LLANO COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1927 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com May 12, 2000 http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Box, David Carroll 4-29-1927 M Vera Morgan Robert Edgar Box Brewer, Leslie Clance 7-6-1927 M Carrie Kuhn Burt Brewer Brewer, Richard Spenser 1-17-1927 M Ella May Lakey W E Brewer Buttery, Orville 11-15-1927 M Helen Oatman Oville Buttery Carson, Billy Frank 2-10-1927 M Clara Adams Davis Carson Conner, Ira J. 6-23-1927 M Ada M. Ratliff E. Conner Conrad, Dorothy Mae 10-18-1927 M Pauline Lackey A Conrad Croft, Hellen Jewel 4-18-1927 F Jewell Maxwell G. B. Croft Dahl, Louise 6-25-1927 F Hulda Merkel Guss Dalh Delz, August Burkard 2-16-1927 M Olga A Schmidt Remmie E Delz Diehl, Henry Gerold 6-11-1927 M Al Beeson J. Ed Diehl Diehl, John Harold 6-11-1927 M Al Beeson J. Ed. Diehl Dorigas, Juanita 11-3-1927 F Micelo Dorigas Duncan, Betty Lou 11-26-1927 F Wilma E. Spinks Robert Duncan Duncan, Lee B. 12-24-1927 M Nora Meyers Ernest Duncan Everett, M. J. 9-13-1927 M Stela Myrtle Gordenhire Albert Monrow Everett Finlay, Charleu Edwin 6-25-1927 M Bertha Roberts Walter Finlay Flint, James Jr 1-24-1927 M Grace Young J. N. Flint Flint, Lydia Antonette 4-3-1927 F Elsie Annie Casper Jakie Anton Flint Fluett, Mary Alice Merrell 2-8-1927 F Helen Merrell David Fluett Frazier, Raymond Jackson 11-16-1927 M Annie Willy A. J. Frazier Freeman, Gordon 9-29-1927 M Mary Martin Nolan F. Freeman Garrett, Laverne 1-2-1927 F Ara Emma Green Thomas Isaac Garrett Goldsmith, Kathern 5-18-1927 F Estell Harris James H. Goldsmith Graham, Louise 7-6-1927 F Mollie Etta Lewis John S. Graham Grahm, Fred 6-18-1927 M Emmer Merkel J. D. Grahm Haile, Vann 4-9-1927 M Neoma Turner Paul Haile Hargrove, Vernon Booth 11-19-1927 M Beatrice Walton Raymand H. Hargrove Holden, C. J. Inf Of 11-22-1927 F Eva C Martin C. J. Holden Hoy, John Luther 8-28-1927 M Mary Emma Crownover Martin L. Hoy Hudler, Janice Marie 11-15-1927 F Iva King E. G. Hudler Hughes, Ray Edward 11-16-1927 M Bernice E. Hickman O Hughes Inman, Hazel Marzell 6-30-1927 F Clara Gray Eli D. Inman Jackson, Celestine Elinor 12-5-1927 F Kathleen Cowan Alvin Thomas Jackson Janner, Eva Laverne 11-10-1927 F Macey L. Smith Walter T. Janner Janner, Iona Jenivie 1-19-1927 F Vada Viola Tompkins T. L. Janner Johanson, Harold 1-5-1927 M Maggie Moore John Johanson Keese, Roberta Laverne 10-6-1927 F Minnie E. Hazelett Robert C. Keese Key, Norma Laja 8-31-1927 F Zella Maxwell Light Key Kuhn, Marvan Lacy 7-16-1927 M Nettie Funderburgh Willie Kuhn Lawley, Norma Rae 10-23-1927 F Senora Beesley O. M. Lawley Lehmberg, Alberta Louise 8-8-1927 F Theresa Webber Albert Lehmberg Light, Detty Lee 4-23-1927 F Bena Tatsch Otis Light Light, Marjorie Edith 10-17-1927 F Marry M. E. Ratliff Raymond W. Light Ligon, Gale 8-19-1927 M Winnie Holland Stanley Ligon Ligon, William Carles 9-18-1927 M Cassie Maxwell William Avery Ligon Mack, Ella Kathern 4-14-1927 F Ella Codelia Lakey Aubrey Lee Mack Maddox, Nora Lou 2-4-1927 F Lucy Jane Baker Mancil E. Maddox Marmolejo, David 3-29-1927 M Ana