Panola, TX 1870 Federal Census (INDEX - File 4 of 9) This Census was compiled by Gloria Briley Mayfield and typed by Norm Mayfield and proofread by Briley M. Dailey for the USGenWeb Census Project, This census was made available by the courtesy of the Thomas J. Rusk Chapter, 6-117-TX, Daughters of the American Revolution, Henderson,TX Copyright 2002, Gloria Briley Mayfield, ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE NAME FOR THAT LINE. =============================================================================== PAGE# LINE# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE BIRTHPL FILE-NAME =============================================================================== 236A 11 Haggerty Catharine 49 VA pg0230a.txt 236A 10 Haggerty Green 50 AL pg0230a.txt 236A 15 Haggerty Henry 15 TX pg0230a.txt 236A 14 Haggerty Margaret 17 TX pg0230a.txt 236A 16 Haggerty Mittie 10 TX pg0230a.txt 236A 12 Haggerty Susan 20 TX pg0230a.txt 236A 13 Haggerty Willis 19 TX pg0230a.txt 293B 16 Hagin Albert 11 TX pg0293a.txt 293B 15 Hagin Cornelia 14 TX pg0293a.txt 293B 13 Hagin Eliza 42 AL pg0293a.txt 293B 19 Hagin Emily 4 TX pg0293a.txt 293B 18 Hagin Emma 6 TX pg0293a.txt 293B 14 Hagin James 21 TX pg0293a.txt 293B 17 Hagin Susan 9 TX pg0293a.txt 341B 36 Haight Caroline 1 TX pg0338a.txt 341B 32 Haight Daniel 13 TX pg0338a.txt 341B 35 Haight Elizabeth 6 TX pg0338a.txt 341B 30 Haight J. S. 33 OH pg0338a.txt 341B 34 Haight Malissa 9 TX pg0338a.txt 341B 33 Haight Mary 11 TX pg0338a.txt 341B 31 Haight Susan 30 A pg0338a.txt 247B 2 Hairston Annie 4 TX pg0239a.txt 247A 40 Hairston John 10 AR pg0239a.txt 247A 39 Hairston Martha 27 VA pg0239a.txt 247A 38 Hairston Robert 33 TN pg0239a.txt 247B 1 Hairston Robert 7 AR pg0239a.txt 311B 34 Halbert Hettie 38 AL pg0311a.txt 311B 36 Halbert James 9 TX pg0311a.txt 311B 33 Halbert John 39 LA pg0311a.txt 311B 37 Halbert Susan 5 TX pg0311a.txt 311B 35 Halbert Thomas 14 AL pg0311a.txt 353B 38 Hall Adaline 4 TX pg0347a.txt 313B 17 Hall Arther 11 LA pg0311a.txt 353B 35 Hall Berry 24 GA pg0347a.txt 321A 23 Hall Caluf G. 23 A pg0320a.txt 313B 19 Hall Carrie 6 TX pg0311a.txt 264B 30 Hall Edward 11 LA pg0257a.txt 321A 26 Hall Elijah 11 A pg0320a.txt 318A 31 Hall Emily 8 TX pg0311a.txt 318A 32 Hall Grant 5 TX pg0311a.txt 353B 40 Hall James 1 TX pg0347a.txt 318A 28 Hall Jane 39 MO pg0311a.txt 318A 30 Hall Jerry 10 LA pg0311a.txt 353B 39 Hall Joe 2 TX pg0347a.txt 264B 29 Hall John 18 LA pg0257a.txt 353B 37 Hall Laura 5 TX pg0347a.txt 321A 25 Hall Lucy 14 A pg0320a.txt 323A 19 Hall Maria 65 NC pg0320a.txt 313B 16 Hall Martha 43 MI pg0311a.txt 321A 24 Hall Mary T. 17 A pg0320a.txt 313B 18 Hall Maxey 8 TX pg0311a.txt 318A 29 Hall Mintie 16 LA pg0311a.txt 264B 32 Hall Price 5/12 TX pg0257a.txt 353B 36 Hall Priscilla 20 TX pg0347a.txt 264B 31 Hall Robert 4 LA pg0257a.txt 313B 20 Hall Robert 41 SC pg0311a.txt 318A 27 Hall Samuel 49 NC pg0311a.txt 318A 33 Hall Sidney 2 TX pg0311a.txt 321A 22 Hall Susan 50 A pg0320a.txt 313B 15 Hall Thomas P. 56 SC pg0311a.txt 331B 37 Halliburton Bettie 17 TN pg0329a.txt 331B 36 Halliburton Christina 52 NC pg0329a.txt 331B 38 Halliburton Christina 15 LA pg0329a.txt 332A 7 Halliburton Cora 4/12 TX pg0329a.txt 331B 40 Halliburton Emily 50 NC pg0329a.txt 332A 6 Halliburton Louisa 22 TX pg0329a.txt 331B 39 Halliburton Phillip 10 TX pg0329a.txt 331B 35 Halliburton R. S. 60 NC pg0329a.txt 332A 5 Halliburton S. P. 20 TX pg0329a.txt 296A 15 Hamilton Jerry 22 GA pg0293a.txt 257B 20 Hamilton John 21 GA pg0257a.txt 274A 17 Hammons Andrew 12 TX pg0266a.txt 274A 20 Hammons Emma 4 TX pg0266a.txt 274A 19 Hammons Henry 6 TX pg0266a.txt 274A 15 Hammons James 18 TX pg0266a.txt 274A 14 Hammons John 24 TX pg0266a.txt 274A 13 Hammons Margaret 36 TX pg0266a.txt 274A 18 Hammons Robert 9 TX pg0266a.txt 274A 16 Hammons William 16 TX pg0266a.txt 311B 7 Hampton Betsy 38 LA pg0311a.txt 286B 33 Hampton Charles 14 TX pg0284a.txt 286B 31 Hampton Clotilda 37 GA pg0284a.txt 286B 30 Hampton E. 46 AL pg0284a.txt 286B 39 Hampton Fannie 5 TX pg0284a.txt 286B 40 Hampton Isabella 5/12 TX pg0284a.txt 311B 9 Hampton Jacob 11 TX pg0311a.txt 257B 21 Hampton James 26 AL pg0257a.txt 286B 32 Hampton James 16 AL pg0284a.txt 286B 37 Hampton Jane 10 TX pg0284a.txt 311B 13 Hampton Jane 4 TX pg0311a.txt 311B 10 Hampton Jennie 9 TX pg0311a.txt 257B 26 Hampton Jim 1 TX pg0257a.txt 286B 36 Hampton Joel 11 TX pg0284a.txt 286B 34 Hampton John 13 TX pg0284a.txt 311B 11 Hampton John 7 TX pg0311a.txt 257B 23 Hampton Lena 10 TX pg0257a.txt 257B 24 Hampton Louisa 8 TX pg0257a.txt 311B 8 Hampton Matilda 13 LA pg0311a.txt 286B 38 Hampton Nancy 9 TX pg0284a.txt 311B 6 Hampton Peter 37 LA pg0311a.txt 311B 12 Hampton Peter 6 TX pg0311a.txt 311B 14 Hampton Saml. 1 TX pg0311a.txt 257B 22 Hampton Sarah 30 GA pg0257a.txt 257B 25 Hampton Sarah 4 TX pg0257a.txt 286B 35 Hampton William 12 TX pg0284a.txt 262A 15 Hanks Charles 17 TX pg0257a.txt 262A 17 Hanks James 11 TX pg0257a.txt 262A 16 Hanks Joseph 15 TX pg0257a.txt 269B 14 Hanson Charles 2 TX pg0266a.txt 269B 8 Hanson D. A. 45 GA pg0266a.txt 269B 12 Hanson David 7 TX pg0266a.txt 269B 11 Hanson Hartswell 8 TX pg0266a.txt 269B 10 Hanson Henry 10 TX pg0266a.txt 269B 9 Hanson Mary 36 GA pg0266a.txt 264B 2 Hanson S. E. 28 GA pg0257a.txt 269B 13 Hanson Walter 4 TX pg0266a.txt 292A 11 Hardin John S. 21 TX pg0284a.txt 254A 27 Harley J. D. 63 GA