Newton County TX - Births, 1926 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: 7/10/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================================================================= Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ============================================================================================================================= Adams, Clyde Ennis 7-12-1926 M Helen Muriel Lee Carlton Emory Adams Newton Adams, Ruth 6-25-1926 F Addie Lewis Alvin Adams Newton Allen, Herman 2-0-1926 M Mary Mc Gallion Marion Allen Newton Arenoz, Tomas 12-21-1926 M Lulia Lona Julian Arenoz Newton Beau, Jeff, Jr. 3-2-1926 M Myrtle Talley Jeff Beau,Sr. Newton Berryman, Ada Anna Margurette 6-6-1926 F Bertie Meadows Grover Cleveland Berryman Newton Birdsong, Wilma 3-11-1926 F Mollie Hughes T Dee Birdsong Newton Bishop, James Adam 3-3-1926 M Alice West J R Bishop Newton Booker, Archie 1-26-1926 M Lula Booker Samuels James Booker Newton Booker, C. A., Jr. 3-11-1926 M Stella Fish C. A. Booker Newton Brack, Lawrence A. 1-2-1926 M Selma Estella Miller John Robert Brack Newton Brentos, Joseph 6-20-1926 M Sophia Cosleneda Tom Brentos Newton Brester, Leroy Leon 5-5-1926 M Addie Avie Tooley Pat Brester Newton Brinson, Doris Marie 9-12-1926 F Rosa Farrell Kelly Robt. Mclaurin Brinson Newton Brock, G. W. 1-14-1926 M Ada May Donovan G. W. Brock Newton Brown, Barbara Mozelle 5-3-1926 F Barbara Altha Kelly Jas Walter Brown Newton Brown, Bulah Aneta 9-12-1926 F Estie Watson Albert Bryan Holt Brown Newton Burch, Elouise 11-16-1926 F Lenora Estelle Simmons Lonnie Alvin Burch Newton Burnham, Etha 4-16-1926 F Effie Wagoner Cleveland Burnham Newton Byerly, Neel Fletcher 1-30-1926 M Velma Mc Bride Fletcher Byerly Newton Chance, Wilbourn Edwin 10-4-1926 M Inez Edgar Bennie Earl Chance Newton Clark, Denon 11-4-1926 M Ima Phelps George Jefferson Clark Newton Clark, Ivey Lee 10-28-1926 M Mary Jane Parker Ivey Franklin Clark Newton Clemson, Calvin Carlage 6-4-1926 M Wathen Hampton C. J. Clemson Newton Cobb, Margaret Helen 1-14-1926 F Mildred Beavers Oliver O. Cobb Newton Cochran, Willa Dell 7-7-1926 F Mallie Eva Terry Daniel H. Cochran Newton Cofty, Dewey Junior 5-15-1926 M Fannie Biscamp J. D. Cofty Newton Cole, Clarence 5-28-1926 M Fannie Bennight Laney Cole Newton Collins, Sea Willow Margie 4-21-1926 F Lottie Yoakum Henry D. Collins Newton Conn, Robert Cecil 11-23-1926 M Minnie Effie Tilly Martin Franklin Conn Newton Connor, Elizabeth 5-11-1926 F Mattie Pearl Burkett Alva C. Connor Newton Coplin, Sudie Moe 9-19-1926 F Elmira Brooks Thomas Jefferson Coplin Newton Crokett, T. D. 2-15-1926 M Lemmie Bowie D. Crockett Newton Cummings, Mary Christine 12-25-1926 F Lulu Shoulders George Cummings Newton Dagley, Billy Joe 2-22-1926 M Willie Nora Bonds W. M. Dagley Newton Daniels, Katie Merle 2-3-1926 F Lela Lewis Lee Roy Daniels Newton Deason, Louise 1-18-1926 F Nonie Deason Riley Deason Newton Denby, Alice 6-18-1926 F Mary Bell Burnett Arch James Denby Newton Dickerson, Thomas Blunit 10-10-1926 M Loerie Pollock Willie Dickerson Newton Dougharty, Sam Inf Of 1-16-1926 M Martha Lavine Sam Dougharty Newton Dowden, Benjamine Franklin, Jr 10-12-1926 M Dora Tillie Peterson Benjamine Franklin Dowden Newton Dowden, Sallie Meredeth 1-11-1926 F Audra