Jones County Texas Archives - The Stamford News - May 11, 1906 *********************************************************** Submitted by: Dorman Holub Date: 28 December 2019 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** The Stamford News Friday, May 11, 1906 Vol. 7, No. 12 The College Situation Visitors of Stamford view the College Idea as a Good Thing for Town. Projected cost is $22 per square foot. The oil men and machinery are here on the grounds, and the work will go forward at once. The oil expert is in the field and ere long the diamond drill will be piercing the bowels of the earth in quest of oil and gas. The Albany News will keep the anxious public posted as to results, when they strike oil. I.P. Mitchel, one of the oil magnates, of Deep Creek. -- Albany News All members of the Christian Church are requested to come up at once and do what they can do on the new building, and when the Church has made its contribution, we will then call on others to assist. -- W.F. Bullington Local and Personal Sam Arnold was over from Hamlin. Judge H.G. McConnell was over from Haskell. Mrs. N.H. White and children are visiting in Merkel. W.H. Hampton and Mr. Cranston of Truby were in Stamford Wednesday. R.A. Brazeal and J.O. Morris of the Vernon neighborhood were in town Tuesday. T.C. Spencer has been in town this week. N.W. Noell, who had beenout on the Orient buying cotton left for his home at Cisco. E.D. Garner of Marcy was in town Thursday. He is preparing to move from Marcy to Terry county. Messrs. R.L. Penick and J.C. Bryant were out west along the line of the Central. Miss Myrtis Cullum was up from Cisco last night. Mrs. F.S. Groner and child are at Jacksboro. Prof. B.F. Morgan, teacher of the Lueders public school was in Stamford last Saturday. Dr. J.A. Ward and wife were in Stamford Tuesday. The Dr. has the same smile and word of good cheer of old. Mrs. S.A. Martin has been sick. J.P. McDaniels and son Cecil returned on the train Wednesday evening from Mineral Wells. The best thing for the people of Stamford to do, is to secure the College. -- D.G. Co. W.D. Cosper, who has been visiting his friend, Dr. Harlan, left on the train Thursday morning for Central Texas and from there will return to Alabama. Miss Ora Hargrave and Miss Kate Crosthwait, of Avoca, accompanied by Mr. Ira Doak of McCaulley were in Stamford. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Whittington returned on the train Wednesday evening from Dallas where Mrs. Whittington underwent surgery. George Flournoy was driving Wednesday evening when one of the front wheels of his buggy came off frightening his horse so that it became unmanageable and ran off nearly demolishing the buggy. The buggy was a new one having been purchased on last Saturday. The two sons, one 9 and the other 12, of Mr. Bradberry, who lives three miles south of Abbie were left at home Wednesday while the father went to the field to work and the mother went to a neighbors. The boys took the .38 calibre pistol, found in the house, and were going to practice shooting. The pistol in the hands of the younger boy was accidentally discharged, the ball striking the older boy in the mouth ranging back and coming out the neck back of the ear. The jaw bone was crushed and very ugly and dangerous wound made. Dr. Palmer was called. Drs. Bunkley and Jones were called for assistance. The boy is dangerously hurt. Dr. S.S. Callicoatte Treats all diseases of the horse Dentistry a Specialty Stamford, Texas List of letters advertised at the P.O. for the week ending May 6th, 1906: M.L. Brown, W.B. Byers, Harry Branigan, Will Burney, Miss Ruth Dabney, Toman Ellis, Fred Lothomon, Mrs. Clyde Owens, Philipp Pilmunder, W.F. Pearce, G.M. Pierce, Howard Riley, J.H. Riley, W.J. Russell, Harrison Shook, Miss Laulie May Tharp, Joe Youell -- Nathan Leavitt, P.M. On or about June 1st I will open an office in the Masonic Building on the South Side of the Square, for the purpose of conducting a Real Estate Brokerage and Insurance business. -- Alfred P. Shepperson Lueders Items Three new residences have been built. Dr. Williams of Anson, the county health officer, came down to hold an inquest over a little child who died mysteriously Thursday. Dr. Bachelor of Dallas has been stopping here for some time doing Dental Work. Mr. Ben Echols of Henderson county is visiting his brother, of this place. Miss Ida Olinger is visiting her sister in Arizona. Mr. Gus Lieb and family started Monday for a trip to the plains. Miss Joe Douthit has gone to Nugent to attend school. Local and Personal Mr. Walsh, the inventor of the acetylene light apparatus that is being sold here left Tuesday on a business trip to Dallas. Alfred P. Shepperson goes on the honor roll. Mr. Shaperson is one of the bookkeepers at the First National. J.M. Bethel from the Indian Territory called at the News office. He has located in Haskeel county. J.P. Morgan and wife of Haskell left on the train. Mrs. N.C. Harris who has been visiting relatives in the city left for her home in Alvarado. Mrs. Harris took withher Master Fred Langford who will remain. Mr. E.B. Atterbury of Comanche, Texas called at the News. He has purchased a newspaper and job plant and will locate at Haskell to start a paper. Mr. A. Judd, manager of the Union Stock Co., of Aspermont passed through Stamford,leaving on the morning train Wednesday for Birmingham, Ala., to visit his son. Mrs. Rube Wilkinson and Mrs. W.R. Southwell of Lott came in Sunday night, they were met by Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Southwell, they left Monday for Rule Texas where they will make their future home. T.W. Rowland an old citizen of the Sandersville community was in town and called at the News office. Mr. J.K. Shipman went out to Fairview last Saturday and erected a W.O.W. monument over the grave of Katie A. Banks in the Fairview cemetery. Mrs. Burks was a member of the W.O.W. Circle. Jud Jinglings Claud Mallow of Rule was in Jud Saturday. W.T. Simpson has returned from Mineral Wells. Ike Bristow spent last week in Oklahoma prospecting. C.H. Miller and daughter Miss Tyna, spent several days here last week visiting the families of J.H. Suggs, Walter Hobbs and A.A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mallow of Blanket, Texas, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Daughtry’s Sunday. Frank Allen returned a few days ago from his claim in Beaver Co., Oklahoma. W.L. Ray is in Stamford. J.H. Suggs were in bed with rheumatism. J.M. Simpson and family of near Kiaway Peak were visiting Luther Blakeley and wife. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Mart Miller is puny at this writing, little Murl the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Miller is also sick. Bob Hood and lady went to Anson. A.J. Johnson and wife of Rule were in Jud Monday trading. Herman Blakely was over from Rule. Dave Miller started for Hale Co. Quite a number of farmers were trading with Jud merchant Mr. Crawford Allen, Saturday. Tuesday morning the residence of T.E. Flowers was burned with all his household goods and $50 in cash. He had two Mexicans working for him one lost $22 and the other $10 in cash. Mr. Flowers owned the placed formerly belonging to J.R. Kirkpatrick, west of town, and had recently built a new house costing $300. Last Saturday night about 9 o’clock Tom Morrell caught two men and two boys throwing stones on the negro cabin in his yard. Anson All-Sorts Mr. Willie Walker and Miss Maud Smith got themselves tied up May 9th by the minister. North West Texas Summer Normal Stamford, Texas Opens May 29th - Closes July 6th Faculty: L.T. Cunningham, Stamford, Conductor Jno. F. Odor, Anson Cecil E. Evans, Austin Board in Private families $3.00 to $5.00 per week Tuition, $5.00 for term of five weeks. If you have no certificate come to the Normal; if you have one attend the Normal and thus have it extended without further examination. Miss Minnie Bizzell’s recital in the Opera House last Friday night was delightful. Little Mary George, the daughter of Mr. J.W. George of Albany, who is only five years of age and played two pieces, one of her composition. City Ordinances passed March 15, 1906 There is a privy or privies to keep and maintain a cover or flap at the rear to conceal from public view the filth etc. deposited. Local and Personal G.H. Brockett came over from Anson. J.J. Bragg was down from Marcy. Mr. C.C. Boyd and Jack Noble from Whitney was looking at the country. E.T. Graefe spent Monday night in Stamford returning to Lueders Tuesday morning. Mr. Gyter, bookkeeper for the compress left for Abilene. J.P. Marshall left on the train to visit relatives in Scott county, Ark. Mrs. Laura Dunn who lives west of Rule left for Cisco. W.K. Bagwell is on the honor roll. R.D. King of Hill county is prospecting. Wade Border was in Stamford. Mr. Border lives in Austin and had been out on the Orient. S.P. Lindsey had been prospecting left for his home at Carbon. W.J. Herrington and wife of Lueders were in Stamford. Bon Ton Restaurant Nolan & Lackey