ORANGE COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1928 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - May 30, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Abron,Leo Charles 1-21-1928 M Rose Lee Johnson Walter Abron Achord,William James Jr. 3-24-1928 M Mattie Lee Harris Wm. James Achord Aguilar,Juana 1-24-1928 F Genoveva Rodriquez Pedro Aguilar Akerson,Clara Louise 7-14-1928 F Teckla A. Peterson David E. Akerson Alford,Rozell 6-27-1928 F Elizabeth Martin Max Alford Allen,Alfred Powell 11-30-1928 M Gladys Powell Luther Allen Alston,Walter Jackson 11-27-1928 M Hattie Norris Volney L. Alston Armstrong,Billy Mitchell 2-2-1928 M Lacy Chamness Arshur T. Armstrong Arsenault,Frederick Mathew 1-26-1928 M Annie Skuler Charles Arsenault Ayers,Curtis Ray 12-26-1928 M Lillian Shirley John L. Ayers Babcock,Harvey Inverness 12-29-1928 M Ruby Harvey Charles Crocker Babcock Bailey,Henry Allen Jr. 3-16-1928 M Bessie Ellen Ousley Henry Allen Bailey Barber,Raymond Andrew 1-14-1928 M Hazel Lula Hathaway Andrew Clyde Barber Barker,Clara Virginia 12-29-1928 F Virginia Margurite Davis Edward Leon Barker Bartie,Estel 2-11-1928 F Geogeana Bargeman Joseph Bartie Bates,Bonita Lou 2-12-1928 F Joie Elam Henry Bates Beatty,Joyce 8-14-1928 F Nora Reese Hunter Beatty Benoit,J. D. 11-19-1928 M Emma Guillery D. Benoit Berry,Ray Odis 10-3-1928 M Thelma Courmier Ernest Berry Bertolio,Milton James 3-22-1928 M Bernadette Broussard Dominic Bertolio Bertrand,Edna Ruth 3-20-1928 F Agnes Morgan D. Bertrand Berwick,Kitty Elizabeth 12-9-1928 F Jessie Stockman Ben Berwick Bilbo,Donald Lee 9-26-1928 M Dora Stark John C. Bilbo Blanchard,Jeraldine 9-1-1928 F Hazel Brooks Felix Blanchard Blanchard,Louis B. Jr. 7-10-1928 M Gladys Delhomme Louis B. Blanchard Sr. Bland,Percy A. Jr. 8-20-1928 M Rachel Michel Percy A. Bland Bodon,Marie Jeanette 12-29-1928 F Agnes Romero Alpha Bodon Boudreaux,Dolores Mary 10-28-1928 F Mathilda Hotard Arthur L. Boudreaux Bounds,D. C. 6-30-1928 M Ella Meaux Harry Bounds Bourge,Billie Evelyn 11-25-1928 F Ortha Roach Willie Bourge Bourgeois,Mary Louise 6-12-1928 F Lillie Hebert L. P. Bourgeois Braxton,Nellie May 10-8-1928 F Nellie May Braxton Smith Harrison Braxton Breaux,Bettie Joyce 4-17-1928 F Nola Broussard J. M. Breaux Breaux,Lyner Anton 7-2-1928 M Florence Tibbits Ed Breaux Brian,Christine Elizabeth 5-31-1928 F Axie Maxey John Talmage Brian Brian,James Ray 10-7-1928 M Cecil Peavy James Harvey Brian Brister,Martha 8-6-1928 M Ruby Holden W. T. Brister Broussard,Agnes Lee 7-27-1928 F Gladerine Bourgeois Lenfroy Broussard Broussard,Lloyd 11-1-1928 M Edith Gillete Cleodis Broussard Brown,Alma 12-2-1928 F Virgina Frank Clarance Brown Brown,James Marvin 2-16-1928 M Altha Kelley Walter Brown Brown,Marion Mary Lee 1-17-1928 F Atha King Walter Brown Brown,Willis 1-25-1928 M Lena Frank Tom Brown Bryant,Charles William 9-11-1928 M Annie Elizabeth Bronea W. H. Bryant Buchman,Mary Joe 10-28-1928 F Katie Cummings John Jake Buchman Buford,Wynne Burell 9-11-1928 M Juell Burch Erastus B. Buford Burch,Elmer Armon 9-9-1928 M Martha Chadwell George A. Burch Burke,Mary Ann 11-17-1928 F Oladie Courmire Oreban