Surname Index to "Obituaries Recorded in Panola County Texas 1921-1935" *************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Transcribed by Kathy Odom Submitted by Scott Fitzgerald - East Texas Genealogical Society, 1st Vice-President 12 April 2007 *************************************************************************** This index is to a book published by the East Texas Genealogical Society. The book is for sale from ETGS. Go to the following web-site for ordering information: Lookups are available from the Tyler Public Library. Surname Index to "Obituaries Recorded in Panola County Texas 1921-1935" Surname page ## -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Aaron 157 Abernathy ix,16,34,50,79,87,103 Adams 10,14,15,17,20,88,95,118,123,128,140,145,150 Aiken 40 Albea 107 Aldridge 78,121 Alexander x,8,35,55,57,62,72,76,105,106,161 Alford 142 Allday 153 Allen 26,57,61,74,75,80,85,86,88,89,92,94,103,105,107,109,156 Allison 33,65,95,109,118,122,131,149,160 Allred 124,140 Allston 115 Allums x,59,70,99,123,147 Almond 86 Alston 38 Alsup 29,52,86 Alvis 20,42 Anderson x,5,12,15,20,24,25,28,30,37,38,53,57,73,87,89,90,94,98,99,112,114, Andrews 18,113,115,146,150 Apgar 151 Applegate 103 Appling 22,28,51,156 Archer 7,104 Armstrong 16,26,32,49,52,55,69,70,79,110,143 Arnold 76,77 Arrant 33 Ash 11,14,17,128 Atkinson 12,153 Attaway 152 Augurs 10 Austin 14 Aycock 133 Baccus 152 Bagbu 3 Bagley 44.95,98,105,106,132 Bagwell 131 Bailey 25,37,55,58,62,65,77,111,116,128 Baker 6,9,16,26,29,39,40,53,56,68,71,83,85,89,91,92,97,110,114,116,117,1 Baldwin 39,41,53,70 Ball 99 Ballard 32,95,151 Ballenger 149 Bank 128 Banks 53,78,87,104,126,128,136 Barber 26,88,100,105,120 Barkesdale 80,126 Barksdale 82 Barn 30 Barnes 1,80,97,126 Barnet 27 Barnett x,11,17,43,72,116,124 Barr 127 Barnett 27 Barron 95,112 Barton 19,21,63,89 Bascom 92 Batchelor 90 Bates ix,27,28 Baugh 11,72 Baxter 130 Bayes 154 Beall 148 Beam 79 Bean 3 Bearden 39 Beasley 49 Beason 93 Beaty 38,52,57,64,75,142,157 Beauchamp 19,63 Beauchman 30 Beaver 11 Beck 85,138 Beckner 55,96 Bedel 114 Bedell 26,38,102 Belaney 45 Belew 92,102,106 Belk 91,130,155 Bell 21,24,27,34,91,111 Bellamy 46,48,80 Bellar 35 Beller 43,93 Belnap 25 Benham 14 Bennet 124 Berry 71,114 Bert 50 Beverly 96 Bickerstaff 29 Biggerstaff 142 Biggs 5,49,67,85,98,99 Bird 2,6,10,15,22,54,67,78,95,100,108,147 Birdsong 53 Birdwell 54 Birmingham 14,59 Bishop 142 Bivins 6 Black 60,76,100,126 Blackman 70 Blackmon 105 Blair 46,125,126 Blake 157 Blalock 9 Blessing 42 Blount 69 Bogard 63 Bogenschutz ix Bolton 14,23 Bond 24,133 Bone 154 Boner 133 Bonner 