Nolan County, TX - Obituary - Mrs. A.T. Mason **************************************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dorman Holub Copyright. All rights reserved. **************************************************************************** The Jones County Observer Anson, Jones County, Texas Friday, October 20, 1939 Rites were held at the First Methodist church Monday for Mrs. A.T. Mason, wife of Rev. A.T. Mason, Hawley Methodist circuit pastor. The Rev. H.W. Hanks, Hamlin Methodist pastor will officiate, assisted by Rev. C.A. Bickley of Abilene District Supt., and Rev. C.R. Campbell of the University Baptist church. After the service, the body was taken to Sweetwater in an Elliott F.H. coach where final rites were held at the First Methodist church there. The Rev. Hanks and Rev. Bickley officiated. Burial was made in the Sweetwater cemetery beside the grave of her son, A.T Mason, Jr. Mrs. Mason died Sunday at Hendrick Hospital. Mrs. Mason was born at Westbrook and was the daughter of M/M Green Berry Petty who reside near Big Spring. She was married to Rev. Mr. Mason, June 12, 1928 in Abilene, They lived in Sweetwater until 1934, and had lived the past two years at hawley. The Rev. Mason is pastor of the Hawley, Nugent, Truby and Hodges Methodist churches. Survivors: parents; husband; daughter: Patricia Nell, 6; 3 brothers: Veldon Petty of Fort Stockton, Odis and Estell Petty, both of Big Spring.