pg0248a.txt 303B 5 Harley J. P. 28 GA pg0302a.txt 254A 29 Harley Joshua 16 AL pg0248a.txt 303B 6 Harley Martha 22 AL pg0302a.txt 254A 28 Harley Mary 59 VA pg0248a.txt 254A 30 Harley Sarah 13 AL pg0248a.txt 236A 39 Harly Wade 25 GA pg0230a.txt 340A 2 Harris Agnes 35 TN pg0338a.txt 287A 13 Harris Alfred 4 TX pg0284a.txt 302B 38 Harris Amy 8 TX pg0302a.txt 302B 37 Harris Angelina 28 SC pg0302a.txt 287A 20 Harris Anna 9 TX pg0284a.txt 248B 3 Harris Annie 34 TN pg0248a.txt 321B 38 Harris Annie 5 TX pg0320a.txt 303A 15 Harris Arine 6 TX pg0302a.txt 303A 12 Harris Crecy 50 AR pg0302a.txt 302B 36 Harris Demps 35 SC pg0302a.txt 240B 33 Harris Edgar 3 MO pg0239a.txt 322A 40 Harris Eliza 1 TX pg0320a.txt 278B 8 Harris Elizabeth 34 GA pg0275a.txt 340A 3 Harris Elizabeth 13 TX pg0338a.txt 310A 27 Harris Esther 45 GA pg0302a.txt 268B 7 Harris F. M. 27 TN pg0266a.txt 248B 6 Harris Frances 12 TX pg0248a.txt 302B 39 Harris Henry 3 TX pg0302a.txt 304A 15 Harris Henry 30 SC pg0302a.txt 321B 37 Harris Isabella 7 LA pg0320a.txt 240B 34 Harris James 2 LA pg0239a.txt 287A 3 Harris James 18 TX pg0284a.txt 310A 26 Harris James 60 A? pg0302a.txt 321A 35 Harris James 30 VA pg0320a.txt 304A 16 Harris Jane 25 TN pg0302a.txt 248B 2 Harris Jefferson 60 VA pg0248a.txt 322A 38 Harris Jefferson 27 SC pg0320a.txt 262B 6 Harris Jennie 10 TX pg0257a.txt 287A 11 Harris John 23 TN pg0284a.txt 287A 15 Harris John 3/12 TX pg0284a.txt 303A 13 Harris John 12 TX pg0302a.txt 311B 29 Harris Kate 3 TX pg0311a.txt 322A 39 Harris Laura 21 MS pg0320a.txt 302A 4 Harris Lector 2 TX pg0302a.txt 240B 32 Harris Mary 6 MO pg0239a.txt 248B 4 Harris Mary 5 TX pg0248a.txt 268B 8 Harris Mary 19 AL pg0266a.txt 287A 27 Harris Mary 19 TX pg0284a.txt 302A 3 Harris Mary 32 TN pg0302a.txt 321A 36 Harris Mary 24 SC pg0320a.txt 321B 40 Harris Mary 1 TX pg0320a.txt 302A 5 Harris Mitty 1 TX pg0302a.txt 287A 9 Harris Mordica 3 TX pg0284a.txt 240B 29 Harris N. W. 36 MO pg0239a.txt 287A 10 Harris Nancy 6/12 TX pg0284a.txt 287A 12 Harris Nancy 24 TN pg0284a.txt 287A 16 Harris Nancy 42 TN pg0284a.txt 340A 6 Harris Nancy 6 TX pg0338a.txt 340A 5 Harris Nathan 9 TX pg0338a.txt 340A 7 Harris Nettie 2 TX pg0338a.txt 303A 14 Harris Orka 9 TX pg0302a.txt 311B 27 Harris Peggy 27 TX pg0311a.txt 287A 19 Harris Robert 12 TX pg0284a.txt 240B 30 Harris Sabina 28 KY pg0239a.txt 287A 5 Harris Samuel 13 TX pg0284a.txt 303A 11 Harris Samuel 46 AR pg0302a.txt 311B 26 Harris Samuel 28 TX pg0311a.txt 287A 2 Harris Sarah 45 TN pg0284a.txt 287A 6 Harris Sarah 11 TX pg0284a.txt 287A 14 Harris Sarah 3 TX pg0284a.txt 287A 18 Harris Sarah 15 TX pg0284a.txt 287A 28 Harris Sarah 3/12 TX pg0284a.txt 321B 39 Harris Sarah 3 TX pg0320a.txt 262B 5 Harris Sib 38 AL pg0257a.txt 287A 1 Harris Spencer 47 NC pg0284a.txt 287A 8 Harris Texana 6 TX pg0284a.txt 262B 4 Harris thomas 35 LA pg0257a.txt 340A 1 Harris Thomas 40 VA pg0338a.txt 287A 7 Harris Virginia 6 TX pg0284a.txt 240B 31 Harris Walter 10 MO pg0239a.txt 287A 26 Harris Walter 21 TN pg0284a.txt 248B 5 Harris William 3 TX pg0248a.txt 287A 4 Harris William 15 TX pg0284a.txt 287A 17 Harris William 18 TX pg0284a.txt 311B 28 Harris William 6 TX pg0311a.txt 340A 4 Harris William 11 TX pg0338a.txt 302A 2 Harris Wm. F. 47 AL pg0302a.txt 258A 35 Harrison Addie 1 TX pg0257a.txt 272B 40 Harrison Alfred 9 MS pg0266a.txt 279A 3 Harrison Alison 3 T pg0275a.txt 279A 2 Harrison Amelia 6 T pg0275a.txt 278B 39 Harrison Catherine 14 AL pg0275a.txt 272B 39 Harrison Cynthia 32 GA pg0266a.txt 339A 23 Harrison D. R. 52 VA pg0338a.txt 339A 29 Harrison Drury 3 TX pg0338a.txt 339A 14 Harrison Edward 3 TX pg0338a.txt 258A 30 Harrison Elizabeth 20 GA pg0257a.txt 339A 13 Harrison Elizabeth 30 TN pg0338a.txt 339A 27 Harrison Emma 12 TX pg0338a.txt 278B 40 Harrison George 12 AL pg0275a.txt 258A 32 Harrison George T. 38 GA pg0257a.txt 273A 1 Harrison Harriett 4 MS pg0266a.txt 314A 25 Harrison J. A. 34 GA pg0311a.txt 339A 12 Harrison J. M. 30 VA pg0338a.txt 272B 34 Harrison J. P. 27 GA pg0266a.txt 272B 37 Harrison James 2 TX pg0266a.txt 273A 3 Harrison James 1 TX pg0266a.txt 278B 36 Harrison James 56 GA pg0275a.txt 273A 2 Harrison Jennie 2 MS pg0266a.txt 272B 38 Harrison Jeptha 33 GA pg0266a.txt 271A 5 Harrison John 21 GA pg0266a.txt 339A 26 Harrison Jones 13 TX pg0338a.txt 258A 34 Harrison Laura 3 TX pg0257a.txt 339A 28 Harrison Lizzie 7 TX pg0338a.txt 278B 37 Harrison Martha 50 GA pg0275a.txt 279A 1 Harrison Martha 9 T pg0275a.txt 339A 15 Harrison Martha 1 TX pg0338a.txt 258A 29 Harrison Mary 58 SC pg0257a.txt 258A 33 Harrison Nancy 23 GA pg0257a.txt 272B 35 Harrison Nancy 23 GA pg0266a.txt 258A 28 Harrison P. M. 65 SC pg0257a.txt 339A 24 Harrison Permelia 38 TN pg0338a.txt 339A 25 Harrison Realns 15 TX pg0338a.txt 314A 26 Harrison Rebecca 26 TX pg0311a.txt 258A 31 Harrison Samuel 16 GA pg0257a.txt 271A 6 Harrison Sarah 18 TX pg0266a.txt 278B 38 Harrison Thomas 17 AL pg0275a.txt 272B 36 Harrison William 4 TX pg0266a.txt 343B 23 Harrison William 18 TX pg0338a.txt 294A 20 Hartsfield Bettie 8 TX pg0293a.txt 335A 37 Hartsfield John 35 GA pg0329a.txt 335A 39 Hartsfield John 5 TX pg0329a.txt 294A 19 Hartsfield Lucinda 30 AL pg0293a.txt 335A 38 Hartsfield Susan 30 GA pg0329a.txt 335A 40 Hartsfield William 1 TX pg0329a.txt 291A 30 Harvel J. E. 65 GA pg0284a.txt 328B 35 Harvey Alice 1 TX pg0320a.txt 328B 34 Harvey Elmira 3 TX pg0320a.txt 318B 1 Harvey