McLennan Co. TX - Fall and Puckett Funeral Records Submitted by: Diane Wilson, McLennan Co. TX county coordinator Copyright. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------ Contributed for use in TXGenWeb by Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc. Visit CTGS pages on this site for more information on their publications. Fall and Puckett Funeral Records are made available for genealogy use only. These records are compiled by Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc. and remain their property. Reproductions is not allowed without written consent from Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc. The search engine at the main page of the site will search these files for you. Return there by pressing here. FALL AND PUCKETT FUNERAL HOME RECORDS Intro A-B C-D E-F G-H H-J K-L M-Mi S-U (Coming Soon) W-Z (Coming Soon) Use the search tool provided in your browser to make searching easier. Note that there are some entries added at the end of the alphabet letter - causing them to be out of order. Be sure and check that if you do not find what you are looking for. Submitted to TXGenWeb by Diane E. Wilson Records compiled and transcribed by the Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Fall & Puckett Funeral Home Records FALL, AND PUCKETT FUNERAL RECORDS ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY NAMES Compiled by John M. Usry 1974 ~Central Texas Genealogical Society INTRODUCTION Starting with page B-1 of this book, there wi11 be found an "Introduction to Fall & Puckett Funeral Records," by Mrs. L. E. Montgomery. This was originally published in the October-November-December 1966 quarterly of the Central Texas Genealogical Society. It was followed, in 1967, 1968, 1969 and 1970, by publication of an Index to the Fall & Puckett Funeral Records. This index was prepared by seven ladies of the Society, whose names are listed on page B-1. The index listed approximately 14,000 names and indicated the location of these names by book and page numbers. This index was of great value to those seeking information from the Fall & Puckett records. However, it has been noted that the records have many errors in numbering. Hundreds of numbers were sometimes repeated once or twice, and many numbers were skipped. This caused difficulty in located the desired records. Many of the earlier Fall & Puckett books have developed binding troubles. Some of the covers are detached, and there are many loose sheets. The paper is old and brittle. These records are in such poor condition that their use for general research is no longer desirable. For these reasons, a decision was made to compile the data of the records into a new book suitable for general use. The Fall & Puckett records were copied, page by page, onto index cards. All information of probable value was copied, except that individual items of the funeral expenses were usually not copied, only the totals. If the only item was a casket, this was noted, because it indicates that Fall & Puckett did not conduct the entire funeral service. Also, if the funeral expense did not include a casket, this was noted; it usually meant that the deceased died away from McLennan County and the body was shipped in, the casket having been provided by an undertaker at the place where death occurred. After the Fall & Puckett records had been copied onto index cards, the cards were first sorted by names of cemeteries. The information on the cards was then typed on 8-1/2 X 11 inch paper and resulted in a compilation that showed the names of persons interred in various cemeteries, whose funerals were handled by Fall & Puckett, together with the additional information contained the records. This compilation is found in the Waco-McLennan County Library, and is useful to anyone interested in a particular cemetery and the names of those buried therein. Secondly, the cards, were sorted by the names of the deceased persons whose funerals were handled by Fall & Puckett, and then arranged in alphabetical order. Many of the records do not have the name of the deceased. This was often the case for the funerals of infants and unknown persons. Also, many of the records were not for funerals but for ambulance calls and sales of caskets and other under supplies. For these records without a name of a deceased, one of the names mentioned in the records was used, picking the name considered most likely to be significant. After the cards were sorted alphabetically, they were compared with and checked against the index that had been published in 1967, 1968, 1969 and 1970. About 200 discrepancies were noted. Some of the names in the index were not found in the compilation, and vice versa. In some cases it was found that the error was due to a difference in opinion as to the correct spelling