119,124 Boone 124 Booty 46,80,103,148 Boren 2,16,17,22,63,108,117,123,125,133,159 Born 28,89 Bosier 14 Bounds 39,44,57,84,131,147,161 Bowen 23,31,33,58,63,84,122,154 Bowers xii,61,77 Box 61,158 Boyd 38 Boynton 81,110,118,119,142,100 Bracks 27 Bradbury 122 Bradham 59 Bradley 29 Bramlette 121 Brannon 79,103,136,157 Brasher 17,130 Brashier 49,125 Brassell 33 Bray 107 Brazier 124 Brazil 114 Brent 144 Brevard 91 Brewster 76,109,137 Bridges 120 Briggs 9,31,63,76,84,125,129 Brinkley 51,130 Britt 111 Britton 52,107,109 Brock x Brooks 17,34,41,43,60,94,96,100,123,131,139 Brookshire 119 Broome 118 Brown xv,6,8,9,26,27,41,44,45,48,65,67,70,82,86,92,102,108,115,121,137,1 Browning 76,89,110 Bruce 6 Brumble 22,106,123,143 Bryan 84,85,89,110 Bryant 16 Buchanan 68 Buck 159 Buckner 29,65 Bullen 123 Bunyard 19,59,120 Burchard 143 Burge 16 Burgess 11,159 Burks 19 Burleson 83,89 Burmfield 7 Burns 16,101,114,136,151 Burr 57 Burris 66 Bush 21,36,87,104,150 Bussey 98,99 Butler 2,29,65,81,106,123 Buzzman 31 Bynum 108 Byrd 54,92 Cain 21,26,60,65,92,103 Calhoun 17,79,111 Callaway 9 Caloway 1 Cambell 31 Cammack ix Camp 78,137 Campbell 8,11,26,27,31,44,75,77,82,113,140 Canburn 45 Candess 113 Cannon 56 Capps 59,83,125,164 Caraway 18 Carey 54 Cargill 31 Cariker 20,50,61,84,128 Carmichael 55,80,95,101 Carmicheal 33 Carnahan 64 Carnes 71 Carpenter 70 Carromgtpm 97,135 Carroll x,26,113 Carrout 52 Carson 99,134 Carswell ix,8,64,65,77,99,108,116,145,159 Carter 80,89,91,129,132,151,153 Cartwright 41,108 Carver 133 Casey 141 Cassity 61 Castellaw 58 Cavendish 49 Cavin 43,48,112,133 Chadwick 60,67,72,78,148 Chambers ix,154 Chamness 14,18,33,46,125,126,145,154 Champion 40 Chandler 115,124 Cherry 99,111 Chilcoat 54 Childers ix Childress 40,124 Chipps 50 Choate 101 Christian 104,139 Clark 53,66,88,103,106,139,146,163 Clary 44 Clay 69 Clayton 82 Clifford 43 Cloud 71 Clyde 70 Coats 11,33 Cobb 17,105 Cobia 24 Cockram 123 Cockrell 61,72,109 Cofield 104 Cogburn 51 Cole 39 Coleman 7,30,83,87,126,144,145,161 Coley 90 Collins 6,8,9,25,34,41,58,91,101,105,111,128,131,151,158 Comer 49 Compton 67 Conner 136 Connor 18,61,67 Connors 61 Conor 12 Cook 10,31,41,91 Cooke 17,22,47,60,108 Cooper 126,131 Copeland ix,20,61,67,79,133,151,155 Copenhaven 155 Corlin 107 Cornish 13 Cornwall 152 Coster 60 Cottle 16 Cougill 15 Cousins 105 Covington 93 Cowen 19 Cox 5,12,36,37,78,160, Crafts 133 Craig 11,19,44,46,113,126,127,156,162 Cranford 66 Crawford 1,20,37,41,71,82,86,91,97,102,117,121,124,131,137,141,156,157,161 Crawley 42,145 Creech 85 Crews 60,83,92,157 Cromfield 79 Cromwell 60,62,112,115,152 Crum 73 Culberson 35 