Frank 1 AL pg0311a.txt 328B 28 Harvey G. A. 46 NC pg0320a.txt 318B 40 Harvey George 11 AL pg0311a.txt 328B 30 Harvey Jane 17 MS pg0320a.txt 328B 31 Harvey John 16 MS pg0320a.txt 318A 37 Harvey M. 38 AL pg0311a.txt 328B 32 Harvey Mahala 14 TX pg0320a.txt 318A 38 Harvey Mary 33 AL pg0311a.txt 328B 29 Harvey Mary 36 IN pg0320a.txt 328B 33 Harvey Mary 12 TX pg0320a.txt 230A 18 Harvey R. J. 35 TN pg0230a.txt 318A 39 Harvey William 12 AL pg0311a.txt 313B 13 Harwell Hendrick 15 TX pg0311a.txt 313B 14 Harwell Jonathan 12 TX pg0311a.txt 313B 12 Harwell Nancy E. 35 A pg0311a.txt 313B 11 Harwell P. T. 44 A pg0311a.txt 253A 39 Haslet Newton 23 AL pg0248a.txt 272B 11 Hatcher Almira 24 LA pg0266a.txt 318A 20 Hatcher Dura 5 TX pg0311a.txt 272B 16 Hatcher Evaline 1 TX pg0266a.txt 272B 12 Hatcher Isam 10 TX pg0266a.txt 272B 14 Hatcher Jacob 5 TX pg0266a.txt 272B 10 Hatcher Jesse 33 GA pg0266a.txt 272B 15 Hatcher Loranzo 3 TX pg0266a.txt 318A 19 Hatcher Louisa 30 VA pg0311a.txt 272B 13 Hatcher Lula 8 TX pg0266a.txt 318A 18 Hatcher William 41 GA pg0311a.txt 302B 14 Hawkins Alice 8/12 TX pg0302a.txt 306A 25 Hawkins Allen 25 SC pg0302a.txt 238A 20 Hawkins Amanda 3/12 TX pg0230a.txt 306A 26 Hawkins Amanda 22 TX pg0302a.txt 306A 28 Hawkins Elbert 18 SC pg0302a.txt 302B 12 Hawkins Ephraim 23 SC pg0302a.txt 306A 27 Hawkins Evaline 1 TX pg0302a.txt 238A 19 Hawkins Florence 19 TN pg0230a.txt 238A 18 Hawkins J. T. 27 AL pg0230a.txt 302B 13 Hawkins Jane 18 SC pg0302a.txt 234B 30 Hawthorn James 10 TX pg0230a.txt 234B 29 Hawthorn Preston 12 AL pg0230a.txt 234B 32 Hawthorn Stephen 7 TX pg0230a.txt 234B 31 Hawthorn William 8 TX pg0230a.txt 239A 2 Hayes Martin 45 Ireland pg0239a.txt 239A 4 Hayes Martin Jr. 12 TN pg0239a.txt 239A 3 Hayes Mary 17 TN pg0239a.txt 255B 18 Hayes Sopha 20 TX pg0248a.txt 307B 6 Haynes Anna 6 TX pg0302a.txt 307B 7 Haynes Arra 2 TX pg0302a.txt 307B 3 Haynes Eliza 40 MO pg0302a.txt 307B 2 Haynes Henry 45 GA pg0302a.txt 291B 25 Haynes Jane 35 GA pg0284a.txt 291B 27 Haynes Julius 12 TX pg0284a.txt 307B 4 Haynes Lucinda 14 TX pg0302a.txt 307B 5 Haynes Matilda 8 TX pg0302a.txt 291B 28 Haynes Robert 9 TX pg0284a.txt 291B 26 Haynes William 14 TX pg0284a.txt 274A 33 Hays Amanda 30 TX pg0266a.txt 313A 8 Hays E. J. 49 GA pg0311a.txt 313A 11 Hays Elijah 18 AL pg0311a.txt 313A 14 Hays Florence 10 AL pg0311a.txt 286A 30 Hays Henry 5/12 TX pg0284a.txt 313A 19 Hays Ida 19 TX pg0311a.txt 274A 32 Hays J. N. 34 TN pg0266a.txt 233A 9 Hays J. R. 55 TN pg0230a.txt 286A 28 Hays James 4 TX pg0284a.txt 313A 18 Hays James S. 25 GA pg0311a.txt 233A 12 Hays John 19 MS pg0230a.txt 286A 27 Hays John 8 TX pg0284a.txt 313A 13 Hays Lavenia 13 AL pg0311a.txt 313A 12 Hays Lydia 16 AL pg0311a.txt 313A 9 Hays Mariam 48 GA pg0311a.txt 233A 13 Hays Mary 15 MS pg0230a.txt 286A 26 Hays Mary 24 TX pg0284a.txt 233A 10 Hays Peggie 49 TN pg0230a.txt 313A 15 Hays Robert 7 AL pg0311a.txt 313A 10 Hays Sarah 20 AL pg0311a.txt 274A 34 Hays Sterline 1 TX pg0266a.txt 286A 25 Hays W. H. H. 30 TN pg0284a.txt 286A 29 Hays Walter 2 TX pg0284a.txt 233A 11 Hays William 21 MS pg0230a.txt 342B 2 Hearn J. W. 48 MS pg0338a.txt 342B 4 Hearn Jane 5 TX pg0338a.txt 342B 5 Hearn Nellie 3 TX pg0338a.txt 342B 3 Hearn Sarah 35 MS pg0338a.txt 258A 14 Hearndon Alf 40 NC pg0257a.txt 258A 16 Hearndon Green 12 TX pg0257a.txt 258A 15 Hearndon Sarah 35 GA pg0257a.txt 250B 13 Heath Augustus 19 TX pg0248a.txt 250B 11 Heath Caroline 33 GA pg0248a.txt 250B 16 Heath James 13 TX pg0248a.txt 250B 15 Heath Jerry 15 TX pg0248a.txt 250B 12 Heath John 20 TX pg0248a.txt 249A 30 Heath John R. 72 NC pg0248a.txt 249A 31 Heath Mary 46 KY pg0248a.txt 250B 14 Heath Mary 16 TX pg0248a.txt 250B 17 Heath Oscar 9 TX pg0248a.txt 250B 10 Heath W. L. 43 GA pg0248a.txt 250B 18 Heath Walter 4 TX pg0248a.txt 348A 13 Heaton Annie 41 TN pg0347a.txt 348A 17 Heaton Beatrice 11 TX pg0347a.txt 348A 14 Heaton David 17 TN pg0347a.txt 348A 16 Heaton Emily 13 TX pg0347a.txt 348A 20 Heaton James 6/12 TX pg0347a.txt 348A 15 Heaton John 15 TN pg0347a.txt 348A 19 Heaton Julia 2 TX pg0347a.txt 348A 18 Heaton Sarah 4 TX pg0347a.txt 327A 26 Hedrick C. W. 65 NC pg0320a.txt 327A 28 Hedrick James 21 AL pg0320a.txt 327B 22 Hedrick L. J. 18 LA pg0320a.txt 327A 27 Hedrick Martha 43 GA pg0320a.txt 327A 29 Hedrick Mary 13 AL pg0320a.txt 327A 30 Hedrick Thomas 11 TX pg0320a.txt 297A 17 Heidle J. C. 33 GA pg0293a.txt 297A 18 Heidle Prudence 24 AL pg0293a.txt 288B 37 Hembler A. B. 31 TX pg0284a.txt 288B 38 Hembler Julia 28 AL pg0284a.txt 288B 39 Hembler Nettie 4 TX pg0284a.txt 288B 40 Hembler Susan 1 TX pg0284a.txt 269B 22 Hemby Bettie 50 VA pg0266a.txt 291B 14 Hemby Henry 10 TX pg0284a.txt 265B 27 Hemby Sarah 19 GA pg0257a.txt 291B 15 Hemby Silas 5 TX pg0284a.txt 291B 13 Hemby Tom 12 TX pg0284a.txt 265B 26 Hemby William 25 AL pg0257a.txt 239A 30 Henderson Florence 32 VA pg0239a.txt 239A 32 Henderson Foster 4 TX pg0239a.txt 239A 31 Henderson Frank 8 TX pg0239a.txt 239A 29 Henderson J. F. 35 SC pg0239a.txt 239A 33 Henderson Joseph 2 TX pg0239a.txt 295A 6 Hendon James 21 AL pg0293a.txt 295A 10 Hendon Jefferson 9 LA pg0293a.txt 295A 5 Hendon Mahala 39 TN pg0293a.txt 295A 7 Hendon Martha 16 LA pg0293a.txt 295A 9 Hendon Mary 12 LA pg0293a.txt 295A 8 Hendon Wiley 14 LA pg0293a.txt 261B 20 Hendrick Alice 9 TX pg0257a.txt 261B 22 Hendrick Charles 2 TX pg0257a.txt 346B 25 Hendrick Elizabeth 14 