MITCHELL COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1930 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - July 4, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Abila, Eurgune 1-29-1930 M Jobita Lurea Benillo Abila Abla, John Freeman 11-17-1930 M Velma Seely Moses Brown Abla Acostra, Marcello 1-31-1930 F Antonio Bocosta Epifano Acostra Adams, Jessie 12-22-1930 F Lura Feaster J M Adams Albro, Juan 3-16-1930 M Alberta Lobaco Jesus Albro Almanza, Agustina 11-19-1930 F Agustina Ortega Pablo Almanza Alvarado, Guadalupe 12-11-1930 M Margarita Castillano Manuel Alvarado Alvarez, Joe 7-29-1930 M Eluteria Delgado Benito Alvarez Anaga, Efren Inf Of 1-25-1930 M Isadora Marquez Efren Anaga Anayai, Manuel 3-21-1930 F Lusia Rivera Leonard Anayai Andrews, Doris Marceline 5-28-1930 F Bertha Wendland Edgar Andrews Autry, Margaret Maxine 8-28-1930 F Florence Nelson W. H. Autry Avery, James Lonzo 9-26-1930 M Betsy Gaines Henry Avery Baker, Annie Lee 1-26-1930 F Anna Lou Grimes T. J. Baker Balenrsulo, Esteban 9-2-1930 M Esther Regalado Fermin Balenrsulo Ballard, Als Inf Of 1-15-1930 M Edna Grenny Als Ballard Ballard, John Luther Inf Of 10-27-1930 M Corty Hubbard John Luther Ballard Ballard, M. D. Jr. 4-15-1930 M Juanita Goode M. D. Ballard Banks, Emmett Griffin Jr. 11-25-1930 M Pearl Davis E. G. Banks Barker, Laura Eugene 8-14-1930 F Cecil Grant Arthur Tomas Barker Barnfield, Bessie 3-11-1930 F Alice Stallcup Lee Barnfield Barnfield, Carlene 6-11-1930 F Katherine Margaret Davis Carl Matthew Barnfield Barnfield, Dessie 3-11-1930 F Alice Stallcup Lee Barnfield Barrera, Vidal 5-30-1930 M Manuela Ortega Antonio Barrera Barrett, M. W. Inf Of 11-9-1930 F Jewell Collier M. W. Barrett Bassham, Donald Howard 1-14-1930 M Oleta Ruse Carl Bassham Bassham, L. L. Inf Of 7-6-1930 M Zella C. Lee L. L. Bassham Bassham, Roscoe Inf Of 4-29-1930 M Marie Wood Roscoe Bassham Bassham, Willis Lee 1-12-1930 M Myrtle Robinson P. M. Bassham Beeman, Geneva 5-24-1930 F Fannie Day Paul William Beeman Bell, Joe Inf Of 1-1-1930 M Nannie Winfrey Joe Bell Bella, Norberta 6-16-1930 M Nicolosa Faraugo Jesus Bella Bentle, Bobbie Milton 8-20-1930 M Annie Lee Rosenburg Marvin Bentle Bigham, Jerrine Lavoe 7-5-1930 F Geneva Harvey Frank Bigham Blalock, Sarah Margaret 10-23-1930 F Caula Cook R. D. Blalock Jr. Blassingam, Lillian 9-13-1930 F Hattie Parish Emmett Blassingam Blassingame, Betty Sue 2-10-1930 F Daisy Bell A Blassingame V Blum, Shirley Ruth 1-29-1930 F Estelle Wallace E. H. Blum Bolling, Sam H. 10-8-1930 M Flora B. Price Sam H. Bolling Booksdale, W B Inf Of 4-13-1930 F Willie May Hilliard W B Booksdale Borgas, Jesus 10-8-1930 M Jaunita Gonzales Martin M Borgas Boyd, Dell Inf Of 11-1-1930 M Amanda Truitt Dell Boyd Bradnell, A. T. Junior 2-15-1930 M Malinda Edna Davis Archable Thornton Bradnell Braker, Allen W. 12-16-1930 M Dee Leoallen W. R. Braker Braker, Allin 12-16-1930 F Dee Leoallen W. R. Braker Bramlett, Sue 2-8-1930 F Lura Lavin H A Bramlett Brooks, Troy Dee 5-4-1930 M Jennie House I. M. Brooks Bruce, Charles Merlyn 9-9-1930 M Beatrice Wilson E. Marshall Bruce Bruechner, Herman Martin 1-18-1930 M Mary Ethel Martin Herman Francis Bruechner Bullock, Sam Wilson 12-17-1930 M Sam Bullock Burrier, Leon 