Burke Burrell,Louise Marie 12-8-1928 F Mable Gertrude Morgan Jessie James Burrell Cady,Hubert Merline 4-14-1928 M Hubert Cady Callahan,Robert Wilhite 3-3-1928 M Monnie Laird Jeremiah Callahan Campbell,Ray 11-11-1928 M Emma James Azriah Campbell Canto,Raul 2-16-1928 M Victoria Gutierrez Juan Canto Carpenter,Francis Jewel 2-28-1928 F Viola Burleson Julian Carpenter Carroll,Mae Luene 5-11-1928 F Rosie Lee Hennigan Henry Leslie Carroll Carter,James Jr. 7-18-1928 M Josie Carter James Carter Casburg,Margaret Ann 10-25-1928 F Lillie Boudreaux Charles A. Casburg Cerda,Salvador 7-8-1928 M Ysaura Cerda Lewis Cerda Chapman,Georgia Ann 11-8-1928 F Virginia Watts Wm. Schaggs Chapman Chatman,Bessie 11-6-1928 F Luberta Franks James Chatman Chatman,John 11-6-1928 M Luberta Franks James Chatman Childress,George Wilhite 12-12-1928 M Marie Josephine Veazey Henry Clay Childress Christman,Odell Elliot 11-11-1928 M Katie Stanton George H. Christman Clary,Robert 9-27-1928 M Nellie Mallard Mack Clary Claybar,Mildred Joyce 5-15-1928 F Fleda Sue Reese Tony Claybar Clayton,Joe Welburn 3-4-1928 M Maggie Belcher S. E. Clayton Coers,David Huelett Jr. 2-8-1928 M Kathyn Elizaluth Bryant David Huelett Coers Cohen,Isadore 9-12-1928 M Sophia Cohen Joe Cohen Colleps,Larry Eugene 8-5-1928 M Joy Chellette Marion Colleps Collins,Arsand Jr. 3-29-1928 M Dollie Bader Arsand Collins Colston,Freddie Willie 12-17-1928 M Alberta Bowman Willie J. Colston Comiala,Harry 7-17-1928 M Lada Wilmon George Comiala Conway,Preston Jr. 2-29-1928 M Dora Ruff Preston Conway Conway,Rosa Mae 8-15-1928 F Olivia Anderson Floyd R. Conway Cooley,Curtis Wayne 10-27-1928 M Lily Lela Greene Curtis Houston Cooley Cooper,Baby Ruth 3-28-1928 F Nellie Chapman Abraham Cooper Crabb,Harrel 2-4-1928 M Nettie L Crowe Oscar Crabb Cruse,Frankie Sue 8-24-1928 F Genevieve Peck Elmer Martin Cruse Culpepper,George Warren 10-7-1928 M Gladys Eva Rice Ralph H. Culpepper Cummings,Ruby May 9-20-1928 F Renna Cummings Martin R. C. Cummings Cunningham,Jewel Marie 7-12-1928 F Beulah M. Cunningham Marvin E. Cunningham Curl,Charles Edward 11-1-1928 M Pearl Goodman Archie Curl Curtis,Mary Louise 2-10-1928 F Olevia Lawrence Lenard Curtis Daby,Ruth Louise 1-22-1928 F Kathleen Mcgork Joe C. Daby Daniels,Melvin Verloin 12-16-1928 M Sybel Clowa Hawthorn Samuel V. Daniels Dartez,Bob Lester 4-8-1928 M Adelia La Comb Ernest Dartez Davis,Bobbie Jean 8-14-1928 F Willie May Kervin Owen R. Davis Davis,Charley Elton 7-21-1928 M Captolia Lewis Edice Alvin Davis Davis,Willie B. 7-7-1928 F Alma Depure James P. Davis Day,Doris 4-29-1928 F Elizabeth Simmons Everette Day Degar,Arline 9-13-1928 F Mary Corner Ralph Degar Delano,Vertis Talmage 8-19-1928 M Maggie Young Roy Delano Denney,Eula 2-23-1928 F Willie Jones J. C. Denney Deon,Carlton 9-4-1928 M Camilea Deon Clisby Deon Depew,Thomas Andrew 4-5-1928 M Vivian Mcgill Walter E. Depew Dikes,Anna Ruth 5-16-1928 F Ruth Marie Erickson Burton Eugene Dikes Dobbins,Charles Joseph 10-8-1928 M Mary Lucile Maltas Joseph Burford Dobbins Dorman,Sam John 6-10-1928 M Dora Lodner Nat Dorman Dorsey,Jessie 8-12-1928 F Victoria Grant L. G. Dorsey Dotson,James Allison 11-14-1928 