Mclennan County Texas Archives Obituaries.....Porter, Frederick W. June 7, 1918 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby October 6, 2014, 12:49 am The Waco News Tribune Sat Jun 8, 1918 F. W. Porter Dies From Injuries By Bursting of Pulley F. W. Porter, aged 64 years, machinist at the Waco Sash and Door factory, was struck and killed by fragments of a bursting pulley Friday morning. He was struck on the head and face. He also sustained a fracture of the left leg and a compound fracture of the right arm. he was taken to Providence sanitarium in the ambulance of L. C. Puckett, but died at 7:30 p.m. He is survived by a wife, two daughters, Lalla and Minnie Porter, and three sons, Fred, Thomas, Jr., and Julian Beny Porter, all of Waco. The funeral will take place Saturday evening at 5 o'clock from the home, 1315 North Eleventh st., Rev. F. S. Groner, pastor of the Columbus Street Baptist church officiating. Active pallbearers are: Walter Clansman, B. B. Cain, Earl Hudleston, H. W. Thaxton, A. E. Love, George Owens, Honorary: R. G. Ard, W. T. Steward, S. E. Caruthers, George McGee, John Tom Bonner, Dr. J. R. Maxfield, C. D. McCrary, Lieut. J. E. Moore, Sergt. C. M. Sanderson. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb