LLANO COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1928 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com May 30, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Adams,Audry Mae 1-9-1928 F Mamie Wiley R. L. Adams Adams,Doris Lee 6-18-1928 F Eva L. Carson I Doyle Adams Ahrlett,Doris Maxine 8-2-1928 F Ollie Duncan J. Phillip Ahrlett Ahrlett,Flo Wanda 8-7-1928 F Lois Pandey Ervine Ahrlett Ahslett,William Rusel Jr 6-21-1928 M Susie Merkel William Rusel Ahslett Alexander,Charles Thurston 10-9-1928 M Lessie Box T. E. Alexander Banks,Donald Newton 8-12-1928 M Aletha L Farris Albert G. Banks Barton,Lewis Inf Of 5-29-1928 M Lillie Mckowen Lewis Barton Bedford,Ramon Grady 7-30-1928 M Willie Dodson Ramon Bedford Benskin,Walter Eugene Jr. 10-18-1928 M Willie A Willbern Walter Eugene Benskin Box,Alvin Aron 4-30-1928 M Delilah Bell Hopson John A. Box Bradshaw,Albert Nelson 7-16-1928 M Louise Whittington William Hillm Bradshaw Brewer,Clarence Malcum Jr. 12-28-1928 M Mary Elizabeth Riley Clarence Malcum Brewer Brown,Roy Daniel 6-15-1928 M Evaline Allan John William Brown Buchanan,Ruby Alice 12-16-1928 F Ellen Caldwell James Marion Buchanan Byfield,Mollie Rene 1-12-1928 F Ila F. Mayes Raymond A. Byfield Carson,Betty Jean 6-20-1928 F Icis Irene Marshall Meredith William Carson Click,Billie Eugene 4-25-1928 M Rohena Lee Russell Lewis Anson Click Crider,William Duglas 11-27-1928 M Mary Maud Lowe William Fredrick Crider Davis,Clarance Earl 9-16-1928 M Grace Melindia Moore John Oliver Davis Dely,Ruby Charline 9-3-1928 F Olga F Schmidt Herman Dely Edwards,Thelma Marie 4-10-1928 F Dora Gartner J. R. Edwards Elliott,J. W. Jr. 4-15-1928 M Claudia Simpson W. B. Elliott Fleming,Loyd R. Jr. 11-29-1928 M Emma Beasley Loyd R. Fleming Flint,Ethel Elizabeth 2-7-1928 F Lucille Mae Oliver Raymond Flint Flint,Florence 11-29-1928 F Emma Naty Oestrich Christian Henry Flint Jr. Fluitt,Mary Allene 5-22-1928 F Myrtle Ricketson Frank Fluitt Franklin,Frank Roger 8-7-1928 M Ottlie Giescke P. W. P. Franklin Garrett,Tate Worth 12-4-1928 M Frances Davis Dave Garrett Genini,John Melvin 7-12-1928 M Clara E. Bellah John B. Genini Gilbert,Glen Jr. 11-28-1928 M Gladys Lavine Gage Glen Gilbert Gillum,Jean Adar 3-12-1928 F Burtha Goodwin Jim H. Gillum Green,Claudy Freeman 12-22-1928 M Allie May Buchanan M M Green Haggerton,Robert Chester 2-13-1928 M Viola White Vergent Pary Haggerton Halliburton,Leeray 12-25-1928 M Sarah Lakey Staten Halliburton Hamil,Francis Heber 9-13-1928 M Georgia Louis Marshall Heber Holbrook Hamil Hamilton,Ethel Mae 7-19-1928 F Lester Gray Ward Maurice H. Hamilton Harrell,Frank James 8-28-1928 M Dora M Reed John H. Harrell Harris,Mildred Christine 5-21-1928 F Virgie Willis E. E. Harris Hartman,Mildred Frances 4-11-1928 F Nannie Schuessler Albert William Hartman Haskin,Willard Augustus Inf Of 6-30-1928 M Hellen Gertrude Martern Willard Augustus Haskin Hause,Frances Inez 5-10-1928 F Amellia Lellian Tyson Duward Marvin Hause Heyen,Alice Jewel 9-18-1928 F Vada Irene Ray Ernest Clarence Heyen Hoffman,Howard Clifton 6-8-1928 M Hilda Margrett Holsezer Charles J. Hoffman Holland,Forest Foley 6-30-1928 M Nola Maxwell Sam P. Holland Holland,Lewis Ramon 7-25-1928 M Lola Peacock Ross Holland Johanson,Glen M. 8-21-1928 M Nina Holland Moore Johanson Joiner,Alverna 10-10-1928 F Vada Viola Thompkins Leonard Joiner Kelley,Eldredge Aron 5-15-1928 M Hazel Nancy Tim E. Kelley Kuhn,Winnie May 12-26-1928 F Dovie Funderburgh Joe Kuhn Leifeste,Louise Inez 6-26-1928 F Agnes P. Matern Arthur F Leifeste Leverna,Lorenzo