Kimble County, TX - Court: Pearl/Burt, Proof of Heirship, 1930 Wednesday, June 7, 2000 Submitted by; (Frederica Wyatt) George M. Pearl & Mrs. Mahulda Burt / THE STATE OF TEXAS, # To/Proof of Heirship / John A. Pearl & Wife Charlotte Pearl/ County of Kimble # Before me, the undersigned deceased / authority, on this day personally appeared George M. Pearl and Mrs. Mahulda Burt, known to me to be credible citizens, who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath make the following state- ments, to-wit: We, and each of us, were well acquainted with John A. Pearl and his wife, Charlotte Pearl, both now deceased, in their lifetime. The said John A. Pearl departed this life in Mason County, State of Texas, on or about February, 1878, intestate, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only surviving heirs at law, his said wife, Charlotte Pearl, and the following named children to-wit: America Pearl, who married Chapman Watkins about 70 years ago, and he departed this life prior to July 10th, 1909; Emily Brooks, wife of Absolom R.Brooks; Mrs. S.J.Chestnut, a widow; Mary Foster, wife of Robert Foster, she having formerly married William Porter, by whom she had Armida Porter and becoming a widow married said Foster on or about the 28th day of December, 1865, by whom she had no children; Said Robert Foster was a widower of Eveline Bingham Foster. ------------o-------------- Edward H.Pearl, who married Miss H.S.Shilling on the 22nd day of February, 1866, and she de- parted this life in Grayson County, Texas, on or about the ___ day of _________, 1871 intestate, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only surviving heirs at law, a son, named George M. Pearl, and her said husband who thereafter, on or about the 10th day of July, 1883, married Alzadie Adams and by her had nine children, and thereafter, on or about the 11th day of April, 1898, the said Edward H.Pearl departed this life in Menard County, Texas, intestate, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only surviving heirs at law, his wife Mrs. Alzadie Pearl George M. Pearl, his said son by his first wife, and Rena Pearl, who is one and the same person as Serena Pearl, who first married James Mays, from whom she separated and was divorced, and then married William Matthews; Linnie Pearl, who married Oliver Hight; Charlotte Pearl, who married Charles Slate; Harvey Pearl who married Hallie Murray; Robert Pearl who never married and departed this life about 22 years ago, intestate and without issue; T.B.Pearl who married Effie Taylor; David Pearl, who married Ethel Slate, and thereafter, on or about 1922, departed this life, intestate, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only surviving heirs at law, his said wife and one child, named Estell, now about 7 years of age. His said wife thereafter married William McClelland; Mae Pearl, who married Barney Martin; Maggie Brown ---------------o--------------- wife of R.P.Brown, whom she married on the 30th day of April, 1873; and thereafter departed this life intestate, on or about the year 1900 or earlier, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only surviving heirs at law, her said husband and three children, to-wit; Emma Brown married and had one child, which died in infancy, and then she departed this life, intestate, leaving her husband surviving her whose fate we do not know; Lettie Brown died unmarried, intestate and without issue; Robert Brown died unmarried, intestate and without issue; The said R.P.Brown died many years ago, ---------------o--------------- John W.Pearl, who married Bettie Wolf on or about the ___ day of ___________, __________, and by her had six chidlren; to-wit: John Pearl; Lottie Pearl; Alexander Pearl, Lewis Pearl, Mary Pearl, George Pearl; -----------------o-------------- Alexander Pearl, who departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, on or about the 6th day of November 1881, unmarried, intestate and without issue; He was one and the same person as A,A,Pearl. -----------------o---------------- Adeline Boyce, wife of Reubin H.Boyce, who married said Boyce on or about the ___day of April 1877, and by him had one child, named Reubin E. Boyce, and thereafter, on or about the _____day of____________, 1915, she, the said Adeline Boyce, who signed her name S.A.Boyce, departed this life in ____________County, ____________ intestate, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only surviving heirs at law, her said husband and said son. Her said husband, Reubin H.Boyce, departed this life in __________County, _____________, intestate, on or about the 21st day of May, 1927, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only surviving heir at law, his said son, Reubin E. Boyce. -----------------o---------------- Muhulda Ake, wife of George W.Ake, who married said Ake on the 7th day of January, 1874, and by him had four children, and thereafter, on or about the ____day of November, 1883, the said George W.Ake departed this life in Kimble