Mason Co., TX - 1924 Branding Iron, Yearbook of Mason High School, Mason, Texas ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Don Brownlee USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ***************************************************** 1924 Branding Iron, Yearbook of Mason High School, Mason, Texas The following students and teachers from Mason High School are pictured in the 1924 Branding Iron. They are listed in order of family name, given names, and grade. For further information from this yearbook you are welcome to contact: Arhelger, Amanda, 7 Banks, Virgil, fr Baxter, Gracie, fr Beach, Alva, jr Beach, Ben, 7 Beach, Gaston, 7 Behrens, Gladys, so Bennett, P. A., fac Bickenbach, Norman, 7 Bickenbach, Willie Mae, sr Bierschwale, Nell C., jr Bird, G. W., fr Boston, Ethel, fr Branum, Floy, fac Branum, Willie Mae, fac Bratton, Fay, 7 Bratton, Garland, 7 Bratton, Idna Mae, jr Bratton, Lottie, so Bratton, Oscar, jr Brewer, Garland, jr Brown, Byron, so Brown, Lindsay, 7 Bruce, Gordon, 7 Capps, Edna, 7 Capps, Glenn, fr Capps, Mary, fr Capps, Melvin, jr Christilles, Esther, so Clark, Alton, jr Clark, Fay, 7 Clark, Margaret, jr Dannheim, Ida, 7 Dobie, Pauline, jr Dobie, S. N., fac Doell, Ella, jr Doell, R. C., 7 Doell, Walter, jr Donop, Perry, sr Doyal, Chester, 7 Dumas, L. W., fac Durst, Louise, sr Fostel, L. D., sr Garner, Horace, 7 Garrett, C., fac Garrett, Jack, jr Garrett, Opal, jr Geistweidt, Arthur, jr Gibbons, Kermit, 7 Gipson, Christiana, 7 Gipson, Frederick, so Green, Eunice, so Grote, Elva, jr Grote, Mae, 7 Grote, Ruby, fr Hallet, Mary, fr Hartman, Kurt, 7 Heinrich, Lydia, jr Henrich, Carl, 7 Henrich, Modell, so Herring, Danie, jr Herring, Dena, so Herring, Sadie, 7 Hey, Benellen, sr Hey, Ruth, jr Hoerster, Dessie, sr Hoerster, Otilla, fac Hofmann, Chester, fr Hofmann, Gertrude, 7 Hofmann, Kurt, 7 Hofmann, Seth, fr Ingram, Anna, so Jordan, Beatrice, 7 Jordan, Emily, sr Jordan, Ruby, sr Keller, Henry, jr Kensing, Anna, sr Kidd, Eva Jean, so King, Genevieve, jr Kirkpatrick, Otha, fr Kirkpatrick, Sarah, sr Klapproth, Theresa, fac Koock, Anna Marie, so Kothmann, Elwood, jr Kothmann, Lydia, fr Kyger, Melvin, fr Land, Benellen, fr Lange, Lucile, sr Lange, Leroy, fr Leifeste, Henry, 7 Leifeste, Roy, jr Lehmberg, Ethel, fr Lemburg, Ernest, fr Lemburg, Homer, so Lemburg, Wilburn, fr Leslie, Stella, sr Lewis, Smith, so Loeffler, Ben, jr Loeffler, Lizzie Etta, jr McDougall, Henry, jr McLerran, Guy, sr Metzger, Ella Mae, sr Metzger, Ruby, fr Millaire, Louise, so Mogford, Roy, jr Montgomery, Mildred, fr Murrah, Arcy, fr Murray, Edison, fr Nanny, Lois, sr Passmore, Alma, sr Passmore, Leah, sr Pluenneke, Dan, fr Pluenneke, Ruby, so Probst, Edna, 7 Probst, Ella Mae, jr Probst, Florian, 7 Ray, Clarence, jr Ray, Gordon, jr Reeves, Lois, fac Reichenau, Milton, fr Roark, Jessie, fac Roark, Ruby, fac Robertson, Lillie Mae, sr Rode, Henry, fr Rode, Lucile, fr Rogers, Martin, fr Sanders, Calvin, sr Sanders, Stanley, sr Saunders, Rosal, fr Schmidt, Clayton, jr Schmidt, Harold, sr Schroeder, Hodges, fr Schweers, Minnie, fr Schweers, Roy, fr Schweers, Wesley, jr Seaquist, Garner, fr Shafer, Ervin, fr Simon, Lina, so Skelton, Lena, fr Tart, Albert, fr Tinsley, Coralea, sr Vater, Esther, fr Vater, Louise,sr Walker, Vera, so Walker, Winnie, fac Wartenbach, Ida Mae, fr Wheat, Willie Ann, fac White, J. W., fr White, Lois, sr Wiedemann, Esther, jr Wissemann, Reuben, jr Witt, Erna, so Witt, Esther, so Wood, Olga Fay, so Wootton, Goodall, fr Wootton, Ruby, fr Zesch, Milton, sr Zesch, Stella, so