mar-1979 F Carr, Leona E 04-Sep-1979 F Carriere, Leonce 12-Jun-1979 M Carter, Rebecca 16-Mar-1979 F Carter, Wilbert Fields 21-Mar-1979 M Carter, Louie David, SR 09-Jun-1979 M Carter, Bertha 21-Sep-1979 F Carter, Roy E 09-Oct-1979 M Carter, Lorraine M 11-Oct-1979 F Carter, James 01-Nov-1979 M Cartwright, Arthur Orten 17-Nov-1979 M Cascio, Angelo 03-Sep-1979 M Casey, Dennis Lee 26-Jul-1979 M Caskey, Zelma Lee 26-Jan-1979 F Cates, Robert B 30-Sep-1979 M Caughlin, Jake E 15-Dec-1979 M Causey, Terri Lynn 10-Sep-1979 F Ceaser, Robert Lee, JR 10-Jan-1979 M Celestine, Shirley Ann 21-Jun-1979 F Celestine, Willard O 24-Oct-1979 M Cessac, Rae Michelle 27-Jan-1979 F Cessac, Elia H 07-Feb-1979 F Chafin, June Della 03-Oct-1979 F Chamblee, Deborah Kay 14-Oct-1979 F Chambless, Lester Wayne 24-Dec-1979 M Champagne, Gloria 08-Feb-1979 F Chand, Raymond 07-May-1979 M Charles, Ernest C 09-Mar-1979 M Charles, Beatrice M 17-Dec-1979 F Chase, Grace 02-Jan-1979 F Chauvin, Marie 10-Jan-1979 F Chavis, Joseph 18-Oct-1979 M Cheatham, Katherine Alexia 16-Mar-1979 F Chenella, Joseph Frank 31-Aug-1979 M Cheney, Blanche E 10-May-1979 F Cherb, Alice Daisy 03-Jun-1979 F Cherry, Leon Willie 03-Aug-1979 M Chesser, Vada Burton 21-Aug-1979 F Childers, Willie Rouselle 10-Apr-1979 F Childs, Rockie Clark 22-Apr-1979 F Chiuminatta, Louis 12-Jun-1979 M Chretien, Anna Pointer 04-Feb-1979 F Christian, Lewis Stelzer, SR 22-Mar-1979 M Christian, Tom Myers 08-Jul-1979 M Clark, Cleophus 02-Apr-1979 F Clark, Edgar Pate, SR 05-May-1979 M Clark, Kate Clyde 27-May-1979 F Clark, Melissa Elizabeth 08-Aug-1979 F Clark, James Elmer 16-Aug-1979 M Clark, Paul Earnal 21-Aug-1979 M Clark, Thomas W 12-Nov-1979 M Clark, Eva Evelyn 26-Dec-1979 F Clay, Issac 08-Feb-1979 M Clift, Bert Wayne 20-Jan-1979 M Cline, Jordan E 14-Aug-1979 M Clinton, John E 26-Nov-1979 M Clowdis, Mary Dell 09-Mar-1979 F Clubb, Avis Annie 07-May-1979 F Cobb, Jessie Leonard 17-Apr-1979 M Cobb, Gustavia 17-Sep-1979 F Cobb, Thelma Gladys 04-Dec-1979 F Cockrell, Mamie Edna 02-Jan-1979 F Coe, Joyce Berlyene 05-Dec-1979 F Coffey, Hazel 05-Apr-1979 F Coffey, Jessie Lee 01-Nov-1979 F Coffman, Florence Elizabeth 27-Jan-1979 F Cola, Victoria 02-Feb-1979 F Cole, Robert Vernon 05-May-1979 M Cole, Ida 14-Aug-1979 F Cole, Mary 25-Aug-1979 F Coleman, Josephine 19-Jan-1979 F Coleman, Alice Josephine 28-Jan-1979 F Coleman, Ossie 26-Feb-1979 M Coleman, Harriet 20-Jul-1979 F Coleman, Fields Samuel, III 02-Aug-1979 M Coleman, Albert, SR 09-Nov-1979 M Collazo, Reyes 03-Mar-1979 M Collier, Minnie Deguana 06-May-1979 F Collier, Grace Theodus 14-May-1979 F Collier, Edward Ishma 26-Jun-1979 M Collins, Bobby Eugene 15-Jan-1979 M Collins, Sarah 26-Feb-1979 F Collins, Dorothy 22-Mar-1979 F Collins, Leroy 18-Jun-1979 M Collins, John Rayford 20-Jun-1979 M Collins, Lula Mae 11-Sep-1979 F Colounga, Ursula 01-Nov-1979 F Comeaux, Jules 01-Feb-1979 M Comeaux, Acklin Richard 07-Mar-1979 M Comeaux, Cora M 04-Oct-1979 F Commander, Lucy 28-Mar-1979 F Coney, Laurel Bill 06-Dec-1979 M Conlin, Allie Mae 12-Jul-1979 F Connally, Lillie Belle 19-Jun-1979 F Connelly, Howard 15-Jun-1979 M Conner, Debra Lee 03-Feb-1979 F Conner, Mary Adelaide 07-Oct-1979 F Conniff, Emmett F 02-May-1979 M Contreras, Manuel Rodriguez 09-Aug-1979 M Cook, Lois Lorene 02-Jan-1979 F Cooksey, Jack Walter, SR 30-May-1979 M Cooley, Luther Guy, SR 23-Jun-1979 M Cooley, Martha Eleanor 26-Aug-1979 F Coons, Edward R 22-Dec-1979 M Cooper, Dorothy 10-Mar-1979 F Cooper, Charles Fergus 31-Mar-1979 M Cooper, Ella 15-Apr-1979 F Cooper, Curtis Odell 16-Jun-1979 M Cooper, Jessie Ralph 09-Dec-1979 M Copeland, William Penn 29-Nov-1979 M Corley, Clyde M 08-May-1979 M Cormier, Evelyn A 20-Oct-1979 F Cornish, William Oscar, III 17-Jun-1979 M Costanza, Rose Mary 12-Oct-1979 F Costley, Elnora 09-Jun-1979 F Cotton, James Albert 03-Mar-1979 M