Llano Co. TX - Births, 1934 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: shall@balista.com 3/13/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/bvs/registra/index.htm _________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================================================================== Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ======================================================================================================================== Alexander, Jerry Keith 12-18-1934 M Carmen Kizer William Andrew Alexander Llano Alexander, Owen K. Inf Of 1-11-1934 M Jewell Hill Owen K. Alexander Llano Alexander, William Guy Inf Of 3-6-1934 F Edna Lenora Rogers William Guy Alexander Llano Anderson, Lolita Margaret 4-6-1934 F Paulene Ann Faulener Earl Edward Anderson Llano Ashton, Phyllis Arlene 12-2-1934 F Alma Thomason Thomas W Ashton Llano Bardin, John Darrell 2-21-1934 M Minnie Marie Cox John Wilmer Bardin Llano Behrns, Edna You-Vonne 9-5-1934 F Gladys Baugh D. C. Behrns Llano Bible, Doyle Dean 8-11-1934 M Lucile Behrns Pete Bible Llano Box, Virginia Bell 10-6-1934 F Mary M. Hasty Daniel Wilkins Box Llano Buchanan, Loyd Golaman 1-24-1934 M Minie Caldwell Charlie Buchanan Llano Casey, M. H. 11-28-1934 M Chrystel Simpson Jesse B. Casey Llano Cassady, Francis May 10-6-1934 F Jewele May Matthews Herman J. Cassaday Llano Chism, Billy Dale 8-5-1934 M Clivia Ella Key Glen D. Chism Llano Christian, Virginia Mae 11-6-1934 F Myrtle Lee Morgan William Boyd Christian Llano Dalchaw, Patricia Jo 10-19-1934 F Mattie Trott Alfon Dalchaw Llano Davis, Oleta Dell 10-1-1934 F Lizzie Runnels M. D. Davis Llano Everett, W. J., Jr 4-29-1934 M Norma Eva Clawson W. J. Everett Llano Felts, Willard Lawrence 10-30-1934 M Nora Viola Crawford Jimmie Felts Llano Fikes, James Willoughby 4-27-1934 M Exie Dodd William Wallace Fikes Llano Finlay, Dorotha Mae 10-29-1934 F Bertha Roberts Walter Scott Finlay Llano Fleming, Loyde Raymond 10-31-1934 F Emma Beesley Loyde Raymond Fleming Llano Flores, Julia 1-9-1934 F Beatrice Serrno Santana Flores Llano Fraser, Evelyn 3-26-1934 F Ima Belle Wimberley George Fraser Llano Fry, Eligha Lee 2-2-1934 M Francis Marie Lackey Ira Lee Fry Llano Hallmark, A. R. Inf Of 6-10-1934 M Julia Maud Peterson **Death File Number Exists** Llano Hamilton, Roy Allen 9-23-1934 M Lester Adamae Ward Maurice Hamilton Llano Heiner, Jacob, Jr 10-8-1934 M Mata Klein Jacob E Heiner Llano Henderson, Norma Geraldine 3-15-1934 F Ima Gene Winkler Horace Henderson Llano Herridge, Douglas Carl 12-18-1934 M Locia Gray William Alf Herridge Llano Hibler, Joe Temple, Jr. 5-9-1934 M May Holland J. T. Hibler Llano James, Alvalene Carolyn 9-8-1934 F Vada Viola Tompkins Thedore Leonard James Llano Kleen, Erwin Odine 12-14-1934 M Juanita Smith Al Kleen Llano Kuykendall, Lillian Margaretta 12-15-1934 F Ella M. Ahrins William Lawrence Kuykendall Llano Lacky, Edna Genve 11-28-1934 F Jossie Flant G W Lacky Llano Lang, Janice Doree 5-22-1934 F Viola Barnes Harvey Henry Lang Llano Latham, J. M. Inf Of 9-9-1934 F Bertie Lee Nolen J. M. Latham Llano Lewis, Shirley Florencene 8-13-1934 F Sallie Mae Porter Glenn Lewis Llano Lowley, Arden Dale 8-24-1934 M Senora Laura Beasley Olen Miguel Lowley Llano Maxwell, Larry Daffern 9-20-1934 M Lorene Daffern Jack L Maxwell Llano Mayes, Mary Nora 2-6-1934 F Snow Hoover Gordon Mayes Llano Mcbroom, Catherine Mosell 9-13-1934 F Maud Wilson Herbert