6-23-1930 M Stella Belle Brooks H. M. Burrier Bush, Selma Jean 9-26-1930 F Lillie Mae Hill Austin Bush Butler, Leonard 11-6-1930 M Bessie Jackson John B Butler Cagle, Charles Harmon 9-28-1930 M Bonnye Causler W. W. Cagle Campbell, B C Inf Of 1-4-1930 M Louise Pontrenolie B C Campbell Candler, Bettie Sue 7-13-1930 F Gladdis Smith George Candler Carter, Betty Jo 12-1-1930 F Grace Hardin J. C. Carter Castillo, Antonio 6-12-1930 M Andera Butenes Gadalupe Cantillo Castro, Otilia 1-5-1930 F Maria Valdez Gregorio Castro Cathcort, Bobbie Louise 2-3-1930 F Bluse Hearnes R T Cathcort Chany, Emalin 2-26-1930 F Lillie Crane John Chany Chaves, Lola 8-15-1930 M Juanita Garza Victor Chaves Cheek, Echea May 10-30-1930 F Addie Boyd Mayfield Cheek Christmas, Billie 3-9-1930 M Bessie Jones W E Christmas Clark, John Edward 4-19-1930 M Velma Towery Ed Clark Claxton, Merlin 10-31-1930 M Lillie Akins Bufford Claxton Clement, Nadine 5-31-1930 F Irene Northcutt Albert Clement Coffee, Jane Iris 7-18-1930 F Mary Mayes I. M. Coffee Coffee, Shirley Beth 9-7-1930 F Roberta Evans J. Wilbur Coffee Collier, Douglas Eugene 10-29-1930 M Lena Bell Fine David Lester Collier Connell, Allen C. Jr. 2-13-1930 M Myrtle Millstead A. C. Connell Cooper, William Maryan 1-3-1930 M Bonnie Lee Davis W. E. Cooper Corelo, Loreta 7-1-1930 F Mary Bolija Sonou B Corelo Cottrell, Travis Junior 10-28-1930 M Margie Ethel Orear Joseph Earl Cottrell Cowthran, Vera 2-22-1930 F Aurila Mosley Walter Cowthran Cranfill, Henry Lee 8-22-1930 M Velma Robison Homer Cranfill Creecy, Donald Gene 11-26-1930 M Ruby Henderson Ernest F Creecy Crow, Edith Mae 3-15-1930 F Essie Fitzgerald J. T. Crow Cruz, Juanita 9-22-1930 F Monica Ressellez Alberto Cruz Cupp, Doris Lee 8-27-1930 F Rosa Kelly B. M. Cupp Davila, Francisco 8-25-1930 M Sisilia Florez Esquiel Davila Davis, Emma Jean 3-21-1930 F Ida Daughtery W. O. Davis Davis, T J 12-10-1930 M Erthel Stevens Thomas Jefferson Davis Davis, Ted Lee 6-29-1930 M Juanita Gerch George W Davis Davis, W. Claburn Jr 11-3-1930 M Mamie Sparks W C Davis Dawson, Mary Grace 11-13-1930 F Ethel Mann M. J. Dawson Dawson, Robert Scott 3-1-1930 M Asilie Lowe J T Dawson Day, Riley Ned 5-22-1930 M Lona Burrier J. H. Day Day, Wiley Ed 5-22-1930 M Lona Burrier J. H. Day Decker, Emma Jean 2-3-1930 F Fannie Virgie Brown James Ezra Decker Delaney, Charles Neal Jr. 12-5-1930 M Edna Louise Mohler Charles Neal Delaney Disney, Cecil Jr. 2-23-1930 M Vivian Lee Thomas Cecil Disney Dixon, Joe Edward 2-24-1930 M Lula Brown Frank E Dixon Dockery, Charles Ralph 6-21-1930 M Sadie Miller J. O. Dockery Dorn, Billie Lee 5-16-1930 F Erline Mccollough C. C. Dorn Doss, Clayton Eugene 12-31-1930 M Maude Willis M. B. Doss Dowdy, M. L. Inf Of 8-20-1930 M Iva May Mcelroy M. L. Dowdy Dozier, Felix Boyd 4-13-1930 M Julia Ruth Peebles Gordon Boyd Dozier Driggers, Thomas Asbury Jr 7-5-1930 M Minnie Mccorty Thomas A Driggers Dugan, Jerry Lee 9-1-1930 M Mildred Bradshaw Walter Dugan Duke, Dorothy Lee 6-5-1930 F Mamie Lee King Charles M Duke Duke, Opal Joy 3-28-1930 F Evelin Epperson Milburn Duke Dunn, Fannie Emma 10-27-1930 F Lucy Brooks John Dunn Dunn, Francis Laverna 12-11-1930 F Alva Laverna Compton James Waymon Dunn Durnaho, Barbara 5-22-1930 F Ethel