Coughlin, Arthur 23-Nov-1979 M Courrege, Camille A 12-Feb-1979 F Courville, Alphen 05-Jul-1979 M Coward, Fred 14-Jul-1979 M Cox, Murray Clinton, SR 12-Oct-1979 M Cox, Alice Mabel 08-Dec-1979 F Crachain, Shirley Mary 25-Oct-1979 F Craig, Albert Lee 08-May-1979 M Crawford, Brenda 27-Feb-1979 F Crawford, Hilton Everett 04-May-1979 M Crawford, Melba Merlene 09-Jul-1979 F Creech, Ruby Lurline 09-Sep-1979 F Creel, Opal Gertrude 13-Sep-1979 F Crochet, Amelie B 07-Mar-1979 F Crosby, Gerald Avon, SR 17-Jun-1979 M Cross, Othol V 08-Aug-1979 M Cullom, Pearl Ardner 15-Jul-1979 F Cummins, John Kenneth 13-May-1979 M Cunningham, Thomas Samuel 19-Feb-1979 M Cunningham, Thomas 27-Feb-1979 M Currie, Addie L 09-May-1979 F Currie, Dora E 23-Jul-1979 F Currie, James Bynum 24-Jul-1979 M Curry, Delmus Todd 15-May-1979 M Curry, Mary Lee 11-Jul-1979 F Curry, Wilna Lillie 13-Oct-1979 F Cyprien, Thelma 25-Aug-1979 F Dabney, Jacqueline Valda 02-Sep-1979 F Dahmer, Louise C 21-Nov-1979 F Daigle, Albina L 13-Jul-1979 F Daigle, Dorothy Theresa 31-Oct-1979 F Daigre, Lillie 09-Mar-1979 F Dailey, Earl G 06-Jan-1979 M Daily, Addie Fannie 13-May-1979 F Daniel, Gerald David 22-Aug-1979 M Daniels, Dovie 10-Jul-1979 F Darby, Marc S 27-Aug-1979 M Dark, Ora Belle 21-Sep-1979 F Dartez, A Conrad 10-Aug-1979 M Dautreuil, Germaine 04-Oct-1979 F Davis, Mary Honora 05-Feb-1979 F Davis, Marie 10-Mar-1979 F Davis, Ida Chalmers 17-Mar-1979 F Davis, Nannie Jack 29-Mar-1979 F Davis, Emma Hinson 15-Apr-1979 F Davis, Alex 23-Apr-1979 M Davis, Jessie James, SR 31-May-1979 M Davis, Ernest Doyle 30-Jul-1979 M Davis, Henry 01-Aug-1979 M Davis, Louis Curtis 03-Aug-1979 M Davis, Mary Lou 11-Aug-1979 F Davis, Peter 18-Sep-1979 M Davis, Oliver 18-Sep-1979 M Davis, Nathan 14-Nov-1979 M Davis, Vera Frances 03-Dec-1979 F Davison, Maudeola 19-Jul-1979 F Dawe, Catherine Matherne 08-Nov-1979 F Day, Edward Dalton 22-Jun-1979 M Day, Hulen Rufus 12-Jul-1979 M Day, Leonard 26-Jul-1979 M De Cordova, Miriam Crider 15-Apr-1979 F De La Rosa, Rosa Pa 03-Mar-1979 M De Rosier, Robert Louis, SR 04-May-1979 M Dean, Ethel Emma 10-Aug-1979 F Deaver, Lewis C 07-Jun-1979 M Decuir, Cecile Agnes 01-May-1979 F Deere, Charles William 20-Jul-1979 M Deese, Bernice W 28-Nov-1979 F Defrates, Edna 01-Jul-1979 F Degar, Garfield 27-Nov-1979 M Dejean, Edith M 27-Feb-1979 F Delacerda, Eugene 24-Nov-1979 M Delahoussaye, Oswald 13-Dec-1979 M Delaney, Glenn R 21-Jan-1979 M Delcoe, Edres 07-Oct-1979 M Denmark, Jack B 24-Mar-1979 M Dennis, Mayeatta (mayetta) 13-Oct-1979 F Denson, Mary Lee 01-Apr-1979 F Denson, Beulah 22-Dec-1979 F Deon, Charles 12-Dec-1979 M Desha, Marcus A, JR 20-Mar-1979 M Deslatte, Edna Marie 22-Feb-1979 F Deslatte, Marie 28-Jun-1979 F Desormeaux, Elizabeth H 23-Aug-1979 F Devillier, Joseph C, JR 28-Jan-1979 M Devillier, Oscar Coulon 18-Jul-1979 M Devillier, Denise Marie 07-Aug-1979 F Dewalt, Willie Lois 16-Jul-1979 F Dewitt, Paul V 26-Jan-1979 M Dewitt, Mae B 01-Apr-1979 F Deyoung, Ora Mae 23-Apr-1979 F Dick, Alice 19-Oct-1979 F Dickard, Harold L 25-Mar-1979 M Dickens, Elba S 29-Nov-1979 F Dickinson, Anita 11-Dec-1979 F Dickson, Dwain Sherron 22-Feb-1979 M Distefano, Joseph, JR 10-Feb-1979 M Dixon, Finas Elmer 16-Jul-1979 M Dixon, Clay 11-Sep-1979 M Dodd, Ernest Edward 16-Aug-1979 M Dodge, Mary Velma 15-Jun-1979 F Dolese, Llewellyn J 09-Jan-1979 M Dominguez, Francisco Miguez 19-Apr-1979 M Donaldson, Betty Marie 27-Jan-1979 F Donaldson, Roger Amaziah 28-Mar-1979 M Donnelly, William Edward, SR 15-Sep-1979 M Dornak, Edwin Joseph 17-Dec-1979 M Dornes, Mary K 31-Mar-1979 F Doss, James Howard 12-Jul-1979 M Dossett, Eliza 02-Nov-1979 F Doucet, Willie Payne 11-Jun-1979 F Doucet, Norman Joseph 23-Jun-1979 M Doucette, Marjorie Denise 05-Jul-1979 F Dougas, Rosa 23-Oct-1979 F Doughty, Ola 05-Feb-1979 F Douglas, James Allard 23-Apr-1979 M Douglas, Ida Bessie 18-Dec-1979 