McLennan CO. TX - Bio of Edwin K. Herring Submitted by: Annette Foster Ditto Copyright. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------ TRANSCRIBED FROM AN ARTICLE from the BOOK " MEMORIAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF McLENNAN, FALLS, BELL AND CORYELL COUNTIES, TEXAS" pub lished 1893 PAGE 693 Article Provided by Central Texas Genealogical Society Waco Public Library 1717 Austin Avenue Waco, Texas EDWIN K. HERRING of Peterson & Herring, druggist and stationers, Marlin TX, was born in Spri ngfield, Limestone County, TX. He is the oldest living child of EDWIN R. and Susan H. (KILLEBREW) HERRING, natives of Clarksville, Tennesee, where they were married. The former was a son of Benjamin and Rachel (Whitfield) Herring, who came from North Carolina to Tennessee in a an early day. They were of Scotch-Irish ancestery. The grandfathers of the subject of this sketch were distinguished soldiers in the War of 1812. The parents of our subject came from Tennessee to Texas in 1855 about two weeks after their marriage. The father at first engaged in planting near Marlin, where he continued for two years. In 1857 her he moved to Limestone County, embarking in the harness and saddlery business, which he successfully conducted until the outbreak of the civil war. He then engaged in that conflict, in which he remained until its closed. On his return home he purchased a large tract of land and commenced planting and stock-raising, in which he continued ever since. They had four children: Lelia who died in infancy; Edwin K.; Annie also deceased in infancy, Hot Springs Arkansas; and William Benjamin. April 7, 1868, the family were called upon to morn the lost of the devoted wife and mother. Mr. Herr ng was subsequently married to Miss Laura Wilie a native of Mississippi, who came to Texas when quite young. They had four sons Brooks, Noble Osborne, Samuel B. and Frank T. Mr Herring whose names heads this biography was reared in his native county, and received his preliminary education in the county schools. He afterward attended Bale's Commerical College, Little Rock, Arkansas, where he graduated in February 1882. On his return home he at first engaged in planting, but later embarked in mercantile pursuits in Armour, in the same county. In January 1884, he came to Marlin, TX where he was employed by his uncle DR. WILLIAM KILLEBREW, in the post office as a money order clerk. Mr. Herring, in company with I. L. Peterson, succeeded DR. KILLEBREW on the drug business, in March 1889. By careful attention to business, strict integrity and uniform courtesy they have scucceeded in retaining old customers and securing new ones, until now they have a large and lucrative trade. Mr. Herring was married January 14, 1891 to Miss Evelyn Kyser, anative of Alabama and Daughter of Jere and Annie Kyser respected residents of Pine Apple, the state. (ALABAMA). They have one child..Edwin Kyser. Socially, Mr. Herring is a charter member and Keeper of the Record and Seal of Marlin Lodge , NO. 16, Knight of Pythias. Religiously, he and his estimable wife are useful members of the Baptist Church. Aside from his eminent family relations, Mr. Herring has qualities of mind and heart which would win for him the popularity which he now so justly enjoys.