M Allison Dotson Dubison,Francis Joseph 3-25-1928 M Justine Josephine Shiner Alcide Bernard Dubison Duhon,Richard Arnold 11-20-1928 M Gladys Foreman Forest Duhon Duhon,Wendell Ray 10-30-1928 M Julia Pearl Riley Clyde R. Anderson Dunlap,Thelma Lucile 1-3-1928 F Claribel Nemits Alton D. Dunlap Eaves,Arnold Lee 6-4-1928 M Lillie Burcel Stanley Eaves Edwards,Alma 6-10-1928 F Teressa Anderson Louis Edwards Edwards,Elmer 6-10-1928 M Teressa Anderson Louis Edwards Edwards,Stephen Clay 2-17-1928 M Kittie Tris Dufraino S. T. Edwards Edwards,Stewart Thomas 2-17-1928 M Kittie Iris Dufraine S. T. Edwards Ellis,Ollie Virginia 10-10-1928 F Mildred Loraine Mcdonald Marland W. Ellis Evan,Frank Edward 5-15-1928 M Bertha Lee Arron Evan Ezell,Cynal T. Inf Of 5-13-1928 F Ella Lawson Cynal T. Ezell Felsher,Arthur Junior 2-18-1928 M Cora Martin Arthur Felsher Sr. Ford,Mary Alene 4-14-1928 F Louise Mc Neely John Wm. Ford Foreman,Clara Bell 10-6-1928 F Emily Morvent Ovenil Foreman Foreman,Lloyd Wynne 1-17-1928 M Stella Petry Ruhel Foreman Foreman,Morine Joyce 9-17-1928 F Dollie Landry Emedis Foreman Frames,Cecil Thomas 7-20-1928 M Edna Carter James B Frames Frances,Cecil Thomas 7-20-1928 M Edna Carter Jonas Burley Frances Francois,Mary Celest 11-16-1928 F Amanda Courmier Julian Francois Frank,Lillie Mae 9-26-1928 F Selena Thomas Nicholas Frank Franks,Samie Green 8-27-1928 F Mary Ella Green Sam Franks Frazer,Evelynn 3-18-1928 F Meeder Day George Frazer Freeman,Ruby Lee 2-8-1928 F Elsie Achard Johnie Freeman Fruyoux,Alzy 11-29-1928 M Alice Sidotal L. Fruyoux Funches,Emma Rosalee 10-5-1928 F Claudie Stockman Francis M. Funches Galavis,Victor 11-2-1928 M Jacinta De Galavis Martinez Jesus Galavis Gallier,Monroe Glen 10-7-1928 M Ada Williamson Noah E. Gallier Garison,Harry Louis 8-25-1928 M Mazura Linscomb Stanley Garrison Garrett,Edna 7-31-1928 F Millie Achan Eddie Garrett Garrie,Donald Lummey 9-7-1928 M Ruby Lee Courmier Leon E. Garrie Gaston,Betty Joe 10-13-1928 F Alice Dodge Walter Pulaski Gaston Gibson,Therman Richard 4-20-1928 M Ethel Hock Bob Gibson Gilchrist,Delbert Floyd 4-1-1928 M Ruth Virginia Humberson Charlie Gilchrist Glidwell,Elizabeth Coralie 9-9-1928 F Carrie Wilson Joseph Tyler Glidwell Glover,Willie May 5-15-1928 F Viola Ezell William Winsol Glover Godfrey,Leonard James 2-29-1928 M Mammie Henderson Edwin Godfrey Godwin,Betty Jean 1-31-1928 F Robbie Wiltshire Johnnie D Godwin Gordon,Acy 2-6-1928 M Lizzie Palmer Ike Gordon Granger,Cedar 7-18-1928 F Edna Simmons Martin Granger Granger,Hubard Ray 5-3-1928 M Victora Lougran Marcell Granger Granger,Mary Lou 1-23-1928 F Winnie Slade Albert C. Granger Granger,Robert Murrell 11-26-1928 M Rena Elzina Hardin Stanley Lee Granger Gravett,Roland Ralph 6-5-1928 M Elsie Marie Sanders Roland Robert Gravett Green,John Carroll 9-11-1928 M Edna Alpha Watson Lee Wood Green Griffith,Johnnie Theron 12-20-1928 M Mabel Bonsoll Hal Griffith Griffith,Rosalie 12-10-1928 F Orelia Burch John Griffith Grubbs,Bettie Joe 7-18-1928 F Jeanette Winfrey Archie O. Grubbs Guillotte,Theresa 11-13-1928 F Blanche Daigle O. E. Guillotte Gunstream,Hara Kenneth 8-24-1928 M Myrtle Gertrude Hargis