F Downey, Clifton 04-Oct-1979 M Downs, Elliotte Milton 14-Jun-1979 M Doyle, Shawn 17-Mar-1979 M Drake, Willie E, JR 11-May-1979 M Drake, Barbara 05-Dec-1979 F Drawhorn, Mary Edith 31-Mar-1979 F Driggers, Elvin Esther 21-Mar-1979 F Drinkard, Travis Kevin 13-Jul-1979 M Driskell, Mabel Louise 19-Aug-1979 F Dubois, Louis Ned 10-Apr-1979 M Duckworth, Thelma 17-Aug-1979 F Duff, Paul Tieling 06-Jan-1979 M Duff, Florence Hughes 08-Mar-1979 F Dugas, Emile J, SR 06-Jan-1979 M Dugas, Joseph Lee 04-Mar-1979 M Dugas, Victoria 20-Apr-1979 F Duhon, Claudine Bossley 12-Jun-1979 F Duke, Dorothy Nell 10-Oct-1979 F Dumesnil, Murphy John 22-May-1979 M Dumesnil, Lester J 02-Dec-1979 M Duncan, Martha M 08-Mar-1979 F Duncan, George 09-Aug-1979 M Dunn, Cora 23-Jun-1979 F Duos, Robert 05-Jun-1979 M Duplant, Joseph Andrew 25-May-1979 M Duplechain, Carlton John, JR 01-Feb-1979 M Duplechain, Brenda Sue 22-Jun-1979 F Duplissey, Bertie 03-Mar-1979 F Dupree, Lucy 07-Jan-1979 F Dupuis, Alton J 30-Dec-1979 M Durham, Eliza Jane 11-Aug-1979 F Durham, Albert L 17-Oct-1979 M Dvorsky, Joseph L 17-Dec-1979 M Eagland, Marcellus 27-Jul-1979 M Eaglin, Mary Jean 24-Jun-1979 F Earnest, Olive Frances 25-Dec-1979 F Easley, Henry K 10-Mar-1979 M Eason, Oscar Kelton 21-Jan-1979 M Eberle, Adolphus A, JR 06-May-1979 M Echols, Eunie Bell 15-Aug-1979 F Eddins, Ruby Della 16-Jun-1979 F Edgar, Henry Clay 11-Apr-1979 M Edgar, William Gooch 04-Jul-1979 M Edgerton, Stephen Casper 12-Feb-1979 M Edgmon, Willa Javana 21-Dec-1979 F Edwards, Ezeb 16-Jan-1979 M Edwards, Tom Kelly 03-Mar-1979 M Edwards, Clarice 14-Mar-1979 F Edwards, Montrey Nicole 17-Mar-1979 F Edwards, Frank 19-Jul-1979 M Edwards, Henry Calvin 29-Jul-1979 M Egan, Catherine Juanita 12-Sep-1979 F Eisentraut, Harold B 12-Apr-1979 M Eisler, Jean Marie 20-Sep-1979 F Eisman, Otto 04-Jan-1979 M Elender, Clell Joseph 24-May-1979 M Elender, Bessie Olene 25-Jul-1979 F Elkins, Addie Eugenia 21-Apr-1979 F Elliott, Nancy Elizabeth 04-Jun-1979 F Ellis, Lena Mae 29-Jun-1979 F Ellis, Bessie 19-Dec-1979 F Ellison, Chester Major 08-Feb-1979 M Elrod, William Franklin, SR 26-Oct-1979 M Embesi, Frank 20-Jan-1979 M Emerson, Ida 17-Jul-1979 F Emmons, Della Mae 15-Jun-1979 F Endicott, Herbert Lilburn 30-Dec-1979 M Engebretson, Jo Ellen 12-Oct-1979 F Engeman, Nora 07-Jul-1979 F English, Rosemary 09-Jan-1979 F Erbelding, Carrie Marie 30-Jun-1979 F Erwin, Ronald Dean 21-Jan-1979 M Erwin, Henry Edward 02-Feb-1979 M Espree, Norris 30-Apr-1979 M Estes, Billie Jean 11-Mar-1979 F Eubank, Lenora Bertha 22-Mar-1979 F Eubanks, Jennie 19-Jan-1979 F Evans, Nathan, JR 03-Jul-1979 M Everett, Ursula K 10-Dec-1979 F Fagg, Marion Wells, SR 07-Nov-1979 M Falcon, Beatrice 04-Mar-1979 F Farley, Martin Van Buren 26-Nov-1979 M Farris, Dale F 24-Oct-1979 M Fatch, Jack Wayne 28-Aug-1979 M Faulk, Kenneth Lee, SR 11-Mar-1979 M Fawcett, Cecil Riley, JR 06-Mar-1979 M Fawcett, Essie M 10-Jul-1979 F Fazio, Anthony Sam 20-Dec-1979 M Feldman, Max 18-Jan-1979 M Fentroy, Reginald Lee, JR 04-Dec-1979 M Ferguson, Jean Y 06-Mar-1979 F Ferguson, Norman P 24-Mar-1979 M Ferguson, James Wiley 14-Jun-1979 M Ferguson, Laura R 14-Nov-1979 F Fernandez, Porfirio 13-Jun-1979 M Ferrand, Odie Lee 01-Jan-1979 F Fetters, Alton E 12-Feb-1979 M Few, William Benjamin 30-Aug-1979 M File, Stanley Augustus 25-Mar-1979 M Fillingame, Joseph A 28-Apr-1979 M Fischer, Heinz Egbert 19-Dec-1979 M Fisher, Charles Victor 27-Jan-1979 M Fisher, John Thomas, JR 05-Feb-1979 M Fleming, James 19-Apr-1979 M Fleming, Dora 04-Jul-1979 F Fleming, Rosa Mae 19-Nov-1979 F Fleniken, Charles Edwin, JR 08-Aug-1979 M Flores, Pablo G 18-Mar-1979 M Flournoy, Mary Evalyn 06-Nov-1979 F Flowers, George R 08-Feb-1979 M Flowers, Otto Dennis 28-May-1979 M Flynn, Venita B 19-Dec-1979 F Fones, Robert Emmett, JR 29-Sep-1979 M Fontenot, Artmore (tim) 05-Jan-1979 M Fontenot, Edward