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 30 Hendrick Ellen 6 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 32 Hendrick Georgia 2 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 23 Hendrick J. S. 56 SC pg0338a.txt 346B 31 Hendrick James 5 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 26 Hendrick John 13 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 29 Hendrick Margaret 8 TX pg0338a.txt 261B 21 Hendrick Mollie 7 TX pg0257a.txt 346B 33 Hendrick Robert 1 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 24 Hendrick Sarah 34 TN pg0338a.txt 346B 28 Hendrick Sarah 10 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 27 Hendrick William 19 TX pg0338a.txt 244A 15 Hendricks Albert 3 TX pg0239a.txt 292B 20 Hendricks Ann 1 TX pg0284a.txt 244A 13 Hendricks Belle 10 TX pg0239a.txt 292B 26 Hendricks Benjamin 14 TX pg0284a.txt 292B 19 Hendricks Fildah 18 TX pg0284a.txt 244A 10 Hendricks Ike 29 TN pg0239a.txt 292B 18 Hendricks James 30 TN pg0284a.txt 244A 12 Hendricks Lettie 12 TX pg0239a.txt 244A 11 Hendricks Mira 28 TX pg0239a.txt 244A 14 Hendricks William 8 TX pg0239a.txt 292B 25 Hendricks Wm. 16 TX pg0284a.txt 283A 29 Henley John 1 TX pg0275a.txt 283A 28 Henley Sarah 20 AL pg0275a.txt 283A 27 Henley William 23 AL pg0275a.txt 273A 32 Henry Abraham 9 TX pg0266a.txt 273A 31 Henry Ann 13 TX pg0266a.txt 273A 27 Henry Edward 42 MS pg0266a.txt 273A 30 Henry John 14 AL pg0266a.txt 293A 40 Henry John 1 TX pg0293a.txt 293A 38 Henry Lee 27 MS pg0293a.txt 293A 39 Henry Lula 20 MS pg0293a.txt 273A 33 Henry Mary 7 TX pg0266a.txt 273A 28 Henry Matilda 44 AL pg0266a.txt 273A 29 Henry Sarah 16 AL pg0266a.txt 292B 40 Hensly J. W. 22 GA pg0284a.txt 293A 1 Hensly Mary 19 TX pg0293a.txt 289B 25 Henson Dinah 6/12 TX pg0284a.txt 289B 23 Henson Emily 4 TX pg0284a.txt 289B 21 Henson Joshua 25 SC pg0284a.txt 347A 30 Henson Nancy 23 KY pg0347a.txt 289B 24 Henson Thomas 2 TX pg0284a.txt 289B 22 Henson Virginia 27 NC pg0284a.txt 267B 26 Herndon Julia 4 TX pg0266a.txt 267B 24 Herndon Mary 21 GA pg0266a.txt 267B 23 Herndon Scott 21 LA pg0266a.txt 267B 25 Herndon Tempy 2/12 TX pg0266a.txt 299A 6 Herod Amanda 20 AL pg0293a.txt 299A 5 Herod Jackson ? 20 MS pg0293a.txt 299A 8 Herod Levinia 2 TX pg0293a.txt 299A 7 Herod Nancy 5 TX pg0293a.txt 267B 15 Herrier Sarah 30 TN pg0266a.txt 236A 24 Herrin Abner 51 TN pg0230a.txt 230B 10 Herrin Adeline 12 TX pg0230a.txt 354B 38 Herrin Antonette 3 TX pg0347a.txt 355A 2 Herrin Beverly 3 TX pg0347a.txt 355A 1 Herrin Caroline 23 TX pg0347a.txt 354B 37 Herrin Charles 4 TX pg0347a.txt 230B 11 Herrin Dora 2 TX pg0230a.txt 354B 35 Herrin E. E. 29 TN pg0347a.txt 230B 8 Herrin Elizer 30 TX pg0230a.txt 236A 28 Herrin Ida 5 TX pg0230a.txt 251A 31 Herrin J. C. 21 TX pg0248a.txt 241A 24 Herrin Joe 16 TX pg0239a.txt 241A 25 Herrin John 1 TX pg0239a.txt 241A 22 Herrin Judia 65 GA pg0239a.txt 236A 27 Herrin Laura 15 TX pg0230a.txt 354B 40 Herrin Lemuel 25 TN pg0347a.txt 236A 25 Herrin Lucinda 42 AL pg0230a.txt 241A 23 Herrin Margaret 25 TX pg0239a.txt 354B 39 Herrin Martha 1 TX pg0347a.txt 275A 36 Herrin Mary 25 TX pg0275a.txt 354B 36 Herrin Nancy 25 AL pg0347a.txt 355A 3 Herrin Ollie 2/12 TX pg0347a.txt 251A 32 Herrin Samantha 19 TX pg0248a.txt 230B 9 Herrin Telitha 18 TX pg0230a.txt 230B 12 Herrin William 1 TX pg0230a.txt 236A 26 Herrin William 21 TX pg0230a.txt 230B 7 Herrin Wm. M. 40 TN pg0230a.txt 353B 14 Hester Aletha 34 AL pg0347a.txt 353B 18 Hester George 2 TX pg0347a.txt 353B 15 Hester Harriet 16 TX pg0347a.txt 353B 17 Hester Josiah 9 TX pg0347a.txt 353B 16 Hester Rebecca 15 TX pg0347a.txt 261A 32 Hickey Barna 4 LA pg0257a.txt 261A 28 Hickey Joseph 55 GA pg0257a.txt 261A 29 Hickey Rebecca 14 AL pg0257a.txt 261A 30 Hickey Rebecca 14 AL pg0257a.txt 261A 31 Hickey Victoria 7 LA pg0257a.txt 233B 29 Hicks Andrew 2/12 TX pg0230a.txt 252B 29 Hicks Dudley 4 TX pg0248a.txt 233B 28 Hicks Dudly 2 TX pg0230a.txt 233B 25 Hicks Henry 35 TN pg0230a.txt 252B 25 Hicks Henry 40 TN pg0248a.txt 252B 28 Hicks Houston 7 TX pg0248a.txt 252B 30 Hicks Jack 2/12 TX pg0248a.txt 233B 26 Hicks Paralee 22 TX pg0230a.txt 252B 26 Hicks Parilee 30 MS pg0248a.txt 233B 27 Hicks Sam 4 TX pg0230a.txt 252B 27 Hicks Tennessee 12 TX pg0248a.txt 300A 38 Higgin Emma 20 TX pg0293a.txt 293A 31 Higgins Clara 18 SC pg0293a.txt 293A 33 Higgins Ida 15 SC pg0293a.txt 293A 30 Higgins Lelia 20 SC pg0293a.txt 293A 29 Higgins Mary 47 SC pg0293a.txt 293A 32 Higgins S ? 19 SC pg0293a.txt 352A 23 High Annie 35 VA pg0347a.txt 283A 14 Hill Alexander 15 AL pg0275a.txt 297A 1 Hill Alfred 21 GA pg0293a.txt 295B 23 Hill Amanda 17 AL pg0293a.txt 296B 15 Hill Amanda 6 TX pg0293a.txt 295B 25 Hill Anna 16 AL pg0293a.txt 301A 19 Hill Anna 8 TX pg0293a.txt 310B 14 Hill Anna 15 AL pg0302a.txt 341A 25 Hill Anne 8 TX pg0338a.txt 296B 39 Hill Bailey 5 TX pg0293a.txt 301A 24 Hill Brown 4/12 TX pg0293a.txt 341A 21 Hill C. H. 51 VA pg0338a.txt 302B 4 Hill Catharine 43 . pg0302a.txt 296A 8 Hill Charles 18 GA pg0293a.txt 301A 18 Hill Clarrise 28 SC pg0293a.txt 302A 37 Hill D. C. 39 SC pg0302a.txt 296B 16 Hill Dick 4 TX pg0293a.txt 260B 12 Hill Dometria 31 AL pg0257a.txt 302B 3 Hill Dora 35 SC pg0302a.txt 340A 21 Hill Dudley 23 GA pg0338a.txt 296B 37 Hill Elbert 15 TX pg0293a.txt 283A 15 Hill Eli 14 AL pg0275a.txt 283A 13 Hill Eliza 38 GA pg0275a.txt 296B 17 Hill Eliza 4/12 TX pg0293a.txt 296B 36 Hill Eliza 17 