Hara Kenneth Gunstream Gunter,Ercelle 7-15-1928 F Fleta Gallien Luther Gunter Gutierrez,Ciro 3-29-1928 M Natividad Consuela Wencescalo Gutierrez Hamerly,Arthur Leon 4-8-1928 M Ida Brooms Charlie R. Hamerly Hamerly,Catherine 12-6-1928 F Mandy Hamerly Carl Hamerly Hanks,Thelina Gene 2-14-1928 F Carrie Mae Wiltshire Ernest Hanks Hare,Lily Ethel 2-10-1928 F Esther Sheppard Henry Hare Harmon,Jesse Carlton 3-18-1928 M Rosalie Armstrong Ovie Harmon Jr. Hartwick,Maxine Le Verne 8-22-1928 F Myrtie Burrell Winfield Hartwick Havens,Justine 8-18-1928 F Elizabeth Showers Tom S. Havens Haywood,Edward 8-28-1928 M Juno A. Higgins Ned Haywood Head,Ruby Irene 5-11-1928 F Annie Lee Vaden William C Head Hebert,Jessie 8-12-1928 F Edith Bendo Wilson Hebert Heider,Charles Fredrick Richa* 10-3-1928 M Leachie Rebaca Biskamp James Fredrick Heider Henckel,Mary Lou 9-16-1928 F Lucie Kaiser Roy H. Henckel Henderson,Georgia Alma 11-25-1928 M Mabel King G. D. Henderson Henderson,Ida May 9-5-1928 M Elnora Gunishaw Henry Henderson Henry,Johnnie Fay 5-30-1928 F Liddie Barrow Ben Henry Herman,Augustus Edward 10-5-1928 M Allie Henderson W. M. Herman Hernandez,Cecil 10-16-1928 M Antoinette Merritt Felix Hernandez Hext,Joseph Wayne 2-24-1928 M Altha Clark Beaman Wayne Hext Hilbert,Alice 4-28-1928 F Ida Hamilton Phillip Hilbert Hill,Charles Alexander 2-26-1928 M Adeline Frillan Frank J. Hill Hilliard,Vernon Otis 1-24-1928 M Bertha Smith George Hilliard Hoffpamir,John Amey 2-16-1928 M Zule Clement Dugless Hoffpamir Hoffpauir,Juel Vivian 1-28-1928 F Viola Hoffpauir Winson Hoffauir Hogan,Verletta Murl 1-6-1928 F Verletta Pennington V. W. Hogan Hogg,Orman Ealdha 12-18-1928 M Edith Vincent John Thomas Hogg Holden,Harry Arthur 1-3-1928 M Nellie Mens Sidney Holden Hollis,Charles Derrill 9-11-1928 M Lillie Belle Gones Ollie Drew Hollis Horn,Allen Ray 6-20-1928 M Gladys Flurry V. W. Horn Hudson,Jaunita May 11-19-1928 F Verna May Lichner Travis Hudson Humble,Alberta Ann 6-11-1928 F Tudelia Ann Stephens Albert Junior Humble Humble,Robert Smith 12-29-1928 M Clara Smith Lenord Humble Hunt,David Edward Wynne 9-28-1928 M Bertha Valora Perez Joseph Malcolm Hunt Jackson,Hazel 1-18-1928 F Delphine Gilmore Arthur Jackson Johnson,Billie Lamar 8-31-1928 M Fay Lee Donald Johnson Johnson,Joseph 1-25-1928 M Alice Solomon Peter Johnson Johnson,Sidney Earl 8-26-1928 M Mary Tressie Guidry Lee Roy Johnson Jones,Billie Joe 12-14-1928 M Bessie Winters George Jones Jones,Earl 1-11-1928 M Bessie Davis Robert Jones Jones,Gus Westley 9-21-1928 M Amelia Byran Gus Jones Jones,Jonny 4-12-1928 M Hazel Symons Sam Jones Jones,Paul Inf Of 5-26-1928 F Bertha Thomas Paul Jones Kantu,Lillian 11-14-1928 F Concepcion Ramirez Jacinto Kantu Kelly,Ethel Betty Jean 11-17-1928 F Eloie Reese Paul Kelly Kelly,Norman De Witt Jr. 12-10-1928 M Mary Yvonne Pierce Norman De Witt Kelly Killinger,Elva Juanita 8-13-1928 F Georgia Annette Hobdin Leo L. Killinger Kinchen,Herbert Jr. 12-24-1928 M Vera Louise Moore Herbert Kinchen King,Edward 11-9-1928 M Mary Spann Albert King Koonce,Annie Novaleen 1-6-1928 F Virgie Mary Koonce J. A. Koonce Koutny,Audrey May 12-15-1928 F Rosie Sanders Charles