Thomas 05-Jan-1979 M Fontenot, Roxie 09-Jan-1979 F Fontenot, Kenneth Wayne, JR 08-Feb-1979 M Fontenot, Eva V 20-Jun-1979 F Fontenot, Harry Van 23-Jun-1979 M Fontenot, Mack, JR 26-Jun-1979 M Fontenot, Carlton 09-Dec-1979 M Forbish, Estelle 28-Apr-1979 F Ford, Manish 06-Jun-1979 M Ford, Iris Ione 11-Jun-1979 F Ford, Thomas 18-Nov-1979 M Fordyce, Margaret Josephine 21-Jun-1979 F Foret, Mercedes Rene 23-Nov-1979 F Forse, Sallie 09-Oct-1979 F Foster, Lewis Lester 16-May-1979 M Foster, W C 29-Oct-1979 M Foulch, Walter 15-Apr-1979 M Fowler, Annie 21-Apr-1979 F Fowler, Fred Lee 17-May-1979 M Fox, Edmonia 30-Apr-1979 F Frakes, Arthur W 13-Sep-1979 M Francis, Wilbert 19-Oct-1979 M Frank, Nickolas 10-Jan-1979 M Frank, Clarence 03-Jun-1979 M Frank, Dora 03-Nov-1979 F Frank, Mary 11-Nov-1979 F Frank, Willis 26-Dec-1979 M Franklin, Marion Cavil 26-Jan-1979 M Franklin, Douglas Wayne 01-Sep-1979 M Frasier, Sandra Kay 13-Nov-1979 F Frayer, Isaiah, JR 28-Aug-1979 M Frazier, Lucille 06-May-1979 F Free, Hildred B 21-Feb-1979 F Freeman, Howard L 25-Jun-1979 M Freeman, Leonard Chalmer 27-Sep-1979 M Fregia, John 04-Jul-1979 M French, Roger Franklin 16-Nov-1979 M Frint, Leslie Kenneth 05-Aug-1979 M Fruge, Dennis K 31-May-1979 M Fry, Stella Winnie 02-Jan-1979 F Fulkes, Jessie L 09-May-1979 F Fullen, Hoyt Houston 01-May-1979 M Fuller, Norma Renfro 01-Jul-1979 F Funk, John L 11-Nov-1979 M Fuseley, Willie 16-Nov-1979 M Gabriel, Rose Lee 03-Jul-1979 F Gailes, Chapman Archie 25-May-1979 M Galloway, Nancy Elmira 20-Jan-1979 F Gannon, Theadore Feland 11-Sep-1979 M Garcia, Gabino 11-Jan-1979 M Garcia, Lee Earl 21-Dec-1979 M Gard, Josephine 05-Oct-1979 F Gardiner, Marion Wayne 12-Sep-1979 M Gardner, Velmon 31-Jul-1979 M Garlington, Dalphin 22-May-1979 M Garrett, David, SR 11-Dec-1979 M Garrett, William Davis 23-Dec-1979 M Garrison, Archie Lee 27-Jul-1979 M Gary, Willis J 15-Sep-1979 M Gaspard, Nolan Wayne 22-Jun-1979 M Gates, Ivan C 01-Apr-1979 M Gauthier, Lamar Joseph 27-Aug-1979 M Gautreaux, Madelene 29-Oct-1979 F Gautreaux, Ernest 07-Dec-1979 M Gavrelos, John 09-Jun-1979 M Gay, Peter, JR 29-Nov-1979 M Gearhart, David Earl 21-Dec-1979 M Genusa, Augustine 06-Apr-1979 M George, Jennie 17-Jan-1979 F George, Loretta Ann 13-Mar-1979 F George, Betty Virginia 21-Jul-1979 F Gerard, Jimmy 13-Aug-1979 M Getwood, Joseph, JR 12-Jan-1979 M Getwood, Lawrence Oliver, SR 14-Aug-1979 M Geyer, Steven Mark 18-Oct-1979 M Gibson, Gordon 11-Dec-1979 M Gietzen, Pauline Mary 06-Dec-1979 F Giffard-bouvier, Yvonne 06-Sep-1979 F Gilbert, Keith Eugene 13-Mar-1979 M Gill, Stella 30-May-1979 F Gilliam, Bessie 16-May-1979 F Gipson, Erving Curtis 08-Sep-1979 M Girouard, Milton I 25-May-1979 M Girouard, Verna Mae 23-Jul-1979 F Glaser, Nina 10-Sep-1979 F Glasper, Sam 21-Aug-1979 M Glasscock, Richard Carl 22-Dec-1979 M Glidden, Edward Chester, JR 16-Feb-1979 M Gloria, Ismaela Arredondo 11-Jun-1979 F Gloston, Lorance 30-Sep-1979 F Goins, Lee Franklin 22-Jun-1979 M Goldbeck, Martin, SR 21-Feb-1979 M Gonzales, Anacleto M 08-Oct-1979 M Gooch, Clarence Donley 13-Nov-1979 M Goode, Harry 26-Aug-1979 M Goodman, Edward 08-Jan-1979 M Goodman, Johnny Ray 28-Jan-1979 M Goodman, Raymond Clifford, SR 10-Aug-1979 M Goodman, Nelson 07-Sep-1979 M Goodman, Ruby Augustus 10-Sep-1979 F Goodson, J T Wiley 01-Dec-1979 M Goodwin, George William, SR 18-Aug-1979 M Goolsbee, Jessie Josephine 08-Mar-1979 F Gordon, Jack Ronal, JR 11-Jun-1979 M Gordon, William Alexander, JR 17-Jul-1979 M Gordon, Solomon 24-Jul-1979 M Gordon, Rufus 29-Aug-1979 M Gore, Rodgers Nelson, JR 10-Aug-1979 M Goss, Carroll S 06-Apr-1979 M Goss, Edward 04-Jun-1979 M Goudeau, Curley 21-Jan-1979 M Goynes, George Augustus 16-Mar-1979 M Gracey, Robert 22-Aug-1979 M Graff, Eugene C 02-Jun-1979 M Graham, Howard B 25-Oct-1979 M Grand, Sylvester W 18-Apr-1979 M Granger, Albert C 12-Feb-1979 