Mae Murphey A M Durnaho Dyerbediz, Margarita 11-13-1930 F Catarina Erequez Mariano Dyerbediz Elder, Charles Wesley 8-6-1930 M Rhoda Robinson Isaac Elder Elliott, Mary Katherine 1-24-1930 F Allora Richards V. R. Elliott Engram, Albert Austin 6-30-1930 M Ellena Engram Itoliver Engram Eppler, Effie Jane 7-23-1930 F Nell Echols C. B. Eppler Evans, Mary Beth 12-29-1930 F Lillian Richards W. H. Evans Ezell, Charles Farrell 4-22-1930 M Mary Shepard Charlie Benjamin Ezell Faulkenberry, James A. J Inf Of 11-26-1930 F Zoe Alice Richey James A. Faulkenberry Jr. Faulkenberry, Thomas Reynolds 5-5-1930 M Lillie May Richburg Thomas Franklin Faulkenberry Fee, Charles Rolland 11-4-1930 M Marcella Price R. F. Fee Fisher, Buford 5-2-1930 M Clarice Phelan E. H. Fisher Fitzgerald, Mercedios Margarete 7-30-1930 F Margarite Stoneham L. H. Fitzgerald Flores, Maria 9-27-1930 F Josefa Garza Pedro Flores Florez, Joe Inf Of 2-2-1930 M Alberta Sillas Joe Florez Floyd, William 1-4-1930 M Mammie Lee Coker W. A. Smith Follis, John Arolige 1-15-1930 M Mabel Tamizena Scown A. J. Follis Forbes, Bessie Helen 5-18-1930 F Bessie Chism John M. Forbes Formwalt, Helen Louise 6-15-1930 F Gladys Sallie R. M. Formwalt Fortner, Deloras Ann 7-3-1930 F Hazel G. Johnson Ollie A. Fortner Francis, Carl Clea 3-22-1930 M Nellie Frances Walker John Thomas Francis Francis, Ruth Cleo 1-4-1930 F Lottie Shoemaker Bryan Francis Franklin, W. B. Inf Of 9-11-1930 F Laura Posey W. B. Franklin Frazier, Virgil Eugene Inf Of 9-22-1930 M Alma Evans Virgil Eugene Frazier Frujio, Monses 11-2-1930 M Maria Garcia Placido Frujio Gamble, Joseph Clark Inf Of 10-24-1930 F Lillie Mae Hamilton Joseph Clark Gamble Garcia, Ruben M. 3-5-1930 M Tomasa Martinez Proto Garcia Gentry, Jack Bord 3-7-1930 M Zena Free B N Gentry Giddens, Vivian Oletha 9-7-1930 F Offie Mae Pate Marion Abilene Giddens Giles, Nina Kate 2-12-1930 F Clara Bishop John W. Giles Gill, Betty Joe 12-14-1930 F Ruby Lee Moore John Green Gill Godbe, James Rose 4-26-1930 M Stella Peters W. M. Godbe Gonzalez, Raquel 12-4-1930 F Emilia Reyes Marcelino Gonzalez Goodman, Herbert Lee 12-1-1930 M Josephine Miles Vernon Goodman Gorbude, Lucinda 3-26-1930 F Francisco Gorbude Graham, Donel Lee 7-27-1930 M Della Hooker J. F. Graham Grebing, William Adley 3-31-1930 M Grace Faver H. J. Grebing Green, Wanda 11-17-1930 F Alma Coe Boyd Green Gregory, Mary Jo 9-20-1930 F Ida Ruth Ellett Richard Edward Gregory Grimes, Billy Ray 9-14-1930 M Bessie Carroll Troy Grimes Grissom, J. G. Jr. 2-1-1930 M Bertha L. York J. G. Grissom Gross, Alton 9-23-1930 M Bessie Trice Erskin Gross Gross, Reese 12-30-1930 M Gladys Shannon Clyde Gross Gunn, Bettie Mae 3-19-1930 F Willie Green W B Gunn Gunter, Billy Jim 2-1-1930 M Rebecca Mae Robertson Johnnie Wesley Gunter Gurina, Rosa 3-13-1930 F Sara Gomez Librado Gurina Hackfeld, Lydia Mae 1-8-1930 F Rosa Althof C. H. Hackfeld Hall, Alvin Jr. 10-12-1930 M Mollie Gronds A. L. Hall Hallmark, Arnold Smith 2-20-1930 M Gertrude Lawrence A Smith Hallmark Hamblet, Thomas Loring Jr. 1-23-1930 M Frances Mcmurry T. L. Hamblet Hammonds, Jessie 7-21-1930 M Pauline Mills Albert Hammonds Hammons, Kenith Dale 9-26-1930 M Elsie Trice Porter Hammons Hampton, Carroll Findley 4-20-1930 M Lora Lucille