John Kuotny Kyle,Rozetta 9-6-1928 F Eva Cheathan Willard Kyle La Comb,James Russell 9-23-1928 M Amy Dartiz L. J. La Comb Lamb,Freddie Willie 12-11-1928 M Alberta Bowman Willie Lamb Landrum,Betty Rose 12-9-1928 F Bessie Beatrice Markwith Thomas Owen Landrum Landry,Ivy Jr. 2-10-1928 M Sadie Ouhon Ivy Landry Larson,Earl Francis Jr. 7-11-1928 M Louise Joymer Francis Earl Larson Sr. Le Doux,Doris Lanore 3-24-1928 F Blanch Sarver Horace Le Doux Lea,Richard Stuart 6-24-1928 M Elizabeth Georgia Bancroft Wm. Ethelbert Lea Lee,Joseph 10-3-1928 M Edna Jones Joseph Lee Lee,Tommie Jr. 1-24-1928 M Lydia Sapp Tommie Lee Lemott,Malley 9-1-1928 F Hazel Brooks Felix Lemott Lenhard,Frank Troy 2-3-1928 M Janie D. Graham Fred D. Lenhard Jr Levingston,Patsy Ruth 2-16-1928 F Myrtle White Laurence Moore Levingston Lewis,Frances Andrid 8-16-1928 F Lorena Birotte Gabriel Lewis Lewis,Jewel Dean 4-18-1928 F Zerelda Mason Garland Hidson Lewis Linscomb,Joyce La Verne 1-7-1928 F Edith Peveto Grover C. Linscomb Linscomb,Ocie Andrew 9-3-1928 M Ada Willey Andrew Jackson Linscomb Long,Juanita Murle 5-6-1928 F Lynda Kerr Sam H. Long Lopez,Tony 1-17-1928 M Augustina Pachuca Juan Leon Lopez Loyd,Charlie Jr. 12-18-1928 M Georgia Bell Jones Charlie Loyd Loyd,Robert Jr. 5-7-1928 M Neta Loyd Robert Loyd Lujan,Isabel 11-19-1928 F Benita Salazara Decino Lujan Lusk,Archie Ray 5-2-1928 M Aline Francois Abel Lusk Mahaffey,Eula Virginia 9-11-1928 F Ethel Susan Anderson John Brown Mahaffey Mahoney,Clarence Ely 7-4-1928 M Ida Mahoney Clarence Mahoney Malone,Preston Gett 1-17-1928 M Ella Emily Peet Hugay Malone Mansfield,Grover Murril 12-25-1928 M Martha Lee Simmons Willie Mansfield Marshall,Winnis Raywood 11-24-1928 M Thelma Honeycutt W. J. Marshall Martin,Burl Lester 7-29-1928 M Edna Granett Joseph B. Martin Mazzola,Alfred Louis 9-18-1928 M Annie Lucia Ben Mazzola Mc Clatchey,George C. Jr 10-24-1928 M Lores Roper George C Mc Clatchey Mc Elveen,Archie Martin 12-29-1928 M Mable Harmon George Mc Elveen Mc Gill,D. T. Jr. 11-23-1928 M Minnie Gunn D. T. Mc Gill Sr. Mc Morris,Bobbie Lee 9-14-1928 F Hattie Briggs George Mc Morris Mcafee,Laura Bell 9-7-1928 F May Patterson Adle Mills Mcafee Mccarver,Carroll Lee 10-14-1928 M Gladys Simmons Leow Mccarver Mcclelland,Charlsie Ramona 10-24-1928 F Agnes Green J. E. Mcclelland Mccoy,Clarence Edward 1-18-1928 M Edith Jennings Ben Ross Mccoy Mcdaniel,Vernon Dewey 1-12-1928 M Ada Belle Mcdaniel Robert Dewey Mcdaniel Mcdonald,Luckett 1-28-1928 M Sarah Luckett Robert Mcdonald Mcelroy,Thomas Junior 1-22-1928 M Irene Wade Thomas Mcelroy Mcguire,Norma Jean 6-11-1928 F Ruth Peveto Richard A. Mcguire Mcintyre,Carman 2-17-1928 F Thelma Rodgers F. W. Mcintyre Mcintyre,Paulean 4-3-1928 F Mary Helen Wilkerson John Mcintyre Mcpayne,Patrick Owen 2-6-1928 M Odelia Duhon Owen Mcpayne Meaux,Bertrand Joseph 6-22-1928 M Una Trumps Azdore Meaux Mendoza,Rena Marie 9-4-1928 F Clara Violet Boudreaux Leon Mendoza Mervant,Norma Jean 7-20-1928 F Rena Harrington John K. Mervant Michael,Teddie Ray 9-2-1928 M Lydia Sallier Ted Michael Miller,Mary Maxine 9-28-1928 F Alma Herrin Gail Miller Monton,Betty Joe 11-10-1928 F Lila Lee A. J. Monton