TX pg0293a.txt 341A 23 Hill Eliza 15 TX pg0338a.txt 296B 35 Hill Epsey 36 GA pg0293a.txt 302B 6 Hill Eugene 6 . pg0302a.txt 296B 22 Hill Fannie 11 TX pg0293a.txt 296B 26 Hill Fielden 2 TX pg0293a.txt 301A 27 Hill Foster 3 TX pg0293a.txt 296A 5 Hill Francis 58 GA pg0293a.txt 296A 10 Hill Francis 16 GA pg0293a.txt 342A 35 Hill Francis 20 TX pg0338a.txt 301A 20 Hill Frank 6 TX pg0293a.txt 301A 21 Hill George 4 TX pg0293a.txt 296B 19 Hill Henry 58 GA pg0293a.txt 301A 17 Hill Henry 35 SC pg0293a.txt 296B 11 Hill Holly 30 GA pg0293a.txt 296B 21 Hill Ida 13 TX pg0293a.txt 296B 20 Hill Isabella 39 TN pg0293a.txt 295B 22 Hill J. M. 21 AL pg0293a.txt 283A 12 Hill J. R. 55 GA pg0275a.txt 301A 25 Hill Jack 30 SC pg0293a.txt 302A 39 Hill James 9 TX pg0302a.txt 296B 25 Hill Jennie 5 TX pg0293a.txt 296B 12 Hill Jim 12 TX pg0293a.txt 301A 22 Hill Jim 3 TX pg0293a.txt 302A 38 Hill Jrances 33 AL pg0302a.txt 296B 18 Hill Julia 50 GA pg0293a.txt 301A 28 Hill Lizzie 1 TX pg0293a.txt 296B 40 Hill Lucinda 3 TX pg0293a.txt 301A 26 Hill Lucinda 25 SC pg0293a.txt 296A 9 Hill Lucy 17 GA pg0293a.txt 260B 13 Hill Lucy Ann 10 TX pg0257a.txt 297A 2 Hill Martha 18 TX pg0293a.txt 295B 24 Hill Matilda 56 AL pg0293a.txt 296B 38 Hill Mollie 10 TX pg0293a.txt 296A 11 Hill Moselus ? 14 GA pg0293a.txt 341A 22 Hill Nancy 48 SC pg0338a.txt 342A 33 Hill Nancy 29 AL pg0338a.txt 296A 12 Hill Obedience 87 GA pg0293a.txt 341A 24 Hill Parthena 12 TX pg0338a.txt 302B 5 Hill Rachel 9 . pg0302a.txt 296B 24 Hill Rebecca 7 TX pg0293a.txt 296B 23 Hill Rosa 9 TX pg0293a.txt 342A 34 Hill Salter 1 TX pg0338a.txt 302A 40 Hill Susan 3 TX pg0302a.txt 296B 27 Hill Thomas 3/12 TX pg0293a.txt 302B 2 Hill Tsaac 50 SC pg0302a.txt 296B 13 Hill Turner 10 TX pg0293a.txt 302B 7 Hill Vina 3 . pg0302a.txt 342A 32 Hill W. H. 29 MS pg0338a.txt 296A 4 Hill Wiley 60 GA pg0293a.txt 296A 6 Hill Wiley 24 GA pg0293a.txt 291A 5 Hill William 20 MS pg0284a.txt 301A 23 Hill William 1 TX pg0293a.txt 302B 1 Hill William 1 TX pg0302a.txt 302B 8 Hill William 1 TX pg0302a.txt 296B 14 Hill Zack 8 TX pg0293a.txt 296A 7 Hill Zackra 22 GA pg0293a.txt 346A 17 Hillian Mary 17 TX pg0338a.txt 294B 31 Hitchel Bina 50 GA pg0293a.txt 294B 32 Hitchel Gilbert 7 TX pg0293a.txt 352A 4 Hoard Albert 17 FL pg0347a.txt 352A 5 Hoard Angus 14 GA pg0347a.txt 352A 3 Hoard Bernitta 20 FL pg0347a.txt 352A 6 Hoard Fanie 10 TX pg0347a.txt 352A 1 Hoard J. A. 51 SC pg0347a.txt 352A 2 Hoard Mary 45 NC pg0347a.txt 352A 7 Hoard Minta 5 TX pg0347a.txt 320A 15 Hobbs Dorsa 23 TN pg0320a.txt 320A 20 Hobbs Eliza 8 TX pg0320a.txt 320A 13 Hobbs Jackson 50 TN pg0320a.txt 320A 18 Hobbs Jackson 12 TX pg0320a.txt 320A 16 Hobbs Marcus 18 TX pg0320a.txt 320A 14 Hobbs Matilda 43 TN pg0320a.txt 320A 22 Hobbs Mintie 2 TX pg0320a.txt 320A 19 Hobbs Sallie 10 TX pg0320a.txt 320A 17 Hobbs Susan 15 TX pg0320a.txt 320A 21 Hobbs Zachariah 4 TX pg0320a.txt 294A 27 Hodge Enich ? 2 TX pg0293a.txt 294A 26 Hodge Evaline 27 TX pg0293a.txt 297A 3 Hodge Shade 11 TX pg0293a.txt 295B 18 Holden Benjamin 13 AL pg0293a.txt 295B 14 Holden C. C. 47 TN pg0293a.txt 295B 17 Holden Charles 16 AL pg0293a.txt 275B 26 Holden Cilla 10 TX pg0275a.txt 295B 19 Holden Cyrspus 10 AL pg0293a.txt 275B 24 Holden Edmond 14 TX pg0275a.txt 295B 16 Holden Elizabeth 18 AL pg0293a.txt 275B 25 Holden Laura 12 TX pg0275a.txt 295B 15 Holden Lovey 37 AL pg0293a.txt 295B 21 Holden Lovey 2 AL pg0293a.txt 295B 20 Holden Mary 8 AL pg0293a.txt 275B 23 Holden Soloman 16 TX pg0275a.txt 292A 2 Holeman Kirk 8 TX pg0284a.txt 292A 1 Holeman Nicy 25 TX pg0284a.txt 292A 3 Holeman Walter 3 TX pg0284a.txt 321B 15 Holland Abbie 27 AL pg0320a.txt 270A 4 Holland Amanda 1 TX pg0266a.txt 315B 32 Holland B. D. 37 AL pg0311a.txt 324B 21 Holland Bettie 29 AL pg0320a.txt 266B 26 Holland Calvin 2 TX pg0266a.txt 233A 31 Holland Catharine 13 TX pg0230a.txt 233A 23 Holland Ceasar 19 TX pg0230a.txt 233A 29 Holland Chas. 36 TN pg0230a.txt 321B 14 Holland Chas. 30 MS pg0320a.txt 315B 33 Holland Cynthia 34 AL pg0311a.txt 270A 2 Holland Elam 9 TX pg0266a.txt 315B 34 Holland Ella 11 TX pg0311a.txt 233A 22 Holland Emily 40 TN pg0230a.txt 321B 17 Holland Fannie 6 TX pg0320a.txt 315B 36 Holland Henry . TX pg0311a.txt 269B 36 Holland Ike 33 KY pg0266a.txt 233A 21 Holland Jack 46 TN pg0230a.txt 233A 25 Holland John 14 TX pg0230a.txt 321B 16 Holland John 13 TX pg0320a.txt 269B 37 Holland Jude 28 MS pg0266a.txt 321B 18 Holland Judge 5 TX pg0320a.txt 233A 35 Holland Louisa 5 TX pg0230a.txt 233A 34 Holland Lucy 7 TX pg0230a.txt 233A 30 Holland Malinda 37 AL pg0230a.txt 266B 25 Holland Marie 5 TX pg0266a.txt 266B 22 Holland Marshall 34 MS pg0266a.txt 266B 24 Holland Marshall 6 TX pg0266a.txt 233A 24 Holland Mary 17 TX pg0230a.txt 233A 32 Holland Mary 10 TX pg0230a.txt 315B 35 Holland Mary 4 TX pg0311a.txt 233A 26 Holland Melton 10 TX pg0230a.txt 233A 33 Holland Ozena 9 TX pg0230a.txt 270A 3 Holland Paul 4 TX pg0266a.txt 270A 1 Holland Peter 15 TX pg0266a.txt 266B 27 Holland Pinkney 2/12 TX pg0266a.txt 324B 22 Holland Pinkney 20 TX pg0320a.txt 266B 23 Holland Rebecca 20 TX pg0266a.txt 321B 19 Holland Rocksy 2 TX pg0320a.txt 324B 20 Holland Wm. 68 KY pg0320a.txt 238B 25 Holmes Alonzo 8 AL pg0230a.txt 238B 23 Holmes B. F. 27 GA pg0230a.txt 238B 28 Holmes Caroline 6/12 TX pg0230a.txt 238B 27 Holmes Henry 3 TX pg0230a.txt 238B 24 Holmes Lydia 21 GA pg0230a.txt 238B 26 Holmes Sarah 5 