Addison Grover C. Dowden Newton Droddy, R. D. Inf Of 1-21-1926 M Mary Herrin R. D. Droddy Newton Erwin, Fred 7-4-1926 M Zula May Jordon Albert D. Erwin Newton Erzen, Magdelena 4-9-1926 F Minnie Medley Lovero Erzen Newton Ford, Alice 8-19-1926 F Eliza Woods Harrison Ford Newton Fort, Helen Jean 8-6-1926 F Nony Jewell Woods Herman W. Fort Newton Fuller, Mary Jack 6-18-1926 F Bernice Beatrice Gill George Buleh Fuller Newton Galloway, Frank 6-25-1926 M Alice Gasoway Everett Galloway Newton Galloway, Thomas Jefferson 1-10-1926 M Emma Chany Sam Galloway Newton Gaston, Lonzo 1-14-1926 M Georgia Roberts Arthur Gaston Newton Gaston, Rhoda May 6-1-1926 F Vera Mattax Fate Gaston Newton Gatlin, Lillian 2-26-1926 F Cleo Marshall Howest Gatlin Newton Gatson, Annie Beatrice 11-24-1926 F Tillan Simmons Ebbie Gatson Newton Gaudet, Johnnie Howard 2-21-1926 M Gladis Stanley Henry Gaudet Newton Gee, William Howard 1-11-1926 M Molly Williams John Cleveland Gee Newton Gibbs, Richard Wesley 12-5-1926 M Clara Reed Eugene Gibbs Newton Gibson, Milber Lee 11-1-1926 F Ida Gibson Charles Gibson Newton Gilchreist, B. W. 2-9-1926 M Myrtie May Russell John P. Gilchreist Newton Gilchreist, Vernon Richard 3-6-1926 M Jessie Lee Jones Carl Gilchreist Newton Gilson, Louis Henry 3-26-1926 M Maul While Louis Henry Gilson Newton Glley, P. S. Inf Of 6-16-1926 F Rhodia F Warner P. S. Glley Newton Gosey, D. C. 1-20-1926 M Lizzie Tzler Ira Gosey Newton Griffin, Rosa Lee 10-23-1926 F Annie Jarack John Griffin Newton Grimes, Oscar Wyatt 11-12-1926 M Alice May Tommie John Thomas Grimes Newton Harrison, Oscar Lee 5-31-1926 M Annie Bell Scott Thomas Jefferson Harrison Newton Harrison, Oscar Lee 5-30-1926 M Annabel Scott Jeff Harrison Newton Herrice, Mary Lynn 3-7-1926 F Grace Fish Lowie Herrice Newton Herrin, Eloise Maxine 5-3-1926 F Bertha Berbenia Richards Henry Thomas Herrin Newton Herrington, Vivian Louise 9-5-1926 F Delia Machoe William Herrington Newton Hicks, Ione 9-3-1926 F Lizzie Harvy Will Hicks Newton Hiesch, Emily 11-20-1926 F Helen Esher Simmons Earnest Emil Hiesch Newton Hill, Jestina 5-24-1926 F Odelia Oliver T. P. Hill Newton Holmes, Mary Elizabeth 1-16-1926 F Estella Agnes Carter Tom Green Holmes Newton Hunter, Fredie Columbus 3-22-1926 M Ida Burnam Christopher Columbus Hunter Newton Jenkins, Creola 5-6-1926 F Velva Myers Madagascar Jenkins Newton Joiner, Chas William 5-2-1926 M Bessie May Holden Clyde Joiner Newton Jones, Bonnie Loucile 7-25-1926 F Katie Elizabeth Davis J J Jones Newton Jordon, Ruby Ella 7-3-1926 F Nellie Middleton Edward Miles Jordon Newton Joyce, Willis Dean 2-21-1926 M Lera Octavine Miller Gerson Robert Joyce Newton Kay, Vergil Drestin 5-27-1926 M Elsie Mcgraw Thomas Albert Kay Newton Kelley, Margaret Elizabeth 3-8-1926 F Thelma Lee Coker William Goble Kelley Newton Kellum, Anna Belle 11-23-1926 F Jessie B. Limbrick J. B. Kellum Newton Kelly, Robert Inf Of 6-7-1926 M Florence Magdalene Reid Robert Kelly Newton Kenebrew, Annie May 10-30-1926 F Allie May Hill Erl Kenebrew Newton Kent, James Martin 12-28-1926 M Ida Gertrude Belcher Dewitt Talmadge Kent Newton Kerr, Pauline 3-18-1926 F Early Daniels E N Kerr Newton King, Floyd Wendal 7-20-1926 M Ina Adelyne Doughorty Floyd Franklin King Newton King, Gosby 6-23-1926 M Cora Mattox Hewey King Newton