LLANO COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1931 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com August 1, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Adams, Mildred Fern 5-8-1931 F Thelma Emma Talley Roy F. Adams Allen, Margie 12-27-1931 F Ollie Allen Jessie Jack Allen Anderson, James Edward 10-24-1931 M Pauline Faulkner Earl Edward Anderson Ashby, John Augustine 7-11-1931 M Ella Coffy Robert Ashby Atwood, Mary Catherine 12-17-1931 F Emma Tolley Carter Atwood Barkley, Richard Inf Of 10-14-1931 M Pearl Tukness Richard Barkley Bibles, Keneth Lee 5-25-1931 M Lucile Behrens Pete Bibles Boggan, Billie Francene 11-6-1931 F Linna Beatrice Sanford Jasper Wayne Boggan Boswell, Virginia Ellen 3-12-1931 F Violet Verna Brown James M. Boswell Box, Jane Vick 1-2-1931 F Dena Melvina Clinger Albert Newton Box Brewer, Oleata Ruth 6-15-1931 F Isabella Lackey Ernest Raymond Brewer Brim, Robert Eugene 8-19-1931 M Mildred Hinesley Reginald S. Brim Buie, Margene 10-23-1931 F Carrie Click A. Floyd Buie Cardona, Pedro 11-6-1931 M Katarina Suera Pedro Cardona Castillo, Albert 3-10-1931 M Lupe Bernal Klly Castillo Chapman, George Walker 11-15-1931 M Vera Sweet Walker James Ray Chapman Clendeuven, Alton D Inf Of 1-23-1931 M Edna Lee Alexander Alton D Clendeuven Click, John C Jr 7-27-1931 M Edna D. Milleron John C. Click Combs, Roberta Fay 11-4-1931 F Aline Sexton Amos Combs Conrad, Billie Marie 3-12-1931 F Pauline Lackey Adolph Conrad Contreras, Maria Irma 11-1-1931 F Maria De Jesus Gutierrez Miguel Contreras Coursey, Wanda Lee 10-11-1931 F Goldye Smith James O. Coursey Cunningham, Charley Manuel 11-1-1931 M Edna Dunham Manuel Cunningham Debo, Billy Darrell 9-13-1931 M Willie Lucille Atchison W. Clyde Debo Decker, Vivian Dail 10-25-1931 F Beatrice Louise Ratliff Clarence Sidney Decker Evers, Rose Marie 8-29-1931 F Ella Mae Schneider Harry Marvin Evers Fleming, Billie Jean 12-25-1931 M Elsie Coateloas L. D. Fleming Flint, Estella Marie 3-14-1931 F Emma Naty Oestriech Christian Henry Flint Jr. Flint, George Ray 11-11-1931 F Lydia Mae Blount Raymond Elmo Flint Fluitt, Isaac Donald 7-12-1931 M Allie D. Moore Olen Fluitt Fowler, Jane Lee 12-15-1931 F Sammie Lee Rimmer William Young Fowler Jr Geninni, Duane Adolphus 10-28-1931 M Clarra Bellah John Geninni Gobbles, Norman Lee 6-19-1931 M Ruby Scarbrough Edward Gobles Graham, Lewis D. 8-7-1931 M Emmer Mukel J. D. Graham Hagerton, Susan Texan 1-25-1931 F Viola White Vergil Hagerton Halliburton, Walter Lee 2-28-1931 M Sarah Lakey Staten Lee Halliburton Hallmark, Verna Laray 10-9-1931 F Honerhea Maxwell A. O. Hallmark Hardin, Sally Elizabeth 5-18-1931 F Villamae Maddox Alex Frank Hardin Hernandez, John Jr. 6-5-1931 M Grace Coleman John H. Hernandez Hill, Nancey Lee 10-3-1931 F Mary Ada Talley E. William Hill Hillhouse, Elizabeth Luvasta 8-22-1931 F Maudie M. Bullard R. D. Hillhouse Hunziker, Frank Inf Of 6-17-1931 F Dollie Corddell Frank Hunziker Janner, Wanda Nell 6-23-1931 F Vada V. Tompkins Leonard T. Janner Kendrick, Vaughn Winston 7-21-1931 M Willie Mae Duff J. S. Kendrick King, Robert Douglas 11-28-1931 M Olga Winfred Huntley Leslie King Kuhn, Arbrey 7-24-1931 M Dovey Funderbugh Joe Kuhn Kuhn, Barbrey 7-24-1931 F Dovey Funderburgh Joe Kuhn Lange, Clifford Hilmer Lewie 9-23-1931 M Lilly Grenwege Hilmer F. Lange Leverett, Dorothy May 5-21-1931 F Meda Sanders Charles Allen Leverett Light, Richard Benjamin 10-28-1931 M Edna Rhoades Benjamin Light Lite, Esther Lorraine 11-25-1931 F Mary Alice Moss Bach Franklin Lite