Carstenson John R. Hampton Hanks, Fred Inf Of 7-10-1930 F Clarice Moon Fred Hanks Hardegree, Benny Joe 1-17-1930 M Odessa Berry Montie O. Hardegree Harrera, Gregorio 2-19-1930 M Anita Sanchez Gregorio Harrera Harris, Dorothy Gillian 12-2-1930 F Gillian Gee W. F. Harris Harris, Dwayne Sparks 2-25-1930 M Annie Williams Joe Harris Harrison, Billy Lee 2-9-1930 M Maudie Mcbright James H. Harrison Hartgrove, Robert Donald 4-26-1930 M Thelma Blackerby Robert Leonard Hartgrove Hartsfield, A Inf Of 2-4-1930 M Lola Light A Hartsfield Harvey, Jay Jay 11-14-1930 M Annie Mae Rhodes Joseph Newt Harvey Hawkins, Beulah May 7-17-1930 F Lizzie Conrad W. D. Hawkins Hawkins, Beulas Ray 7-17-1930 M Lizzie Conrad W. D. Hawkins Haynes, Zolita 5-26-1930 F Janie Dunn Will Haynes Hazlewood, Carl William 8-21-1930 M Leona Graham Edgar Hazlewood Hearne, Willie Ruth 5-14-1930 F Emma May Millsap Luther M. Hearne Hendrick, Robert Hugh 2-19-1930 M Mary Emma Hall Clarence Cleo Hendrick Hendricks, Samuel 10-27-1930 M Emma Friday A G Hendricks Heredia, Ernestina 11-11-1930 F Maria Bonilla Hilario Heredia Herrera, Margurite 3-12-1930 F Bruna Herrera Herrington, Inita Jane 11-13-1930 F Stella Cox E. E. Herrington Hickey, Billy Joy 12-10-1930 F Cleo Salsman T. T. Hickey Hignojos, Toribio Driego 4-17-1930 M Bruna Driego Florencio Almendarez Hignojos Hill, Billie Bernice 10-15-1930 F Stella Pendleton Brice Hill Hines, Donald Merrell 6-13-1930 M Mattie Jewell Conway Ralf Witt Hines Hinojos, Jose V 8-15-1930 M B. V. Villa P A Hinojos Hinoyoz, Catrina 4-30-1930 F Tresa Bueno Calistro Hinoyoz Hodges, Willa Dean 5-16-1930 F Grace Long Wayne Clifton Hodges Hogue, Harvey Lee 11-23-1930 M Effie Mae Neel A. L. Hogue Hollis, Lola Mae 11-9-1930 F Oma Lovelace R. H. Hollis Honea, Jimmie Byron 6-2-1930 M Ruby Yarbrough Barnie B. Honea Houston, Ezra C Jr 7-25-1930 M Rosa Duncan Ezra C Houston Howell, Doris Louise 9-14-1930 F Mildred Thelma Bouldin William Dewey Howell Hudgins, Mary Lou 11-13-1930 F Ernie Browning Willie Hudgins Huff, Darwin Eugene 3-11-1930 M Bernice Marie Phillips Ora D. Huff Hughes, J. T. 2-18-1930 M Coda Hoover C. A. Hughes Hughes, Martha Jane 1-19-1930 F Jesse Mae Lewis Jesse Sidney Hughes Hulse, Elme 3-17-1930 M Mary Jones E F Hulse Humphrey, Lurin 12-20-1930 F Lucile Whitten Jack Humphrey Humphreys, Jesse Gene 8-20-1930 M Rena Marie Whitten J. T. Humphreys Hunter, James Edward 7-20-1930 M Florine Nolan Cory Hunter Hutchings, Kenneth Gray 7-24-1930 M Vera Andrews A. S. Hutchings Iglehart, Bertha Jane 5-26-1930 F Maurine Burrow Charlie A. Iglehart Jackson, Billie Albert 12-5-1930 M Theresa Jones Tom Jackson Jackson, Grace Marie 8-9-1930 F Cora Twanbough J T Jackson Jackson, James Vernon 4-25-1930 M Cathrine Plemons Bart Jackson Jasso, Bertura 7-14-1930 F Manuela Padron Pascual Jasso Jay, Lee Annis 12-28-1930 F Mary Plaster Floyd Jay Joiner, Jack Coleman 10-11-1930 M Lessie Champion B. G. Joiner Jones, Billie Jean 8-20-1930 F Berta Lee Benson Ervin Jackson Jones Jones, Keeven 9-6-1930 M Clara Mae Nichols W. C. Jones Jones, Mildred Ethelloy 8-13-1930 F Dolly Gossett Milford Jones Jones, Shirley Pearl 5-19-1930 F Millie Green Lee M. Jones Kelley, R. L. 7-2-1930 M Lucile Shannon L. P. Kelley Kerry, Mary