Morris Co., TX - Cemeteries: MEADOWVIEW CEMETERY ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Janette Tigert Cook USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ***************************************************** MEADOWVIEW CEMETERY MORRIS COUNTY, TEXAS LOCATION: South on Hwy 161 or Daingerfield Street from US 67 in Naples for .3 mile. Turn left into a private drive to the cemetery. W. C. Sullivan and his sister, Louise Davis, started this Meadowview Cemetery when their mother, Sadie, died. (Sadie Alice Sullivan b Feb 2, 1885 d May 2, 1960). They wanted a private place to bury their mother and decided on a tree shaded place on the outer edge of a pasture; thus the name, Meadowview. The cemetery is located on land still owned by the Sullivan family. This cemetery is known to be predominantly white. Cemetery was read May 6, 1998 by John Livingston, Charles Steger, Gerald Hammock, Kathryn McAlexander and Melba Tims. * Denotes the oldest known marked grave: Row 1 NARRAMORE Infant May 1956 May 1956 NAME BIRTH DATE DEATH DATE LOCATION -- INFORMATION ANDERSON, Rickey A May 1, 1951 Row 3; S/o Jo and Marshall Harvey BERRY, Edna MCLEOD JUL 6, 1889 Aug 15, 1976 Row 6; W/o (1) Anderson; (2) Robert R Berry; kn/ch Nettie, Floyd, Johnny, Katherine Charlton, Ruby McEntire, Adren, Mattie, Floyd, Johnny, J C, Grady; Berry ch Jim, Robert, Caroll, and Billy Nell BETTS, Alice F Dec 9, 1927 Row 4; W/o Doyse; m Jan 26, 1946 BETTS, Doyse W “Red” Sep 11, 1926 Aug 14, 1983 Row 4; S/o Dessie; kn/ch David and Larry; b/o John I and Dorothy Echols CAMPBELL, Alexander Mar 23, 1885 Nov 25, 1964 Row 3; H/o (1) Lizzie Lee TIGERT, (2) Grace ARCHER; B/o Henry, Anderson, Mrs. P M Carr and Mrs J Crocker; s/o Robert B and Sarah BRUCE CAMPBELL, Grace ARCHER Apr 2, 1890 Nov 15, 1988 Row 3; W/o Alex; ch Alexander Jr, H A. Rpbert E. Kpjm E. Sara Audrey and Leira CLARK, Marion Aug 28, 1918 Row 2; W/o William C CLARK, William C “Bill” Apr 26, 1919 Apr 6, 1964 Row 2; H/o Marion; TX SFC 30 Infantry WWII Korea; s/o Calvin CRAIN, Sarah L Aug 13, 1908 Dec 7, 1990 Row 3; D/o Alex and Lizzie TIGERT Campbell DANIELS, Carrie Sep 22, 1882 May 1, 1969 Row 8; W/o John P; ch Murry Davis and Quida Haymes DANIELS, John P Apr 7, 1888 Aug 30, 1968 Row 8; H/o Carrie; ch Murry Davis and Quida Haymes; b/o Ethel Lumpkin; 4 grdch; 7 gr-grdch; 5 gr-gr-grdch DAVIS, Florence M Sep 24, 1904 Jul 7, 1983 Row 7; W/o Murry T; Eastern Star Emblem; ch Margaret Oliver DAVIS, Frances J Feb 17, 1903 Jan 29, 1994 Row 7; W/o Glynn B; ch eddy, Barbara McIntire and Lurlene DAVIS, Glynn B Jul 11, 1899 Jan 15, 1965 Row 7; H/o Frances J PYLE; s/o James F and Emma WRIGHT; ch Eddy, Barbara McIntire and Lurlene DAVIS, Lee Boatright Aug 6, 1904 Mar 22, 1983 Row 8; H/o Louise A; b/o Ida Mae Hampton and Christine Whatley DAVIS, Louise Agnes SULLIVAN Mar 18, 1911 Row 8 DAVIS, Murry T Mar 7, 1905 Nov 9, 1972 Row 7; H/o Florence M; b/o Norman L and Margaret Long; sts/o Tina Mae; s/o Tom and Carrie DAWSON, James Frank Dec 7, 1892 Mar 6, 1963 Row 1; H/o Ruby E; b/o Preston and R B; s/oJohn C and Fannie