Cullum 18,74,160 Culp 119 Culpepper 113,156 Culwell 61 Cunningham 77,94 Curry 13 Cyphers 73 Daikers 25 Dalrymple 97 Daniel 49,52,70,106,143,152 Daniels 2,34,49,85,89,116,118,142 Davenport 15,96,159 Davidge 4 Davidson 2,22,74,101,114,130,144,162 Davis 25,33,45,60,66,78,84,90,95,99,100,101,126,136,148,153,163,164 Day 85,156 Daye 21,142 Dean 25,39,73,119,145,152 Dearing 45 Deason 14,37,91 Deaton 20 DeBerry 39,148 DeBose 39 DeBre 42 DeJarnett 122 Dendy 74 Dennard 90,130,139,149,152 Denton 65 DeSha 81 Develin 48,112,136 Devilin 163 Devlin 43 Dickerson 125 Dickinson 68 Dickson 98 Dies 16 Diggers 142 Dillow 58 Dobbins 35,75 Doggett 40 Doigg 63 Donagan 13 Donald 55 Donovan 21 Dowdy 117 Dowling 5 Downing 117 Downs 124 Draughon 44 Driskell 91 Dry 14,37,87,89,95 DuBoise 97 DuBose 19,49,52,70,143 Dudley 58 Duke 25,42,47,81,89,106,137,162 Dulaney 90 Duncan 113 Dunlap 87,144,145 Dunn 112,125,164 Dupriest 160 Duran 5,17,79 Durst 56,57 Dykes 14 Earle 144 Early 13 East 37,73 Ebenezer 116 Echols 49 Edens 20,83,86,90,117,124,135 Edwards 128 Elbert 142 Eldridge 101 Elliatte 156 Elliot 159 Elliott 24,65,118 Ellis 40 Elrod 81 English 15,29,52,62,86,131,154 Escoe 30,41,119,148 Estes 156,158 Etheredge 150 Evans 75,107,136 Everett 10,62,133 Everhart 115 Ewing 158 Exstein 69 Fairchild 77 Fall 66 Fant 51 Fargerson 39 Faris 51 Farmer 81,87,106,144,145 Farrar 9 Farries 98 Faucett 7,48,67,145 Faulkner 102 Fawcett 129 Fears 114 Featherstone 11 Fee 51 Fenigan 130 Fenley 133 Ferguson 35,128 Ferrh 62 Ferris 4 Fess 140 Field 126 Fields 10,71,113,121 Finklea 61,129 Finnegan 91 Fisher 46 Fitch 140 Fite 40,113,121,149 Fitzgerald 142 Flanagan 14,57 Fleming 49,69,91 Fletcher 60,84,93 Flournoy 154 Floy 46 Floyd 91 Foley 45 Folsom 6 Ford 55,103,132 Forrest 29 Forsyth 5,17,79 Forsythe 125 Fort 106,119 Foster 58,96,137,157 Fowler 135 Fraker 131 Frances 17 Francis 24,49 Frankhauser 156 Franks 90 Frazer 14,23,27,37,53,56,66,148 Frazier 154,163 Freeman 129,141 Friedenstein 49 Fry 154 Fugua 54 Fulgim 30 Fuller 64,161 Furlow 160 Furrh 15,40,68,76,153 Gaddy 50,107,109 Gage 151 Gallagher 126 Gallaway 59 Galloway 92 Gambrell 37 Gamel 56 Gandy 47 Gannon 23 Ganoung 26 Gardner 102 Garland 79 Garman 120 Garnear 100 Garner 2,44,113,156 Garrard 85,135 Garrison 16,53,96,129,135,159 Gary 89 Gaston 57 Gates 134 Geaslin 79 Gellately 28 Genoung 95 Gentry 14,38,48,94,150,162 Gerardy ix Gholston ix,15,95,111,122,129,137,139 Gibbs 22,67,95 Gibson 61,105,134,157 Giessner 149 Gilbert 21 Gill 90,146 Gillaspie 52,106 Gilliams 52 Gilmore 23,93 Ginright 99 Ginwright 64,65 Gibson 106 Giraud 57 Golden 31 Golder 41 Goldsmith 65 