Gloria 5-22-1930 F Lizzie Carnahan Pleasant Kerry Kidd, Betty Pearl 4-22-1930 F Virginia Stewart Ira Kidd Kincaid, Nelda Gay 5-18-1930 F Jannie Lee Lucy J. P. Kincaid King, Bellie 5-12-1930 M Irene Loving Melvin King King, Mable 1-26-1930 F Mable Anderson E. H. King Kirbie, Odessa Rose 7-25-1930 F Addie Tucker D. V. Kirbie Koen, Billie Zan 12-19-1930 F Velma Oleeta Brooks T. R. Koen Landers, Mary Ann 3-12-1930 F Myra Chase Bradford Landers Lane, Nell Ruth 5-9-1930 F Grace Hammonds J Lane I Langley, Beatris 6-26-1930 F Lela Hawkins John Henry Langley Leach, Murray Charles 3-28-1930 M Vada Morris G. R. Leach Lee, James Rodney 1-28-1930 M Mary Biggerstaff J. Ralph Lee Lee, Stella 2-15-1930 F Estella Bracey Charley Lee Lifham, John Clarence 3-30-1930 M Lillie Furguson C J Lifham Light, William Young 10-13-1930 M Mary Mildred Elizabet Ratliff Raymond Leslie Light Lipham, Wanda Fae 5-12-1930 F Velma Feastes Morris Lipham Lloyd, Maxine 4-17-1930 F Eunice Feaster Grady Verneil Lloyd Losano, Prato 9-9-1930 F Francisca Florez Ramond Losano Lucero, Maria Estela 1-6-1930 F Teresa Bustillos Epanlito Lucero Luevano, Francisco Jr. 1-27-1930 M Guadalupe Diaz Francisco Luevano Lujan, Constorya 2-17-1930 F Petra Silvaz Santiago Lujan Lujan, Fay 2-13-1930 F Allehandra Amancia Manuel Lujan Lujan, Todula 2-17-1930 F Petra Silvaz Santiago Lujan Lynch, Ethel 8-18-1930 F Myrtle Lomax N. O. Lynch Madrid, Matilde Inf Of 5-21-1930 M Raquel Lujan Matilde Madrid Mahoney, Robert Marion 11-27-1930 M Lola Honea James John Mahoney Mann, Charlsa Marie 1-16-1930 F Loree Dorn Charles Mann Jr. Mannering, Jean Wallace 3-2-1930 F Wilda Beeler L. E. Mannering Marin, Juanita 11-29-1930 F Dominga Florez Ynes Marin Marquez, Alfredo 9-23-1930 M Rosario Acosta Antonio Marquez Martin, Madelyn Jeanine 10-25-1930 F Cecil Mahon Curtis Harold Martin Martinez, Jose 1-20-1930 M Francisco Sanchez Antonio Martinez Mcadams, Weldon Kelley 8-20-1930 M Mae Compton Kendrick C. Mcadams Mcadams, Wilma Louise 11-30-1930 F Maudie L Small O. B. Mcadams Mccarty, Rosco Lee Jr 9-29-1930 M Edna Earl Jackson Rosco Lee Mccarty Mccullough, Lyle Dean 9-19-1930 M Grace B. Shaw **Death File Number Exists** Mccurry, R P Inf Of 2-26-1930 M Verna Langley R P Mccurry Mcdaniel, Geraldine 6-29-1930 F Christin Smith John Henry Mcdaniel Mcelhanon, J. D. Jr. 2-16-1930 M Katie Fitts J. D. Mcelhanon Mcmeekin, Betty Ruth 4-18-1930 F Ruby Opal Carpenter James Thomas Mcmeekin Mcmillan, Virginia Etta Lee 4-28-1930 F Versie Pace R. E. Mcmillan Mcnew, Frankey Lee 6-24-1930 M Rubie Lora Kerby June Dawson Mcnew Mearse, Nathan Eugene 5-25-1930 M Jessie Stingleton William Luther Mearse Mendoza, Gloria Margarita 6-11-1930 F Celia Vidal Carlos Mendoza Mendoza, Ruben 4-20-1930 M Fausta Paredez Ricardo Mendoza Miles, E Shelton 11-26-1930 M Karine Shelton E. S. Miles Mills, Leo. Inf Of 1-12-1930 M Myrtle Black Leo. Mills Moates, Frank Arnold 8-24-1930 M Ava Lorena Hobbs Charles Anderson Moates Moon, Richard D. 11-17-1930 M Willie May Jacobs Joseph D Moon Moore, Louise 8-19-1930 F Lorena Turnbow Fred M. Moore Moore, Norma Jean 10-21-1930 F Lillian Gill E. H. Moore Morales, Paulino 6-22-1930 F Rafalla Belos Guadalupe Morales Morgan, Edgar Ray 9-28-1930 M Elva Sumerlin W. A. Morgan