MILAM COUNTY TEXAS - A History of Rockdale Texas (GENERAL LAND OFFICE) ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES PROJECT NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lynna Kay Shuffield for the Milam County Genealogical Society July 26, 2001 *************************************************************************** There is an html version of this information with pictures at *************************************************************************** GENERAL LAND OFFICE TEXAS LAND MEASURE Unit of measure: The vara = 33~/3 inches, 36 varas = 100 feet. 1900.8 varas = one mile = 5280 feet. 5645.4 square varas = one acre = 4840 square yards = 43,560 square feet. One league = 5000.0 varas square = 4428.4 acres = 13,889 feet square. One labor = 1000.0 varas square = 177.1 acres = 2,778 feet square. 1900.8 varas square = 640.0 acres = 5280 feet square 1344.0 varas square = 320.0 acres = 3733 feet square. 950.4 varas square— 160.0 acres = 2640 feet square. To reduce varas to feet—multiply by 100, then divide by 36. To reduce feet to varas—multiply by 36, then divide by 100. To reduce square varas to acres—multiply by 177, then divide by 1,000,000. To reduce square feet to acres— multiply by 23, then divide by 1,000,000. Deed Records Deed Records Vol. 41, p. 93: Election held May 18, 1874, for the town of Rockdale. Majority voted for: "the inhabitants of the town of Rockdale are incorporated . . ." one square mile, the center of which is Bell & Main, known as the city of Rockdale. Signed by J. C. Rogers, presiding judge. At the July meeting, 1874 of the commissioner's court of Milam Co. Seal Dec. 5, 1874. Filed Dec. 11, 1874. (Minutes of Commissioner's Court of Milam (?o. vol A p 13) , . , Deed Record B-1, p. 354: Ordinance passed for changing the name of the "town of Rockdale to the City of Rockdale." Passed in council unanimously and approved June 14, 1875. A. A. Burck, mayor. Filed Sept. 1, 1875. Deed Record A-1, p. 450-451: The deed for the streets and lots for the town of Rockdale. Filed with a map by the l&GN Railroad Co. The town contains 35 blocks of lots, is situated on the line of the railroad upon the Wm. Allen survey Both sides of the track marked railroad reservation. Sealed by l&ON, July 15; 1874. G. A. Grow, President. Filed Sept. 2, 1874. Recorded Sept. 4, 1874. J. Nabours, clerk. (flat Book 2, p. 33)