LLANO COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1930 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com July 3, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Ahrlett, Irma Gean 5-27-1930 F Lois Pavlsey Ervin Ahrlett Ahrlett, Roy Lee 12-31-1930 M Susie Mukel Russel Ahrlett Allen, Edwin 1-3-1930 M Emma Mitsted Walter J. Allen Barnett, Sybil Eucenia 10-26-1930 F Edna Murchison Emmett Ewing Barnett Bedford, Maxine 9-26-1930 F Ona Miller Leslie Bedford Bode, Billie Bob 8-10-1930 M Doris Calley Clyde James Bode Box, Amanda Ivaline 7-6-1930 F Cora Lee Johnson Nolan A. Box Box, J. P. Jr. 1-7-1930 M Mary Wyckoff J. P. Box Bradshaw, W H Inf Of 3-29-1930 M Laura Whitington W H Bradshaw Brown, Ruth Vernell 5-9-1930 F Nellie Mae Spurlin Jesse D Brown Brown, Shannon Hope 10-29-1930 M Ellen Ann Barclay William Hope Brown Busby, Paul V. 7-29-1930 M Warren Karia David R. Busby Buttery, Wilburn Oatman 9-13-1930 M Hellen Oatman Orville Buttery Calloway, Joyce 5-20-1930 F Mollie Calloway Ray Burnett Casey, Sarah Joyce 1-12-1930 F Rebecca Mayness John L. Casey Chafin, Betty Jim 1-10-1930 F Sarah Kathryn Nichols James Klein Chafin Chapman, James Ray 5-27-1930 M Vera Sweet Walker James Ray Chapman Clendennen, T. E. Inf Of 4-5-1930 M S. M. Hereford T. E. Clendennen Click, Luena Gay 9-20-1930 F Rohena Lee Russell Lewis Anson Click Connell, Vera Eleen 7-20-1930 F Lolete Walton Richard Connell Coursey, Joevelyn 2-1-1930 F Goldie Smith James Orville Coursey Crenmelge, Alice Vernell 3-21-1930 F Vera Wendel H L Crewmelge Croft, G. B. Inf Of 5-30-1930 F Jewel Maxwell G. B. Croft Davis, Alvin Dale 9-6-1930 M Rita Chew Alvin E. Davis Dees, Matt Moss Jr 8-21-1930 M Almeda Harwell Matt M. Dees Dez, Ava Marie 2-2-1930 F Olga Schmidt Herman Dez Dodson, J. E. Inf Of 11-20-1930 F Fannie Latham J. E. Dodson Dutton, Billie Mare 12-23-1930 F Jewel Vaden William H. Dutton Epperson, Maude Ann 1-8-1930 F Elizabeth Smith J. E. Epperson Faris, Billie Moore 9-6-1930 M Elsie Moore Terrell Faris Fleming, Gordon Dale 6-25-1930 M Emma Beasley Loyd R. Fleming Flint, Earl 8-17-1930 M Grace Anie Jung James Newel Flint Flint, Eurlin 8-17-1930 F Grace Anie Jung James Newel Flint Fluitt, Olga 1-14-1930 F Myrtle Ricketson Frank Fluitt Fry, Iwon 6-13-1930 F Emmer Gage Luis Fry Gage, Joe Jr 6-26-1930 M Mary Howard Joe Gage Gavit, Veron Flode 6-16-1930 M Lora Buchanan Jim Gavit Graves, Roy Marshall 11-29-1930 M Melba May Lewis Robert Roy Graves Gremuelge, Max Carl 12-20-1930 M Rosalyn L. Kothman Max C. Gremuelge Grider, John 2-6-1930 M Stella Taylor Jack Grider Halliburton, Lorris Gean 9-21-1930 M Zelma Bennetta Vira Venton Halliburton Hamilton, Maurice Inf Of 7-18-1930 F Lester Addie Ward Maurice Hamilton Hayes, Margarite Kathern 1-23-1930 F Olga B. Delovan J. E. R. Hayes Henderson, Frances Ray 6-14-1930 M Jewell Chandler Clarence C Henderson Hernandez, Pete 1-25-1930 M Grace Coleman John H. Hernandez Heyens, Ruby Maxine 8-6-1930 F Vada Irene Ray Ernest Clarence Heyens Holland, Sidney L. 1-14-1930 M Lola Peacock R. R. Holland Kowierschke, Billie June 9-8-1930 F Edna Evers Aug E Kowierschke L'roy, Cornelius James 5-27-1930 M Clemmie Reynolds W. B. L'roy