Morris, Carl Delbert 8-24-1930 M Clara May Carl B. Morris Morrow, W. M. 4-24-1930 M Opie C Grant L. E. Morrow Morvatt, Juan Inf Of 5-7-1930 F Estela Torrez Juan Morvatt Munos, Sisto Inf Of 1-12-1930 F Cruz Adrian Sisto Munos Munoz, Martin 9-30-1930 M Juana Olivas Gregorio Munoz Murillo, Teresa 9-3-1930 F Florencia Cano Roman H. Murillo Murphy, John Ray 11-15-1930 M Lilly Pryant Stoneham Raymond Lynn Murphy Murray, Charles Roy 5-13-1930 M Emma Mae Evans Roy F. Murray Murrojo, Bernardino 5-20-1930 M Felicitas Nanez Pedro Murrojo Napoleon, Charles 1-23-1930 M Thelma Bowman D. C. Stubblefield Neel, Ethel Louise 2-9-1930 F Eva Murphy Luther Joel Neel Nelson, John T. Jr. 6-6-1930 M Beatrice Hartman John T. Nelson Nowell, James Wesley 6-8-1930 M Essie Tidwell Willie Nowell Nunez, Balbina 3-31-1930 F Petra Marquez Miguel Nunez Nunez, Raulfo 5-27-1930 F Guadalupe Alvarez **Death File Number Exists** O'neal, James Edward 6-28-1930 M Ola Mae Lincecum Clyde G. O'neal O'rear, Eunice Mae 8-4-1930 F Lueola Greenwood Frank O'rear O'rear, Robert James 6-2-1930 M Myrtle Greenwood W M O'rear Ohlenbusch, Doris Helen 7-17-1930 F Martha Lavada Bennett Fred C. Ohlenbusch Olivarez, Jaunita 8-3-1930 F Matilde Alvarez G F Olivarez Oliver, Carl Inf Of 8-18-1930 M Lillie Mae Hines Carl Oliver Oliver, Frances Avinell 6-8-1930 F Sophia White C. C. Oliver Olivo, Gloria Esperanza 10-28-1930 F Guadalupe Lujan Epifanio Olivo Olivo, Oscar 12-26-1930 M Cruz Lujan Pedro Olivo Ornela, Gloria 5-23-1930 F Guadalupe Delrio Dolores Ornela Ornelas, Espiridion 12-14-1930 M Elena Quiroza Matilde Ornelas Ornelas, Marina 9-7-1930 F Marina Ornelas Ortiz, Henriqueta 7-13-1930 M Manuela Oyerbidez Benjamin Ortiz Pace, Dona Lee 11-30-1930 M Odel Genrin Nelson Pace Palafox, Merred 2-12-1930 M Juanita Billa Refugio Palafox Palmer, Ellen Loyce 10-31-1930 F May Edna Bennett Cullen Bryan Palmer Palmer, William Loyd 10-31-1930 M May Edna Bennett Cullen Brayn Palmer Parker, James Ervin 2-21-1930 M Holice Towery Charlie Darron Parker Parks, Glen Davis 1-13-1930 M Clara Willie Davis Mack Vernon Parks Partee, Cecil Ray 2-15-1930 M Callie Sweedon S. E. Partee Pasillas, Elbira 6-16-1930 F Fevrosia Garcia Gregoria Pasillas Pendleton, Jonnie Alta 10-9-1930 F Edna Carroll B. O. Pendleton Perez, Lucio 12-15-1930 M Ignacio Olgin Philipi Perez Peterson, Doris Gertrude 1-1-1930 F Gertrude Callier Hem Peterson Philips, Geraldine 10-10-1930 F Eva Hayes Neely Philips Philips, Imogene 10-10-1930 F Eva Hayes Neely Philips Phillips, H L Inf Of 9-20-1930 M Mary Holland H L Phillips Pierce, I. J. Iii 8-25-1930 M Mary Virginia Rhodes I. J. Pierce Jr. Pond, Lloyd Cox 2-25-1930 M Margaret Cox L. L. Pond Pope, Jenny Mae 7-21-1930 F Exie Mae Henderson Sanders Pope Pope, Mildred Joyce 10-12-1930 F Ineva Watts Rex Pope Porter, Donald Allen 8-6-1930 M Georgia Justice C. C. Porter Porter, Fannie Bess 9-27-1930 F Lena Lipps Bryan B. Porter Powell, Doyce Lee 5-11-1930 M Ruth Lindsey Cullen O. Powell Powell, J. T. 6-3-1930 M Nancie Free J. T. Powell Prescott, James Allen 5-23-1930 M Lela Hines R. G. Prescott Preston, Ona Eloise 11-20-1930 F Ona Clara Small Howard Perry Preston Preston, William Edward Inf Of 2-26-1930 F Pearl Mary Richardson William Edward Preston