M Granger, Bennie Dean 28-May-1979 F Grantham, Sarah E 27-Jul-1979 F Grantham, Charles Lloyd 08-Sep-1979 M Graven, Kathryn 04-Nov-1979 F Graves, Clyde Raegan 20-May-1979 M Gray, Ivan H 01-Apr-1979 M Gray, Vera Lee Edwards 12-Apr-1979 F Gray, Jack Atwood 18-Apr-1979 M Gray, Lelia Mae 19-Oct-1979 F Gray, Bonnie Esther 11-Dec-1979 F Green, Fred Brannon, JR 24-Jul-1979 M Green, Thomas Carroll 14-Aug-1979 M Greene, Corine 01-Feb-1979 F Greer, Arthur 19-Feb-1979 M Greer, Autry Micajah 14-Mar-1979 M Gregory, Archie Splane 29-Mar-1979 M Gress, Norma Marie 20-Oct-1979 F Grey, Odie P 03-May-1979 F Gribben, Zuma Letitia 15-Oct-1979 F Griffin, Edgar Lyman 19-May-1979 M Griffin, James Douglas 01-Jul-1979 M Griffin, Louis 24-Sep-1979 M Griffin, Ella Maye 27-Nov-1979 F Grimes, Olga Jones 22-Mar-1979 F Grimes, Ronald Ray 19-Nov-1979 M Grisham, David Chester 21-Sep-1979 M Grissinger, Adele 31-Jul-1979 F Grober, Estelle 28-Jun-1979 F Grogan, Fred Douglas 01-Jun-1979 M Gross, Roland F, SR 06-Aug-1979 M Grounds, Ombra 24-Nov-1979 F Guadarrama, Jorge Ariel 04-Jul-1979 M Guajardo, Alex Patrick 31-Jul-1979 M Guarnere, Anthony Pete 25-May-1979 M Guarnere, Mary 15-Nov-1979 F Guess, Mary Alice 12-Aug-1979 F Guess, Margaret Lucille 30-Sep-1979 F Guidroz, Louis O'connor 02-Nov-1979 M Guidry, Vera D 23-Mar-1979 F Guidry, Whitney Joseph 29-Oct-1979 M Guidry, Wallace, SR 18-Nov-1979 M Guidry, Girard Dale 19-Dec-1979 M Guidry, Emma F 28-Dec-1979 F Guilbeaux, Ricky Joseph, JR 03-Mar-1979 M Guilbeaux, Edna Bellot 25-Jul-1979 F Guillory, Angel 06-Jan-1979 F Guillory, Helen 13-Apr-1979 F Guillory, Henry 28-Jun-1979 M Guillory, Willis 14-Aug-1979 M Guillory, Clarence William 06-Nov-1979 M Guillory, Darrell, JR 29-Dec-1979 M Guillot, Stella 21-May-1979 F Gunter, Edward Dewey 03-Jun-1979 M Gurka, Chester John 16-Mar-1979 M Gutierrez, Julian, JR 06-Nov-1979 M Guyon, Elizabeth 29-Jun-1979 F Hackbarth, Amelia 05-Aug-1979 F Hackney, Mazel B 31-Aug-1979 F Hagan, Anna M 10-Mar-1979 F Hagan, Argalies 02-Apr-1979 F Hagger, Bessie 31-Jul-1979 F Hagler, Barney Earl 14-May-1979 M Haidek, Peggy Marie 19-Feb-1979 F Halbert, Graydon A 27-Feb-1979 M Hale, Matt T, JR 06-May-1979 M Haley, Henry Calvin 18-Jan-1979 M Hall, Ruth M 01-Apr-1979 F Hall, George L 18-Jun-1979 M Haltom, Henry Grady 06-Jan-1979 M Hambright, William Robert 12-Oct-1979 M Hamilton, Marie 23-Feb-1979 F Hamilton, Era Mae 28-Jun-1979 F Hammer, Charles Wilson 30-Jan-1979 M Hampshire, James Antonia 30-Aug-1979 M Hamshire, John Eddie 21-Apr-1979 M Handel, Ralph Murray 28-Aug-1979 M Hankins, Elisha 06-Nov-1979 M Hannah, Eula H 10-Aug-1979 F Hansen, Rosalyn Levinia 22-Oct-1979 F Hanson, David Duane 02-Nov-1979 M Hanson, Andrew Deverick 23-Nov-1979 M Hardy, Evie 18-Jan-1979 F Hardy, George Campbell 03-May-1979 M Hargrove, Frances Bond 03-Feb-1979 F Harland, William Henry 18-Jan-1979 M Harley, Henrietta 07-Jul-1979 F Harmon, Angus Julian 20-Jan-1979 M Harmon, Linnie L 04-Aug-1979 F Harper, James C, JR 05-Mar-1979 M Harper, Catherine Belle Krebs 02-May-1979 F Harrell, Shirley M 10-Jan-1979 F Harrell, Carla Jean 16-Dec-1979 F Harrington, Elliott Dalton 16-Nov-1979 M Harrington, Mary Zula 23-Nov-1979 F Harrington, Mattie D 14-Dec-1979 F Harrington, Paul Alvin 17-Dec-1979 M Harris, Mary Anna 24-Jan-1979 F Harris, Jennie 16-Feb-1979 F Harris, Amelia 24-Feb-1979 F Harris, Kathryn B 21-Apr-1979 F Harris, John Milton, JR 28-Apr-1979 M Harris, Stephen John 11-Jul-1979 M Harris, Imogene 30-Dec-1979 F Harrison, Bertha 01-Feb-1979 F Harrison, Elton 15-Mar-1979 M Harrison, George W 10-Apr-1979 M Harrison, Donnie Owen 05-Jul-1979 M Harrison, Sadie 21-Jul-1979 F Harrison, Ruby Lee 11-Oct-1979 F Harrop, Hazel 05-Feb-1979 F Harry, Virgie Lee 12-Nov-1979 F Hart, George Aaron 22-Dec-1979 M Hartford, Lloyd Wayne 02-Jan-1979 M Hartford, Brandi Elaine 16-Feb-1979 F Hartley, Clara