Jones County Texas Archives - The Stamford News - July 14, 1905 *********************************************************** Submitted by: Dorman Holub Date: 28 December 2019 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** The Stamford News Friday, July 14, 1905 Vol. 6, No. 20 Wreck on the Central There was a wreck of a freight train Wednesday morning a short distance this side of the bridge on the California Creek. The passenger left on time but was flagged and came back to Stamford. The track was not cleared till late Wednesday evening. Plainview Pickings The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Hanson is quite sick. Kin Flowers, of Sagerton was in our community. Mrs. Arthur Kinnison and children of Arizona came in Monday. Mr. Worden and son, of Temple came to visit his daughter, Mrs. James Morgan. Oscar Miller is hauling lumber to build a residence. Sam Kinnison is having a residence built. Rev. Pilley, Jr delivered his first sermon at Plainview. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Shipman June 28th, a girl. C.H. Miller visited his daughter, Mrs. J.H. Suggs, of Spring Creek. Mrs. Josie Cross died at her home three miles south of Stamford, Sunday evening, July 9. She had been sick two months and bore her suffering with much patience and won the confidence and sympathy of the people. She professed faith in Christ in the early part of her illness though she did not join any church. She leaves a husband to mourn her loss. His thanks are for the neighbors to his wife in her illness, especially Mrs. Fenton. --A faithful friend, Mrs. Josie Overstreet [New Hope] Col. R.L. Penick and the engineer of the line proposed by Mr. Beardsley have been looking over the ground north of Stamford. There will be a picnic at what is known as the “Sheep-Shearer” place west of Stamford and five miles north of Anson, July 21, 1905. The object of the affair is to build a school house and church at that place. Mr. D.D. Ward is chairman, and A.J. Swenson, sec’y. and treasurer, D.Ward, W.H. Wadkins and J.E Windrow. Local and Personals Born: Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Hill, a boy at 1 o’clock a.m. Mother and child doing well. Master Jessie Jemyson and his sister, Miss Phoebe, left for San Angelo to visit relatives. Constable Day went to Albany Tuesday to bring back Ed. Harris, charged with taking money that did not belong to him. Mrs. Thora Mossman, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.H. Clark left for her home in Lorena. Mrs. D.S. Cullum and daughters, Miss Myrtis and Miss Mary are visiting the Lewis and Clark exposition. R.I. Senter and son, Fred, of Stonewall county and Sheriff Collins of Haskell county and Sheriff Hollis of Jones left for Sheriff’s convention in Houston. Glen Rector, of Rector & Rector Stamford’s Photographers, presented the News office with two fine views of Stamford taken from the top of Mr. Abbot’s new residence on Swenson Ave. Mr. N.H. Burns, of Albany was in town. Mr. Frank P’Pool, cashier of the Munday National Bank was in town. C.H. Townsend, of Escota, Texas is visiting his relative, J.A. Calliacotte. Rev. M.L. Gray left with the Waco visitors for his home in Mississippi. Harvey Walton, manager of Mistrot Bros. and Co. at this place has been sick. Harvey Walton, left to spend time with home folks at Van Alstyne. Bill Miller the notorious horse thief and desperado was shot and killed by Deputy United States Marshals Davis and True near Wilburton, I.T., July 18. The body was brought to Jacksboro for burial. Uncle George Castles was over from Anson. Miss Clara Hamblet who has been at Dublin for some time returned home. S.W. Scott was over from Haskell. Mr. Smith, manager of the Inn returned from a trip to Waco, Dallas. Editor Thomas of Aspermont Star called at the News. Rev. H.A. Boaz, president of Polytechnic College, Fort Worth preached in the tabernacle Thursday night, and went to Anson to day. Anson All Sorts Court has been grinding since our last. The Lundy case resulted in a hung jury and will be tried again the fourth Monday. Frank Weir and John Blake each from Dead Man community were tried this week charged with horse theft but both trials resulted as the Lundy case, in hung juries. The noted Hickey case comes off next week. Thos. L. Blanton of Albany is here today. Houston Craig of Abilene is also here. S.H. Miller has been appointed court stenographer. E.N. Kirby is here. J.L. Sims and Miss B.M. Bridges; and R.I. Foster and Miss Ida White have been licensed to wed. Ross T. Rule and Chas. Humphrey are here this week on the jury. G.W. Galbraith was here the first of the week. Corinth Cullings Miss Mandy Watts left for a visit to Fannin County. Miss Myrtle Hughes has returned from Knox County. Mr. Terrill of Fort Worth came in Saturday for a funeral of his sister, Mrs. Bagwell. After a lingering illness, Mrs. Allie Bagwell peacefully passed away, Saturday morning at 8 o’clock and was laid to rest in the Fairview cemetery Sunday morning. She leaves a husband and four children. Messrs. Parker and Cash Testaman, of Avoca visited here. Mrs. Levins, Miss Nina and Mr. Jess are on the sick list. The ice cream supper at Mr. Henry Watts’ last Thursday night. Clyde Hughes has accepted a position in Stamford. Ross Cross made a business trip to Anson.