of a name. In other cases it was found that a compiler had apparently missed a record. All of the discrepancies were resolved by reference to the original Fall & Puckett records, and to the Waco City Directories for the appropriate year. Spelling differences were resolved if possible if not, items were listed twice, showing each of the possible spellings. After making the corrections and changes mentioned, this present compilation was produced. A-1 bullet The original Fall & Puckett records contained information arranged in the following order: bullet Page number. bullet Date of funeral order. bullet Name of deceased; age of deceased. bullet Name of person ordering the funeral (by). bullet Name of person responsible for the funeral expense (for). Date of death; sometimes the cause and place of death. Date and place of interment. bullet Name of physician, Coroner or Justice of the Peace. Residence (usually, the residence of personal who will pay). In many cases, probably due to lack of information, some of the blanks were not filled in. For instance, in many cases the age of the deceased was not given, or the name of the cemetery was not shown. At times, additional information was shown. Beginning about 1924, space for data as to the date of birth of the deceased, and his parents, was provided for. In the present compilation, the book number and page number are given last instead of first. The date of the funeral order was usually omitted in this compilation, and the first item listed is the name of the deceased. In cases where Fall & Puckett failed to show the date of death, the compiler did use the date of the funeral order, because it will indicate the approximate date of death. Waco, Texas, June 28, 1974; John M. Usry, Compiler Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc. A-2 INTRODUCTION TO FALL & PUCKETT FUNERAL RECORDS by Fey Ruth (FOMBY) Montgomery (Mrs. L.E.) Within the next, and yet undetermined number of issues of the CTGS Quarterly, will be published some 14,000 names appearing in the sixty-eight books-of the Fall & Puckett Funeral Records. This issue concerns itself with an introduction to these documents. The first listing of names will commence in the Volume X, Number 1 (1967) issue of the Quarterly. The books known as the Fall & Puckett Funeral Records are actually the accounts of several different funeral homes in Waco and, therefore the dates of many of the books overlap. The earliest date is. March 6, 1892, and the last one is August 30, 1931. Through the help of Mr. Reed Compton, these books were obtained the latter part of 1965 by Mr. Howel W. Woodfin, President of the Central Texas Genealogical Society, for the Genealogical Department of the Waco-McLennan County Library. Because the pages are old and fragile, the Library, by the generosity of Mr. Compton, plans to have the pages microfilmed and in this way make the information they contain available to all who are interested in finding death records and other information that perhaps may not be available elsewhere. Death records were not kept by the city, county or state until 1905; then incomplete records were kept until 1910 or later. An examination of the information contained in these books gives an insight into conditions of life in Waco and McLennan County during this period. Many deaths were caused by diseases that are rare today such as meningitis, typhoid fever and tuberculosis. Many mothers lost their lives in childbirth; many babies were stillborn or died soon after birth, "Heupin cough", gunshot wounds, "serrocis of liver", even hanging were listed as causes of death, A few died of "old age". Fatal accidents were common. Cash, especially during the early part of this period, was not very plentiful. The funeral charges seem very nominal in comparison with those of today. Yet many made small weekly or monthly payments (under $5.00) on very modest charges for the funerals of loved ones. A mortgage was often taken on live stock or real estate. Some accounts were guaranteed by another person, perhaps someone known to the company. The county paid for a large number of the funerals. Many of these were listed as "unknown". The first name only was given in some cases, especially for those from the Rescue Home. The expensive funeral was rare, though there were a few. Those familiar with early Waco history will recognize many of the names in these books. There are sixty-eight books in the group. An index of approximately I4,000 names has been prepared to facilitate location of desired records. The following members of the Central Texas Genealogical Society are responsible for the preparation of this index: Mrs. R. G. Murrie, Mrs. L. E. Montgomery, Mrs. Harry Provence, Mrs. Hubert Johnson, Mrs. William Robert Hall, Mrs. William T. Meers, and