Price, Bessie Ann 7-27-1930 F Annie Houston Bennett J. E. Price Pritchett, Robert Dan 9-19-1930 M Minnie Lawless J. C. Pritchett Quiett, Natalie 4-23-1930 F Jessie Mae Blackerby Loyd Bennett Quiett Ramiras, Nickalas 5-15-1930 F Nicholas Ramiras Ramirez, Aljandro 11-21-1930 M Josepha Ojubedez Alandro Ramirez Ramirez, Jesus Jurado 12-25-1930 M Maria Juarado Ruperto O. Ramirez Randle, Annie Catherine 4-7-1930 F O Lockett Harman Randle Ray, Doras Mozell 10-23-1930 F Winnie Burrow Bill Ray Read, Lelia Ann 1-2-1930 F Ludie Kinard E. W. Read Redman, Bertea 12-17-1930 F Mary Jones Robert Redman Redwine, Doyle Inf Of 9-5-1930 F Zell Webb Doyle Redwine Reese, Joe Bob 8-31-1930 M Ruth Yater **Death File Number Exists** Reese, Juina Viola 11-12-1930 F Ruby Patterson S. I. Reese Renfro, William Jr 10-30-1930 M Alice Thompson William Renfro Reyes, Bruno 10-5-1930 M Simona Montes Miguel Reyes Reynolds, Willie C. Jr. 1-31-1930 M Christin Cordell Willie Reynolds Rich, Marva Nell 10-5-1930 F Velda Brown Homer O. Rich Rich, Mary Margaret 4-18-1930 F Jewell Barnett Curtis Raymon Rich Richardson, Norma Jane 8-15-1930 F Addie Killian V. J. Richardson Richardson, Sarah 10-20-1930 F Pearl Cox O. J. Richardson Richter, Boby Joe 11-3-1930 M Katy Belle Ballard Pleas Richter Ridens, Tommy Jean 3-19-1930 F Pearl Porter T. J. Ridens Riggan, J. C. Inf Of 5-15-1930 F Grace Brown J. C. Riggan Ringener, Oran Murrell 9-12-1930 M Lela Smith W. J. Ringener Rios, Blasa Hernandez 2-3-1930 F Esther Hernandez Eufemio Rios Roberts, Dorothy Earlene 3-2-1930 F Louise Jackson Oren Roberts Roberts, James Wendell 11-29-1930 M Fresha Gary John Delma Roberts Robertson, Eula 10-10-1930 F Eula Mccarty H. R. Robertson Robertson, James 10-7-1930 M Vera Wilkins C W Robertson Robertson, Lillian Lee 2-11-1930 F Bonnie Wiggins Luther D Robertson Rogers, James Edward 6-16-1930 M Lillian Mize N. A. Rogers Rogers, Nelda Jeane 7-23-1930 F Claudia Black J. D. Rogers Rogers, Noble J 6-22-1930 M Lois Hoover Curtis E. Rogers Rohurst, Mary 10-15-1930 F Cordelle Wise J. M. Rohurst Rosas, Carinel 9-11-1930 F Juanita Ramirez Macario Rosas Rowland, Nelda Joe 3-10-1930 F Nomalee Danells Ellis M Rowland Saling, Mary Helen 10-5-1930 F Jessie Smith H. M. Saling Salley, Eva Pearl 7-9-1930 F Tessie Middleton M. Salley Salome, Maria 4-23-1930 F Pilar Pinera Osaeta Salome Sanders, Billy Burk 9-20-1930 M Willie V. Tartt Henry Sanders Savel, San Pedro Celestina 5-19-1930 M Juana Martinez Saculina Savel Scarborough, Robert Daniel 12-9-1930 M Ruth Buchanan L. C. Scarborough Seay, Lloyd Ray 1-18-1930 M Cleo Marshall Ross Robert Seay Sharp, Harold David 10-26-1930 M Golda Drake William Tellin Sharp Shelton, Thelma Mae 3-20-1930 F Classy Lee Shelton Simon, Estrello Inf Of 7-19-1930 F Consuelo Acona Estrello Simon Slayton, Billy Maree 6-28-1930 F Erlene Murphy J. B. Slayton Sloan, Mary Margarett 6-27-1930 F Margarett Norris J Grady Sloan Smith, E E Inf Of 8-12-1930 F Georgie Isabell E E Smith Smith, L. G. Inf Of 12-23-1930 M Marcellie Metts L. G. Smith Smith, Nathan 6-25-1930 M Nettie Reddick Freeman A Smith Smith, Thalia Irene Geneva 11-2-1930 F Leona Reeves William Marvin Smith Snowden, Ed C. Jr 4-8-1930 M Ruth Thompson Ed C. Snowden Snyder, Dudley Hiram