Nolan County Texas Archives History - Books .....1936 Newman High School Students And Faculty 1936 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee February 25, 2021, 12:46 am Book Title: The Yucca Gloriosa 1936 1936 Yucca Gloriosa, Yearbook of Newman High School, Sweetwater, Texas The following students and faculty from Newman High School are pictured in the 1936 Yucca Gloriosa. They are listed in order of family name, given names and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore). Alexander, Hal, jr Alldredge, Bud, jr Alldredge, Guy Fred Alldredge, Velma, jr Alston, Charlsa Ruth, jr Alston, Rey Nell, so Aycock, Joe, sr Aycock, L. J., fac Barker, Marguerite, sr Barry, Ira, jr Beall, Jimmie, so Beall, Wanna Ruth, so Belcher, William, jr Berman, Gerson, so Bickers, Isla M., fac Billings, Floyd, jr Blailock, May, sr Blair, Lillian Avo, sr Blancett, Richard, so Bland, Delma, so Bledsoe, LaVerne, jr Boswell, Warden, sr Boyd, Douglas, so Bradford, George, so Bradford, Giles Edward Jr., fac Bradshaw, Johnnie, so Brand, Alma Dene, so Brookes, Juno, so Brown, Donald, sr Brown, Henri Elizabeth, so Browning, W. L., sr Bruner, Cecil Bruner, Punk Buck, Dorothy Burge, Alden, jr Burkett, Juanita, sr Carpenter, Captola, sr Carr, Frances, jr Carrigan, Bess, jr Carrigan, Charles A., sr Carter, Betty, jr Carter, Mary, sr Cathey, Evelyn, sr Cathey, Mary Lou, sr Chapman, A. A., fac Clayton, Clarine, sr Coalson, Mrs. Frank, fac Coffee, Lucille, jr Covey, R. S., fac Cress, Lana, jr Davis, Dorothy, fac Davison, Lucille, so Dearborn, Glenn, so Dennis, Homer A., fac Diltz, Maxine, jr Dodson, Joe Doscher, J. H., fac Drake, Ione, sr Drake, Raymond, sr Dulaney, Jimmie, so Dulin, Irmalu, jr Dyar, Charles, sr Eberle, Bertha, so Elliott, Frankie, fac Elrod, J. W. Jr., sr English, Frances, so English, Leo Farris, Mary Pearl, jr Faver, Bill, sr Faver, Jack, so Felton, Gene, sr Fife, Margaret, jr Fitzgerald, Glenn, jr Fitzgerald, Josephine, sr Frazier, Aleta, jr Free, Robert Fry, Clara Mae, jr Garner, D. N., sr Gensberg, Rose, sr Gilmore, Braxton, fac Glass, Tom Pat, jr Glenn, Vernon Godfrey, Maurine Griggs, Mrs. C. K., fac Griggs, Charles, sr Grimes, Louise, sr Gunn, Mary Ted, jr Halbert, J. W., fac Hall, Polly, sr Hall, Sara Nell, jr Hamrick, Henry Grady, fac Hardin, Mildred, sr Harkins, Ethel, fac Harris, Evelyn, so Harriss, Glenn, sr Hartgraves, Lucille, so Hawley, Hez, sr Headrick, Tom Henderson, Celia, jr Hennig, Edgar A., fac Hodges, Charles, so Hodges, Joel, jr Holbert, Clarence Hopkins, Harold, jr Horn, Mary, so Horne, Wanda, sr Hubbard, Joe, sr Hudgins, James, sr Jameson, Carl, so Johnson, Gloria, jr Johnson, Rosaline, jr Jolley, Alice, jr Jolley, Flora Jean, so Jolley, Marceia, so Jones, Bill D., sr Langley, Earnest, jr Lee, A. G., fac Lee, Benita Leeper, John Palmer, so Lehde, Walter, sr Lusk, Bob, jr Lynn, Burl Gene, jr Mabry, S. C., sr Mayfield, Byron, so McBurnett, Luther, jr McDonald, Emmett, so McDonald, Loyce, sr McElroy, Leach Meadows, Ruth, so Mitcham, J. M., fac Mitchell, Billy Moore, Dalton, fac Moore, John Dalton Jr., sr Moore, Marcelle, so Morgan, Charles, jr Morgan, Robert, so Mullins, Ruby, jr Murphey, Jane, jr Myers, Ella Ruth, jr Neinast, E. F., fac Newman, Josephine, so Null, Jessie Erma, so O’Leary, F. D., fac Pace, Edna Earl, jr Palmer, Ruth, sr Parsons, Juanita, sr Patterson, Lenor Pepper, J. W., fac Perriman, Dollie Bell, so Phillips, Arletta, so Pickett, Peggy, so Pittman, Annette, so Priddy, Laurance, fac Ray, Lowell, sr Redden, R. B., jr Reed, Leora, jr Reeves, Delas, jr Reeves, Leon, so Reich, Harriet, jr Reichardt, Alice, sr Rhodes, J. Clark, fac Rice, Brittie Lynn, so Rice, Tillie Marie, so Ritter, Inez, so Roberts, Ben Jr., jr Roberts, Elizabeth, fac Roberts, Tomie, jr Rogers, Joyce, so Rogers, Marie, jr Roy, A. J. Roy, E. E., fac Rushing, Sula Fay, so Sanger, Albert, so Scudday, Mary Gus, jr Scudday, Roy, so Shaw, Jack, sr Sheridan, Laura, fac Shinn, Dorothy Nell, jr Simmons, Riley, so Slayden, Pat, sr Spencer, Cotton Stamps, Burton, so Stamps, Floyd, so Stevenson, Malven, jr Stone, Monte Estes, so Swaim, Billy Bob, so Tarlton, Frances Elizabeth, sr Tarlton, Lurline, jr Taylor, Cullen Teston, Pauline, sr Toler, Arline, jr Tubb, Mickey, so Tucker, Oneta, sr Tudor, Lillian, so Turner, Clyde, sr Wade, Mable, jr Wagnon, Myron, sr Walker, Edwina, jr Walker, Margaret, sr Walker, Maurice, jr Weatherby, Lee, so Weathers, Leonard, sr Webster, Jake Wells, Betty Jo, jr Whaley, Joyce, so Whitmire, Elizabeth, sr Whitten, Clairene, sr Wilke, Cecile, so Wilkins, Edward, sr Williams, Georgia Fay, so Williams, Margel, sr Williams, Wilburn, jr Wills, J. F., fac Winn, Billy, so Witt, Estelle, sr Wood, Ruby Payne, fac Woodson, Edgar, sr Worley, J. B. Wright, Pauline, so Yarbrough, Edna, sr Yoakum, Tommie Lou, so Young, Dorothy, jr File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.3 Kb