McLennan CO. TX - Misc news from May 1914 Transcribed by Bentley Hooks Submitted by: Bentley Hooks Copyright. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------ WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD MONDAY MAY 4,1914 Police Chief Barron - Talked To Police And Places Before Them Splendid Suggestions - Chaplain Myre Comments Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock members of the police force gathered in the court room at the city hall and listened to interesting talks from Chief Hollis Barron and Chaplain Oscar Myre. Marshal Barron made a very practical and straight-to-the-point talk, suggesting to the police officers that they would probably be taking a wise course if they refrained from political discussions and matters of that nature, and continued the good and efficient officers he had always found them in the past. He hoped that each and every officer would be crystalized into a perfect whole until the entire city government is working as a unit. He said that he hoped and believed that his men would at all times be obliging and courteous to the general public and treat all prisoners with as much consideration and leniency as would be permitted. Chief Barron further suggested that if there were any men on the force who felt as though they could not or would not treat the public politely and every city official with respect he thought they should resign at once, as he knew he would do if he could not treat his superiors and fellow officers in the proper manner. Chief Barron referred to the suggestion of Mayor Riggins that where a man is found under the influence of liquor, but is orderly, that he be prevailed upon to go home and in the event that he does no arrest be made. Mr. Barron's talk was well received and seemed to strike a sympathetic chord with his hearers. He was followed by Chaplain Oscar Myre, who said that the welfare of men and the teachings of Christ are one and the same, and he believed the police force is making a record in acting in every way that is for the best interest of and in the welfare of mankind. There will be another meeting of this kind on the 17th inst. Chief Barron says it has been the rule to have one monthly, but this last one was delayed incident to the rush of business - hence the early holding of another one. MARRIAGE LICENSES Henry Kerth and Mrs. Dorma Thurmond. W.A. Collins and Mrs. Ellen Hooks J.T. Summerhill and Miss Lena Blake J.S. Murphy and Mrs. Margie Waldroff J.B. Pulman and Miss Bernice G. Ogerson Clay Ledbetter and Miss Flata Gambrell Richard Howard and Rosel Givens Henry Daniels and Willie M. Marlin Richard Jackson and Susie Scott Earl Smith and Willie Long CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ACTED THIS MORNING Did Not Name Committee to Act With Citizens' Appointees. Hamilton Talks. Replying to the request of Chairman Hamilton of the citizen's committee from the Chamber of Commerce to act with the citizens' committee in attempting to adjust the differences existing between the mayor and commissioners, President Powers, after consulting with the directory of the Chamber of Commerce this morning, advised Chairman Hamilton that that body was purely a business organization, and not political, nor even semi-political, in any sense, hence could not see its way clear to appoint an advisory committee to act with this citizens' committee. After receiving the above this morning Chairman Hamilton stated that he had called a meeting of his committee of ten to meet him this afternoon at 5 o'clock, at which time the matter will receive discussion. He said that all that was left to do was to report back to the recessed mass meeting tomorrow night, in the event it is decided by interested parties to carry the matter further. MR. GREEN'S PROTEST STARTED SOMETHING C. Herbert Green of Waco, chairman of the railroad committee of the United Commercial Travelers, whose telegram to the Texas railroad commission was printed in the Times-Herald yesterday regarding the proposed union depot for Hillsboro, which is now under discussion, left last night for Austin at the request by wire of the assistant attorney general. He will represent the traveling men and the traveling public in their demands for a union depot, which effort has become necessary because of the opposition of a committee of Hillsboro citizens who advocate three separate depots for the railroads centering in that city. The telegram from Mr. Green to Hon. Allison Mayfield, which appeared in these columns yesterday morning, was read with great interest by local traveling men. They are greatly interested in the result of the Hillsboro union depot case, taking the position that a needless inconvenience will be continued if the railroads are permitted to maintain three separate depots in that city. WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD TUESDAY MAY 5, 1914 ELECTRIC LIGHT DEMONSTRATION Mr. J.G.Barrett Kept Crowd Interested at the Cameron Building Last Night No little interest was