FOSTER; WWI Vet DAWSON, Ruby E 1902 1995 Row 1; M Nov 15, 1919; ch James L, Billy Joe and Donald Ray DEAN, Clarence Julius Aug 30, 1883 Jul 20, 1964 Row 7; B in MI; s/o Fayette and Ann SHOOK; MI CCS US Navy WWI and WWII ELLIOTT, Ebbin Milford Apr 14, 1898 Jan 26, 1986 Row 3 FALLS, Jackie Ross Feb 8, 1920 Feb 27, 1970 Row 7; H/o Lula Mae; s/o Mrs. J M ; b/o O C, J M, Eugene, Buddie, W J, Russell, Marie, Margaret and Pauline; ch Glendolyn Whiteside; TX EM1 US Navy WWII FALLS, James M Aug 22, 1882 Dec 20, 1960 Row 7; H/o Ollie B; kn/ch Eugene, Buddie, Bill, Russell, Marie, Pauline, Margaret, Jackie Ross, Otis and James FALLS, Ollie B Feb 27, 1884 Sep 23, 1974 Row 7; W/o James M; sis/o Annie Hightower; d/o John and Margaret NIXON Kimbrough GARRETT, J Willard 1894 Aug 28, 1975 Row 3; Age 80 yrs; h/o Neoma; ch J W Jr; Mildred Wyninegar and Betty Simpson; b/o Mrs. Horace Tuck; s/o James J and Mary E BLUE GARRETT, Neoma Jan 15, 1897 1987 Row 3; W/o J Willard; d/o James E and Emily A HOBBS Melton; sis/o Lizzie Moore, Roy Morris, ch Mildred Wyninegar, Betty Simpson and J W Jr. GIBSON, Edwin Winford “Ted” Jun 18, 1911 Mar 10, 1977 Row 5; M Jan 28, 1935; h/o Hazel; b/o W P, Pat, Joe, Mrs. Vernon Skelton, Mrs. Arnold Rankin, Mrs. Elwyn and Mrs. Bill Burnley; s/o Nathaniel and Hazel LOWERY GIBSON, Hazel Sep 16, 1916 Dec 12, 1978 Row 5; W/o Edwin Winford “Ted”; ch Jerry Ray, Tony, Teddy Grimes and Alice Faye Williams; sis/o Mrs. Don Snyder, Mrs. Buddy Carlile, Mrs. Ray Beggs, Ruby Reyno, Leroy, Novell, Boyd, Bluford, Johnny, L J and Tom Richardson GIBSON, Tony Oct 19, 1954 Nov 18, 1971 Row 5; S/o M/M Ted; b/o Jerry Ray, Alice Faye and Teddy HANKS, Leonard N. Jan 24, 1887 Oct 6, 1967 Row 5; H/o Nora LUMPKIN HANKS, Nora LUMPKIN Sep 8, 1890 Dec 30, 1964 Row 5; W/o Leonard N. HARVEY, Josie L “Jo” Jan 20, 1933 Row 3; W/o Marshall; m Jul 23, 1952; ch Rickey Anderson HARVEY, Marshall H Jan 2, 1923 Jun 24, 2006 Row 3; H/o Josie L; ch Marshall Eugene, Ricky Anderson, Howard H (Sonny), Barbara Moore and Marsha Hall; bro/o J E, Thomas, Jack, Greg, Martha Cowan and Ramona McDavis; 7 grdch; 6 gr-grdch; WWII Vet HICKS, Rethel A Feb 11, 1911 Oct 23, 1998 Row 2; Ch Roy Jr, R A, Lillian, Luna Belle and Mary Jo HICKS, Roy O, Sr Mar 8, 1907 Mar 24, 1976 Row 2; H/o Rethel A; ch Roy O Jr, R A, Lillian, Luna Belle and Mary Jo; b/o Lillian and Naomi; s/o John H and Gertitrude NEWSOM HUFFMAN, Charlie Wadsworth Jul 20, 1879 Jan 6, 1966 Row 7; H/o Dollie A; s/o Henry and Dollie BARNES HUFFMAN, Dollie A Oct 13, 1890 Jan 22, 1986 Row 7; W/o Charlie Wadsworth; ch Gladys; sis/o Jessie Barnes JACOBS, Fayma L WALLACE Aug 1, 1921 Jan 26, 2005 Row UNKNOWN: W/o Norris L; ch Donald Gene, Larry, and Patsy Wilson; sis/o Rose, LaVerne, Jane and Wayne Wallace JACOBS, Norris Lee Oct 16, 1920 Feb 18, 2005 Row UNKNOWN; H/o Fayma L WALLACE; ch Donald Gene, Larry and Patsy Wilson; bro/o Morris A; 3 grdch; 12 gr-grdch; 1 gr-gr-grdch JACOBS, Odie L HICKS Jul 10 ,1903 Feb 17, 1974 Row 6; W/o Vernon S; kn/ch Morris A, Norris Lee and Evelyn JACOBS Key; sis/o O W Hicks and Ada Carlile; d/o Sam and Deale VAUGHN Hicks JACOBS, Vernon S Nov 20, 1898 Feb 17, 1974 Row 6; S/o B P and Quincy DERRYBERRY; b/o Early, Omer, Leonard, Kittie, Ethel and Cleo JOLLY, Grace G Aug 24, 1901 Jun 29, 1983 Row 4; W/o Shelby; ch Thomas A and Lloyd; sis/o Zula, Sibyl and T G Harvey JOLLY, Shelby Ambrose Jul 24, 1895 Nov 20, 1962 Row 4; H/o Grace G; s/o Ambrose and Estelle Kate SIMPSON JOLLY, Thomas Ambrose Jan 28, 1920 Jun 12, 1980 Row 4; S/o Grace; Masonic Emblem; WWII KEY, Carl Francis Aug 12, 1930 Oct 20, 1997 Row 6; H/o Evelyn J; b/o Jack, Mary Jane Painter and Carolyn Sue Storey KEY, Evelyn JACOBS Oct 18, 1924 Jun 9, 1974 Row 6; M Jul 19, 1953; w/o Carl Francis; son Charles Johnson; grd/o B P Jacobs; sis/o Morris and Norris Lee; grp/o Jill John and Jyl Cobb; d/o Vernon and Odie L HICKS Jacobs; w/o (1) David JOHNSON; w/o (2) Carl Key Jacobs LOUDERMILK, Grace CLEMENTS Oct 1, 1904 Jul 29, 1995 Row 8; Ch Damon Clements, Danny Clements, Faye Sullivan; sis/o Earl Chaney; 8 grdch; 15 gr grdch; 5 gr- gr-grandch LUTTRELL, Herman R Aug 23, 1916 Jan 2, 2005 Row UNKNOWN; H/o Nancy Ruth; b MS; ch Joann Adams, Gary, Lanny and Terry; bro/o Taylor Luttrell and George Rulledge; WWII Vet LUTTRELL, Nancy Ruth Jun 4, 1925 May 29, 2003 Row UNKNOWN; W/o Herman; ch JoAnn Adams, Gary, Lanny and Terry; sis/o Lila Hunter; 6 grdch; 3 gr-grdch MARR, Robert A Mar 13, 1915 Row 8 MCLECKIE, Harry W Dr. Feb 4, 1903 May 11, 1991 Row 7; H/o Pauline; son Bill; Masonic Emblem MCLECKIE, Pauline E FALLS May 26, 1911 Oct 23, 1992 Row 7; W/o H W; m Jun 7, 1940; age 82 yrs; ch Bill; sis/o Buddy, Russell, Bill, Eugene Falls and Margaret Jolly; grp/o Jeff, Ed and Jason McLeckie; ggrp/o Heather McLeckie; Eastern Star Emblem NARRAMORE, Infant* May 1956 May 1956 Row 1; D/o Lee and Pat PYLE, F L 1884 1969 Row 2; H/o M L PYLE, M L 1897 1971 Row 2; W/o F L RINER, Dora Ellen Aug 19, 1896 Feb 22, 1991 Row 1 RINER, Emmett A, Jr Sep 18, 1918 Nov 6, 1986 Row 1; Ch Emmett III and Lynn; s/o Dora; b/o Hugh, Preston and Ann ROUSH, Mabel L Jan 8, 1912 Feb 4, 1985 Row 1 ROUSH, Oral G Dec 12, 1911 Mar 3, 1964 Row 1; S/o Jesse; h/o Mabel ROWE, Kenneth R. Mar 24, 1902 Oct 5, 1968 Row 5 STANSBERRY, Alvin Sam Jan 8, 1907 Oct 3, 1985 Row 1 SULLIVAN, Joseph Edward Dec 30 , 1885 Jul 30, 1978 Row 8; H/o Sadie A; ch Louise SULLIVAN Davis and W C; Masonic Emblem SULLIVAN, Sadie Alice MYERS Feb 2, 1885 May 2, 1960 Row 8; W/o Joseph Edward; ch Louise SULLIVAN Davis and W C SULLIVAN, William C May 18,1913 Apr 5, 1984 Row 8; H/o Faye; b/o Louise SULLIVAN Davis UNKNOWN Row 5; Unmarked grave (new) WATSON, Deborah A “Debbie” Jan 31, 1888 Sep 27, 1972 Row 5; Sis/o Fred White; d/o Russell White WATSON, Iving M, Dr. Sep 3, 1887 Apr 8, 1962 Row 5; H/o Debbie A; ch I M, Fred and Mauriete This information was copied from the MORRIS COUNTY CEMETERY BOOK – NORTHERN SECTION of 1999 which was Compiled by the Cass County Genealogical Society in cooperation with the Morris County Historical Commission. Additional information from the Naples MONITOR obituaries was included. Janette Tigert Cook November 15, 2006