AL pg0230a.txt 334B 2 Holt Alexander 9 TX pg0329a.txt 334A 36 Holt J. M. 54 SC pg0329a.txt 315A 22 Holt J. T. 21 TX pg0311a.txt 334A 39 Holt John 16 TX pg0329a.txt 334B 1 Holt Killis 12 TX pg0329a.txt 317A 37 Holt Mary 20 AL pg0311a.txt 315A 23 Holt Mary E. 17 LA pg0311a.txt 317A 36 Holt P. J. 22 TX pg0311a.txt 334A 40 Holt Samuel 14 TX pg0329a.txt 317A 38 Holt Sarah 2 TX pg0311a.txt 334A 37 Holt Sarah 48 AL pg0329a.txt 334A 38 Holt William 19 TX pg0329a.txt 321B 25 Hood Francis O. 25 GA pg0320a.txt 321B 27 Hood John 1 TX pg0320a.txt 321B 26 Hood Mary 3 TX pg0320a.txt 321B 24 Hood Milton 34 AL pg0320a.txt 240A 16 Hook Cubb 5 TX pg0239a.txt 240A 15 Hook Jane 30 GA pg0239a.txt 240A 17 Hook Jennie 3 TX pg0239a.txt 240A 14 Hook William 35 MO pg0239a.txt 309B 26 Hooker Amanda 9 TX pg0302a.txt 355B 15 Hooker Amanda 16 AL pg0347a.txt 309B 24 Hooker Andrew 15 NC pg0302a.txt 355B 7 Hooker Anna 8 TX pg0347a.txt 345A 28 Hooker Ben 6 TX pg0338a.txt 355B 3 Hooker Cathrine 18 TX pg0347a.txt 309B 27 Hooker Charles 6 TX pg0302a.txt 345A 22 Hooker Edwin 18 NC pg0338a.txt 337A 19 Hooker Emma 2 TX pg0329a.txt 345A 21 Hooker Graham 20 NC pg0338a.txt 355B 6 Hooker Green 10 TX pg0347a.txt 339B 24 Hooker H. C. 31 MS pg0338a.txt 341A 5 Hooker H. G. 35 NC pg0338a.txt 337A 15 Hooker Hannah 25 NC pg0329a.txt 345A 26 Hooker Henrietta 10 TX pg0338a.txt 355B 8 Hooker Henry 6 TX pg0347a.txt 345A 19 Hooker James 50 NC pg0338a.txt 345A 24 Hooker James 14 NC pg0338a.txt 345A 25 Hooker John 12 TX pg0338a.txt 309B 25 Hooker Johnson 11 TX pg0302a.txt 337A 20 Hooker Katie 8 TX pg0329a.txt 337A 14 Hooker King 45 NC pg0329a.txt 355B 4 Hooker Lizzie 16 TX pg0347a.txt 339B 25 Hooker Lucy 26 MS pg0338a.txt 337A 17 Hooker Lydia 7 TX pg0329a.txt 355B 12 Hooker Margaret 2 TX pg0347a.txt 309B 29 Hooker Mary 5 TX pg0302a.txt 355B 11 Hooker Mary 27 MS pg0347a.txt 355B 13 Hooker Mary 8/12 TX pg0347a.txt 355B 5 Hooker Olive 14 TX pg0347a.txt 345A 27 Hooker Oscar 8 TX pg0338a.txt 337B 18 Hooker Perry 17 NC pg0329a.txt 345A 23 Hooker Pinkey 16 NC pg0338a.txt 309B 23 Hooker Riley 17 NC pg0302a.txt 355B 10 Hooker S. T. 38 NC pg0347a.txt 355B 14 Hooker Samuel 22 TX pg0347a.txt 355B 2 Hooker Sarah 38 GA pg0347a.txt 309B 28 Hooker Sealy 5 TX pg0302a.txt 337A 18 Hooker Sheddie 4 TX pg0329a.txt 309B 22 Hooker Sophia 35 NC pg0302a.txt 345A 20 Hooker Susan 40 NC pg0338a.txt 355B 1 Hooker W. J. B. 42 NC pg0347a.txt 337A 16 Hooker William 14 NC pg0329a.txt 326A 24 Hooper Ann 48 . pg0320a.txt 322A 4 Hooper Clark 30 AL pg0320a.txt 322A 6 Hooper Cynthia S. 14 TX pg0320a.txt 316A 6 Hooper David 1 TX pg0311a.txt 322A 5 Hooper Frances 29 AL pg0320a.txt 322A 8 Hooper Frank 9 TX pg0320a.txt 326A 27 Hooper Franklin 15 TX pg0320a.txt 316A 3 Hooper Green 31 MS pg0311a.txt 326A 26 Hooper Jennie 17 TX pg0320a.txt 316A 4 Hooper Malinda 26 GA pg0311a.txt 322A 7 Hooper Monroe 12 TX pg0320a.txt 326A 28 Hooper Pauline 13 TX pg0320a.txt 326A 25 Hooper Richard 19 TX pg0320a.txt 326A 30 Hooper Robert 5 LA pg0320a.txt 322A 9 Hooper Sarah 3 TX pg0320a.txt 316A 5 Hooper Tennessee 3 TX pg0311a.txt 326A 29 Hooper William 10 A pg0320a.txt 322B 3 Hopkins Jane 2 LA pg0320a.txt 322B 1 Hopkins John 30 LA pg0320a.txt 322B 2 Hopkins Mary 24 LA pg0320a.txt 336A 6 Hopson Lum 10 TX pg0329a.txt 336A 5 Hopson Mark 9 TX pg0329a.txt 280A 11 Horn Angeline 40 GA pg0275a.txt 280A 12 Horn George 14 GA pg0275a.txt 280A 14 Horn Lena 6 TX pg0275a.txt 280A 13 Horn Nathan 8 TX pg0275a.txt 280A 16 Horn Tobias 3 TX pg0275a.txt 280A 10 Horn Tony 60 GA pg0275a.txt 280A 15 Horn Ujack 4 TX pg0275a.txt 294B 28 Hornbuckle Crawford 3 TX pg0293a.txt 294B 25 Hornbuckle Gabriel 41 NC pg0293a.txt 294B 29 Hornbuckle John 1 TX pg0293a.txt 294B 27 Hornbuckle Mary 4 . pg0293a.txt 294B 26 Hornbuckle Tichey 25 . pg0293a.txt 309A 40 Horton Agnes 30 GA pg0302a.txt 309A 30 Horton Ann 38 GA pg0302a.txt 310A 15 Horton Anna 45 GA pg0302a.txt 309B 1 Horton Austin 20 GA pg0302a.txt 309A 28 Horton Burrell 9 TX pg0302a.txt 291A 28 Horton Caroline 4 TX pg0284a.txt 309A 32 Horton Charles 14 TX pg0302a.txt 310A 17 Horton Charles 14 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 18 Horton Clark 48 GA pg0302a.txt 309A 24 Horton Dora 17 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 26 Horton Eli 12 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 21 Horton Elizabeth 1 TX pg0302a.txt 291A 27 Horton Eugene 13 TX pg0284a.txt 291A 25 Horton Fannie 26 TX pg0284a.txt 309A 39 Horton Fannie 68 GA pg0302a.txt 309A 29 Horton Gaines 40 GA pg0302a.txt 309A 22 Horton Gilbert 1/12 GA pg0302a.txt 311A 11 Horton Harriett 24 TX pg0311a.txt 311A 10 Horton Henry 45 LA pg0311a.txt 311A 12 Horton Henry 7 TX pg0311a.txt 311A 16 Horton Hulbert 19 TX pg0311a.txt 311A 13 Horton John 2 TX pg0311a.txt 331A 1 Horton Joseph 25 TX pg0329a.txt 309A 33 Horton Leanna 12 TX pg0302a.txt 331A 2 Horton Louisa 24 AR pg0329a.txt 309A 19 Horton Martha 29 GA pg0302a.txt 310A 16 Horton Martha 17 TX pg0302a.txt 291A 29 Horton Mattie 1 TX pg0284a.txt 309A 20 Horton Mollie 3 TX pg0302a.txt 311A 15 Horton Nancy 45 GA pg0311a.txt 309A 37 Horton Nelson 3 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 34 Horton Rebecca 10 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 25 Horton Richard 14 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 36 Horton Samuel 5 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 23 