Llano County TX - Births, 1926 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: shall@balista.com 7/10/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/bvs/registra/index.htm _________________________________________________________________ ====================================================================================================================== Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ====================================================================================================================== Adams, Robert Lee 8-22-1926 M Mammie Wiley R. L. Adams Llano Ahrlett, Marjer Emma 11-7-1926 F Susie Merkel Russel Ahrlett Llano Allen, Hazel 8-3-1926 F Emma Mitslead Walter J. Allen Llano Allen, Richard Robert 6-28-1926 M Rita L. Green Richard R. Allen Llano Avery, Hellen Elizabeth 12-30-1926 F Sadie C. Sessom Jean D Avery Llano Bailey, John Napoleon 8-16-1926 M Annie Bell Fraser Ira J Bailey Llano Baker, Alfred Ray 5-19-1926 M Christina E. Hunziker Martin Z. Baker Llano Barla, Albert 6-6-1926 M Josepfa B. Hxinogoside Esdo Barla Llano Bedford, Arline 1-26-1926 F Ona Miller Leslie Bedford Llano Bell, Darcie 11-25-1926 F Minnie Lottie Hunziker Corteous Bell Llano Bostic, Tommie Clyde, Jr 11-22-1926 M Jessie Belle Wright Clyde Bostic Llano Boswell, Irene 4-28-1926 F Ethel Halloway Will Boswell Llano Brewer, Ernest Raymond, Jr. 9-27-1926 M Dela Lakey Ernest R. Brewer Llano Brewer, Lilly Leona 12-7-1926 F Alice Thelma Ellington James Ernest Brewer Llano Brown, James Delos 1-1-1926 M Nellie May Spurlin Jessie D. Brown Llano Burdred, Je F. Inf Of 9-27-1926 M Edith V. Matlock Je F. Burdred Llano Chen, Margie 6-18-1926 F Bell Dennis Leon Chen Llano Clark, Willie Belle 1-23-1926 F Iva Lavina Pryor Ira J Clark Llano Click, Helen Jay 10-15-1926 F Edna Million John C. Click Llano Colley, Jim 6-1-1926 M Bertha Mcleod Clint Colley Llano Crider, Dorothy Lee 3-14-1926 F Ethel Elva Howard Raleigh Lewis Crider Llano Deats, James Warren 4-13-1926 M Dakie Long Rufe W Deats Llano Deats, Margaret Ann 4-13-1926 F Dakie Long Rufe W Deats Llano Dunaway, Clorice Adell 8-12-1926 F Doty Stores A. H. Dunaway Llano Duncan, Delbert Ernest 7-11-1926 M Ruth Summers Ben Elmo Duncan Llano Duncan, Iva Leta 6-17-1926 F Nora Ethel Myers Ernest Duncan Llano Duncan, Juan Harrell 10-10-1926 M Wilma E Spinks R. T. Duncan Llano Ellington, William Rogers, Jr. 5-18-1926 M Callie Viola Smith William Rogers Ellington Llano Flint, Franklin Julius 3-31-1926 M Lillie Henritta Kothman Julius Anton Flint Llano Fluitt, Gaynelle 9-9-1926 F Allie Dee Moore Olen E. Fluitt Llano Forehand, Thomas Albert, Jr. 2-12-1926 M Mary Lee Mayes Thomas Albert Forehand Llano Fowlen, Tommia 1-11-1926 M Bertha Stribling J. Gray Fowlen Llano Graham, Wanda Fay 6-27-1926 F Mollie Etta Lewis John S Graham Llano Gray, Charles Raymond 8-7-1926 M Eloyse Mcleod Gordon Don Gray Llano Hallmark, Raymond Hurston 3-4-1926 M Anna Zula Jo Hanson Raymond Hallmark Llano Hamel, Delman Reed 8-9-1926 M Dona Mae Reed John H Hamel Llano Hazelwood, Billy Lee 6-18-1926 M Bertie Novice Bleeches William Wallace Hazelwood Llano Henderson, Leta Inell 3-28-1926 F Imogene Winkler James Horace Henderson Llano Hereford, Rose Meers 5-23-1926 F Eula Frances Shaw L. R. Hereford Llano Hill, Hilda Clay 11-29-1926 F Edna Long Herbert B. Hill Llano Hoffman, Evelyn Marie 9-19-1926 F Hilda Margreta Haltzer Charles J. Hoffman Llano Johnson, Billy Marvin 5-3-1926 M Vergie Ann Lewis William Marvin Johnson Llano Kaderli, Violet Willie Dean 9-10-1926 F Maudie Wiley Willie Kaderli Llano Key, H. B. 7-4-1926 M Lella May Maxwell Lyle Key Llano Kindrick, Anna Belle 5-21-1926 F Carlos Bradshaw Robt P Kindrick Llano King, Majorie Alice 4-1-1926 F Margarette Thompson William R. King Llano Kuhn, George Andrew 9-30-1926 M Dovey Funderburgh Joe Kuhn Llano Latham, Mada Bethe 9-11-1926 F Birdie Nolen Marvin Latham Llano Lawson, Lilly 8-9-1926 F