Lehmberg, Alice Carol 11-11-1930 F Theresa Weber Albert Lehmberg Light, Marwin Slator 2-7-1930 M Alice Moss Vach Franklin Light Ligon, D. Elmon 6-25-1930 M Cassie Maxwell W. A. Ligon Lockhart, Ruthie Francis 3-3-1930 F Eva Cotton Eugene Lockhart Mack, Evyline Virginia 3-20-1930 F Martha Gage Sacy Mack Maddox, Darman D. H. 11-4-1930 M Annie Salmon D. H. Maddox Mcclary, John Inf Of 9-27-1930 F Hattie King John Mcclary Mcmullen, Loreta Eldora 6-30-1930 F Sibyl Marion Edmondson Arthur Richard Mcmullen Moehle, Thikla 1-2-1930 F Ellen Kleck John Moehle Moore, Dorothy 7-7-1930 F Sarah Martha Coursey Edgar Moore Moore, James Donald 7-18-1930 M Beatrice Nichols Charles Moore Myrick, Betty Jean 1-1-1930 F Nora Leifeste Fred Myrick Najan, Gaudalupe 2-26-1930 M Aurora Castelle Manuel Najan Nixon, James Henry 4-19-1930 M Lela May Smith Floyd L. Nixon Nixon, Mary E. 4-19-1930 F Lila May Smith Floyd L. Nixon Noris, Milton Carl 1-8-1930 M Katie Estelle Overstreet Sampson Noris Owens, Ladon 8-28-1930 F Fay Simpson Jim Owen Patten, Marjerie Fay 10-20-1930 F Jessie Bell Waight William Edward Patten Petty, Dorthy William 8-23-1930 F Ruth Green William A. Petty Reed, Betty Lou 7-13-1930 F Tonelia Roais Townsend Reed Rhodes, Frank Inf Of 9-21-1930 M Maudline Lockhart Frank Rhodes Rhodes, Frank O Inf Of 9-18-1930 M Maudie M. Lockhart Frank O Rhodes Riley, Roy David 1-15-1930 M Lola May Walch D. W. Riley Rogers, Evelyn May 11-10-1930 F Beulah Carrie Braun Okla Homa Rogers Schneider, C. Lee Inf Of 4-10-1930 F Annie P. Moore C. Lee Schneider Scott, Allie Clinger 11-27-1930 M Laura Clinger Jeff D. Scott Scott, Nettie Elizabeth 6-13-1930 F Ethel Smith M. Cliff Scott Shirley, Ella Alberta 2-21-1930 F Hazel Ann Morgan Archie Pipe Shirley Simmons, William Glen 8-29-1930 M Gladys May Thornton William Clarence Simmons Siniard, Mary Nell 1-14-1930 F Nell Eaves Hershel Davis Siniard Slaughter, Jenny Lou 7-15-1930 F Iva V. Furris F. Marion Slaughter Smedley, Dorothy Louis 2-25-1930 F Ethel Ophelia Jones James K. Smedley Smith, Marie Louise 9-6-1930 F Maudy Ollie Ratliff George Henry Clark Smith Smith, Nathan Thomas 10-20-1930 M Issie Davis Willet Juan Smith Stackbein, Nettie Rosalie Selma 3-28-1930 F Loddie Selma Birk Felix Emil Stackbein Stark, Max 5-2-1930 M Ellen Houston D. H. Stark Steffey, Claud Adolphus Jr. 6-4-1930 M Mary Emily Keating Claud Steffey Tate, Flora Evelyn 12-2-1930 F Gertrude Elizabeth Atchison Robert B Tate Templeton, Billie Charles 4-6-1930 M Lenora Berryman W. F. Templeton Townsend, Clara 7-19-1930 F Dell Marie Williams F. M. Townsend Treadwell, Mary Lou 4-9-1930 F Alma Wiley Reuben Richard Treadwell Walker, James Terrell 6-13-1930 M Mary Williams Charles W. Walker Walton, Joyce Maxine 3-21-1930 F Eva Ratliff H. L. Walton West, William Luther 12-24-1930 M Nora Viola Reaves Luther William West White, M. J. 1-14-1930 M Ida Morrow W. R. White Willbern, Carl Joe 3-12-1930 M Jean Fraser Elbert Lee Willbern Wilson, Carl David 5-6-1930 M Roselee Bradley Versel Wilson Wisdom, Paul H. 6-30-1930 M Pearl Stewart George Wisdom Wooten, Laverne 5-23-1930 F Ruby Light T. B. Wooten Yeary, Russell Edward 2-6-1930 M Zella Keele Edward C. Yeary