Horton Sandy 19 TX pg0302a.txt 305A 1 Horton Sarah 12 TX pg0302a.txt 309A 38 Horton Silva 4/12 TX pg0302a.txt 311A 14 Horton Sus 4/12 TX pg0311a.txt 309A 35 Horton Susan 6 TX pg0302a.txt 291A 24 Horton Thomas 42 GA pg0284a.txt 291A 26 Horton Thomas 15 TX pg0284a.txt 282B 2 Horton William 20 AL pg0275a.txt 309A 31 Horton William 18 GA pg0302a.txt 309A 27 Horton Willis 11 TX pg0302a.txt 253B 3 Hoskins B. J. 43 TN pg0248a.txt 253B 6 Hoskins Cornelia 11 GA pg0248a.txt 283B 13 Hoskins Daniel 30 GA pg0275a.txt 283B 24 Hoskins Euphemia 25 TX pg0275a.txt 283B 23 Hoskins J. M. 29 GA pg0275a.txt 346A 14 Hoskins Jesse 26 GA pg0338a.txt 284A 14 Hoskins Josephine 8 TX pg0284a.txt 284A 11 Hoskins Julia 45 TX pg0284a.txt 284A 13 Hoskins Julia 10 TX pg0284a.txt 283B 14 Hoskins Margaret 20 TX pg0275a.txt 283B 15 Hoskins Mary 1 TX pg0275a.txt 346A 16 Hoskins Mary 5/12 TX pg0338a.txt 253B 4 Hoskins Nancy 42 TN pg0248a.txt 283B 27 Hoskins Ora 1/12 TX pg0275a.txt 284A 10 Hoskins P. H. 51 TN pg0284a.txt 283B 26 Hoskins Penny 3 TX pg0275a.txt 284A 12 Hoskins Richard 13 TX pg0284a.txt 253B 5 Hoskins Samuel 11 TX pg0248a.txt 283B 9 Hoskins Sarah 52 KY pg0275a.txt 283B 25 Hoskins Sarah 8 TX pg0275a.txt 346A 15 Hoskins Virginia 23 MS pg0338a.txt 283B 8 Hoskins West 52 TN pg0275a.txt 332A 4 Host John 17 TN pg0329a.txt 291B 40 Hotman Jack 20 GA pg0284a.txt 271A 17 Hottum Ann 15 TX pg0266a.txt 271A 14 Hottum Cary ? 55 TN pg0266a.txt 271A 19 Hottum Franklin 8 TX pg0266a.txt 271A 18 Hottum Hester 11 TX pg0266a.txt 271A 15 Hottum Mary 40 TX pg0266a.txt 271A 16 Hottum Nancy 17 TX pg0266a.txt 271A 20 Hottum Thomas 6 TX pg0266a.txt 271A 21 Hottum Tobey 3 TX pg0266a.txt 265A 36 Hottzclaw A. M. ? 34 AL pg0257a.txt 265A 37 Hottzclaw America 30 AL pg0257a.txt 265A 38 Hottzclaw Ella 3 AL pg0257a.txt 265A 39 Hottzclaw Thomas 11/12 TX pg0257a.txt 269A 19 Hotzclaw John 12 GA pg0266a.txt 269A 18 Hotzclaw Louisa 21 GA pg0266a.txt 269A 16 Hotzclaw Rosanna 66 GA pg0266a.txt 269A 21 Hotzclaw Rosanna 7 GA pg0266a.txt 269A 17 Hotzclaw Sarah 34 GA pg0266a.txt 269A 15 Hotzclaw Silas 73 GA pg0266a.txt 269A 20 Hotzclaw Silas 10 GA pg0266a.txt 275B 8 House Alice 6 TX pg0275a.txt 321A 6 House Edward B. 1 TX pg0320a.txt 275B 10 House Frank 1 TX pg0275a.txt 321A 4 House J. T. 35 GA pg0320a.txt 264B 24 House James 1 TX pg0257a.txt 264B 23 House L. S. 24 TX pg0257a.txt 275B 9 House Martha 3 TX pg0275a.txt 275B 7 House Mary 7 TX pg0275a.txt 278A 21 House Mary 23 GA pg0275a.txt 321A 5 House Mary M. 23 TX pg0320a.txt 275B 6 House Nancy 25 AL pg0275a.txt 275B 5 House Nathan 35 TN pg0275a.txt 255B 22 Houston Amanda 1 TX pg0248a.txt 351B 35 Houston Amanda 10 TX pg0347a.txt 255B 23 Houston Ann 10 TX pg0248a.txt 255B 20 Houston Harriet 25 LA pg0248a.txt 351B 37 Houston James 4 TX pg0347a.txt 255B 21 Houston John 3 TX pg0248a.txt 255B 19 Houston Lawrence 45 LA pg0248a.txt 337B 34 Houston Louis 27 SC pg0329a.txt 337B 36 Houston Maria 1 TX pg0329a.txt 351B 36 Houston Martha 9 TX pg0347a.txt 337B 35 Houston Mary 19 TX pg0329a.txt 351B 32 Houston Mary 35 TN pg0347a.txt 351B 33 Houston Mary 15 TN pg0347a.txt 351B 31 Houston N. W. 43 TN pg0347a.txt 351B 38 Houston Samuel 1 TX pg0347a.txt 351B 34 Houston Selina 13 AR pg0347a.txt 244A 24 Howard Amanda 21 AR pg0239a.txt 258A 19 Howard Bettie 75 GA pg0257a.txt 244A 23 Howard Frank 30 IN pg0239a.txt 258A 20 Howard George 10 TX pg0257a.txt 311B 25 Howard John 5 TX pg0311a.txt 311B 22 Howard Johnson 41 NJ pg0311a.txt 244A 25 Howard Larra 9/12 TX pg0239a.txt 258A 18 Howard Mary 30 GA pg0257a.txt 311B 23 Howard Melissa 33 VA pg0311a.txt 258B 1 Howard Thomas 23 LA pg0257a.txt 311B 24 Howard Winnie 8 TX pg0311a.txt 341B 29 Hubard George 29 AL pg0338a.txt 352B 36 Hudman Benjamin 24 AR pg0347a.txt 352B 35 Hudman E. P. 45 AR pg0347a.txt 352B 40 Hudman Frances 6 YX pg0347a.txt 352B 38 Hudman George 13 YX pg0347a.txt 352A 33 Hudman Jane 23 GA pg0347a.txt 352B 39 Hudman John 11 YX pg0347a.txt 353A 1 Hudman Robert 1 TX pg0347a.txt 352B 37 Hudman Susan 15 YX pg0347a.txt 352A 32 Hudman W. S. 24 TX pg0347a.txt 274B 12 Hudson Amanda 23 TX pg0266a.txt 265A 40 Hudson Elizabeth 40 AL pg0257a.txt 264A 1 Hudson F. A. 47 GA pg0257a.txt 264A 5 Hudson Floyd 10 GA pg0257a.txt 264A 4 Hudson George Ann 12 GA pg0257a.txt 274B 13 Hudson James 2 TX pg0266a.txt 274B 11 Hudson Jas. H. 23 GA pg0266a.txt 274B 14 Hudson Katie 5/12 TX pg0266a.txt 264A 2 Hudson Seth 18 GA pg0257a.txt 264A 3 Hudson William 14 GA pg0257a.txt 244B 35 Hues Amanda 27 TX pg0239a.txt 248A 28 Huff Elenor 11 AL pg0248a.txt 248A 33 Huff Ida 1 TX pg0248a.txt 248A 27 Huff James 15 AL pg0248a.txt 248A 29 Huff Marshall 13 TX pg0248a.txt 248A 26 Huff Nancy 45 AL pg0248a.txt 248A 32 Huff Sarah 18 TX pg0248a.txt 248A 25 Huff Thomas 65 OH pg0248a.txt 248A 31 Huff W. J. 22 TX pg0248a.txt 255A 6 Hughes Elizabeth 32 GA pg0248a.txt 255A 10 Hughes Francis 6 TX pg0248a.txt 255A 12 Hughes Ida 2 TX pg0248a.txt 255A 9 Hughes James 7 TX pg0248a.txt 255A 11 Hughes Mary 4 TX pg0248a.txt 255A 5 Hughes S. H. 37 VA pg0248a.txt 255A 7 Hughes Sarah 12 TX pg0248a.txt 255A 8 Hughes William 10 TX pg0248a.txt 338A 30 Huins Edna 3/12 TX pg0338a.txt 338A 29 Huins Henry 2 TX pg0338a.txt 338A 28 Huins Matilda 33 TX pg0338a.txt 338A 27 Huins Samuel 49 SC pg0338a.txt 307B 28 Huland John 30 MO pg0302a.txt 283B 38 Hull Alice 10 TX pg0275a.txt 259B 15 Hull Alonzo 10 TX pg0257a.txt 265B 