Gombrell 23 Gooden 82 Goodson 44,132 Goodwin 104 Goodwyn 49,60 Goolsby 39 Gordan 147 Gore 101 Goree ix Graham 107,153 Grant 20,80 Graves 36,39,70,73,78,96,120,157 Gray 25,83,125,137,154,163 Green 13,14,133 Gregory 154 Griffin 43,47,64,78,90,152,158 Griffith x,3,71,117 Grigsby 84 Grimes 1,94,141 Grissom 90 Grumberman 10 Guess 134 Guillians 163 Gulley 122 Gunn 42 Gunning 132 Gunter 93 Gwin 147 Haddad 56 Haden 2 Haile 115,136 Hairston 45 Halbrook 129 Hale 14 Haley 37,55,69 Hall 10,31,67,70,103,111,141 Haltmar 94 Hamilton x Hamlin 130 Hammons 100,105,153 Hancock 3,22,57,76,86,92,95 Hand ix Handcock 59 Hanks 99 Hannah 58 Hansey 98 Hardeman 38 Harden 28,160 Hardy 25,31 Hargett 21 Harkrider 48,66,67,109,121,153 Harley 58 Harmon 52 Harper 47,96 Harrel 87 Harrell 37 Harrigan 41 Harrington 136 Harris 10,22,26,43,44,64,73,84,93,96,99,109,122,149,151 Harrison 56,93 Hart 64 Harvey 12,88,93 Harvley 36,87 Hataway 24 Hatcher 86 Hattaway 123 Hawkins 155 Hawthorn 60,72,77,80,82,108,148 Hawthorne 75,87,90,95,105 Hayes 72,78,141,154 Haynes 76 Haynie ix Hays 17,33,61,112,135,158 Haywood 144 Hearne 43 Heron 102 Heartsill 109 Heath 10,139 Heaton 119,111,125,128,131,000,000,000 Hedding 70 Heidle 74 Heitman 15 Hemby 162 Hemphill 62 Hendrick 3,13,100 Hendricks 43,105,151 Henigan 144 Henry 25,36,60,75,81,91 Hensley 36 Herrin 35 Hetaway 28 Hewitt 155 Hiatt 8 Hickey 5,12,98 Hickman 14,158 Hicks 39 Hightower 95,98 Hill 9,10,24,38,39,45,68,71,88,92,93,104,110,112,124,135,145,146,155,15 Hillian 149 Hilliard 29,134 Hillin 36,59,109 Hilton 98 Hines 98 Hinton 64 Hitchins 22 Hobby 5 Hockett 145 Hodge 115,134 Hofmeister ix Holcomb 90 Holder 10,64,76 Holland ix,20,32,37,51,62,68,74,80,84,98,99,137,141 Hollis 141 Holmes 1,10,20,28,32,71,75,85,126,136,139 Holt iii,ix,15,39,40,124,128,153 Hood 148 Hook 43 Hooker 5,6,8,9,10,17,26,41,53,60,68,69,70,77,93,95,97,105,123,160 Hooper 130 Hord 113 Hornsby 139 Horton 10,16,64 House 121 Houston 28 Howard 16,18,28,51,58,72,74,76,88,89,93,94,96,97,98,99,100,101,105,106,12 Howell 98,139 Hoya 21 Hubbard 119 Hudson 36,77,129,146,149,162 Hudspeth 94 Huff 52 Hughes 44,99 Hughs 89 Hull 17,19,26,31,34,38,53,54,61,64,65,66,73,95,111,112,125,127,128,145, Hunt 25,26,29,37,73,85,87,111 Hunter 56,126 Hurley 142 Huse 79 Hutto 44 Ihlo 120 Imboden 3 Ingram 8,55,62,67,68,76,97 Ivry 163 Ivy 9,136,149 Jackson 9,26,63,100,120,148 Jacobs 92 James 41,65,148 Jameson 96 Jarman 70 Jarnagan 83 Jarobe 47 Jarrell 78,99 Jarvis 88,94,104 Jenkins 93,102 Jennings 10,141 Jernigan 31,57,65,100,118,145,156 Jeter 15,90 Jimerson 42,74,95,97 Jimmerson 100,101,102 Jimmersons 47 Johns 24,49,106,140 