Hulda Degal J. S. Lawson Llano Levensailor, Selman Leroy 1-10-1926 M B. M. Hendrick A. L. Levensailor Llano Leverett, Doris S 4-27-1926 F Savannh Leverett E J Tumlinson Llano Light, Edgar James 4-30-1926 M Edna E. Rhodes C B Light Llano Lissette, Lilly Juanita Laura 8-31-1926 F Lilly Grenwelge Hilmar Lang Llano Mason, Betty Jo 6-29-1926 F Martha Leona Flemming J. J. Mason Llano Maxwell, Lu Ora 5-18-1926 F Lu Ora Holland Alvin Maxwell Llano Maxwell, Minnie Odell 1-2-1926 F Visa Garrett P. L. Maxwell Llano Mayer, Snow 2-21-1926 F Snow Hooray Gordan Mayer Llano Maynard, Lola Ellen 10-29-1926 F Winnie M Dyess G W Maynard Llano Mcclary, Pearl Alma 10-31-1926 F Hattie E. King J S Mclary Llano Merkel, Billie 11-19-1926 F Ollie Halliburton Alvin M. Merkle Llano Merkel, Lueethel Elizabeth 3-6-1926 M Harritt Susan Ratliff Frits Merkel Llano Merkel, Mildred 8-16-1926 F Vada Sweatman Johnnie Merkel Llano Myers, Lillian Russell 1-28-1926 F Lillian Amanda Nolen Lloyd Milton Myers Llano Nobles, Joe Nell Taylor 9-22-1926 F Eloise Taylor Audero Nobles Llano Nobles, Wilfred F. 10-17-1926 M Lucile Richardson Lesly L Nobles Llano Norris, Dorris Erford 9-11-1926 M Eva Ianitha Ragor Erford Norris Llano Oestrich, Earl 8-21-1926 M Martha Sommerfeld Henry Oestrich Llano Ozmet, Nancy Francine 12-10-1926 F Lois Lee Talley Medford Paul Ozmet Llano Padier, James Ray 5-22-1926 M Inez White Van Padien Llano Parlien, Ruby 7-15-1926 F Katie E Lee George Parlien Llano Parrish, Harold Lomas 8-17-1926 M Pauline Speck Fred L Parrish Llano Patton, Margaret Nell 12-12-1926 F Murtie Carpenter L A Patton Llano Pavey, Ethel 1-23-1926 F Jewel Meek Dewey Pavey Llano Pavey, Willie Inf Of 8-5-1926 F Nola Davis Willie Pavey Llano Phillips, Billy Lewis 6-27-1926 M Carrie Baumann Jim Phillips Llano Pierce, Roy D. 7-26-1926 M Virgie Anderson Ile Homer Pierce Llano Preece, Maudetta 12-7-1926 F M. C. Lockhart F. T. Preece Llano Raines, Arthur, Jr 6-9-1926 M Alsa L Crider Arthur U Raines Llano Raines, Johnny Leon 3-19-1926 M Lelia Christain James B. Raines Llano Ratliff, Leola 9-10-1926 F Ethel Fay Mcclary James W. Ratliff Llano Reed, Julia Fay 11-1-1926 F Lou Eliza Rogers T. A. Reed Llano Riley, David Allen, Jr 6-10-1926 M Annie Faith Shelley David Allen Riley Llano Rogers, Mary Nell 10-14-1926 F Mary Ethel Berryman Ruben B. Rogers Llano Rois, John 5-27-1926 M Leno Flour Joe Rois Llano Sanchez, Polonio 9-2-1926 M Petra Losono F Sanchez Llano Schlandt, Lonita Nadine 8-5-1926 F Lorene Meadlock Edwin Schlandt Llano Schneider, Max Inf Of 8-27-1926 F Bertha Hatcher Max Schneider Llano Simpson, Floyd 8-29-1926 M Bonnie Hanning J. J. Simpson Llano Simpson, Llond 8-29-1926 M Bonnie Hanning J. J. Simpson Llano Smith, John Holford 4-19-1926 M Lois Holford Elmer B Smith Llano Spurlin, Teddie Clarence 9-30-1926 M Katie Belle Finkley James Oliver Spurlin Llano Stephenson, William Jefferson 8-23-1926 M Elizabeth Caswel W. E. Stephenson Llano Townsend, R. M., Jr 12-16-1926 M Nell Marie Williams R. M. Townsend Llano Tumlinson, Selma Fay 1-2-1926 F Della Lee Ray Benjiman Archie Tumlinson Llano Veazey, Wesley Ederle 9-1-1926 M Laveta Davis Walter Veazey Llano Wagner, Corriene 4-2-1926 F Nettie A. Ratliff Vernon A. Wagner Llano Walker, Doris Annette 9-4-1926 F Lillie A. Moss Grover C. Walker Llano Watson, Jewel Marthella 5-11-1926 F Alberta Alva Janner J. Bryan Watson Llano Wells, Selman 8-19-1926 M M. V. Brown E T Wells Llano Wendy, Christine 2-17-1926 F Malinda Fehler John H. Wendy Llano Willbern, Behrns Alfred, Jr. 6-9-1926 M Selma Dees Behrns Alfred Willbern Llano Williams, C. L. Inf Of 8-2-1926 M Floy Speck C. L. Williams Llano Williams, Ora Francis 1-26-1926 M Pansey Ellen Drack Albert Shirley Williams Llano Winkler, Martha Ellen 8-9-1926 F Rubye Blanche Henderson Clyde B. Winkler Llano Wooten, Cliford Ward 8-5-1926 M Rubby Light T. B. Wooten Llano Wooton, Bryan Dillon 2-26-1926 M Buela Bush W. E. Wootan Llano