McLennan Co. Tx. Misc news from October 1904 Transcribed by Bentley Hooks Copyright. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------ WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD SATURDAY OCTOBER 1, 1904 BURTON ACQUITTED Jury Adjudged Him Not Guilty Times-Herald Special Athens, Tex., Oct 1 - The jury in the case of the state against Pickens Burton brought in a verdict of acquittal yesterday afternoon. Burton was charged in this case of criminal assault on Miss Eva Pryer, in that he aided and abetted Forney Stafford in the commission of the crime. He is charged in another indictment with attempting criminal assault on Miss Ella Satterwhite and the trial of this case was transferred by the court on its own motion to Dallas. The companion case styled the state of Texas against Forney Stafford, charged with criminal assault on Miss Eva Prior [?] was also transferred to Dallas. The two prisoners heavily guarded were taken to Dallas last night where they will be held in jail until their trial, unless released on habeas corpus. WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD SUNDAY OCTOBER 2, 1904 Central Christian Church, Eleventh and Washington - Rev. G. Lyle Smith, pastor, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sam M. Hamilton, superintendent. At the morning service the pastor will preach on "Our Supplies". Miss Randall will sing a solo. Christian Endeavor society meets in the annex at 7 p.m. Evening service begins at 8 p.m. Mrs. W.B. Grizzard will sing a solo and the pastor will preach on "Rightly Handling the Truth". All are cordially invited to attend. First Baptist Church - 9:30 a.m., Sunday school, Dr. J.T. Harrington, superintendent; classes for all grades; a short evangelistic service by the pastor. Preaching at 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m. by the pastor, Dr. Bryan H. Dement. Morning theme, "Revival and Ingathering"; evening subject, "Who is on the Lord's Side?". Preaching at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. daily. All services held in the Baptist tabernacle between Fifth and Sixth streets. Preaching by the pastor. Everybody cordially invited to these services. Columbus Avenue Baptist Church, corner of Fifteenth and Columbus streets. The regular Sunday school service will meet at 9:30 a.m., with L.C. Penry, superintendent. Rev. L.G. Bowers, the pastyor, will preach at 11 a.m. as usual, also at 8 p.m. The Little Sunbeams meet as usual at 3:30. B.Y.P.U. at 4:30 p.m., subject, second, "How we are in training to succeed others." -- Deut. 34:7-12. Joshua 1:1-2. Ninth, Helping one another -- (incomplete) _____________ If October is all to be as warm as yesterday the winter clothing ordered by the merchants will be out of place. ____________ McAlester screened lump and nut coal, post oak, cord and stove wood. Phone No. 5 Waco Fuel Co., Inc. ____________ You get the best for the least money from Mike Adam, the tailor, 121 South Forth street. ____________ We need books bad, 115 South Forth street. ____________ Books and school supplies the right price at Smith's Book Exchange. ____________ Fashionable Dressmaking done by Mrs. A.N. Surber, 705 North Ninth street. ____________ Mrs. I.B. Hathaway for custom shirt. Your orders solicited. All work guaranteed. Over Waco Dept. store. Ind. phone 650 ____________ Dr. L.H. Gibson, dentist. High-grade work. Office over Risher's drug store, corner Fifth and Austin. Old phone 46. ____________ Now is the time to buy White's Cottodown mattresses. The best is the cheapest. Continuous comfort. Process patented. Old hpone 493; 204 Bridge street. ____________ Each day some of the Waco people are attending the great fair at St. Louis. This city has sent her full quota of people to the great exposition and others are still going. ____________ When Cupid's arrows pierce your heart, let the store that saves you money give you a start - that's us. RHODES-HAVERTY FURNITURE COMPANY. ____________ Twin Brothers Company, Wholesale Druggists' Sundries, 416 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas REVIVAL NOTES There were two professions of faith at the tabernacle last night and the interest in the meeting is growing. Sixteen additions to date. Preaching tonight, but no services on Saturday. Sunday there will be no evangelistic services in the Sunday school. At 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Dr. Dement will conduct these services and also preach in the city hall yard, 4 p.m. Sunday. The meeting will continue next week at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. daily. Everyone is welcomed to each service. SERVICES TONIGHT Services will be held at Temple Rodef Sholem tonight at the usual hour of 8 p.m. The subject for Rabbi Wohlburg's lecture will be "The Tenth Commandmant, or Ambition and Covetousness". Wedding at Elm Mott There was a very pretty wedding at Elm Mott on Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, the principals being Charles K. Battaile and Miss Mattie Craven. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Abe Ruffner of West, while the soft strains of "Hearts and Flowers" added solemnity to the occasion, the music being violin and piano, by Mr. and Mrs. John Arthur Craven. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, and many relatives and friends were present from Waco, Hillsboro, West and other [incomplete] A Love Letter Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd of Ponder, Mo., wrires: :I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me". It's the best Salve on earth, 25c at the Old Corner Drug Store WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 1904 Rangers' Reunion Times-Herald Correspondence. Austin, Tex., Oct. 8 -- Resident members of the Terry Rangers met yesterday afternoon in the parlors of the American National bank to arrange entertainment for visiting members of that company during the coming reunion. The present will be the fourth annual reunion of the famous old company B and will take place November 15 and 16. The entertainment as arranged provides for business meetings during the two days with the big reception and smoker at the Driskill on the night of the 15th. On the night of the 16th, arrangement has been made for the private entertainment of the visitors. WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD TUESDAY OCTOBER 25, 1904 Not Selling Rapidly Waxahachie, Tex., Oct. 24 -- It is estimated by local cotton men that at least three-fourths of the crop in Ellis county has been gathered. There is not such a rush after pickers now as existed a few weeks ago and a great meany farmers have finished picking. On account of the low price farmers are not selling very rapidly. The total receipts in this city is about 19,000 bales and a little more than half of this amount has been sold. The other belongs to the farmers and is on storage in the cotton yards. _____________ The Security First Insurance company of Baltimore, Md., has been licensed by the insurance office to operate in Texas for the current year. Office fee paid, $47; agents certificates, $1, total $48. _____________ Sheriff Loving of Hopkins county came to Austin yesterday on business with some of the state departments. _____________ During the windstorm yesterday evening one of the large doors on the north side of the adjutant general's department in the state house that was standing wide open was slammed with terrific force, breaking one of the large plate glasses into shivers. _____________ Richard Carey was appointed branch pilot at the port of Sabine Pass by Governor Lanham yesterday. WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 1904 Miss Mary Barnard and Charles A. Beckham were united in marriage last night at the residence of the bride's parents on Turner street. The wedding was a quiet home affair, and only a few friends and relatives were present. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Barnard and is very popular in the city. Mr. Beckham is the city marshal at Mart, and is one of the most prominent young men of the county. They left last night for Mart, where they will reside in the future. Friends in this city and other places extend most hearty congratulations. _____________ McClelland, lodging 50c _____________ Eat oysters at the Elite Cafe. WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD SATURDAY OCTOBER 29, 1904 Facts Worth Knowing We buy for cash in car load lots. Deliver promptly. Phone 491 either phone, for prices and save money. GADDY GRAIN COMPANY 13th and Jackson Sts. Northern Securities Appeal Philadelphia, Oct. 28. -- In the United States circuit court today the appeal of the Northern Securities company from the order of Judge Bradford granting the petition of the Harriman interests for a temporary restraining order came up for argument. This is one of the two suits brought by Mr. Harriman, the other being to compel the return of the actual stocks deposited in exchange for Northern Securities stock, instead of the pro rata distribution proposed. _______________ Joe Kemendo who has been with the St. Charles barber shop for a number of years, has purchased a half interest in the Club Barber shop, next door to Miller-Cross company, and takes a chair in that shop. He invites his friends and customers to visit him in his new place. _______________ The fourth quarterly conference of Fifth Street Methodist church was held last night, preparatory for a meeting of the Northwest Texas conference on November 16. The reports were encouraging and it is hoped to have everything wound up and ready for the conference when it convenes. _______________ Mr. Burdsall, the leading photographer, is now showing some of the very latest things in photography. These new styles must be seen to be appreciated. All are cordially invited to visit our parlors, where a lady attendant will show you through. Studio open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 511 1/2 Austin avenue. _______________ Emmet S. Deane is building a pretty cottage at the corner of Baylor and South Ninth streets. Nearly opposite this point on Tenth street, north of Speight, Mr. C.G. Barbour is erecting a modern cottage. The building in Waco continies and it is thought with the beginning of 1905 there will be a considerable revival in this line. _______________ The quarterly conferences of the Methodist churches in Waco are now being held for the fourth quarter, which means that the Northwest Texas conference will follow soon. The conference meets in Mineral Wells on November 16, and pastors here are getting ready for the gathering.