Johnson ix,x,xv,17,25,41,56,60,79,93,95,98,100,101,113,118,119,127,132,134 Jones 19,30,32,35,43,55,61,75,78,80,90,94,96,112,116,131,138,143,144,147 Jordan 1,17,32,33,41,52,53,80,89,90,91,97,103,113,129,135,137,145,153,154 Jordon 36 Keeling 53,61,143,146 Keley 100 Keller 15,74 Kelley 43,58 Kelly 144,147 Kemp 141 Kendrick 85 Kennedy x,51 Kern 81 Kerr 97 Kersey 37 Key 30,60 Kidd 68 Killingsworth 68 Kinel 119 King 7,15,46,71,81 Kings 45 Kirby 108,124 Kirk 151 Kirkland 75 Kirkley 9,17,19,132 Kirkly 11 Kirland 98 Kittrel 57 Knidley 149 Knight x,1,12,16,20,36,67,72,89,105,107,113,114,142,152 Knots 39 Koonce 30,36,67,107,140 Krutza iii,ix Kuoppala ix Kuykendall 21,46 Kyle 19,20,25,95,97,112,142,143 Lache 104 Lacy 18,92,137,156 LaGrone 8,23,62,76,79,91,98,101,105,106,122,123,132,138,149,151 Laird 4 Lancaster 145,152 Landrume xv Laney 19,36,45 Langer 20 Langford 84,87,98,144,145,164 Langley 33,76,85,89,112 Langston 96 Lanschinger 147 Lanzer 80 Lasseter 1 Lassiter 81 Latham 160 Lawhorn ix,110,123,137 Lawless 14,103,124,136,163 Lawrence 10,11,18,51,73,84,85,101,128,148,152,158 Lawson 8,21,24 Leach 153 Leachman 109 Lee 19,101,123 Leech 11 Leland 114 Lentz 102,133 Lester 95 Lewis 51,67,72 Leyso 143 Libby 25 Liem 134,149 Likes 41 Liles 35,99 Lintz 160 Liston 65,118,140,156 Littlefield 91 Litton 72 Loftin 53 Lofton ix Loftus 153 Logan 51,109 Long 79,110,124,128,156 Longshore 101,105,144 Lorton 26 Louden 92,103 Loury 131 Love xiv Lovell 138,151 Lovett 48 Lowry 113 Luker 77,131 Lundy 38,115 Luttrell 56 Lyles 88 Lynch 40 Lyon 2 Macey 16 Mack 102 Madden 55 Maddox 62 Mahaw 115 Mahon 25,91 Mahone 97 Maines 62,135 Malone 22,25,40,64,66,77,78,87,90,91,92,98,99,106,113,119 Mann 129 Mansinger 120 Maranta 143 Marlin 162 Marr 151 Marsh 12,42,152 Marshall 98,102,112,128,133,100,000,000 Martin 72,83,88,94,101,141,155 Mason 17,36,63,161 Massengale 63 Massey 15 Massie 140 Mathews 159 Mathis 21 Matthews 3,19,20,31,36,40,45,63,112,113,125,130,155 Mattox 68 Mauritzen 33,55,84 Maxon 103 May 45,49,154 Mayes 80 Mayfield 23,67 Mayo 2,50,88 McBride 92 McCarter 114 McCarver 59 McCaun 10 McClaine 134 McClaran 70 McClaren 109 McClough 146 McClure 79 McCook 85 McCord 13 McCoy 42,74,121,129 McCracken 115 McCreary 116 McCreery 64 McCrutcheson 113 McCulloch 77 McCullough 69,106 McDaniel 10,22,25,43,61,86,119,120,137 McDonald 28 McDougal 153 McDowel 60 McFadden 69,134,140,159 McFairn 139 McGee 9,138 McGlamory 135 McGowan 67 McGown 140 McJimsey 44 McKay 131 McKeown 126 McKinney 99 McLemore 121 McLendon 32,95 McLeroy 25,59,85,89,96 McMellon 130 McMillan 39 McNatt xvii McNealus 6 McNeece 162 McNeese 85 