25 Hull Amanda 18 GA pg0257a.txt 283B 37 Hull Asberry 15 GA pg0275a.txt 283B 35 Hull Augustus 21 GA pg0275a.txt 283B 40 Hull Charles 5 TX pg0275a.txt 338A 16 Hull Cordelia 39 NC pg0338a.txt 259B 10 Hull E. S. 52 NC pg0257a.txt 283B 39 Hull Edgar 8 TX pg0275a.txt 338A 21 Hull Edwin 7 TX pg0338a.txt 260A 20 Hull Ella 22 TN pg0257a.txt 259B 14 Hull Ellen 14 NC pg0257a.txt 259B 13 Hull Emma 17 NC pg0257a.txt 283B 33 Hull F. M. 48 GA pg0275a.txt 259B 16 Hull Francis 6 TX pg0257a.txt 338A 23 Hull Hellen 2 TX pg0338a.txt 338A 22 Hull Henry 4 TX pg0338a.txt 338A 17 Hull Ida 19 NC pg0338a.txt 260A 19 Hull J. H. L. 27 NC pg0257a.txt 259B 23 Hull Jim 16 NC pg0257a.txt 338A 18 Hull John 16 NC pg0338a.txt 283B 36 Hull Josephine 18 GA pg0275a.txt 284A 1 Hull Julia 3 TX pg0284a.txt 283B 34 Hull Mary 36 AL pg0275a.txt 338A 20 Hull Mary 9 TX pg0338a.txt 259B 17 Hull Minna 2 TX pg0257a.txt 338A 19 Hull Nannie 12 MO pg0338a.txt 259B 11 Hull Sarah 44 NC pg0257a.txt 265B 24 Hull T. S. 25 GA pg0257a.txt 259B 12 Hull Thomas 22 NC pg0257a.txt 338A 15 Hull Thos. P. 48 GA pg0338a.txt 251B 29 Humphreys Elizabeth 14 TX pg0248a.txt 251B 31 Humphreys Margaret 6 TX pg0248a.txt 251B 28 Humphreys Mary 27 TN pg0248a.txt 244B 36 Humphreys Sallie 50 MS pg0239a.txt 251B 27 Humphreys Thomas 35 TX pg0248a.txt 251B 30 Humphreys Thomas 7 TX pg0248a.txt 327A 14 Hunt C. W. 62 GA pg0320a.txt 327A 17 Hunt Garrett 15 AL pg0320a.txt 327A 23 Hunt Garrett 3 TX pg0320a.txt 327A 19 Hunt Georgia 13 AL pg0320a.txt 327A 22 Hunt Idelia 25 TX pg0320a.txt 327A 21 Hunt J. F. 32 GA pg0320a.txt 327A 25 Hunt Jasper 4/12 TX pg0320a.txt 327A 16 Hunt Joseph 20 AL pg0320a.txt 327A 24 Hunt Mattie 1 GA pg0320a.txt 327A 20 Hunt Sarah 9 AL pg0320a.txt 327A 15 Hunt Susan 40 GA pg0320a.txt 327A 18 Hunt William 15 AL pg0320a.txt 346B 2 Hurry Elizar 18 VA pg0338a.txt 346B 3 Hurry Laura 1 TX pg0338a.txt 346B 1 Hurry Shaw 21 VA pg0338a.txt 299B 8 Hurt Addie 12 AL pg0293a.txt 299B 7 Hurt George 14 AL pg0293a.txt 299B 11 Hurt John 4 TX pg0293a.txt 299B 10 Hurt Louella 6 TX pg0293a.txt 299B 5 Hurt N. J. 36 AL pg0293a.txt 299B 9 Hurt Samuel 9 TX pg0293a.txt 299B 6 Hurt Sarah 16 AL pg0293a.txt 235B 20 Huse . M. 28 MS pg0230a.txt 238B 36 Huse Clinton 18 LA pg0230a.txt 235B 21 Huse Isabella 23 LA pg0230a.txt 235B 22 Huse James 4 TX pg0230a.txt 238B 37 Huse Louila 15 LA pg0230a.txt 238B 34 Huse N. W. 52 TN pg0230a.txt 238B 35 Huse Sarah 23 TX pg0230a.txt 354B 29 Hutchens Anne 43 AL pg0347a.txt 354B 30 Hutchens Arminda 15 TX pg0347a.txt 354B 31 Hutchens Elizabeth 11 TX pg0347a.txt 354B 34 Hutchens John 4 TX pg0347a.txt 354B 32 Hutchens Margaret 8 TX pg0347a.txt 354B 33 Hutchens Mary 5 TX pg0347a.txt 354B 28 Hutchens Thomas 40 GA pg0347a.txt 340A 25 Hutchinson Anna 16 NC pg0338a.txt 340A 24 Hutchinson Judy 40 NC pg0338a.txt 340A 28 Hutchinson Martha 7 TX pg0338a.txt 340A 27 Hutchinson Marvin 12 NC pg0338a.txt 340A 26 Hutchinson Peter 13 NC pg0338a.txt 340A 23 Hutchinson Rich 40 TN pg0338a.txt 340A 29 Hutchinson Richmond 4 TX pg0338a.txt 300A 28 Hutto Henrietta 13 TX pg0293a.txt 324B 39 Hyson Ellen 13 TX pg0320a.txt 324B 38 Hyson Jane 34 AL pg0320a.txt 324B 40 Hyson John 10 TX pg0320a.txt 295A 1 Ingram B. F. 28 AL pg0293a.txt 336A 7 Ingram B. F. 51 NC pg0329a.txt 336A 14 Ingram Benjamin 7 TX pg0329a.txt 337B 25 Ingram Bettie 30 TN pg0329a.txt 337A 13 Ingram Calvin 2 TX pg0329a.txt 309B 13 Ingram Caroline 25 MS pg0302a.txt 309B 15 Ingram Charity 9 TX pg0302a.txt 309B 21 Ingram Charity 20 NC pg0302a.txt 309B 12 Ingram Charles 45 NC pg0302a.txt 309B 19 Ingram Charles 7/12 TX pg0302a.txt 309B 18 Ingram Coza ? 2 TX pg0302a.txt 337A 11 Ingram Edmond 49 NC pg0329a.txt 336A 11 Ingram Edwin 16 NC pg0329a.txt 337B 27 Ingram Eldridge 4 TX pg0329a.txt 294B 6 Ingram Elijah 40 AL pg0293a.txt 295A 4 Ingram Emma 4 AL pg0293a.txt 294B 10 Ingram Fannie 19 AL pg0293a.txt 337B 24 Ingram George 32 NC pg0329a.txt 339B 32 Ingram J. A. 25 NC pg0338a.txt 294B 8 Ingram James 21 AL pg0293a.txt 295A 3 Ingram James 8 AL pg0293a.txt 336A 9 Ingram James 20 NC pg0329a.txt 294B 13 Ingram Jennie 16 AL pg0293a.txt 336A 15 Ingram Josephine 6 TX pg0329a.txt 294B 16 Ingram Laura 5 AL pg0293a.txt 294B 11 Ingram Lina 18 AL pg0293a.txt 295A 2 Ingram Louisa 25 AL pg0293a.txt 309B 14 Ingram Mahala 11 TX pg0302a.txt 336A 8 Ingram Martha 43 NC pg0329a.txt 336A 17 Ingram Martha 1 TX pg0329a.txt 339B 33 Ingram Martha 24 NC pg0338a.txt 309B 16 Ingram Mollie 3 TX pg0302a.txt 339B 34 Ingram Nancy 3 NC pg0338a.txt 337B 28 Ingram Naoma 2 TX pg0329a.txt 294B 9 Ingram Richard 20 AL pg0293a.txt 294B 15 Ingram Robert 10 AL pg0293a.txt 336A 16 Ingram Robert 2 TX pg0329a.txt 294B 14 Ingram Sallie 15 AL pg0293a.txt 294B 7 Ingram Sarah 35 AL pg0293a.txt 337A 12 Ingram Silva 29 TN pg0329a.txt 336A 13 Ingram Stephen 10 TX pg0329a.txt 309B 20 Ingram Susan 50 NC pg0302a.txt 336A 12 Ingram Susan 12 NC pg0329a.txt 337B 26 Ingram Susie 6 TX pg0329a.txt 309B 17 Ingram Washington 2 TX pg0302a.txt 336A 10 Ingram William 18 NC pg0329a.txt 339B 35 Ingram William 2 NC pg0338a.txt 294B 12 Ingram Zilpha 17 AL pg0293a.txt 327A 35 Ivey Abena 1 TX pg0320a.txt 311A 34 Ivey Charles 15 TX pg0311a.txt 311A 35 Ivey George 12 TX pg0311a.txt 311A 32 Ivey Jarah 53 SC pg0311a.txt 327A 33 Ivey Jarah W. 11 LA pg0320a.txt 311A 33 Ivey Martha 37 GA pg0311a.txt 311A 36 Ivey Newton 8 TX pg0311a.txt 327A 34 Ivey Sarah 9 LA pg0320a.txt