Mrs. Dudley Layne. All names listed in the index de not indicate funerals. Some tickets were for moving bodies from one place to another, or from the train; some few were for flowers bought by friends, or for gloves or caskets bought by another firm. Other tickets were for use of the ambulance after that equipment was available; or for an extra carriage for a funeral. Some funerals held in Waco were for persons who died elsewhere. There were also tickets for persons who died in Waco and were buried in distant places which were indicated on the page. B-1 Some sheets give much information; others very little. There is space on each page for the funeral number and the date of ticket; name of deceased with name of person ordering funeral (usually a friend or relative), name of person for whom it is ordered (next of kin, or person responsible for payment of funeral costs), cause, time and date of death; place, time and date of interment; name of attending physician; itemized funeral charges; terms of payment; and residence. This last item will be helpful in consulting Waco city directories for additional information. Beginning with book fifty-eight, a double page record was made. The date of birth as well as death is given; and the name of parents (including maiden name of mother), and place of birth of both parents. As a rule, only the name on the top line of each ticket was indexed. A name was sometimes spelled in two different ways on the same page. Therefore, all possible spelling variations should be considered in trying to locate a name. Most of the tickets were numbered by hand and errors, such as duplication or skipping, occurred. For this reason, it has been difficult in some instances to make a listing that would make the location understandable. The name is listed first on the index; then the book number and third the page number. Far instance: "JONES, John 26-6534" indicates that the record for John Jones will be found in book number 26, page 6534. Sometimes the tickets were numbered by the year also. If there is a third number, it is the yearly number. Some tickets were not numbered, especially if not for a funeral. In this case, location is indicated by giving the number previous or following. bullet Below are listed the sixty-eight books included in the Fall & Puckett Funeral Records. Shown are the book number, the firm name, the ticket numbers, and the dates covered by each. Book 1 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers, 423 Franklin Street #1 March 6, 1892 to #234 November 27, 1892 bullet Book 2 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers, 423 Franklin Street #235 November 28 1892 to #479 July 12, 1893 (#262 is skipped) bullet Book 3 Fall & Puckett Undertakers, 423 Franklin Street bullet #480 July 12,1893 to #832 March 4, 1894 bullet (skip from 609 to #700 and skip #777) bullet Book 4 Fall & Puckett Undertakers, 423 Franklin Street bullet #833 March 6, 1894 to #1080 October 15, 1894 bullet (Page after #882 torn out and all numbers changed through #947. Page after#~928 torn out) bullet Book 5 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers, 423 Franklin Street bullet #1081 October 18, 1894 to #1326 April 29, 1895 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in Book O) bullet Book O J. C. Stephenson & Sons Undertakers, 406 Austin Avenue #1 January--,1895 to #208 October 3, 1895 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #5 and #6) bullet Book 6 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers, 423 Franklin Street bullet #1327 April 29, 1895 to #1575 October 11, 1895 bullet (Back of book is gone, last pages loose evidently bullet #1576 and#1577 are missing) bullet B-2 bullet bullet Book 00 Shepard & Ainsworth, Undertakers, 407 Franklin Street #209 October 11, 1895 to #291 February 24, 1896 (Dates in this book overlap those in Book #7). bullet Book7 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers #1578 October 15,1895 to #1825 May 14, 1896 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in Book 00) bullet Book 8 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #1826 May 15, 1896 to #2069 Sept 30, 1896 bullet Book 9 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #2070 October 1, 1896 to #2308 February 21, 1897 bullet Book 10 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #2309 February 22, 1897 to #2612 September 14, 1097 bullet Book 1l Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #2613 September 15, 1897 to #2851 February 25, 1898 bullet Book 12 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #2852 February 25, 1898 to #3187 August 19, 1898 bullet Book 13 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #3188 August 20, 1898 to #4018 December 23, 1898 (There is a skip in numbers from 3399 to 4000) bullet Book 14 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #4019 December 23, 1898 to #4249 April 15, 1899 bullet (There is a skip from 4099 to 5000, continues to 5098; then begins 4199 and continues to 4249) bullet Book 15 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #4250 April 15, 1899 to #4445 July 31, 1899 bullet Book 16.Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #4446 August 1, 1899 to #4637 December 2, 1899 bullet Book 17 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #4638 December 3, 1899 to #4729 February ll, 1900 bullet #4230 February 1~, 1900 to ~331 May 8~ 1900 bullet (Next book begins #4832 May 8, 1900) bullet Book 18 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #4832 May 8, 1900 to #5023 September 30, 1900 .' bullet Book 19 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #5024 October 1, 1900 to #5212 March 8, 1901 bullet (#5131 is skipped; several pages torn out following #5150 but numbers are in sequence) bullet Book 20 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #5213 March.8, 1901 to #5413 October 13, 1901 bullet Book 21 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #5414 October 14, 1901 to #5536 February 17, 1902 bullet B-3 bullet Next is #5337 February 17, 1902 to #5452 July 31, 1902 (In the first group of numbers #5464 is skipped and from #5477 to #5488. In the second group #5421 to #5428 are duplicated) bullet Book 22 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #5453 August 2, 1902 to #5808 July 18, 1903 bullet (There is a skip from #5562 to #5663) bullet Book 23 Fa11 & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #5809 July 19, 1903 to #6042 September 1, 1904. bullet Book 24 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #6043 September 2, 1904 to #6274 August 6, 1905 bullet Book 25 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #6275 August 6, 1905 to #6503 April 24, 1906 bullet Book 26 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #6504 April 27, 1906 to #5811 February 23, 1907 bullet (numbers go from #6504 to #6546 then begin #5647 and continue to #5811) bullet Book 27 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #5812 February 25, 1907 to #6054 December 27, 1907 (Numbers 5933, 5953 and 5954 are skipped) bullet Book 28 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #6055 December 28, 1907 to #7192 November 6, 1908 bullet (There is a skip in numbers from 6099 to 7000) bullet Book 29 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #7193 November 11, 1908 to #8235 July 20, 1909 (There is a skip in numbers from 7199 to 8000) bullet Book 30 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #8236 July 20,1909 to #8325; #8226 to #8332; bullet #8233 to #8273 March 5, 1910 bullet Book 31 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #8274 March 5, 1910 to #8490 August 21, 1910 bullet Book 32 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #8491 August 21, 1910 to #8729 March 13, 1911 bullet Book 33 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #8730 March 13, 1911 to #8863; #8664 to #8769 bullet September 17, 1911 bullet Book 34 Fall & Puckett, Undertakers bullet #8770 September 17, 1911 to #9003 February 8, 1912 bullet Book 35 John Fall Undertaking Company, Undertakers bullet #9004 February 8, 1912 to #9209 July. 8, 1912 bullet (There is a skip from #9188 to #9199) bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in book #36) bullet B-4 bullet Book 36 L. O. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #1 February 19,1912 to #187 March 22, 1913 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #35, #37, #38) bullet Book 37 John Fall Undertaking Company, Undertakers bullet #9210 July 9, 1912 to #9401 January 29, 1913 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in book #36) bullet Book 38 John Fall Undertaking Company, Undertakers bullet #9402 February 1,1913 to #9590 July 25, 1913 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #36 and #39) bullet Book 39 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #188 March 29,1913 to #350 March 21,1914 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #38 and #40) bullet Book 40 John Fall Undertaking Company, Undertakers bullet #9591 July 26,1913 to #9790 February 4, 1914 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in book #39) bullet Book 41 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #351 March 25, 1914 (two unnumbered tickets before this bullet dated March 23 & 24, 1914) to #488 December 6, 1914 ' bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in book #42) bullet Book 42 John Fall Undertaking Company, Undertakers bullet #9791 February 5, 1914 to #9978 December 5, 1914 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #39 and #41) bullet Book 43 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #489 