Moore,Clester Ray 7-23-1928 M Hattie Lee Donnell Jack L. Moore Morgan,Joseph 10-8-1928 M Laura Rankin Lawyer Morgan Morgan,Melvin 1-6-1928 M Cora Morvan Whitney Morgan Morvant,Charles Jr 10-21-1928 M Mabel Benoit Charles Morvant Mott,Gilbert Jr. 11-20-1928 M Stella Picard Gilbert Mott Mouton,Betty Joe 11-10-1928 F Lila Lee A. J. Mouton Myers,Curly Alexander 3-12-1928 M Kittie Bexis Townsend Henry Joe Myers Newell,John Jr. 4-14-1928 M Frances Lorena Dobbs John O'neil Newell Newton,Dorothy Ann 2-14-1928 F Gertrude Peveto Von Newton O'banion,Richard Wayne 6-29-1928 M Ollie Alton C. M. O'banion O'riley,Marjorie Louise 11-25-1928 F Emmie Glauson James D. O'riley Pachuca,Frutso 2-21-1928 M Eulalia Pachuca Atilano Pachuca Papania,Constance Sylvia 1-7-1928 F Mary Rose Papania Arthur Papania Patillo,Wynne 4-27-1928 M Lennie Dorman Arthur Patillo Patronella,Antoynette Cecilia 1-27-1928 F Rosa Gambino Sam Patronella Pattillo,Wynonah 4-27-1928 F Lennie Dorman Arthur Pattillo Penny,Frances Ann 7-4-1928 F Eleanor Marion Cowart William Bryan Penny Peno,Latta 9-3-1928 F Josephine Sarver Robert Peno Pettaway,Thomas Edward 3-29-1928 M Lucille Price R. E. Pettaway Peveto,Alfred Carl 4-26-1928 M Oma Mcgee Burna Peveto Peveto,Arthur Albert 3-8-1928 M Angeline Clark Mitchell Peveto Peveto,Doris Lea 9-30-1928 F Grace Sanders Earl Peveto Peveto,Helen Eileene 8-31-1928 F Lena Lorena Peveto White Stafford Odam Peveto Peveto,Jack 10-11-1928 M Gladys Wallace Raymond Peveto Peveto,June Rose 6-5-1928 F Sallie Maude Peveto Vernon Linscomb Peveto,Mary Lou 12-23-1928 F Lulu Ray Walles Peyton Peveto Peveto,Wanda Lee 5-13-1928 F Edna May Crain Wylie Peveto Phillips,Arthur Lee 7-21-1928 M Lucille Lucy Boutte Arthur Dean Phillips Pickett,Malessie Eudora 5-7-1928 F Julia Dailey Martin Calvin Pickett Picon,Alton Jr. 11-24-1928 M Ollie B. Picon White Alton Picon Sr Pittman,William Albert Jr. 11-17-1928 M Georgia Lee Hebert Wm. Albert Pittman Plant,Bobbie Weldon 10-2-1928 M Lillian Wallet Arthur W. Plant Pryian,Antone Inf Of 5-12-1928 M Mariola Richard Antone Pryian Rader,Luther Glenn 1-14-1928 M Dorothy Marsh Luther G. Rader Ramirez,Margerite 2-14-1928 F Espelaciore Martina Ramon Ramirez Ranels,Mildred Mary 7-9-1928 F Carmillia Lombardo Saint Elmo Ranels Ranled,Georgeanna 6-30-1928 F Bessie George George Ranled Ratcliff,Gladmon Eldridge 12-18-1928 M Josephine Hudson Eldridge K. Ratcliff Ray,Dorthey Lee 11-17-1928 F Minnie Ola Smith Major Ray Ray,Joseph Dempsey 8-19-1928 M Lusenal Mane Oney Roy Reese,Frank Floyd Jr. 3-8-1928 M Maybell Goudeau Frank F. Reese Relles,Juana 2-8-1928 M Antona Govea A. Relles Rhodes,Donald Louis 6-16-1928 M Gertrude Pharr Samuel Rhodes Rinehart,Claude Nelson 12-9-1928 M Ada Claire Hurst Claude Rinehart Roberts,Helen Fay 12-12-1928 F Nita Carmilla Hollis John C. Roberts Rodriguez,Manuel 6-9-1928 M Consuelo Rodriguez Celco Rodriguez Rogers,Charlene 12-17-1928 F Viola King Charley Rogers Rogers,O. C. Jr. 6-28-1928 M Ruth Williams O. C. Rogers Sr. Rumsey,Cleora Christine 12-12-1928 F Georgia Morris Tom Rumsey Russell,Ellis D. Jr. 4-29-1928 M Delphia Marie Clay Ellis D. Russell Ryans,Dallas 6-10-1928 M