Lubbock Co., TX - 1925 Westerner Yearbook Lubbock High School ************************************************************* This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Don Brownlee USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ************************************************************* 1925 Westerner, Yearbook of Lubbock High School, Lubbock, Texas The following students and faculty from Lubbock High School are pictured in the 1925 Westerner. They are listed in order of family name, given names (if provided), and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr= freshman). For additional information from the yearbook, you are welcome to contact: Adams, Rodney, sr Adams, Wesley, so Adkisson, Martha, sr Ainsworth, Beatrice, sr Ainsworth, Marjorie, fr Ainsworth, Sylvia, jr Alexander, J. C., jr Alls, fr Arnett, A., so Arnett, R., so Arnett, S. C., jr Atkinson, G. N., fac Atkinson, Mrs. G. N., fac Baker, fr Baker, Gladys, sr Baker, Lavonia, fac Barnell, so Barnes, jr Barrier, Meryn, sr Barton, Clarence, so Bateman, Elbert, sr Baugh, jr Bayless, Mary Lou, jr Bean, jr Beard, jr Bedford, jr Bell, jr Benson, Hank, jr Bentley, jr Bettis, fr Bingham, fr Bishop, fr Blair, Richard, sr Blankenship, jr Bledsoe, Alice, fac Bolton, Elizabeth, sr Boyd, Johnnie, jr Brock, jr Brooks, Harold, sr Brothers, jr Brown, J. C., fac Brown, Sterling, sr Buckingham, Mildred, so Buckner, Birdell, sr Bullock, Raymond, so Burford, fr Burroughs, John, sr Burton, Wanda, sr Caddenhead, Ethel, sr Calley, Eva, sr Calley, Margaret, sr Campbell, so Campbell, Zelma, sr Carter, jr Cassles, Ethel, fac Chauncey, jr Cook, jr Cooper, fr Cooper, Esther, fac Copeland, jr Corrley, Vaughn, sr Cowart, Lottie, fac Cox, jr Cox, fr Cross, jr Cross, Loy, sr Crowley, James W., fac Dale, fr Davis, J. M., fac Davis, Sam T., jr Delaney, Ruby, sr Delaney, Wilma, sr Denton, Percy, jr Dickinson, jr Doyle, so Doyle, fr Dunn, Mary, fac Dupre, Marcy Mathis, fac Dupre, Margaret, fac Ellison, Caloway, sr Eubanks, Bertha, fac Exley, jr Fields, Lee, sr Flannagan, Raymond, sr Floyd, fr Ford, Dimple, sr Forson, Elizabeth, sr Frost, Buena, sr Gaddy, Lyndell, sr Gamble, fr Gammill, John Doyle, sr Gathings, fr Gathings, Willie, sr Gilkerson, fr Gilkerson, Afton, sr Gray, jr Green, so Green, Lawrence, jr Griffis, fr Grimes, Curtis, sr Grissom, Aura Mae, sr Gunn, fr Hacket, s Halcomb, so Halcomb, B., so Hall, so Halsell, Naomi, sr Hardin, fr Hardin, Arva, sr Hargis, Paul M., sr Harkey, so Hart, Will, sr Hays, jr Hemphill, Novelle, sr Hicks, jr Hicks, so Hicks, fr Hicks, C., jr Hicks, Dolph, sr Hicks, Douglas, sr Hilton, fr Hitt, Mabel, sr Holcomb, C. A., sr Holland, fr Holt, so Honey, Floyd, sr Hufstedler, so Hughes, jr Hunt, Homer, jr Hutchinson, Ben, sr Hutchinson, J. T., fac Hutson, jr Ingram, Roy, so Inmon, Fred, sr Jackson, so Jackson, fr Jackson, Ben, sr Jennings, jr Johnson, jr Johnson, Mary Alice, sr Jones, fr Keaster, jr Keaster, fr Kershner, Randall, sr Key, Phillips, sr Koen, Ottis, sr Kyle, Charlie, sr Law, Helen, jr Law, J., jr Leatherman, Leverne, sr Leaverton, Marjorie, jr Leland, so Leland, Marjorie, sr Lewis, fr Lowery, E. J., fac Marcy, Zed, sr Marshall, Raymond, sr Martin, jr Martin, so Martin, fr Mathis, Norma, jr May, jr McAfee, Helen Cornelia, fac McBride, Ruby, sr McCallon, Freida, so McCarty, so McCollum, jr McCoy, fr McCoy, Elton, sr McElroy, fr McGee, fr McKee, Ruth, sr McMahan, jr Melone, Grace, sr Melone, Omette, sr Meredith, so Meredith, Sylvia, sr Miller, Pauline, sr Mills, fr Mitchell, Linus, sr Moore, Ada, sr Moore, Elmer, sr Moore, Lila, sr Moore, Mark, sr Morton, Wilma, fac Mosley, jr Mowrey, Ray C., fac Mullican, jr Mullican, so Mullins, jr Nail, fr Neal, Mammie, fac Nelson, so Nelson, Lillian, sr Nessmith, Estil, sr Newsom, Garland, sr Nicks, so Noah, Ruth, jr Noles, Howard M., fac Nugent, John, sr Owens, Annis, fac Parrack, Alma, sr Patterson, Enda Earle, sr Payne, jr Payne, so Peddy, jr Pendley, so Phillips, Bernice, sr Poole, Bessie, sr Porter, Evelyn, sr Porterfield, jr Pounds, Davis, sr Pressley, jr Prey, jr Ramp, so Rankin, fr Reed, Evelyn, sr Reid, J. W., fac Reid, Mrs. J. W., fac Riegler, Willie Odell, sr Robertson, Lola, sr Rogers, fr Sammons, De Aun, sr Sandford, so Sansom, Marion, sr Sawyer, jr Sawyer, Laura, sr Scoggins, fr Scoggins, Carl, fac Scott, Pauline, sr Seale, so Sechrist, so Semelser, Francis, sr Shepard, Emerson A., fac Shuman, so Sides, Adolph, sr Sides, Ethel, jr Sims, jr Slagle, W. M., fac Smith, jr Smith, Ruth, sr Snyder, so Snyder, A., so Sowder, jr Sowell, Evelyn, sr Spikes, Wilson, sr Stafford, so Stafford, fr Stalnaker, D. Noel, sr Stanton, so Stanton, Glyn, jr Starnes, Ruth, sr Stewart, jr Stewart, Joy, sr Stewart, Mary, sr Stewart, Modina, sr Strickle, jr Syfrett, so Syfrett, Gertrude, sr Terrell, so Terrell, Elmon, sr Thompson, jr Trotter, Royce, sr Vance, Jessie Lee, sr Vaughn, fr Vaughn, Aubrey Lee, sr Vaughn, M., jr Walker, Iva, sr Waller, R., jr Watson, so Watson, Jim, sr Wayland, Gertrude, sr Weaver, A. V., jr Weddle, Villa, sr West, Jack, sr Whipp, so Whiteside, Clarence, sr Whitley, jr Wilhelm, fr Wilhite, fr Williams, Meredith, so Wilson, so Wilson, fr Wilson, Iran, sr Withers, fr Witt, jr Witt, M. E., fac Woodson, fr Wright, so Wright, fr Wright, Kathlyne E., fac Young, Nadene, so Young, Zuma, sr