aroused Monday night at the Cameron building during the demonstration given by Mr. J.G. Barrett, an illuminating engineer of national reputation, whose services were secured by the Texas Power and Light company in order to promote more intelligent lighting methods in Waco. Mr. Barrett kept his audience with him from the start and quite a few gathered around for more personal discussion after the demonstration had been completed. The comparative ease with which light rays were directed by means of innocent looking reflectors seemed nothing short of marvelous to some. In order to bring out clearly the comparison between different types of reflectors, a double, light proof booth was used. In beginning, an ordinary sixteen candle power lamp was placed in one of the booths and a small two candle power lamp placed in the other. Attention was called to the amount of light thrown below by means of printed display cards. A reflector was then placed on the small lamp and although the current consumed was only one-sixth that of the other lamp, the effective illumination on the card below was greater. Various other types of reflectors were then exhibited and compared, it being shown that a reflector could be obtained for almost any purpose desired. For instance, one reflector was shown which had been designed for an outlet close to a wall. This shade allowed little light to be reflected toward the wall side, the greater part of the light being directed toward the middle of the room, thus securing an even distribution. Another type was shown for use on street lamps where it is desired to direct most of the light up and down the street and little toward the houses. The object of the company in putting on this demonstration is to promote the more intelligent use of light and generally improve the standard of illumination even though in some cases the attendant revenue is reduced. The exhibition last night was given before a representative body of business men who are interested in Waco's welfare, but will be repeated tonight and on Thursday and Friday nights for the benefit of the general public. Home lighting as well as store lighting is considered and the ladies will find the demonstration both interesting and instructive. Roof Garden Opened The opening of the Edgefield park roof garden last night was a grand success, a large crowd enjoyed the efforts of the Jas. Milling Combination to please them. More seats will be secured for the show to be presented by this same organization on next Monday night. On Wednesday, May 13th, the Edgefield entertainers will put on a clean bill of vaudeville and allare requested to remember the date. Admission is free to all. The Edgefield Park and Improvement club meets tonight in regular weekly session, the meeting having been postponed from last night on account of the opening of the roof garden. WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD WEDNESDAY MAY 6, 1914 Perry- Little Nuptials The following is reproduced from the Palestine , Texas, Record: "A the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nash on North Jackson street, last night at 7:30, J.W. Little, Jr., and Miss Ruth Perry were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. U.W. Lunsford, in the presence of relatives and friends. The Record joins with their many friends in extending the happy couple congratulations and wishes for a llong and happy married life." The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Little of this city, who reside at 1610 North Sixth street. He has been away from Waco for some time, but has many friends here who will extend heartiest congratulations to him and Mrs. Little. Wanted Here For Horse Theft Deputy Sheriff J.M. Morgan last night went to the House farm, below Houston, to bring back with him J.S. Moore, a white man, indicted in the Fifty-fourth district court [Waco] for horse theft. He was first located at Belton by Constable Leslie Stegall. Moore is said to have been indicted in Bell county for a similar offense. Marriage Licenses Roy German and Miss Mae Trussel. EUTERPEAN CLUB RECITAL IS EAGERLY AWAITED The musical program to be rendered by the Euterpean club in Carroll chapel, Baylor university, next Monday, May 11th, is being looked forward to as one of the principal musical events of the year. This popular and long established club does not often give a public entertainment, and when it does every music lover of the city naturally has a strong desire to be in attendance and listen to the best music to be secured short of the strictly professional class. There will be no charge for admission and the commodious chapel is expected to be crowded to its utmost to hold the crowd. Miss Beulah Imogene Duncan will sing at the recital and scores of her friends and admirers who have not heard her vioice in song for over a year will make it a point to be present and hear her. LOCAL OPTION ELECTION - - - - - IN PRECINCT 2, SATURDAY To determine whether sales - - shall be abolished in Justice Precinct