Mable Ryans Andrew Ryans Salazar,Susie 4-21-1928 F Frances Goana Santiago Salazar Sanders,Albert Jr 10-30-1928 M Mary Deshotel Albert Sanders Sanders,Albert Jr. 10-30-1928 M Albert Sanders Sr. Sarver,Daniel Wilbur 6-26-1928 M Emma Hall Breman Sarver Saxton,Charlie Lewis Inf Of 4-23-1928 F Velaria Zelma Bollinger Charlie Lewis Saxton Scales,J. B. Jr. 10-13-1928 M Clarice Laxson J B Scales Scales,Margaret Ruth 11-12-1928 F Katie Mae Burke Ausbon Scales Scales,Paul Wallace 9-2-1928 M Hildred Gounett Elmer Scales Schrock,Betty Jean 5-23-1928 F Louise Reese Claude W. Schrock Scott,Evelyn Joyce 6-19-1928 F Maude Corbitt Joe Scott Search,Charlotte Avie 9-5-1928 F Cleo Glenadine Norris Donovan Wm. Search Sellars,Betty Joyce 8-17-1928 F Katie Vanya Jeff C. Sellars Sellers,Ruby Lee 6-22-1928 F Edna Vanga Van Sellers Shannon,Mary Lou 7-29-1928 F Sidney Bland George Shannon Shatana,Virginia 5-21-1928 F Annies Benait Walter Shatana Sholars,Beth 2-18-1928 F Lillie Beth Wilson Orrin Inge Sholars Simon,Susie Lee 11-30-1928 F Clene Broussard Ophie Simon Singletary,Robbie Mae 3-3-1928 F Mattie Mae Singletary Robert T. Singletary Sizler,Mary Louise 12-1-1928 F Mary Sizar Isac Sizler Slaydon,Kenneth Edsel 6-20-1928 M Helen Reeves Albert Slaydon Smith,Delbert Lee 2-15-1928 M Eva Ollia Guillory Noah Smith Smith,Eastmay 10-7-1928 F Arthur Smith Smith,Esther May 7-7-1928 F Lillie Dosier Arthur Smith Smith,Hugh John Jr. 7-7-1928 M Nathalie Daught Hugh J. Smith Smith,Marjorie Myrtle 11-3-1928 F Stella Peet Arthur Smith Smith,William Jasper 2-3-1928 M Mary Elizabeth Knight Frank Smith Soleman,Odias 12-25-1928 M Henrietta Linsey Ellias Soleman Spears,Edward Hermon 8-17-1928 M Myrtie Lucille Smith J. Carl Spears Spell,Billie D. 5-20-1928 F Mary Courmier Evan Spell Spikes,Dorthy 9-4-1928 F Janie Maxie David Spikes Spring,Mabel Odell 2-4-1928 F Fannie Stoffer Joe Spring Staley,Noah Forrest 5-18-1928 M Viola White Ira Staley Stanfield,Bettie Moore 3-21-1928 F Ruth Thornton L. G. Stanfield Stanley,James 7-30-1928 M Fannie Willey William A. Stanley Stark,Julia Mae 3-25-1928 F Mae Windham Alford Palmer Stark Stark,Thomas Wayne 2-1-1928 M Helen G. Landrum Clyde L. Stark Steetes,Dorothy Mio 11-10-1928 F Clarise Jones Whitney Steetes Stephenson,Bettie Sue 12-12-1928 F Hessie Peveto Wallace Stephenson Stephenson,Elizabeth Joyce 5-4-1928 F Ethel Ray Dean Marion Stephenson Steward,James Ely 8-15-1928 M Martha Steward Dave Steward Stewart,Wymae Pearce 6-27-1928 M Edna Catherine Hudson Johnnie E. Stewart Swift,Shirley Herbert 2-23-1928 M Daisey Pearl Swift Charles Everett Swift Swor,Charles David 1-24-1928 M Pla Hancock Arlie David Swor Talley,Emma Gene 3-21-1928 F Jessie Eliza Michell Johnnie Edward Talley Tanner,Lu Carrol 12-23-1928 M Willie May Fuller L. C. Tanner Tarwater,Joyce 10-15-1928 F Nora River Tommy Tarwater Taylor,C. E. Jr. 4-14-1928 M Elsie Philmon C. E. Taylor Taylor,Faith Marie 1-23-1928 F Beulah Goodyear Gus Taylor Taylor,Gloria Marie 10-18-1928 F Lillian Sheppard Frank Taylor Teal,Cecil Allen 10-16-1928 M Gertrude Graham C. C. Teal Thigpen,Richard Lewis 9-25-1928 M Vines Coeurville Jodie James Thigpen Thigpen,Richard