McPherson 65 McSwain 66,100 Meador 116 Meidtmann 40 Melton 54 Menasco 153 Merritt 130 Metcalf 19,28,56,76,86,89,100,115,129,134,138,147 Mettauer 54 Metteau 41 Meyer 114 Midyett 29,31,63,86,98,100 Milam 59,71,129,152 Miller 6,18,19,40,49,62,67,96,99,104,119,134,160 Mills 40,81,98,99,100,104,106,107,116,117 Milner 28,31 Minter 154 Misenheimer 125 Mitchell 14,15,42,62,64,68,94,99,113,114,129,139,152 Mixon 29,51 Monroe 52,81 Montgomery 29 Moore 27,38,55,56,57,77,90,103,109,114,136,142,144,151,155,158 Moranto 143 Morgan 44,53 Morris viii,ix,10,44,74,76,135,142 Morrison 7,80,82,90,128,153 Morrow 15,95 Morton 23,35 Moseley 93 Mosley ix Moss 130 Munden 58,75 Munger 4 Murphy 122 Murray ix,55,58 Mursett 7 Murzbacher 8 Myers 127 Myrick 115 Nail 18,33,127,138,152 Nash 106 Neal xi,xii,xiii,xiv,xv,xvi,23,27,32,33,41,67,77,82,94,95,104,108,157 Nealy 98 Nealy 98 Needham 61 Neff 6 Neighbors 97 Neil 82 Nelson 14,17,37,44,53,54,66,79,85,95,105,116,138,157 Newburn 50 Newman 130 Newton 20 Nichol 164 Nichols 53,124 Nisbett 44,90 Nixon xiii Noble 19 Norris 50,80,90,95,107 Null 58 Nutt 61 O'Brian 40 O'Bryan 17,118,161 O'Conneor 30,149 Oden 9,31,34,69,95,144 Ogden ix O'Kelley 73 O'Kelly 45 Oliver 24,66 Orr 130 Osborn 1 Osborne 111 Otwell 112 Owens 13,21,30,60,95,134 Pace 38,93 Pacy 159 Page 24,29,39,69,73,87,152,154 Palmer 135 Pankey 49,135 Parish 30 Park 6,8,9,21,41,54,91,163 Parker 11,20,32,37,41,42,44,47,60,68,86,100,107,116,121,124,153 Parks 142 Parrish 12,15,60,96,137,154 Pass 99,164 Pate 96,159 Patterson 74 Patton 35,133 Patty 70,84,105,120 Paul 71 Paxson 136 Paxton 50 Peacock 33 Pearcy 96 Peddy 127 Pedigo 16 Pelham 9 Pence 7 Pennington 157 Perkins 8,38 Perminter 17 Perry 72 Peterson 3 Phillips x,33,85,104,128,150,151,155 Pierce 77,78,103,105,109,122,125,154 Pike 60,92,111,127 Pinson 39,73,77 Pipkin 15,75 Pirkle 35 Pittman 42,73,74,99,106,110,128 Pitts 3,20,63,78,139 Pledgar 146 Pledger 42 Plirer 36 Plyer 20,112 Polk 26,60 Pollard 12,80,82,83,98,126 Pool 9,26,37,39,157 Poor 131 Poore 91,160 Pope 90,103,111,112 Porter 50,60,74,121,135 Poss 28,96,134 Postell 38 Pou 59 Powell 122 Powen 61 Powers 131 Pratt 117 Pressley 98 Preston 125 Prewitt 49 Price 19,53,108 Priest 66,99 Primeaux 152 Prior 79,94 Proctor 31 Prorath 107 Protho 70 Prudhomme 55 Pruit 160 Pruitt 49,88,122 Pryor 72,93,157 Pullen 77 Quest 41 Rabon 66 Rader 50 Regan 124 Rain 42 Ramsey 15,47,73,107,153,161 Ranier 83 Ransom xii Raper 61 Ratliff ix Ray 23,40,92,97,114,122,136,139,149,152,163 Raybun 139 Rayburn 15,79,149 Raymond 125 Reagar 147 Reasonover 95,100 Red 57 Redmon 96 Redwire 105 Reed 5,17,79,84,89,93,94,121,157 