County, Texas, intestate, leaving surviving him his said wife Mahulda Ake and three children, to-wit; Amos Ake; Jack Ake; Zora Ake; The said Zora Ake married J.H.McCaleb and her husband de- parted this life on or about 1923, leaving his wife and two children named Lloyd and Eula Dell who is now the wife of ____________Nelson, and then Mrs. Thomas Fuller. Thereafter, on or about the 8th day of January, 1887, the said Mrs. Mahulda Ake married J.M.Burt by whom she had two children, to-wit; Matt Burt and James Burt, the latter one departed this life in infancy, Said J.M.Burt departed this life intestate, on or about the 3rd day of September 1925, leaving his wife and one child, Matt Burt, surviving him. --------------------o------------------ Henry Pearl, or H.L. Pearl, who married Amanda Joy on or about the ___ day of____________, __________, by whom he had Nine children, to-wit: John Pearl; Lee Pearl; Ellen Pearl; Mabel Pearl; Maggie Pearl; Gladys Pearl; Ora Pearl; Elmer Pearl; Rufus Pearl; The last three above named died in infancy. Thereafter, on or about the_______day of November, 1904, she the said Mrs. Amanda Pearl departed this life leaving surviving her, as her sole and only surviving heirs at law, her said husband and the following named children, to-wit: John Pearl who departed this life on or about 1919, intestate, unmarried and without issue; Ellen Pearl married ___________Stockton, who departed this life on or about 1924; She then married ___________ and is now living with her last named husband. Mabel Pearl married Roy Harris, with whom she now lives in Tom Green County, Texas, Maggie Pearl married ________________ ____ with whom she now lives; Gladys Pearl died unmarried, intestate and without issue. -----------------o----------------- The aforesaid America Watkins never married after the death of her said husband, Chapman Watkins, and she departed this life in Kentucky some time subsequent to 10th day of July, 1909. -----------------o----------------- The aforesaid Mrs. Emily Brooks, wife of Absolom R.Brooks, departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, on or about the 20th day of September, 1893, intestate and without issue, leaving her said husband surviving her. He, the said Absolom R.Brooks, never married again, and departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, on the 11th day of October, 1917, testate, and his Last Will and Testament was admitted to probate in Burnet County in due time, as shown by the Probate Records of said County. -------------------o--------------- The said Robert Foster, second husband of Mary, Pearl, Porter, Foster, had theretofore, on the 24th day of June, 1855, married Miss Eveline Bingham, who departed this life, intestate, on or about the ________day of ___________, 1861, leaving surviving her her husband and Mary E., who married Allen M.Crews; Ollie E., who married H.P.Hicks, and James Foster. The aforesaid Mrs. Mary Foster, wife of Robert Foster, departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, on or about the ____day of_______, 1875, intestate, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only heirs at law, her said husband and her daughter by her first husband the said daughter, Armida Porter, having married J.Ed Fry on the 22nd day of June, 1871, and thereafter, departed this life on or about the _________ day of August, 1879, intestate leaving surviving her as her sole and only surviving heirs at law, her husband and the the following named children, to-wit: Walter Lee Fry, who married Miss ___________Owens on or about the ____day of______, _______, and he, the said Walter Lee, or W.L.Fry, departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, intestate, on or about the 24th day of September, 1908, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only surviving heirs at law, his said wife, _________, and the following named children, to- wit: Clara May Fry, now the wife of ________ Cowart, and Vera Lee Fry, who has not married and now lives at Dallas, Texas. -----------------------o---------------- J.A.Fry, who married Miss Ella Marx on or about the 8th day of December, 1896. ---------------------o----------------- May, or Mabel, Fry, who Married I.O.Gibbs on or about the 13th day of December, 1899. ---------------------o------------------ And said Mrs. Mary Foster left surviving her no children born of her marriage to said Robert Foster. The said Robert Foster departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, on or about the 30th day of December, 1900, intestate, . The said John W.Pearl departed this life in Menard County, Texas, on or about the 1st day of January, 1929, testate, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only surviving heirs at law, his wife, Bettie Pearl, and the following named children; Louis Pearl; Mary Spruill, wife of William Spruill, and George Pearl, and the following named grand children; Oran Spruill, who calls himself Leonard, son of Lottie Spruill; and the one child of John Pearl, who