Mcbroom Llano Mcvay, Dorothy Marie 1-10-1934 F Annie Marie Alexander Arthur G. Mcvay Llano Mecom, Kenneth Dale 9-19-1934 M Nola Ratiliff Barney Mecom Llano Mequire, Gary Neil 8-7-1934 M Elsie Lavada Herridge William Burns Mequire Llano Milliorn, Mona La Dean 5-19-1934 F Ruby Garrett Orvil D. Milliorn Llano Moore, Marvin Darrow 3-3-1934 M Beatrice Nichols Charles Moor Llano Morgan, Phyllis Daisy 12-9-1934 F Nina Pope Frank Morgan Llano Myers, Billy Doil 8-29-1934 M Laura Bell Low James Mart Myers Llano Myers, Margie Pearl 5-14-1934 F Meda Ray Ray Myers Llano Nazas, Lewis 2-28-1934 M Aurora Castillo Manuel Nazas Llano Oestrich, Peggy Jolene 2-21-1934 F Roberta Land Alex Oestrich Llano Oestrich, Stella 1-10-1934 F Ida Rosealee Stotts Earnest John Oestrich Llano Osbourn, Carroll Cross 1-3-1934 M Mabel Glen Redford Clay Cross Osbourn Llano Otto, August, Jr. 2-13-1934 M Amanda Hoffmann August Otto Llano Overstreet, Anna Beth 9-13-1934 F Emma Mae Clendenen Walter Overstreet Llano Overstreet, Kenneth Doyle 5-10-1934 M Aradell Martin Hardin Overstreet Llano Patton, Dorthy Pauline 11-10-1934 F Jessie Belle Waights William E. Patton Llano Pavey, Dan Davis 2-4-1934 M Eula Mae Davis Willie Jackson Pavey Llano Peterson, Vera Jane 2-21-1934 F Ruby Mc Coy Allen L. Peterson Llano Phillips, Ethyl Annel 7-12-1934 F Secile Razell Sessom John Baumann Phillips Llano Rambo, Ed Jenota 7-19-1934 M Martha C. Lancaster Walter Ealy Rambo,Jr. Llano Ratliff, Donald Gene 1-1-1934 M Frances Cameron Urda Ratliff Llano Reed, Elvin C. 1-16-1934 M Lue Rogers Townsend A. Reed Llano Reed, Melvin D. 1-16-1934 M Lue Rogers Townsend A. Reed Llano Revada, Joan Nell 3-24-1934 F Sophia Peters Velma Revada Llano Rhoades, Wanda Mae 7-6-1934 F Mary Kuhn Franklin Rhoades Llano Riley, Thomas Elsworth 7-30-1934 M Lola Brewer Dave Riley Llano Robbins, Bruce Jackson 5-2-1934 M Hattie Ray Wimberley J. C. Robbins Llano Roberts, Charles Willson 4-11-1934 M Gladys Longbottom Lee Roberts Llano Robinson, Nancey Corrine 12-5-1934 F Virgenia Todd Preston A. Robinson Llano Rogers, Raymond Royes 3-25-1934 M Ivera Williams Herman Leslie Rogers Llano Sauseda, Tolentina 9-10-1934 F Rafaela Rioz Vicente Sauseda Llano Schorlemmer, Reynold Rudalph 5-9-1934 M Lydia Oehler Rudalph Schorlemmer Llano Serano, Joe 1-9-1934 F Beatrice Serano Llano Simmons, Calvin Jodie 11-11-1934 M Altha Mae Allen Hugh Burris Simmons Llano Simpson, Arthur Lee 11-14-1934 M Daizy Bell Barton A. L. Simpson Llano Smith, Alice Aline 6-17-1934 F Daisy May Williams O. P. Smith Llano Smith, Gladys Lucille 9-29-1934 F Frances Felice Boyd Isaac Ray Smith Llano Smith, James Henry 5-12-1934 M Lola Cassels Leverett Claude Barnett Smith Llano Solt, Arbella 7-6-1934 F Elizabeth Barces Sanderson Piefer Solt Llano Steele, Marilyn Virginia 12-18-1934 F Velma Nicholas D. D. Steele Llano Steffey, Carl Ray 6-8-1934 M Edna Mccoy Don Steffey Llano Talancon, Juanita 6-23-1934 F Otila Ramires Jo Talancon Llano Thorp, Chester 5-15-1934 M Bettie Jane Maxwell George Gideon Thorp Llano Todd, Shirley Ann 2-4-1934 F Thelma Davis John Todd Llano Tumlinson, David Leslie 2-5-1934 M Savanah Leverett Joseph Ellis Tumlinson Llano Underwood, Patricita Anne 12-30-1934 F Pearl Morris Elbert Underwood Llano Van Huss, Kenneth 2-21-1934 M Flora Traker Earl Van Huss Llano Walton, Margaret Louise 9-2-1934 F Eva Key Vance Walton Llano Wood, Helen Evan 10-7-1934 F Alle Garret Schondirus Ernest Wood Llano