Genela 21-Oct-1979 F Haskins, Evadne Alice 05-Sep-1979 F Hatcher, Stephen Ambrose 13-Apr-1979 M Hatton, Addie Cornelius 15-Feb-1979 F Hatton, Newt G 12-Sep-1979 M Hawkins, Jack Wesley 20-Jul-1979 M Hayes, John Ray 10-May-1979 M Hayes, Allene Louise 18-Jul-1979 F Hayes, Matilda 13-Sep-1979 F Hayes, Minnie 25-Dec-1979 F Haygood, Wayne Hudson 20-May-1979 M Haynes, Clyde Everett 11-May-1979 M Haynes, Aline 21-Sep-1979 F Haynes, Meredith 12-Nov-1979 F Hays, Charlie 22-Mar-1979 M Hazlewood, Barton 02-May-1979 M Headrick, Annell Lee 16-Oct-1979 F Hebert, Mary 14-Jan-1979 F Hebert, Arvilien 12-Mar-1979 M Hebert, Murphy Joseph 05-Apr-1979 M Hebert, Rosie Lee 08-Apr-1979 F Hebert, Ada 22-Apr-1979 F Hebert, Annie Mary 26-Apr-1979 F Hebert, Lloyd Paul 27-Apr-1979 M Hebert, Neil Ray 18-May-1979 M Hebert, Wilson Eli 02-Jun-1979 M Hebert, Noelie 04-Jul-1979 F Hebert, Clarence G, SR 13-Aug-1979 M Hebert, Joseph Milton 22-Aug-1979 M Hebert, Earl 06-Oct-1979 M Hebert, Julius J 11-Oct-1979 M Hebert, Lucille 15-Nov-1979 F Hebert, Woodrow Nicholas 01-Dec-1979 M Hebert, Margaret 20-Dec-1979 F Hebert, James David 30-Dec-1979 M Heid, Dennis J, JR 29-Aug-1979 M Henderson, Charles Alexander 28-Jan-1979 M Henderson, Melva Helen 03-May-1979 F Henderson, Columbus, JR 03-Sep-1979 M Hendon, Alberta Harris 01-Mar-1979 F Hendon, Reginald 21-Apr-1979 M Hendrickson, Frank Burr 09-May-1979 M Henry, Velma Mae 20-Feb-1979 F Henry, Wilton J 24-Feb-1979 M Henry, Helen 11-May-1979 F Henry, Frances Georgia 21-Jun-1979 F Henry, Edwin Bryan 25-Oct-1979 M Henry, Irma Lea 01-Dec-1979 F Hensley, Nellie Mae 12-Aug-1979 F Hensley, Ralph Lee 20-Dec-1979 M Hernandez, Leon Lee, JR 18-May-1979 M Hernandez, Myrtle Lee 08-Oct-1979 F Hernandez, Dominga T 15-Oct-1979 F Herndon, Sadie Pauline 23-Dec-1979 F Herpin, Pauline 15-Oct-1979 F Herrin, Toy Scott 19-Jun-1979 M Herrin, Grace Ardelia 10-Jul-1979 F Herrington, Herman Victor 22-Jun-1979 M Herrington, Bertha 17-Nov-1979 F Hervey, Irma L 10-Dec-1979 F Hester, Doyle Woodrow 02-Mar-1979 M Hewitt, Lester Wilton 02-Jan-1979 M Hickman, Delmas Howard 05-Dec-1979 M Hicks, Marion Lucille 05-Jan-1979 F Hicks, Mary Ruth 20-Sep-1979 F Hicks, Grover Franklin 06-Oct-1979 M Hicks, Frank Pratt 10-Dec-1979 M Hicks, Willie James, SR 26-Dec-1979 M Hidalgo, Anile 13-May-1979 F Hiett, Edna Elizabeth 13-Dec-1979 F Higginbotham, Mary Mathilda 07-Oct-1979 F Higginbotham, Ermanelle Mosier28-Nov-1979 F Higgins, Edith Truett 07-Nov-1979 F Hightower, James Bartley 14-Sep-1979 M Hightower, Hilliard Thomas 13-Oct-1979 M Hill, Charles Walter, SR 31-Mar-1979 M Hill, Ethel Osborn 02-Apr-1979 F Hill, Dave 23-Aug-1979 M Hilley, Charley Henry 20-Sep-1979 M Hilliard, Harrison H 26-Feb-1979 M Hillman, Terry 21-Feb-1979 M Hilton, Wilbur A ''pete'' 22-Mar-1979 M Hilton, French Britton, SR 10-Apr-1979 M Hiltpold, Julie M 20-Nov-1979 F Hines, Bessie Myers 13-Jan-1979 F Hiser, Atmer Louis 29-Sep-1979 M Hodges, Edna Nancy 14-Nov-1979 F Hoffman, Stephen Cyril 18-Aug-1979 M Hogue, Floyd E 02-Jan-1979 M Holland, Gertrude Nora 02-Mar-1979 F Holland, Roy Lamar, SR 18-Jul-1979 M Holland, Mattie 08-Dec-1979 F Hollis, Arthur Owen 19-Feb-1979 M Hollis, William S 09-Apr-1979 M Hollister, Elsie W 24-Nov-1979 F Hollyfield, Baye 12-Mar-1979 M Hollywood, Patrick John 08-Mar-1979 M Holmes, Mary 15-May-1979 F Holmes, Sophie J 15-Nov-1979 F Holmes, Tommy 04-Dec-1979 M Holt, Steven Wayne 28-Feb-1979 M Holt, Woodford Evans Bud 25-Apr-1979 M Honore, Artelia 02-Mar-1979 F Hooks, Lillian Annette 04-Jan-1979 F Hooks, Stephen West 29-Nov-1979 M Hopkins, John Henry 31-Jan-1979 M Hopkins, Ruby Elizabeth 15-Dec-1979 F Hopper, Myrtle Margaret 14-Jan-1979 F Hornsby, John William 26-Oct-1979 M Hornsby, William 29-Nov-1979 M Hosto, Ada Vivian 06-Jul-1979 F Houston, Verner 19-Jan-1979 M Howard, Velma Jean 30-Jan-1979 F Howell, Mcdonald Meachum 