Vanies F. C. Marmolejo Martin, Jack 1-18-1927 M Perl Smith Jack Martin Mcdermott, Richard Carlton 2-22-1927 M Nell Stotts Martin H. Mcdermott Medlock, Anthony Boyd 8-22-1927 M Lottie Ethel Rolwads John Ray Medlock Mercell, Jack Harold 11-29-1927 M Lois Hellen Kanus J. H. Mercell Miller, Margaret Irma 3-8-1927 F Frieda Towne Carl W. Miller Moore, James Lester 1-6-1927 M Rina Ramsey Emil Moore Moore, Ruth 4-18-1927 F Rilla Coursey Edgar Moore Moss, Sarah Irene 12-13-1927 F Eula May Neass Jack Moss Mukel, Alvin Aurther 12-18-1927 M Daisy May Funderburgh Jake Merkel Nichols, Margery Louise 12-23-1927 F Burna Vista Bruer John Tempton Nichols Nichols, Monrow Clark 1-23-1927 M Bordie Anna Clark Joseph Daniel Nichols Nixon, Lester Eugene 7-7-1927 M Lila May Smith Floyd Lester Nixon Nobles, L V 6-15-1927 F Lucy Mae Lockhart W. F. Nobles Nolan, Lary Clayton 10-12-1927 M V. M. Crider L C Nolan Oestrich, Lucile 1-16-1927 F Della Baner Albert Oestrich Otto, Charles Malcom 3-19-1927 M Lillie Ghrnes Max Otto Owens, Cathryn Elizabeth 9-18-1927 F Hazel Oleta Stanaland Robert Leslie Owens Owens, Denzal Ray 5-10-1927 M Myrtle Kelley Alfred Nolen Owens Owens, Virginia Juanita 7-20-1927 F Jewell Stewert Morris Owens Padier, Lonzo 12-25-1927 M Van Padier Padier, Van Jr. 12-25-1927 M Van Padier Perkins, Christopher 10-1-1927 M Grace Wills William Perkins Phillips, Bill Stewart 6-27-1927 M Lola Mae Stewart Wm Carl Phillips Reagor, Mildred Joyce 3-15-1927 F Mammie Margrete Carson Lenord Clint Reagor Robbins, Earl Ray 9-29-1927 M Hatie Ray Winburg J. C. Robbins Scott, Francis H. 2-21-1927 M Ethel D Smith M. C. Scott Simpson, Harold Van 2-19-1927 M Bernice Lorene Ratliff Vaughan K. Simpson Simpson, William Mcmillan 10-27-1927 M Jane Mcmillan Charles H. Simpson Smith, Eugene 2-9-1927 M Josephine Moore James W. Smith Smith, Juanita Lenette 4-18-1927 F Pearl Lenette Farris Roscoe Smith Smith, Rose Ponselle 2-17-1927 F Dovie Myrtle Gage Lewis Delbert Smith Smith, Samuel Louis 7-29-1927 M Issie Davis Coillit Ivan Smith Smith, Shirley Jo 5-30-1927 F Mary F. Williams Leonard Smith Talley, Kathern Elisabeth 5-28-1927 F Kathern Grace Redford Frances Urah Talley Tatsch, Della May 6-14-1927 F Della Angeline Beasley Francis William Tatsch Templeton, Curtis Wayne 1-10-1927 M Leona M Bingham Will F Templeton Thorp, Lucy 4-5-1927 F Bettie Maxwell G. G. Thorp Tow, Collins F. 1-31-1927 M Leona Hallmark C. F. Tow Townsend, Wanda Lee 2-4-1927 F Turet E Harrison Charles E. Townsend Tursley, Willie Wade 1-24-1927 M Ohira Morgan L B Tursley Walker, Eugene Olson 9-11-1927 M M. E. Bush E. A. Walker Warts, Aeillie York 1-8-1927 M Lillie White L A Warts Watkins, Ennis Donald 8-7-1927 M Ada Baugh Richard E. Watkins Watkins, Lindon Foster 6-19-1927 M Jennie Lou Hardison John Lester Watkins Weeaks, Vonnie Lucile 11-17-1927 F Willie Nolen William Weeaks Welch, Dove Marie 4-27-1927 F Lara Jane Duncan Bill Welch White, Nancy Permelia 6-8-1927 F Ida Marrow Willie Reed White Worcester, Dorothy June 1-16-1927 F Clyde Riddell William Fred Worcester Wright, Nancy Grace 12-30-1927 F Ella Wright Thomas M. Wright