December 7, 1914 to #617 August 29, 1915 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in book #44) bullet Book 44 John Fall Undertaking Company, Undertakers bullet #9979 December 6,1914 to #10175 November 18, 1915 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #43 and #45) bullet Book 45 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #618 August 29, 1915 to #776 July 20, 1916 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #44 and #46) bullet Book 46 John Fall Undertaking Company, Undertakers bullet #10176 November 20, 1915 to #10378 December 4, 1916 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #45 and #47) bullet Book 47 Layton C. Puckett,Funeral Director & Embalmer, 7th & Franklin bullet #777 July 21, 1916 to #921 June 24, 1917 bullet (Dates in this book overlap those in books #46 and #48) bullet Book 48 John Fall Undertaking Company bullet #10379 December 5,1915 to #10634 November 13,1917 bullet (The dates in this book overlap those in books #47 and #49) bullet Book 49 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #922 June 25,1917 to #1006 December 24,1917 and two bullet additional not numbered. (The dates in this book overlap those bullet in book#48) bullet B-5 bullet Book 50 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet First five not numbered December 24 to 27, 1917 bullet #1007 December 30,1917 Yearly #1 to #1079-74 April 1, 1918 bullet Book 51 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #1080-75 April 2, 1918 to #l161-156 September 5,1918 bullet Book 52 L. C.Puckett, Undertaker bullet #1162-157 September 7,1918 to #1246-241 October 31,1918 bullet Book 53 L. C. Puckett, Undertaker bullet #1247-242 November 1, 1918 to #1319-11 January 7, 1919 bullet Book 54 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #1320-12 January 8, 1919 to #1420-110 July 11,1919. bullet (Numbers 1346, 1347 and 1348 are skipped) bullet Book 55 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #1421-111 July 12,1919 to #1513-211 December 31, 1919 bullet Book 56 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #1514-1 January 1, 1920 to #1608-95 May 7, 1920 bullet Book 57 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #1609-96 May 9,1920 to #1642-129 June 28,1920 bullet (One page after 1642 torn out; only about one-third of the book was used) bullet Book 58 Puckett Undertaking bullet #1644-130 July 2,1920 to #1840-90 July 14,1921 bullet (Beginning with this book a double page record was made; additional information includes date of birth of the deceased and name and place of birth of parents) bullet Book 59 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #1841-91 July 15,1920 to #2041-130 August 23,1922. bullet Book 60 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #2042-131 August 26, 1922 to #2240-131 July 21, 1923 bullet [Book 61 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #2241=131 July 27, 1923 to #2441-108 July 22, 1924 bullet (Yearly #131 is repeated from book #60) bullet Book 62 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #2442-109 July 23, 1924 to #2645-116 August 11, 1925 bullet (Numbers 2622-2627 inclusive are skipped. Numbers 2552 bullet and 2553 are repeated) bullet Book 63 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #2646-117 August 18, 1925 to #2842-15 March 19, 1927 bullet Book 64 Puckett Undertaking Company '" bullet #2843-16 March 26,1927 to #3037-39 April 9, 1929 bullet Book 65 Puckett Undertaking Company bullet #3038-40 April 10, 1929 to #3186-101 November 29, 1930 bullet B-6 bullet Book 66 Puckett Undertaking Company. bullet #3187-102 December 1, 1930 to #3223 June 5,1931 bullet (There are 12 sheets not numbered after above and bullet their dates go to August 30, 1931) bullet The Funeral Homes listed, in the Fall & Puckett Funeral Records were not the only ones in Waco during that period. The following information was copied from available Waco City Directories. bullet 1886-1887 Undertakers: bullet Martin, W. P. and Brother, 478 Austin Ave., corner South 5th Street bullet Steiner & Stephenson, 348-354 Austin (Frank Steiner, John C. Stephenson). Furniture, carpets, house furnishing goods, and undertakers. bullet (John C. Stephenson lived at 806 South 4th) bullet (Frank Steiner boarded with Mrs. L. C. Beatty) bullet (John G. Falls was a shipping clerk with Steiner & Stephenson; boarded with J. L. Costler) bullet (Layton C. Puckett was manager of Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Office, east bullet side 4th between Austin Ave. and Franklin St., boarded with M.M. Boggess) bullet bullet 1888-1889 Undertakers: bullet Steiner, F., south side Austin Ave. between 5th and 6th Steets. bullet Furniture, carpets, housefurnishing goods and undertaker. bullet J. C. Stephenson & Son, 406 Austin Ave (John C. and William M. Stephenson) bullet Furniture, housefurnishing goods, undertakers, funeral directors and embalmers. bullet (John G. Fall was an undertaker with J. C. Stephenson & Son; lived in home of bullet J. L. Costler) bullet (Layton C. Puckett was telegraph operator, Western Union Office; boarded with bullet M. M. Boggess) bullet (George M. Shepard was city salesman with Tripis & Kemendo, 619 North 4th St.) bullet bullet 1890-1891 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet R. T. Dennis & Bros., 518 Austin Ave, and 621-623 Franklin St. (Robert T. and James K.). Furniture, house furnishing goods, undertakers, embalmers, warehouses at 621-623 Franklin St. "A full line of coffins, caskets and shrouds." bullet J. C. Stephenson & Son, 406 Austin Ave. (John C. and William M.) bullet Furniture, housefurnishing goods, undertakers, funeral directors, embalmers. bullet Waco Furniture Company, 521-523 Austin Ave. (A. J. Caruthers, President; R. A. bullet Caruthers, Sec.-Treasurer, Mgr.). Dealers in furniture, also undertaking and funeral directors. : -. bullet (John G. Fall, undertaker with J. C. Stephenson & Son. Rooms at 406 Austin) bullet (George M. Shepard, traveling salesman, Shear Davis & Co., 617 North 5th St.) bullet (Wm. M. Stephenson, agent & dealer in bicycles, tricycles, office at 406 Austin.) bullet bullet 1892-1893. Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, Undertakers and Funeral Directors (John F. Fall, Layton C. bullet Puckett), 423 Franklin Street bullet J. C. Stephenson & Son (John C. and William M.), Undertakers and Funeral bullet B-7 ~ bullet bullet Directors, office & warerooms, 406 Austin Ave. bullet (John C. Stephenson, president, Ed. Stephenson Mfg. Co., 802 South 4th Street bullet (Wm. M. Stephenson resided at 802 South 4th Street) bullet bullet 1894-1895 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, 423 Franklin St. (John G. Fall, Layton C. Puckett). Undertakers bullet and Funeral Directors. bullet Stephenson & Cox, 417 Franklin St. (M. C. Stephenson and E. A. Cox).Under- bullet takers, embalmers and funeral directors. bullet (E. A. Cox lived over 407 Franklin Street) bullet (Laban H. Ainsworth, Jr., undertaker with Stevenson & Cox, resided over 407 bullet Fraklin St.) bullet (Laban H. Ainsworth, St., resided at home of George M. Shepard) bullet (George M. Shepard, traveling salesman, 1705 South 10th Street) bullet bullet 1896-1897 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, 423 Franklin St., Undertakers & Funeral Directors (John G. Fall bullet and Layton C. Puckett) bullet J. W. Riggins, Waco Trading Company, 123-129 South 4th St. bullet James W. Riggins, President, Texas Immigration & Industrial Association. bullet Proprietor, Waco Trading Company. Furniture, carpets, stoves, crockery, glassware, undertaker. (125, 127, 129 North 4th, corner Washington) bullet bullet 1898 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, 423 Franklin St. (John G. Fall, Layton C. Puckett) bullet Waco Trading Company, 123 South 4th St, Furniture, Undertaking. J. W. Riggins, bullet President; N. B. Riggins, Secretary; M. A. Sullivan, Treasurer. bullet bullet 1898-1899 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, 423 Franklin St. (John G. Fall, Layton C. Puckett). Undertakers bullet and Funeral Directors. bullet Waco Trading Company, 123-129 North 4th, corner Washington. bullet J.W. Riggins, President & Mgr.; W. W. Seley, Vice-president; M. A. bullet Sullivan, Treasurer; N. B. Riggins, Secretary. Furniture, carpets, house- bullet furnishing goods, stoves, crockery, glassware, undertakers. bullet 1900-1901 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, 423 Franklin Street. bullet John C. Lees, 510 Franklin St., The Undertaker, Funeral Director & Embalmer. bullet (John C. Stophenson, resided at 802 South 4th St.) bullet (Wm. M. Stephenson, Superintendent of Construction, Independent Telegraph and bullet Telephone Company, resided at 802 South 4th St.) bullet (George M. Shepard, traveling salesman, Continental Tobacco Company of St. bullet Louis, resided at 1705 South 10th St.) bullet bullet 1902-1903 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, 423 Franklin Street. bullet John C. Lees, 214 South 4th St., Undertaker, Embalmer & Funeral Director. bullet White & Patterson (c), 108 W. Bridge St., Undertakers. (Morgan T. White and bullet John Patterson} bullet B-8 bullet bullet 1904-1905 Undertaker and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett 423 Franklin Steer. bullet John C. Lees, 214 South 4th Street bullet John Patterson (c), 108 West Bridge Street. bullet (Laban H. Ainsworth, casketmaker with John C. Lees) bullet bullet 1906-1907 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Fall & Puckett, 423 Franklin Street. bullet John C. Lees, 