preceded his father in death, the name of which we do not know, nor do we know whether said child is now alive or dead. -------------------o----------------- The said Charlotte Pearl, wife of the said John A. Pearl, departed this life in Kimble County, Texas, on or about the 3rd day of June, 1916, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only sur- viving heirs at law, the following named children and grand-children: Mrs. Mahulda Burt, who usually signs her name "Mrs. J.M.Burt;" then the wife, now the widow of J.M.Burt; Mrs. S. J. Chestnut, a widow; John W. Pearl and Henry, or H.L. Pearl, children of said John A.Pearl; and Charlotte Pearl, deceased. Reubin E.Boyce, son of Adeline, or S.A.Boyce; George M.Pearl; Serena Matthews; T.B.Pearl; Linnie Hight; Mae Pearl, now Mae Martin; Lottie Slate; Harvey Pearl and David Pearl, children of Edward H.Pearl, deceased; J.A.Fry and Mabel Gibbs, children of Armida Porter Fry; Mrs. Clara May Cowart and Miss Vera Lee Fry, children of Walter Lee Fry, deceased. -----------------------o---------------------- Mrs. S.J.Chestnut had six children, to-wit: Charlotte, who married John W. Martin on the 19th day of April, 1870, Mary J. Chestnut, who married Wm. Frank Wells on the 10th day of April, 1873; Lou Chestnut, who married W.Ed Green on 25th day of January, 1891, and thereafter, on or about the 31st day of December, 1899, departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, intestate, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only heirs at law, her said husband and the following named children, to-wit: Brooks Green, who married on or about the ____day of _________, _____,; Irene, who married M.V.Herford on or about the ___ day of _______, _________; Guy E. Green, who married MIss Nona Hallmark on or about the __________ day of __________, ___________; Wilma, who married ____________Tippin, on or about the ________day of _________, ____________; Ora, who married ___________Cox; LeGrand Chestnut, who married ____________on or about the _________, ___________, and thereafter, on or about the _____day of _______, _______, departed this life in the County of ___________, State of Oklahoma, ____________, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only surviving heirs at law, his wife and certain children, the names thereof we do not know. W.E. Chestnut, who departed this life on or about the 30th day of June, 1902, unmarried, inte- state and without issue; -------------------o-------------- The aforesaid Mary J.Wells, wife of Wm. Frank Wells, departed this life on or about the 20th day of March, 1920, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only heirs at law, her said husband and the following named children, to-wit: Bias Wells; Price Wells; Lillie Wells, who married ___________Kent on or about the ______ day of ____________, ________, and he departed this life on or about the ____ day of ________, _________, and thereafter she, the said Lillie Kent, married __________ Benton on or about the _________ day of ________, __________; Ruby Wells, who departed this life on or about the 21st day of July, 1923, intestate and with- out issue, leaving surviving her her husband, __________ Baker, whom she had married on or about the ________ day of _____________, ____________. The said Wm. Frank Wells departed this life on or aboaut the 21st day of December, 1924. --------------------o---------------- The said Mrs. S.J.Chestnut departed this life in Burnet County, Texas, on or about the 21st day of July, 1921, intestate, leaving surviving her, as her sole and only surviving heirs at law Charlotte Martin, wife of John W.Martin; LeGrand Chestnut, who departed this life on or about the ________ day of ___________, ___________, leaving surviving him, as his sole and only heirs at law, his wife and certain children as hereinbefore narrated. O.K.Chestnut, a bachelor, who is one and the same person as O.A. Chestnut, Oscar A. Chestnut, Oscar Chestnut Bias Wells; Price Wells; Mrs. Lillie Benton, children aforesaid Mary J. Wells; Brooks Green; Irene Hereford, wife of M.V.Hereford; Guy T.Green; Wilma Tippin, wife of _______ Tippin, and Ora Cox, wife of ___________ Cox, children of the aforesaid Lou Green. Geo. M. Pearl Mrs. Mahulda Burt Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of January, 1930. (SEAL) G. Lewis Notary Public, Kimble County, Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS # COUNTY OF KIMBLE # Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared George M. Pearl and Mrs. Mahulda Burt, a widow, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 31st day of January, 1930. (SEAL) G. Lewis Notary Public, Kimble County, Texas. ---------- Filed for Record Feb. 22nd, 1930, at 6 P.M. Recorded this March 4th, 1930, at 11:30 A.M. H. F. Atkinson Clerk, County Court, Burnet County, Texas. Recorded in Vol. 1, Pages 172-176, Misscelleanious Deed Records, Burnet Co., Tex. _____________________________________________________________________________________________