No. 2, a local option election will be held next Saturday in the towns of Mart, Battle, Riesel and Hallsburg - - - . Mart is dry, but while there a - - - - saloons in Battle it is under - - - - that this place is not in local c - - - - territory. Saloons are conduct - - - - Riesel and Hallsburg. The presiding officers for the - - - - tion are: Mart, E.S. Gause; Riesel, A.N. Harrison; Battle, H.J. J - - - -; Hallsburg, J.W. Thagard. Some time ago the county commissioners were petitioned to order - - - - election and they selected May 9th as the date. [The dashes indicate text cutoff in the copying from microfilm] Villa's Troops Entrain For Monterey - Associated Press Torreon, Mexico, May 6 - - -A detachment of Villa's troops stationed here entrained today for Monterey, which will be the base - - - -operations in the rebel campaign - - - - - - -. FLORISTS PRAISE WACO AND WOLFE Visitors Captivated With the Cordial Greeting Extended Them in This City Yesterday afternoon and last night the florists who came here from all parts of Texas and other states, to attend the first annual meeting of the Texas State Florists' association, which was organized in Waco last Monday afternoon, returned to their homes. Each and every one enjoyed their visit here to the fullest extent, and it is not amiss to state that the man who contributed more to their pleasure than any other one Wacoan was Tom J. Wolfe. He was the host royal, and the visitors became very eloquent when alluding to the hospitality they had received at his hands. The progress and development noted here on every hand made a very decided impression on the florists, and they did not hesitate to express their wonder and amazement as a result of the handsome buildings noted in Waco, the well kept streets, beautiful parks, etc. The lunch given the visitors by Wolfe, the florist, at the State House yesterday afternoon, was one of the most elaborate spreads ever witnessed here. Tom Wolfe saw that none of the guests departed until the inner man had been thoroughly satisfied. Brief addresses were made by Postmaster W.H. Hoffmann, Mayor J.W. Riggins, Crate Dalton and others. After the feast, the visitors had a view of Waco from the top of the Amicable building, and they were given full opportunity to see this city's rare scenic beauty. Waco, they said, resembled a huge natural park. Following the trip to the Amicable skyscraper, the florists were escorted to the Dr. Pepper plant, where they were served with delicious beverages. While the directors were in session yesterday afternoon, they elected President R.C. Kerr of Houston , at the head of the Texas State Florists association, to represent the organization at the annual convention in Houston next August of the Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists. M. B. Davis was official stenographer for the florists while here, and local newspaper men are under many obligations for courtesies extended by him. SUDDEN ILLNESS MAY PROVE TO BE APPENDICITIS While in his office yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock Sheriff S.S. Fleming was seized with a sudden attack of illness, which, the attending physician thinks, may have resulted from appendicitis. He was at once conveyed to his home on Herring avenue, where immediate attention was given him. He was reported to be resting easy this morning. It is sincerely hoped by Mr. Fleming's host of friends throughout the county that he will soon be able to leave his room. He is a man of splendid physique, one who rigidly observes the regulations that generally result in securing health and stregth, and it is believed he will quickly rally from the attack. Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between M. Goodman and I. Ellis, doing business under the firm name of Goodman and Ellis Liquor Co., at 216 South Side Square and 217 Franklin street has this day been dissolved, I. El;lis retiring from said firm and M. Goodman remaining at said palce of business. All debts of every character will be collected by M. Goodman, doing business under the name of Max Goodman Liquor Co. We desire to thank our friends for their past patronage and trust they will continue to give their business to the new firm. I. Ellis Max Goodman WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1914 Luxury Added to Necessity and Genuine Economy - Extra Specials for Saturday When the distinguished, unexpected guest arrives, when the best of good things are at a premium; when style is on show, and the individual cultivated taste is on trial; there's extra comfort and satisfaction in the Service of the GROCERY SO DIFFERENT. The assurance of quality and sanitary methods; the ease you feel in knowing that everything will be just right; is where our Difference comes in. We always make extra arrangements for our Saturday's trade; and for this Saturday we are offering the following Delicatessen and Pastry specials: CAKE DEPARTMENT Devil's Food Cake, regular 75c Saturday Special 60c Large Angel Cake, regular 