Kyles, Earnestine 11-22-1926 F Lenie Johnson Fred Kyles Newton Lain, Hazel Francine M 10-9-1926 F Martha Smith Press M Lain Newton Lane, Jewel Fay 10-4-1926 F Maude Martin B. W. Lane Newton Langston, Marion Edgar 2-5-1926 M Helen Johnson Clyde Langston Newton Laurine, Freda Ann 10-3-1926 F Collie Dora Hutson Pete Laurine Newton Leach, Jessie Hughes 8-31-1926 M Areay Menervia Hughes Robert Cade Leach Newton Lee, James Patrick 5-11-1926 M Elma Mattax Joseph Henry Lee Newton Leonard, Lillian Meta 2-10-1926 F Nora Smith H. P. Leonard Newton Leonard, Virginia Estelle 5-27-1926 F Loula Alice Perkins Demprey Edmon Leonard Newton Linscomb, Ernest Ray 12-12-1926 M Sarah Martha Hutson Cornealous Linscomb Newton Love, Mary Agnes 8-15-1926 F Alice Addie Daniel Louis Elmer Love Newton Lummus, William Thomas 2-14-1926 M Jewel Linder William Thomas Lummus Newton Marshall, Estelle 9-15-1926 F Mary Smith Wiley Milard Filmore Marshall Newton Marshall, G. B. 2-26-1926 M Ruthy Medley Cleveland Marshall Newton Marshall, Lon Ladell 7-30-1926 M Alma Smith Klein Marshall Newton Martin, Helen 12-28-1926 F Alice Tanton Jack G. Martin Newton Martin, Lewis David 2-5-1926 M Irene Condrain Newton Mathews, Benjamin Franklin, Jr 9-13-1926 M Annie Laura Smith Benjamin Franklin Mathews Newton Mattax, Eddie Joe Inf Of 4-12-1926 F Beatrice Woods Eddie Joe Mattax Newton Mattox, Bertie Lee 1-30-1926 F Lillie Jackson Floyd Mattox Newton Mattox, Eugene 9-7-1926 M Lois Anderson Costella Mattox Newton Mattox, J. C. 3-15-1926 M Erie Code Frank Mattox Newton Mc Bride, Creola 10-29-1926 F Creola Marshall James Mc Bride Newton Mc Mahon, Betty Jo 12-23-1926 F Vera Mc Mahon Mc Mahon William Stephenson Mc Mahon Newton Mcintire, Margie Lucile 5-6-1926 F Mary Bell Brock Henry Delvert Mcintire Newton Mcnaughton, Billie Marie 7-6-1926 F Jennie Belva Hammock Grover Cleveland Mcnaughton Newton Medley, O. C. 1-23-1926 M Cora Reathford Lee Medley Newton Miller, Iverson Inf Of 4-17-1926 M Eunice Severio Iverson Miller Newton Miller, Mabel Louise 9-17-1926 F Mary Ellen Parker Hiram Miller Newton Miller, Wanda Louise 11-2-1926 F Nora Phelps T A Miller Newton Milstead, Jewel Marie 2-2-1926 F Julia Barnett William Milstead Newton Mitchell, Charline 2-20-1926 F Ellen Williams Len Mitchell Newton Morris, Annie Bernice 1-11-1926 F Edna Fowler Hermon Morris Newton Morris, Corean 2-4-1926 F Leany Hawthorn George Morris Newton Moshall, Henry Arthur 2-25-1926 M Mamie Beatrice Midkiff Henry Arthur Moshall Newton Odem, Elsie Lee 6-21-1926 F Nancy Lambuth Robert Allen Odem Newton Odom, Billie 3-6-1926 M Leona Lewis Allen Odom Newton Owens, Adell 8-3-1926 M Lizzie Jenkins Vincent Owens Newton Ozan, Marvin Henry 7-28-1926 M Edith Perkins Henry Lewis Ozan Newton Pate, Gerald Elwood 12-15-1926 M Florence G. Bescamp Virgle E. Pate Newton Pence, Howard Augustus 1-19-1926 M Bula May Harmon Samuel A Pence Newton Perkins, James, Jr 10-1-1926 M Merelle Brown Geo Perkins Newton Phelps, Clarence Henry 8-6-1926 M Jewel F. Hubbard C. Herbert Phelps Newton Pierson, Evelyn Ruth 2-2-1926 F Myrtie Whetman Thomas A Pierson Newton Plake, Naomi 7-7-1926 F Leonard Day William Mckinley Plake Newton Ramsey, Charles K 5-3-1926 M Arbelle Woods James Hampton Ramsey Newton Randall, Richard Durant 1-16-1926 M Mary Hardeson Richard Durant