Iii 7-14-1930 M Texie B Davis Dudley Snyder Soliz, Mendoza 5-22-1930 F Delfina Albaraz Pedro Joe Soliz Spoonts, Marilyn Jeannine 5-1-1930 F Sara Elizabeth Crosier Leonard A. Spoonts Spurgur, Bobby Ray 9-24-1930 M Bessie Martin R. S. Spurgur Stamps, Kenneth Luville 8-12-1930 M Opal Shockley A. C. Stamps Stanley, Aubrey 1-19-1930 M Vera Pointer Henry Stanley Stanley, James Ivory 11-9-1930 M Annie Bell Williams A. B. Stanley Steele, Alice 1-24-1930 F Rose Landers Sam Prichet Stevens, Robert Clay 6-16-1930 M Glendora Grah T A Stevens Stewart, Betty Lucile 6-2-1930 F Irma Mae Jarman Charles E. Stewart Stewart, Neuburn Edmond 9-20-1930 M Helen Harris Raymond Stewart Stump, Farris Dean 9-17-1930 M Bessie Moore J. H. Stump Sweatt, Billye Marie 4-16-1930 F Mildred Morris C. G. Sweatt Tankersley, Edith Louise 1-14-1930 F Bessie Mae Brownfield Chester Daniel Tankersley Tatom, Billy Gus 1-15-1930 M Opal Cawthron Authur Gus Tatom Taylor, Carl B. 12-4-1930 M Anna Speights James S. Taylor Taylor, Clara Ann 4-12-1930 F Emma L. Smith L. John Taylor Taylor, June Marie 5-1-1930 F Wilma Allie Hallmark Charlie Dexter Taylor Taylor, Rebecca 10-31-1930 F Sallie Ingram L R Taylor Terry, Charlie Inf Of 1-8-1930 F Madie Neal Charlie Terry Thomas, James 7-18-1930 M Gesua Cotton Earl C Thomas Thomas, Myra Nell 7-17-1930 F Blanch Nelson J. I. Thomas Thompson, James Butler Jr. 3-18-1930 M Louise Giles James Butler Thompson Thompson, Nina Lou 7-14-1930 F Mary Brown W. L. Thompson Thretta, Juan 10-10-1930 M Antonio Gonzales Jesus Thretta Tillison, Maxine 4-0-1930 F Stella Mae Patterson L. W. Tillison Torrez, Guadalupe 2-24-1930 F Jesusa Bustamantis Guadalupe Torrez Trott, Doris Marie 4-18-1930 F Elizabeth Martin B. F. Trott Valdez, Andres 9-26-1930 M Juanita Torez Silbrio Valdez Vazennueta, Riceaco 6-18-1930 M Maria Reyer Jis De Gore Valennuela Venus, Ernestine Faye 7-14-1930 F Sadie E. Tiller E. R. Venus Vowell, Alfred Lee 5-8-1930 M Bertha Jones O. D Vowell Wagner, Wanda Charlene 2-15-1930 F Eula Davenport J H Wagner Walker, Ida Glenn 12-8-1930 F Gladys Trine Johnson William Clarence Walker Walker, Ralph Edward 12-23-1930 M Lois Tidwell C. F. Walker Walters, Doris Marie 1-26-1930 F Dolly Jobe Mose Aston Walters Ward, Ollie Lee 2-3-1930 F Kate Doss B. W. Ward Warren, Charles Hugh 5-2-1930 M Jannie Perlie Smith John Warren Watford, Martha Rebecca 1-1-1930 F Ruby Franklin H. H. Watford Watkins, Mary Cahaniel 1-2-1930 F Mabel Dodson Van Watkins Webb, Floyce Yorlando 7-22-1930 F Hazel Cox Ivin Irwin Webb Whirley, Nelda Ruth 11-5-1930 F Willa Adens Havens Romeo Whirley Whirley, Paul Inf Of 1-4-1930 F Jewell Lunsford Paul Whirley White, Jaynie Maurice 3-19-1930 F Sallie Reese G. I. White Williams, Bob Ray 6-6-1930 M Effie May Coburn Ray Richard Williams Williams, Mary Frances 10-16-1930 F Ladell Alice Knieff George Warren Williams Williams, Robert Leroy 5-15-1930 M Lottie L. Dunn L. B. Williams Wilson, Merryl Stanley 9-14-1930 M Lillian Marie Paulk H. Edison Wilson Witherspoon, William Donald 4-21-1930 M Mauverine Adams R. E. Witherspoon Womack, Joan 11-8-1930 F Ina Smith B. W. Womack Womack, Willie Cathryn 4-20-1930 F Viola Bozeman Charles H. Womack Wright, Oscar Lee 10-22-1930 M Clare Ray George Odie Wright