Litlon, George Harold 1-21-1931 M Emma Hilburn James Angelo Litlon Lowley, Olen Miguel Jr. 6-13-1931 M Senora Laura Beesley Olen Miguel Lowley Lucas, Jimmy 8-14-1931 M Rosie Agnes Portis Emmett Leon Lucas Maddox, Annie Mae 2-1-1931 F Addie Mae Pearl Rusro Manuel E Maddox Madlock, Billie Deloris 1-25-1931 F Olivia Callahan Clifford Madlock Merkel, Jevina 4-5-1931 F Ethel Wisdon Jake Merkel Merkel, Mary Viola 4-2-1931 F Harrett Ratliff Fritz Merkel Moore, Lewis Jr. 8-22-1931 M Emily Bade L. H. Moore Morgan, Garland Farrell 7-25-1931 M Ada Frances Combs Alden Morgan Myers, John Denver Jr 3-18-1931 M Maggie Lee Reeves John Denver Myers Nichols, James Allan 1-26-1931 M Buena Vista Brewer John Tipton Nichols Nichols, Joe Lawrence 11-20-1931 M Rhoda Clark Joe D. Nichols Nixon, William Thoxton 10-4-1931 M Fannie A. Osbourne Quincy Thoxton Nixon Nolen, Cecil 4-6-1931 M Virginia Margarete Crider Leon C. Nolen Norris, Nettie Jo 3-13-1931 F Vestie Elberta Cowan Andrew Jackson Norris O'dell, Billie Ray 7-14-1931 M Lawrence D. O'dell Oestreich, Johnie 3-3-1931 M Ida Stoats Earnest John Oestreich Otto, Nathlee 5-26-1931 F Amaud Hoffmann August Otto Otto, Nelda May 5-26-1931 F Amanda Hoffmann August Otto Petterson, Allen L. 11-28-1931 M Ruba Mccoy Allen L. Petterson Raines, Othel Donald 12-19-1931 M Alsa Crider Auther Raines Ricketson, Betty Fay 10-21-1931 F Ellen Ranzan A. C. Ricketson Ricketson, Lilburn Hal 4-28-1931 M Elsie Maude Weeaks Lilburn Manning Ricketson Riley, Lola Fae Jewel 11-21-1931 F Lola Brewer David Riley Schneider, Ernest Phillips 7-12-1931 M Lula Mae Phillips Ernest W. Schneider Schneider, Esther 2-2-1931 F Edna Umpid Chester E. Schneider Schoolcraft, Earl D. 8-15-1931 M Anny Bell Morrow Scott, Mary Alleen 1-23-1931 F Lillie Koth Edward Scott Sessoms, Marion M. Inf Of 3-5-1931 M Annie Abbye Bleecher Marion M. Sessoms Shirley, Clara Von 11-22-1931 F Hazel Morgan Archie Pope Shirley Simmons, Charles Raymond 3-3-1931 M Altha Mae Allen Hugh Burris Simmons Simpson, Harrell Vance 8-26-1931 M Jane Mcmillan Charles H. Simpson Smathers, Marion Glen 5-4-1931 M Ella Mae Heyen Forrest Smathers Smith, Charles Leslie 10-9-1931 M Annie Williams Leslie Morgan Smith Smith, Willet Inf Of 12-2-1931 M Issie Davis Willet Smith Stribling, John B Jr 11-16-1931 M Hallie Lorene Buchanan John B. Stribling Sweatman, Wanda Odell 9-12-1931 F Mada Ollie Howard Otis Widd Sweatman Sweeney, Charles Marvin 11-14-1931 M Christian Rimes Jack H. Sweeney Tate, Oran Inf Of 12-11-1931 M Edith Wiley Oran Tate Taylor, Charles Gayle 5-8-1931 M Fannie Rachel Clements C. L. Taylor Taylor, Joyce Lavern 10-18-1931 F Bula May Maxwell Hollace Taylor Teal, Mina Mae 9-13-1931 F Martha Mae Jackson Clyde E. Teal Tedford, Gerald Neal 11-29-1931 M Eunice Covey Neal Tedford Tinney, Joe Ellis 11-15-1931 M Hula Ethel Ellis Joe Templeton Tinney Tow, Billy D. 6-13-1931 M Leona Hallmark C. F. Tow Treadwell, R. R. Inf Of 3-22-1931 F Lillian Moore R. R. Treadwell Walters, Bara Ann 11-18-1931 F Mildred Davenport V. L. Walters Watson, Alva Laverne 9-8-1931 F Alberta James J. Bryon Watson Weeaks, Eutha Faye 3-12-1931 F Katie Mae Crider Dock Weeaks Wells, Willard Inf Of 6-6-1931 M Mamie Elva West Willard Wells Wiley, Duane Franklin 9-10-1931 M Lena Latham C. F. Wiley Willbern, Henry 11-2-1931 M Jean Frazier Elbert Willbern Willburn, Martha Clarice 4-10-1931 F Ocie Porch Aurther Davis Willburn Willis, Nollie Marie 10-3-1931 F Nollie Seth Tedford Floyd Albert Willis Wright, Mary Elizabeth 3-31-1931 F Eller Mccalister Tom Wright