90c Saturday Special 75c Small Angel Cake, regular 35c Saturday Special 30c Rockefeller Cake, regular 60c Saturday Special 50c Sunshine Cake, regular 85c Saturday Special 80c Fruit Cake, regular $1.30 Saturday Special $1.10 Country Fryers and Broilers at 50c each or $5.00 per dozen. Choice fat corn fed hens, 50c Dressed Fat corn fed hens, 60c These specials are sold subject to your approval and entire satisfaction and must come up to the high standard for which this business stands. Order early; first call, first served. THE GROCERY SO DIFFERENT and Delicatessen 418 Austin Ave. FORTY POTS OF GOLD FREE TO FINDER Oaklawn Terrace Opens With a Two-day Gold Hunt - Free Cars Saturday and Sunday Those who have read Jack London's powerful story, "Burning Daylight", and other stirring tales of the conquests of "Gold Hunters" will have an opportunity Saturday and Sunday to not only view for themselves a scene as exciting as any ever written of the rush to the gold fields; but also to become one of the leading characters in the plot. No one need arm themselves against claim jumpers, however, for every one will be given a "square deal", an equal opportunity to "strike it rich", by digging up one of the twenty pots of gold at Oaklawn Terrace, the beautiful new, close-in interurban addition, to be opened by the Callahan Development company Saturday and Sunday. The advantages you will have over the gold hunters you have read about are numerous and attractive. In the first place, you will be furnished free transportation. A special train of two large interurban cars have been arranged for, to leave the city at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, and every half hour thereafter. [Further info not copied] PERSONAL MENTION W.E. Buie of Mertens was here yesterday. T.M.Davidson of Gatesville spent the day here. J.E. Boots of Dallas registered here yesterday. J.F. Kimball was among the Templeites here yesterday. A.A. Oestriecher of Beeville was here for awhile yesterday. Earl Hagler, revenue officer of San Antonio, is in Waco on business. Mrs. W.L. Powell was among the visitors here yesterday from Gatesville. E.V. Prewitt of Austin, a revenue officer, has been in Waco two or three days on business. H.C. Blackwell and wife of Eddy spent yesterday in Waco. The latter was on a shopping expedition. Mrs. A.C. Goodwin of Waco is spending the week with relatives and friends here. - Rosebud News Mr. Clifford Percy has returned from Brownsville, Texas, National Guards being called home by the governor. Mrs. W.E. Spell has returned from San Antonio, where she spent several days, and was most delightfully entertained. G.W. Prewett, a large brick manufacturer of Elgin, and old resident of that place, spent yesterday in Waco on business. Hon. Abe Gross has returned from Fort Worth, where he attended the meeting of state bankers in the interest of the Panama-Pacific exposition fund for Texas. Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Powers of Waco, who have been the guests of relatives and friends here for several days past, returned home Friday morning. - Rosebud News R.L. Cartwright returned yesterday from a two weeks' trip to the Beaumont country. He reports a surplus of rain in that section, but says things are very good otherwise. Miss DeVotie Morris of 725 Washington street has gone for a visit to home folks in Alabama. Just before leaving she received news of her father's election to the senate in that state. Sheriff S.S. Fleming had so far recovered from his attack of illness, which became apparent last Tuesday, that he was able to be down town for a while today, a fact learned with sincere pleasure by his many friends. Y.M.C.A. Ball game There was an interesting baseball game yesterday afternoon between the Taylor and Meyer teams of the Y.M.C.A., resulting in a victory for the latter by a score of 16-10. The score, while a big one, is not a true index to the game, and especially to some of the individual plays, for the contest was quite interesting and at times some good quality of ball was displayed. The Meyers made 16 runs, 14 hits and 4 errors, being at bat 45 times, while the Taylors were at bat 40 times, making 10 runs, 10 hits and 4 errors. Batteries -- Taylors, Taylor and Wood; Meyers, James and Pickett. Armentrout was the hero of the game, making one home run, getting a three-bagger and one single. ANNOUNCEMENTS For Justice of the Peace The Times-Herald is authorized to announce WALTER G. WEAVER as a candidate for Justice of Peace, Precinct 1, Place 1, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. The Times-Herald is authorized to announce J.J. (DAD) PADGETT as a candidate for re-election for Justice of Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. For Public Weigher The Times-Herald is authorized to announce SIM NIX as a candidate for re-election to the office of Public Weigher, Precincts 1 and 4, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. For County Treasurer The Times-Herald is authorized to announce