214 South 4th Street. bullet John Patterson (c), 108 West Bridge Street. bullet (Laban H. Ainsworth, grocer at 1122 Clay Corner 12th) bullet bullet 1907-1908 Undertakers and Funeral Directorst bullet Fall & Puckett_420 Franklin Street. bullet John C. Lees, 214 South 4th Street. bullet John Patterson. (c), 108 Bridge Street. bullet bullet 1910 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, Francis M., 214 South 4th Street. bullet Fall & Puckett, 420 Franklin Street. bullet John Patterson (c), 108 Bridge Street. bullet (Undertakers Supplies, wholesale, John C. Lees Ccmpanyj 402-4 South 3rd St) bullet bullet 1911-1912 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, Francis M., 214 South 4th Street. bullet Fall & Puckett, 420 Franklin Street. bullet John Patterson (c), 116 Bridge Street. bullet (Undertakers Supplies, wholesale Texas Coffin Company, 402 South 3rd St. bullet Moses M. Patton, President; J. M. Hartfield & Jackson Moss, Vice-presi bullet dents; George M. Patten, Secretary-Manager; J. Thomas Tidwe11, Jr., bullet Treasurer) bullet bullet 1913 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, Francis M., 214 South 4th Street. bullet John Fall Undertaking Company, 420 Franklin Street Undertakers and Licensed bullet Embalmers. bullet John Patterson (c), 116 Bridge Street. bullet Phipps Undertaking Company, 414 South 2nd Street, H. A. Kennedy, Mgr. bullet Puckett, Layton C., 316 Franklin Street. bullet bullet 1916 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, Francis M., 214 South 4th Street. bullet John Fall Undertaking Company, 420 Franklin Street. bullet Layton C. Puckett, 700 Franklin Street. bullet Lone Star Undertaking Company (c), 122 Franklin Street. Willis, President; A. bullet S. Jackson, Vice-president; J. L. Estelle, Secretary and Manager. bullet John Patterson (c), 114-116 Bridge Street. bullet The Phipps Company (c), 414 South 2nd. Harvey Dixon, Manager, B-9 bullet bullet 1917-1918 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, Francis M., 214 South 4th Street. bullet John Fall Undertaking Company, 212 South 5th Street. bullet Lone Star Undertaking Company (c), 111 Bridge Street. bullet John Patterson (c), 114-116 Bridge Street. bullet Phipps Undertaking Company, 414 So. 2nd (Harvey Dixon). Funeral Directors, bullet Undertakers a Embalmers. bullet Layton C. Puckett, 700 Franklin Street, corner South 7th Street. bullet bullet 1919-1920 Undertakers and Funeral Directors bullet Compton, F. M., 214 South 4th Street. bullet Estelle & Dixon (c), 114-116 Bridge St. (J. L. Estelle & H. A. Dixon) bullet Lone Star Undertaking Co. (c), 111 Bridge St. (W. S. Willis & A. S. Jackson) Peoples Undertaking Company, 414 South 2nd St. (J. L. Harkey, Manager) bullet Puckett Undertaking Company, 700 Franklin St. (L.C., W.B., and L.F. Puckett) Waco Undertaking Company (c), 126 Franklin St. (W. L. Dennis, manager) bullet bullet 1921-1922 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, F. M., 1024 Austin Avenue. bullet J. L. Estelle (c), 116 Bridge Street. bullet Jones & Boykins (c), 124 Franklin St. (J. L. Jones & E. G. Boykins) bullet Puckett Undertaking Co., 700 Franklin St. (L.C., W.B. and Lawson F. Puckett) bullet Union Undertaking Company (c), 414 South 2nd. (Edward Pembrook, Proprietor) bullet Waco Undertaking Company (c), 111 Bridge St. (W. L. Dennis, Manager) bullet bullet 1924 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, F. H. & Son (Reed), 1024 Austin Ave. Funeral Directors & Embalmers. bullet Porters Funeral Parlor, 116 Bridge Street (F. D. Porter) bullet Puckett Undertaking Company, 700 Franklin Street. (L.C., W.B. and L.F.) bullet Waco Undertaking Company, 111 Bridge St. (W. L. Dennis, Manager) bullet bullet 1926-1927 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, F. M. & Son, 1024 Austin Avenue bullet Cooke & Ashford, 111 Bridge St. (C.F. Cooke & B. Go Ashford, Jr.) bullet Dennis & Boykins, 116 Bridge St. (W. L. Dennis & E.G. Boykins) bullet H. C. Johnson, 525 North 3rd St. (Undertaker: Henry C. Johnson) bullet Puckett Funeral Parlor, 1600 Austin Ave. (Layton C., Will B. & Lawson F.) bullet Wilkirson & Hatch, 1124-26 Washington. (Undertakers. D. J. Wilkirson, J.P. bullet Wilkirson & Roy H. Hatch) bullet bullet 1928-1929 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet Compton, F. M. & Son, 1024 Austin Avenue. bullet Dennis & Boykins, 116 Bridge St. (W. L. Dennis & E.G. Boykins) bullet H. C. Johnson, 525 North 3rd St. (Undertaker: Henry C. Johnson) bullet Puckett Funeral Parlor, 1600 Austin Avenue. (L. C. Puckett) bullet Wilkirson & Hatch, 1124-26 Washington Avenue. bullet bullet 1930-1931 Undertakers and Funeral Directors: bullet (Same as 1928-1929 above, except that Johnson's Funeral Home established at bullet 529 North 3rd Street). bullet B-10 bullet