Randall Newton Rawls, Roxie 9-7-1926 F Margaret Johnson Will Rawls Newton Regaway, Emer 1-8-1926 F Ally Morris James Regaway Newton Reid, Kathleen Lorraine 2-16-1926 F Eunice Caraway Charles Mitchell Reid Newton Rhodes, Earnest 8-10-1926 M Nellie Sells Ewan Rhodes Newton Rhodes, Rosevelt 11-23-1926 M Lucy Trower Eugene Rhodes Newton Rodella, Virginia 3-6-1926 F Virginia Sanchez Louis Rodella Newton Rodrigus, Ana Maria 4-1-1926 F Camididi Romeo L. Rodrigus Newton Roebuck, Doris Marie 1-17-1926 F Tessie Sistrunk Hardy Roebuck Newton Romeroy, Willie Viola 7-29-1926 F Minnie Lee Edwards Lorence Romeroy Newton Rushing, Tom Inf Of 1-24-1926 M Gladys Pearl West Tom Rushing Newton Samuel, Marguriete 6-23-1926 F Franie Bierly Olie Samuel Newton Sandlin, Rheba 10-4-1926 F Minnie Lou Molen Jno. Alouroth Sandlin Newton Shankle, Bernice 8-4-1926 F Hessie Farr George Dave Shankle Newton Simmons, Lola 9-3-1926 F Hattie Simmons Shankle Fred Eddie Simmons Newton Simmons, Millard W. 7-24-1926 M Fannie M. Terry Wm. V. Simmons Newton Simmons, Steadman Lee 10-28-1926 M Nancy Levoy Youngblood Louis Simmons Newton Singletary, Emery Jewel 1-25-1926 M Mary S. Donaldson Robert T. Singletary Newton Smith, Carson Inf Of 2-21-1926 F May Simmonds Carson Smith Newton Smith, Dan Moody 8-29-1926 M Geneva Farr Malachi K. Smith Newton Smith, Jack 1-29-1926 M Ruby Buchanan Lawrence C. Smith Newton Smith, Raymond B. 1-9-1926 M Pear Sheffield Allen Smith Newton Snowdon, Jack Milton 3-29-1926 M Mammie Reno Lesley Snowdon Newton Spikes, Willie B. 5-24-1926 F Beulah Mattox William Spikes Newton Spurlock, Teressa 6-15-1926 F Leona Sills David Spurlock Newton Stark, Fae 3-2-1926 F Georgia Mae Dougharty George Robert Stark Newton Stark, Jesse Elofatte, Jr. 2-16-1926 M Mary Herrin Jesse Elofatte Stark,Sr. Newton Taylor, Derrell 10-22-1926 M Nettie Clark Derrell Taylor Newton Taylor, Harriett 6-12-1926 F Bertha Jackson Harry Taylor Newton Thomas, Wilie 3-25-1926 F Sarah Shoulders Willie Thomas Newton Thompson, Walter 4-25-1926 M Hattie Lacy Lee Thompson Newton Tucker, Alvin Raymond 8-4-1926 M Katie Almedia Adorn William Francis Tucker Newton Waldow, William Wesley, Jr 9-12-1926 M May Martin William Wesley Waldow Newton Walker, Robert Clinton 8-5-1926 M Alta Mae Walker James S. Walker Newton Walters, Willie B. 1-11-1926 F Vice Spell Thomas Walters Newton Ward, Emma Jane 7-10-1926 F Susan Jane Tyson F. A. Ward Newton Weatherly, Kate L. 2-7-1926 F Orneva Fountain Lee Weatherly Newton Weaver, Margaret Katherine 4-11-1926 F Ruby Wilson Norman Weaver Newton Wells, Valma 10-18-1926 F Francis O. Windham Stewart Wells Newton White, Beatrice 10-1-1926 F Tammie Gosoway Willie White Newton White, Ben 7-21-1926 M Froney White Anderson White Newton Wilson, Adalade Wanda 10-30-1926 F Thelma Linscome Jake Wilson Newton Wilson, Herman J Inf Of 2-2-1926 M Irma Fay Join Herman J Wilson Newton Wilson, James Robert, Jr. 5-11-1926 M Mertie Wilson James Robert Wilson Newton Woods, Melba Louise 1-16-1926 F Minnie Jeston Carl Columbus Woods Newton Young, Charles Ado 8-25-1926 M Cardelia Page W. T. Young Newton Young, Johnnie Fay 4-19-1926 F Olma May Weaver Horace Grwedly Young Newton Young, Margaret 8-12-1926 F E. A. Keel C. M. Young Newton Zagar, Mary Lee 9-6-1926 F Sudie Beatrice Medley Philip Zagar Newton