08-Aug-1979 M Howell, Joseph Curtis 17-Dec-1979 M Hryhorchuk, John 02-Jan-1979 M Hudgens, Mamie Pearl 20-May-1979 F Hudson, Dora 02-May-1979 F Hudson, George A, JR 05-Oct-1979 M Huey, Grace Anna 17-Dec-1979 F Huffman, Dora Azalee 06-Nov-1979 F Hughes, Elizabeth 10-Jan-1979 F Hughes, William Joseph 20-Jan-1979 M Hughes, Seaborn Virgil, SR 24-Feb-1979 M Hughes, Christopher Allen 13-Mar-1979 M Hughes, Carrie A 15-Apr-1979 F Hughes, Earl 28-Oct-1979 M Hughes, Con Roy, SR 29-Nov-1979 M Humble, Clifford Henry 14-Dec-1979 M Humphrey, Horace Greely, SR 12-Jan-1979 M Humphries, James Henry 06-Apr-1979 M Hunt, Floyd Leonard 26-Aug-1979 M Hunt, Ruth 08-Oct-1979 F Hunter, William S 14-Apr-1979 M Hunter, Lottie R 10-Oct-1979 F Husband, Ira 06-Apr-1979 M Hussey, John Robert 26-Jul-1979 M Hussey, Kenneth Willard 23-Dec-1979 M Hutcheson, Mae 27-Jan-1979 F Hutchins, William Jessie 09-Dec-1979 M Hutchinson, Leroy B 05-Apr-1979 M Hutchinson, Charles William 18-Sep-1979 M Hutson, Ola Mae 01-May-1979 F Iles, James 05-Oct-1979 M Ingalls, Cora Ann 25-Mar-1979 F Inge, Eva Safire 07-Jun-1979 F Inscore, Iva Killian 31-May-1979 F Irving, Julian B 13-Jul-1979 M Istre, Gus 23-May-1979 M Ivory, Talais Oneal 28-Jun-1979 M Jack, Larry James 17-Jun-1979 M Jacks, Robert Ernest, SR 13-Mar-1979 M Jackson, Tobe 11-Jul-1979 M Jackson, Joyce Mae 07-Aug-1979 F Jackson, Mavis Evelyn 13-Oct-1979 F Jackson, Edford 24-Nov-1979 M Jackson, Lester Robert, SR 18-Dec-1979 M Jacobs, Milton Marvin 18-Jan-1979 M Jacobs, Lakeshi Carleen 08-Feb-1979 F Jacobs, Hilton 22-Aug-1979 M Jacobs, Virgil 02-Sep-1979 M Jacobs, Fannie 25-Sep-1979 F Jacobs, Elbert 16-Dec-1979 M Jacobson, Hilda Elizabeth 23-Feb-1979 F Jaetzold, Uneadth 13-Mar-1979 F James, Joseph 13-Feb-1979 M James, Edward Burton 11-Nov-1979 M Janise, Morris 13-Jul-1979 M Janson, Harry J 10-Mar-1979 M Jarrell, Samuel Nathan 06-Sep-1979 M Javier, Moldes Novas 19-Apr-1979 M Jeffcoat, Jack 05-Jul-1979 M Jeffers, May 04-Aug-1979 F Jenkins, Mary F 08-Feb-1979 F Jenkins, Kathryn 24-Jul-1979 F Jenkins, Carrie 11-Oct-1979 F Jenna, Fred, SR 18-Aug-1979 M Jennings, Edith N 10-Feb-1979 F Jett, William Auburn 11-Feb-1979 M Jewell, Perry Deane 15-Feb-1979 M Jewett, Cecelia 21-Sep-1979 F Johanson, Elizabeth Savilla 27-Feb-1979 F Johns, Alex Wilburn 13-Jun-1979 M Johnsen, Ida Matilda 13-Jul-1979 F Johnson, Jeffery 02-Jan-1979 M Johnson, Ada Eva 10-Jan-1979 F Johnson, Patsy Fern 20-Jan-1979 F Johnson, Roxie Reed 03-Feb-1979 F Johnson, Mamie Jane 23-Feb-1979 F Johnson, Olelia 02-Mar-1979 F Johnson, Jack 09-Mar-1979 M Johnson, Cecil Kenneth, SR 18-Mar-1979 M Johnson, Leona Carrie 26-Mar-1979 F Johnson, William F 28-Mar-1979 M Johnson, James 23-Apr-1979 M Johnson, Jean Pierre, II 26-Apr-1979 M Johnson, Etta 20-May-1979 F Johnson, James H 16-Jun-1979 M Johnson, Maude Estelle 24-Jun-1979 F Johnson, Rachel 19-Jul-1979 F Johnson, Chauncy M 25-Jul-1979 M Johnson, Aline 27-Jul-1979 F Johnson, Vernon Lee, JR 29-Jul-1979 M Johnson, Damon Keith 22-Aug-1979 M Johnson, Frank 04-Sep-1979 M Johnson, Lillie Magnolia 22-Oct-1979 F Johnson, Sandra Ann 30-Oct-1979 F Johnson, Franklin 06-Nov-1979 M Johnson, Nareen 16-Nov-1979 F Johnson, Willie 17-Nov-1979 M Johnson, Ella Rae 20-Nov-1979 F Johnson, Thomas 24-Nov-1979 M Johnson, Joyce 15-Dec-1979 F Johnston, Lunette 11-Aug-1979 F Johnston, Walter Joe 15-Aug-1979 M Johnston, Anna Mae 13-Oct-1979 F Joiner, Moses C 08-Oct-1979 M Jones, Timothy 16-Feb-1979 M Jones, Marion Joseph 23-Feb-1979 M Jones, Casper, SR 27-Feb-1979 M Jones, Margaret Maud 02-Mar-1979 F Jones, Robert Ernest 12-Mar-1979 M Jones, Henry E 05-Apr-1979 M Jones, Barkley Daniel 10-Apr-1979 M Jones, Joseph, SR 18-Apr-1979 M Jones, Lucille 22-Apr-1979 F Jones, George 24-Apr-1979 M Jones, William 09-May-1979 M Jones, Eddie M Jr Inf Of 11-May-1979 M Jones, Isaac J 15-May-1979 M Jones, Nellie Mae 