CHAS. S. EICHELBERGER as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. For Constable The Times-Herald is authorized to announce LESLIE STEGALL as a candidate for re-election as Constable, Precinct 1, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. The Times-Herald is authorized to announce COKE BUCHANAN as a candidate for Constable, Precinct 1, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. For County Tax Assessor The Times-Herald is authorized to announce JOHN REED as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Tax Assessor, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD SUNDAY MAY 10, 1914 APOLLO PLAYER PIANO Any Player Piano is Better than None -- We mean it. You need music. It is as necessary to your mental well being as rest and relaxation are to your body. Yes, any player piano is better than none but the best is still better. Get a player piano in your home that you'll be proud of-- a player piano that brings with it when it passes your doors, the best music in the world and the best method of rendering that music. And in a player piano, the thing you desire most is human playing. Scope-- technique-- expression-- possibilities. In the Apollo Player Piano you have these things-- all of them. The Apollo touches down on the keys-- just like a human being-- like a great pianist. The Apollo Player Piano accents the melody or omits it altogether. You'll not find this feature in any other player piano irrespective of price or make. The Transposing Device which enables you to play in any desired key for accompaniment purposes. This is another Apollo feature. You'll find every feature in the Apollo that any other instrument possesses and many that are exclusive with it. Come in and compare Apollo music with human music. It is the same because it is produced in the same way and by the same methods Thos. Goggan & Bros. Established 1866 412 Austin Ave., WACO, TEXAS No Favorites Big or Little Rich or Poor Old or Young All Receive the same courteous treatment. Only one kind of service for all depositors-- IT IS THE BEST. New Accounts Opened Daily The Central Texas Exchange National Bank W.H. McCullough, Pres. L.A. Brooks, Asst. Cashier Jno.F. Wright, Vice Pres. P.A. Gorman Jr., Asst. Cash'r W.W Woodson, Cashier A.J. Peterson, Asst Cashier WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD TUESDAY MAY 12, 1914 SOUTHERN BAPTISTS MEET AT NASHVILLE Fifteen Hundred Messengers Gathering in the Tennessee Capital Foreign Missionaries Will Attend the Meeting of Churchmen-- Negro Theological Seminary Proposed Associated Press- Nashville, Tenn., May 12 - The advance guard of the 1500 messengers to the Southern Baptist convention, which convenes for a five-day session tomorrow afternoon, are reaching Nashville today. Among those here now is Dr. Lansing Burrows of Americus, Georgia, formerly a Nashville pastor, who is considered by many as the convention's possible choice for president. A number of foreign missionaries will be among the visitors at the convention. Particular interest attaches to what those who have been stationed in Mexico will report on conditions there. Nashville is extremely interested over agitation that has been going on, looking to bringing the home mission board and the foreign mission board to Nashville, where the Sunday school board has just completed a building costing $160,000, one of the handsomest in the city. Leaders in the convention who are here now do not believe, however, that the two boards will be moved from their respective locations at Atlanta and Richmond. Other matters of interest that the convention will hear of will be the report of the committee to consider establishing a theological seminary for the negro Baptist. Dr. E.Y. Mullins of Louisville is chairman of the mittee will report [this is as printed] on ways and means of improving the financial conditions of the pastors of the church. GOOD ROAD BONDS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Constable A.W. Russell will find himself in the embarrassing position of having prisoners on his hands with no place to lodge them if the city council of West and the county commissioners maintain their announced positions relative to the cost of repairing the jail at West. County Judge George N. Denton said that he knew of no provision of law that would allow the county to pay any part of the expense, while the city council of West refuses to - - - - - - - [missing from copy] at the Hill and McLennan county line. Judge Denton has received a large box containing the recently lithographed county road bonds. Each one of these bonds requires his signature, therefore Judge Denton has a strenuous job ahead of him. The county commissioners began sitting as a board of equalization this afternoon. Will Be Eight Stories, Says Report (Houston Dispatch to Galveston News) Studying Houston hotels to obtain ideas for an eight-story hotel he proposes to erect in Waco, W.T. Watt - - - - - [missing from copy] WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD THURSDAY MAY 14, 1914 Now Is Our Chance Say The Baptists SPEAKERS BEFORE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION DISCUSS MISSIONARY OPPORTUNITY Put Aside Racial Pride Missionaries Should Go to Mexican People as Brothers With Helping Hand and Prayer Associated Press, Nashville, Tenn., May 14-- Changes in the constitution and bylaws of the convention, a concise expression of the Baptist position on union wih other denominations and drastic recommendations covering the relations of boards and their administrative and co-operative adjustment werecontained in the report presented today before the Southern Baptist conference by the efficiency committee. Discussion of the report was set for Friday afternoon. The report of the Judson centennial celebration committee was read before the convention today by Rev. R.N. Porter of Dallas. It stated that $602,874.91 of the proposed million and a quarter fund haad been paid in or pledged since the campaign was launched at the convention in Oklahoma City two years ago. The proposed amount is to be used as a permanent equipment fund for foreign missions. At the conclusion of the presentation of the reports, short addresses were delivered by several of the foreign missionaries, among whom were George H. Lacy, Torreon, Mexico; A.S. Patterson of Africa and A.B. Deter of Brazil. The report of the efficiency committee was read by Dr. John E. White of Atlanta. [some further omitted and some missing] ANNOUNCEMENTS Public school teachers for the 1914- 1915 term will be selected at an early date. Some of the appointments have already been made, but the list is far from complete. The new grammar school on West avenue between Fourtenth and Fifteenth, will be completed in time for the opening of school in September. A number of Wacoans are in Mexia today, for the wedding of Harry Archenhold of Waco and Miss Ruby Nussbaum. It will be one of the biggest society events that has ever been noted in Central Texas, the contracting parties being members of the wealthiest and most influential families of Waco and Mexia. Time generally works changes. Instead of the J.J. Walk sign over the livery stable at Bruceville, which always seemed a mis-nomer for a livery mman to have, as some might think it proper to walk instead of ride, a new patronym now appears, Mr. E.L. Daggett, being the new proprietor. As will be noted in another part of today's Times-Herald, a change in the date for the leaving here of the Lone Star State special, to be used by Waco ad men an those from other parts of the state. The special will leave on the morning of June 17, instead of a day later, as originally planned. The train will be one of the finest ever operated in Texas. It is expected that the transportation committee of the Y.M.B.L. will be ready to make a report at a meeting of the league directors next Tuesday night, in the matter of having the Houston and Texas Central motor car, leaving here at 7 in the morning, run to Bremond, instead of stopping at Marlin, the plan that has been adopted since the Central began running a motor car out of Waco. Both Marlin and Waco are greatly interested in this matter. The pen used by the county officials in signing the first of the series of good road bonds will be presented to the Young Men's Business league. The officials affixed their signatures to the first bonds yesterday afternoon and decided the pen should go to the junior commercial organization in recognition of their efforts in carrying to a successful issue the good roads election. Program of Services at "THE TEMPLE" Friday Night at 8 O'clock Organ Prelude Professor Parnum Anthem and Responses Temple Choir Sermon Rabbi I. Warsaw Alto Solo Miss Thurman Saturday morning services at 10:30 Religious school classes meet on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD FRIDAY MAY 15, 1914 Road Contract Approved Cameron, Tex. May 13 -- At a meeting of the commissioners court held this morning the contract between Engineer J.C. Fields of Denison and the committee representing road district No. 2 was approved. Mr. Fields is the engineer employed by the committee to make a survey of the roads of this district. The work of making this survey will begin this week, and as soon as completed and estimates furnished the committee contracts will be let for actual work. The members of the committee say the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible to completion. The bond issue for $150,000 was carried in this district, which comprises justice precinct No. 1, last summer. At a meeting of the committee appointed by the commissioners court to have charge of the work it was bargained to sell the bonds at less than par. District Judge J.C. Scott was petitioned and granted an injunction preventing the sale of the bonds. It was carried to the higher courts and the judgment of the lower court sustained. Last month the committee sold $75,000 worth of the bonds at par, and the balance of the issue will be sold