Knox County, Texas - 1908 Benjamin Phone book Business Directory **************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorman Holub August 31, 2002 *************************************************************** 1908 BENJAMIN PHONE DIRECTORY BUSINESS SECTION This Record was transcribed by Dorman Holub Benjamin, Texas Business and Professional Directory 1908 Bailey, C.S., County Attorney BEAVER'S DRUG STORE, G.H. Beaver, Prop., Druggist and Physician BENJAMIN COMMERCIAL CO., P.C. & A.B. Sams. Dry Goods, Groceries, Millinery, Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods BENJAMIN POST, (weekly), Post Publishing Co., Prop., E.L. Carroll, Editor. Also job printing BROOKRESON BROS., Land, Loans and Fire Insurance, H.T. Brookreson, Real Estate; D.J. Brookreson, Attorney BURIS & HAMMER, Wholesale and Retail Butchers CAMERON, WM. & CO., Inc., Ed. T. Sims, Mgr., Lumber, Building Materials, Paints, Etc. CITY BARBER SHOP, C. Wyche, Prop., Barber Shop and Hot and Cold Baths CITY MEAT MARKET, C.J. Johnston, Prop., Wholesale and Retail Butcher COOMBES BROS., & JONES., Real Estate and Insurance Coombes, L., Barber shop COOMBES, W.N., Attorney at law EDGE, R.E., Blacksmith, horseshoer, Wood Work and General Repairing FIRST NATIONAL BANK, THE, H.P. Branham, Pres., A.H. Sams, Cashier HAMMER, M.C., Restaurant, Meals and Short Orders HIGHTOWER, C.L., Confections, Cigars, Tobaccos, Hot and Cold Drinks in Season HINTON HOTEL, J.W. Hinton, Prop., American Plan, $1.50 per day HODGES & ROUSE, Wagon Yard and dealers in Feed, hay and grain Hodges, J.M., County Treasurer HOME LAND & TRUST CO., Inc., Capital stock, $40,000 fully paid; W.L. Power, Pres.; Jas. A. Stovall, Vice-pres.; H.L. Norris, Sec'y and Treas.; Real Estate HOTEL WOOD, J.E. Wood, Prop., American Plan; Rates $2.00 per day JEFCOAT, J.D. & Co., General Merchandise, Benjamin and Vera, Texas Jones, J.E., Mgr., Dry Goods, Etc. KNOX COUNTY CONSOLIDATED ABSTRACT CO., W.C. Johnson, Mgr., Abstracts of Title KNOX COUNTY LAND & ABSTRACT CO., I.T. Wright, Mgr. Real Estate and Abstracts of Title Lee., O.W., Tax Assessor Milam, J.H., County Judge MOORE & KINDALL, Attorneys at law and real estate Morris, W.H., cold drinks ORR, DR. J.A. Physician and surgeon PIERCE, J.E., Tinner and plumber QUALLS, H.B., Contractor and Builder, Carpenter Work Reeves, J.R., Sheriff and Tax collector ROUSE, W.D., A.A. Lagow, Mgr., Livery, feed and Sale stable and transfer Slack, Monroe, Watchmaker and Jeweler STEPHENS, JAS. A., Attorney at law STUART, AUSTIN, Cold drinks and dealer in ice. THOMSON, W.S. & CO., Wagon Yard and dealers in feed, grain and hay WEST TEXAS SUPPLY CO., J.F. Albright, Mgr., Hardward, Stoves, implements, wagons, buggies, furnitutre and undertaking goods. Williams, J.R., livery WOOLDRIDGE, J.C., S.T. Wooldridge, Mgr., Lumber, building materials, paints, etc. Young, E.C., County and District Clerk