Lewis 9-25-1928 M Vines Coeurville Jodie James Thigpen Thomas,Georgia 12-12-1928 F Theresa Mauchosa M. V. Thomas Thomas,Will Elbert 4-10-1928 M Zadie Peveto Henry Thomas Thompson,Emma Marie 2-9-1928 F Ruby Stewart Lorenzo Thompson Thompson,Ovid Ray Jr 3-8-1928 M Fay Deas Ovid M Thompson Tillery,Dorris Sylvia 8-9-1928 F Ora Silsbee Warrell Grady Prentiss Tillery Tim,Alberta 12-9-1928 F Ellen Lewis Arthur Tim Tim,Joseph 9-19-1928 M Mary Tim Paynes Albert Tim Tims,Geneva 3-9-1928 F Zoline Casar Ranlin Tims Toucheck,Bertie Lou 12-26-1928 F Rose Trumps Joe Toucheck Turner,Clemont 1-24-1928 M Seadonia Wilson Joe Will Turner Turner,Joseph James 10-8-1928 M Nedia Telran Joe Will Turner Turner,Myree Elaine 12-12-1928 F Juanita Dorothy Peveto Lonnie Fay Turner Ulm,Carolyn Hildegarde 1-13-1928 F Elsie Ulm Hildegarde Louis P. Ulm Underwood,Barbara Elaine 1-19-1928 F Agnes Mahaffey Theodo W. Underwood Vasquez,Reyes 7-6-1928 M Erlinda Castoneda Concepcion Vasquez Verritt,Grace Dorothy 9-27-1928 F Anita Carpenter Euclid Verritt Vincent,Eloise 9-27-1928 F Eleanor Dortez Cleodis Vincent Vincent,Mary 12-7-1928 F Agnes La Point O. Vincent Walker,Johnny Vernon 12-31-1928 M Irene Louise Davis Harold Preston Walker Wallace,Roberta Beatrice 12-25-1928 F Willie Delana Craig Robert Emmett Wallace Weaver,Geraldine 11-21-1928 F Chester A Mrs Weaver Chester A Weaver Weaver,Norma Geraldine 10-21-1928 F Ruth Henry Chester A. Weaver Wells,Nome Ulamay 12-20-1928 F Louise Mccoy Joseph Wells Welso,Harold Wynne 1-20-1928 M Ethel Granger Harold C Wilson Wesley,Willie 11-5-1928 M Mable Wesley Frank Wilford Wesley West,Emma Lee 8-2-1928 F Mary Emma Johnson Chester Lee West White,Chas Lawber 4-1-1928 M Leona Qeazy Alfred White Whitmire,Charles 9-17-1928 M Jennie Richards J. A. Whitmire Whitmire,Margie Ruth 8-19-1928 F Martha Darby Roy E. Whitmire Whitten,William Henry 2-11-1928 M Clary Myers Grady Whitten Wilhite,Francis Ross 11-5-1928 M Angela Francis Frederick R. Wilhite Wilkerson,Joya Dona 9-14-1928 F Ida Margarett Biscamp Henry Wilkerson Wilkinson,Marion Allen 7-30-1928 F Lutishia Mccarver Nathan Wilkinson Wilks,Elauora 10-15-1928 F Fred Wilks Williams,Ada 3-6-1928 F Ida Mcgee M. M. Williams Williams,Joseph 6-5-1928 M Ethel Williams Willie Williams Williams,Lillie Mae 3-14-1928 F Idella Brown Ed Williams Williams,Mary Louise 10-23-1928 F Hazel Reed Oscar Williams Williams,Mary Louise 10-23-1928 F Hazel Reed Oscar Williams Williamson,Vernon Carl 1-9-1928 M Ether Josephine Galier Robert Lenoard Williamson Wilson,Elie Wese 6-3-1928 F Eves Duder George Wilson Wilson,Juanita Lee 6-2-1928 F Lucy Frederick Theodore Grant Wilson Wilson,Julia Catherine 8-30-1928 F Chillie Bridges Sam Houston Wilson Wingate,David Billie 3-18-1928 M Donie Sherman Robert Wingate Wolfford,Jeanette 2-1-1928 F Emily Gallvin Lysle Wolfford Young,Floyd 12-9-1928 M Ethel Eves Eugene P. Young Young,Loyed 12-9-1928 M Ethel Eves Eugene P. Young Young,Mary Matilda 9-10-1928 F Ruby Ophelia Harvey W. S. Young Young,Vesta 1-26-1928 F Ola Crawford Jim Young Zavala,Mary 11-21-1928 F Ladislada Savala Marcedonio Zavala Zeto,Charles Jr. 12-26-1928 M Lena Tremonto Charles Zeto