Inf Of 4-2-1928 F Servena Rodojas Lorenzo Leverna Maddox,Aaron Lee 7-5-1928 M Lucy J Baran Maucie E Maddox Maddox,Marian Manuel 7-5-1928 M Lucy J Baran Maucie E Maddox Marks,Delma Louise 8-16-1928 F Della Rhoades Carl Marks Mayes,Emily Edwina 1-19-1928 F Jewell Elise Wilson M. Foley Mayes Mcclary,Clyde James 11-28-1928 M Hattie Ellie King John Sherman Mcclary Mccurdy,William Lawrence 11-1-1928 M Lilia C. Dean Charles Landy Mccurdy Merkel,Jim Lacy 4-14-1928 M Hairett Ratliff Fritz Merkel Merkle,Bobbie Ray 10-14-1928 M Ollie May Halliburton Alvin Merkle Moore,Nelma Ray 11-25-1928 F Rubye Simpson Auddie D. Moore Nobles,Florence Hellen 11-26-1928 F Mary Florence Cotton Albert Julius Nobles Owen,Hensel Levern 11-21-1928 F Mirtly Kelley Alfred Nolen Owen Owens,Lila Lee 12-22-1928 F Orbie Roberts Charles Chester Owens Patton,Lloyd Jerrold 10-5-1928 M Mittie Olphia Carpenter Lloyd A. Patton Pavey,Jeneve 4-17-1928 F Jewel Meeks Dewey Pavey Pavy,Willie Jackson Jr 2-5-1928 M Hattie Vlar Davis Willie Jackson Pavy Pool,Aubrey Wayne 10-26-1928 M Eva N. Drapper Howard D. Pool Powell,Ranell 9-1-1928 F Willie E Tucker George Williamson Powell Ractiff,Addie Mae 5-22-1928 F Lennie Moss Obid Ractiff Raines,Ava Irene 9-12-1928 F Ruth Louis Light Lewis Anderson Raines Ratliff,Charles Leon 9-12-1928 M Nora Belle Bradshaw Calvin Oscar Ratliff Rhoades,James Floyd 12-27-1928 M Mary Kuhn Frank Rhoades Ricks,Dorthy Maxene 9-7-1928 F Ludie Elane Moss William Jesse Ricks Roberts,Lillie Marie 6-30-1928 F Lottie Smith Jeff Roberts Rud,Allan 6-10-1928 M Louelza Rogers Townsend A Rud Schorlemmer,Gloria Anice 3-10-1928 F Georgia Cluiger Adolph H. Schorlemire Schuessler,Monroe Earl 3-17-1928 M Wanda Ida Schuessler Oscar Herman Schuessler Scott,Mary Vicke 11-15-1928 F Louise E. Clingen Jeff D. Scott Sewell,W. T. 4-5-1928 M Minnie Buckelen Walter S. Sewell Simons,Minnie Marie 8-8-1928 F Alfa May Allan Hugh Burris Simons Simpson,Wilford 5-25-1928 M Dovie Bell Bardin Arthur L Simpson Siniard,Johnnie Mae 10-22-1928 F Nell John Eaves Herschel Davis Siniard Smathers,James Forrest 4-21-1928 M Ellama May Heynes Forrest Smathers Smith,Euguna Maria 10-28-1928 F Anne Lillie Howard Henry Selman Smith Smith,John Herbert 11-11-1928 M Edna Philipene Kasper Joe R. Smith Stege,Yvonne Maria 11-13-1928 F Rosa Pehl O. W. Stege Stewart,Katie Nell 10-4-1928 F Eva May Cowan Frank Stewart Sweatman,Clodell Laverne 10-4-1928 F Madie Olie Howard Otis W Sweatman Templeton,James Logan Jr. 1-24-1928 M Mittie Olive Patric James Logan Templeton Torousand,Carna Elane 7-9-1928 F Dee Maria Williamson G. M. Torousand Treadwell,Willie Calvin 2-26-1928 M Alma May Wiley Reubin Richard Treadwell Tuberville,Romona Merle 8-15-1928 F Willie Mae Schmidt Leonard B. Tuberville Tuebeville,Coyvere Weeaks 9-4-1928 M Dollie Weeaks Ernest Tuebeville Vasquez,Billie Marie 4-2-1928 F Maria Euqueria Solis Refald Vasquez Wafford,Dorothy Mae 11-10-1928 M Clara Spurlin Arthur C. Wafford Watson,Jane Marie 9-19-1928 F Alberta A James J Bryan Watson Weed,Oliver Oren 10-29-1928 M Malinda Sarah Bills Lewis A Weed Welch,Lizzie Louise 4-14-1928 F Lola Mae Brewer Lee Welch Willbern,Dorthy Ellen 8-27-1928 F Jene Fraser Elbert Lee Willbern Williams,Roy Lee 1-15-1928 M Pansy Ellen Drace Shirley Albert Williams Willis,Ward Warren 6-12-1928 M Darla Cole C S. Willis Wilson,Billie Joe 5-24-1928 M Rosa L. Bradley L. B. Wilson Wilson,Vera Louise 8-5-1928 F Amelia Ida Delz Monroe Wilson Wooten,Bonnie Gray 3-31-1928 F Ruby Light Buck Wooten Wright,Maradell 8-1-1928 F Elzie Simpson N. R. Wright