15-May-1979 F Jones, George 08-Jun-1979 M Jones, Albertine 17-Jun-1979 F Jones, Virginia 21-Jul-1979 F Jones, Richard 22-Jul-1979 M Jones, Michael Ray 04-Aug-1979 M Jones, Jessie Lee 18-Aug-1979 M Jones, Azalee 24-Aug-1979 F Jones, Evelyn Clyde 09-Sep-1979 F Jones, Marvin Lewis 25-Sep-1979 M Jones, Hardy, SR 30-Oct-1979 M Jones, Walter M 22-Dec-1979 M Jones, Bertha 26-Dec-1979 F Jones, Charles William, SR 31-Dec-1979 M Jordan, Joseph Mathias 20-Jan-1979 M Jordan, L C 23-Aug-1979 M Joseph, Maria 27-Jun-1979 F Joseph, Willie 04-Nov-1979 M Joseph, Mamie Louise 21-Nov-1979 F Joubert, Louretha 20-Oct-1979 F Joubert, Dorothy 18-Nov-1979 F Judice, Octavia 10-Sep-1979 F Juneau, Cecile 31-Jul-1979 F Kacki, Kornel 27-Jul-1979 M Karo, Augustes B B 26-Dec-1979 M Kaye, Carolyn Ford 26-Dec-1979 F Keel, James A, SR 29-Nov-1979 M Keffer, Jess Earl 16-May-1979 M Keith, Franklin Ralph 25-Feb-1979 M Keith, Edna Julia 01-Oct-1979 F Keller, Pearl Cornelia 28-Jun-1979 F Kelley, Flora Elizabeth 24-Feb-1979 F Kelley, Virdie Mae 09-Mar-1979 F Kelley, David Eugene 14-Jun-1979 M Kelley, Cena 30-Oct-1979 M Kelley, Dortha Charlene 03-Dec-1979 F Kelly, Vivian Elaine 11-Feb-1979 F Kelly, Roy Herman 17-Sep-1979 M Kelly, Frank Brown 24-Nov-1979 M Kennebrew, Johnny L 19-Jun-1979 M Kennedy, Robert Dewitt 07-Feb-1979 M Kennedy, Belle J 23-Nov-1979 F Kennon, Charlie H 17-Oct-1979 M Kerkow, Harold Clifford 03-Feb-1979 M Kerr, Wayne James 03-Feb-1979 M Kerr, Maud 22-May-1979 F Keyes, Mathilda 06-Sep-1979 F Keyser, Jacoba 30-Mar-1979 F Kiker, Buel Newton 20-Jul-1979 M Kimbell, Rachel M 12-Oct-1979 F Kimble, Julius Berlin 16-Aug-1979 M King, Hazel Simmons 03-Jan-1979 F King, Dorothy Rebecca 15-Feb-1979 F King, Ruby Gene 01-Apr-1979 M King, Pearl 27-Aug-1979 F King, Leola Booker 03-Dec-1979 F Kinsel, Ernest Ashley 26-May-1979 M Kirby, Emma 27-Apr-1979 F Kirkendoll, Kenneth 26-Oct-1979 M Kirkpatrick, James Warren 13-Dec-1979 M Kirkwood, Johnnie W 15-Sep-1979 M Kitcher, April Roxanne 04-May-1979 F Klein, Katherine Nelson 26-May-1979 F Klinehamer, James Edward, SR 31-Aug-1979 M Knight, Norma Beatrice 16-Mar-1979 F Knight, Pearl Mae 02-Oct-1979 F Knight, Charles 26-Dec-1979 M Knobloch, Camille Paul, SR 01-Jul-1979 M Kojak, Louis E 22-Jun-1979 M Kolb, Clyde Harry 27-Mar-1979 M Koster, Walter Henry, SR 27-May-1979 M Kotz, Zerel Richard 24-Oct-1979 M Kowalik, Mary Madeline 04-Aug-1979 F Krenick, Helen M 16-May-1979 F Krenick, William 22-Jul-1979 M Krepper, Rita Marie 03-Sep-1979 F Krietsch, Richard G 20-Jan-1979 M Kuhl, Walter Henry, JR 06-Apr-1979 M Kuhl, Walter H 14-Nov-1979 M Kurc, Marie 08-Feb-1979 F Kyle, Helen 04-Jan-1979 F Kyte, Doris Marie 09-Aug-1979 F La Combe, Agnes 16-Mar-1979 F La Rocca, Mary 18-Jan-1979 F La Rocca, Nick, JR 19-Mar-1979 M Laborde, Edgar Joseph 07-Feb-1979 M Labove, Ruby Joyce 29-Jan-1979 F Laday, Tekeshia 30-Jul-1979 F Laden, Earl Lewis 12-Mar-1979 M Laird, Jefferson Bernard 15-Mar-1979 M Lalonde, Joseph 24-May-1979 M Lamberth, Charles Allen, SR 01-Jan-1979 M Lampmann, Herbert G 02-Jun-1979 M Lancaster, Theresa 04-Feb-1979 F Lance, Angel B 06-Feb-1979 F Landrum, Opie Burnice 05-Dec-1979 M Landry, Ora Lee 24-Jan-1979 M Landry, Edith 26-Jan-1979 F Landry, Rudolph Joseph 18-May-1979 M Landry, Roland Felix 14-Jul-1979 M Landry, Earnestine 22-Jul-1979 F Landry, Paul F 26-Aug-1979 M Landry, Onnel Joseph 24-Oct-1979 M Landry, Margaret Frances 11-Nov-1979 F Landry, Etienne 04-Dec-1979 M Landry, Balthazar H 30-Dec-1979 M Lane, John Clark, SR 06-Nov-1979 M Lanehart, Richard Rush 04-Dec-1979 M Lang, Frances Evelyn 10-Jan-1979 F Langdon, Andrew Jackson 13-Apr-1979 M Lange, Violet Mary 24-Dec-1979 F Langham, Elizabeth Marie 16-Jan-1979 F Langley, Billy Joe 03-Apr-1979 M Lanzone, Phillip 09-Apr-1979 M Larue, John Calvan 15-Mar-1979 M Lasalle, Marguerite Beck 31-Mar-1979 F Lashley, Jim L 19-May-1979 M