later. SACRED HEART PUPILS WILL ENTERTAIN TONIGHT In Sacred Heart auditorium, on Washington street, between Eighth and Ninth, an entertainment will be given by the boys and little girls of Sacred Heart academy, this evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. The program arranged is most interesting. The people of Waco, when an entertainment is announced at the convent school, know that a treat is asured. Those who will participate tonight have been preparing for this event for some time, under the very efficient tutelage of the Sisters of St. Maty, and the progress that has been made at the rehearsals is most gratifying. [Illustration of an "ah-oo-gah" horn] THE KLAXET $12 A low-priced Klaxon for small cars. Entirely different from the ordinary electric "vibrator" or "buzzer". Produces the true Klaxon warning note. Bears the Klaxon guarantee of permanent satisfaction. Klaxons, Klaxonets, Klaxets and Hand Klaxons sold by WILLIS-HALFF COMPANY 714-716 Austin Ave. Waco, Texas Automobile Accessories and Supplies WACO DAILY TIMES-HERALD FRIDAY MAY 15, 1914 Paragraphs Provident Heights Sunday school picnic is postponed indefinitely on account of the recent rains. Within the next few weeks the dog days will be here, and the extermination of worthless canines will soon begin. Each year this step is taken, as a measure of safety. Burke A. Boman and wife of 901 Dallas street are the proud parents of a baby boy born last night. Mr. Boman is the manager of the sewing machine department of Sanger Bros. Politically speaking, this year promises to be very interesting, and candidates are becoming more numerous each year. Announcement: Summer Music Study. Beginning June 1, Mr. F. Arthur Johnson will offer a special eight weeks course in Piano and Harmony. For those interested a course in rapid sight-reading will be given. New phone 232 Studio 508 1/2 Franklin St. -- (Adv.) The Palm Barber Shop, 123 South Eighth, newly remodelled and rendered most attractive with expert workmen and high class service, solicits your patronage. Children's work a specialty. Artesian baths; Sundays 8 to 12 a.m. (Adv.) This city will be well represented at the golf tournament in San Antonio next week, beginning Wednesday. At that time George V. Rotan, state champion, will be called on to defend his title. Most of those who go from here leave tomorrow night. PERSONAL MENTION John T. Bonner of Tyler is in the city today. Mrs. H.Q. Nash of Belton was here yesterday. R.L. Tubbs of Osage spent yesterday in Waco. T.K. McCartney of Temple was on the streets yesterday. Mrs. F.E. Thornton of Sulphur Springs was here yesterday. Dr. W.B. Newland was among the Gatesville visitors yeterday. H. Schwartz of Houston was here yesterday in connection with business. Ben Henson of Gatesville was here this morning in connection with business matters. Sam Philpott of Winona, Texas, has been spending a few days with Waco friends. Miss Ida Parrott has returned from a few days' visit to relatives in Holland, Bell county. Mrs. A. Hicks of Tyler is in the city, en route home from attending the diocesan council at Brenham. Mrs. Charlie Smith and her two daughters, Misses Georgia and Nellie, of 1522 North Twelfth, are visiting friends in Fort Worth. Gibson Hunter, a member of Company K, Texas National Guard, is soon to leave for Chicago, where he will take up the work of first assistant in the athletic department of the Y.M.C.A. Mrs. F.A. Smith, who resides at the home of her son-in-law, J.R. Spencer, Sr.,, in Edgefield, had a fall yesterday, dislocating her hip. While the injury is very serious, she is resting as well as could be expected of one of her age. She is 78 years old. Prof. Genheimer Spoke to the Working Boys Prof. E.T. Genheimer, principal of the High school, was the chief speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Working Boys' club last night and the boys applauded his address on how to become leaders through first becoming good followers. He took occasion to show them how they must have an education before they can become the most successful leaders and then pointed out how that by putting in their evenings at the night school they could acquire a large part of the education that is denied them by having to work during the day. Other features on last night's program included special piano and violin selections by Misses Freddie Gross and Geraldine Gegenworth of Baylor, a strong story by Miss Nell Whitman, and drill in some special songs by Mr. Kyger. After the club adjourned the boys wetre treated to fruit punch, the refreshments having ben contributed by the City Federation of Women's clubs. DELICIOUS HOME MADE ANGEL FOOD CAKES We have a specialist in this line, to make for us a limited number of cakes every week, and assure you that their quality is unexcelled. In addition to the above we have a complete line of the National Biscuit Company's goods, fresh shipments received semi-weekly. All kinds of fine wines, whiskeys and bottled beer. J.A. EARLY 313 Franklin