Boykin Chapel Cemetery, Leon County, Texas ... Cemetery Photos *********************************************************** Submitted by: Daniel H Williams Date: 21 May 2004 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** The first grave in the cemetery was for William Solomon Jackson Boykin, founder of Boykin Chapel. A church and academy were originally on the same site as the cemetery but no longer exist. Photos can be viwed at William Solomon Jackson Boykin 1815-1888 First burial in Boykin Cemetery John Barnett 1850-1928 h/o Martha Boykin Martha A. Boykin Barnett 1852-1893 w/o John Barnett d/o Williams Solomon Jackson Boykin Albert Jack Barnett 1873-1962 s/o John and Martha Barnett Janie Allie Barnett 1883-1956 w/o Albert Jack Barnett Archie J. & Reffie Z. Barnett Archie, s/o Jack & Allie Barnett Reffie, w/o Archie Barnett, sister of Horace Williams Alice Barnett Shaw 1905-1936 w/o W. H. Shaw d/o Jack & Allie Barnett Nettie Barnett Williams Epps 1901-1969 d/o Jack & Allie Barnett Second w/o Horace E. Williams Military Marker TEXAS Horace E. Williams 1893-1938 Brother of Reffie Williams Barnett h/o Nettie Epps