Reese 24,136 Reeves 9,17,30,86,102,129,152,162 Reid 116 Rembert 49 Renfro 41 Reyes ix Reynolds 21,119,127 Rhea 119 Rhiddlehoover ix,25,107 Rhodes iii,ix,44,90 Rhone 149 Rich 16,19,42,46,49,60,92,155 Richards 106 Riddlehoover 46 Rider 61,68 Ridge 46 Riney 67 Ritter 20,36,37,108,112,113,158,159 Roark 14 Robbins 108,134 Roberts 38,57,155 Robertson x,56,127 Robinson ix,24,25,47,67,68,103,122,123,149 Rochelle 130 Rocquemore 64,82,112,115,120,155 Rodgers 31,126,155 Roe 79 Rogers 11,32,45,48,62,77,80,81,128,131,140,148 Romines 17 Roquemore 29,33,107 Rosenthal 27 Ross 1,14,19,29,30,42,44,47,54,60,66,67,72,86,89,93,94,95,96,97,100,102 Rosse 49 Rosser 85,126 Roten 10 Roundtree 126 Rountree 142 Rouselle 149 Rousseau 32,121 Rowe 39,72,95,145 Rowell 147 Rowland 37,50,88,159 Rowlett 109 Rowlin 133 Rucks 5 Rushing 2,15,53,95 Russell x,7,68,151 Rutherford 43,48 Ryle 45,73 Salk 43 Salter 69,87,126,136 Samples 40 Sanders 4,11,21,34,38,43,48,81,84,91,96,115 Sanford xiii,45,90,147 Satterwhite 22 Sauls 154 Saunders 73 Sawyer 125 Saxon 17 Scarpinatto ix Schellhorn 154 Scoggin 102,133 Scoggins 160 Scott 48,80,126,133 Sealey 86 Seals 7,8 Sealy 102 Sears 38 Secord 58,63,66 Secrest 1,97,141 Seegar 99 Sellers 83 Selman 20,56 Sepaugh 60,110,112,137 Sessions 79 Sessums 69 Shackelford 13,19 Shadowens 80 Shahan 120,132 Shall 16 Sharp 42,76,88,89,103,156 Sharpe ix Shaufner 104 Shaw 27,35,65,75,105,156 Sheffield ix Shell 124 Sheppard 69 Sherman 19 Sherrill 24 Sherron 37 Shipp 105 Shirley 133 Shivers xv,19,32,43,105,122,135, Shoemaker 51 Shotwell 134 Shuford 91 Shull 25 Shumake 9 Shumat 95 Sides 48,49 Sikes 120 Simmons 46,64,83 Simonds 19 Simonson 10 Simpson 19 Sims 19,41,70,113,114,121 Sinclair 101 Singletary 34,52 Singleton 98 Sistrunk 147,161 Skinner 12 Slaughter 73 Sledge 121 Slover 163 Smart 80,161 Smiley 64,131,154,158 Smith x,18,28,34,36,37,41,42,43,46,47,55,60,61,63,65,67,69,72,75,77,79,8 Snow 79 Soape x,19,31,32,46,60,85,96,107,144 Solomon 37,52,87 Sorkin 42 Sorter 105 Sowell 64 Spain 87 Sparkman 8 Sparks 35,75,87,88 Spencer 109 Spivey 96 Spradley 115,116 Stallings 85 Stanford 35,49,110,123 Stanland 120 Staples 121 Stapp 66 Starks 127 Steadman 29 Steele 74 Steger 89,135 Stephens 86 Stephenson 146 Sterrett 57,155 Stevens 17 Stewart 5,38,126 Stone 20,74,89,128,130,146 Storey 16 Story 55 Stough 124 Straener 119 Strong 94 Stroud 15,80,101 Studdard 14,125,132 Stuber 92 Sullivan 39,71,93,101,160 Summerts 1 Swanson 161 Swearingen 69 Talley 147 Tarkington 118 Tate 64,163 Tatum 53 Taylor 10,24,25,28,43,51,109,125,139,140,146,149,163 Teal 98 Tetter 24 Tew 36,111 Thatcher 45 Therral 104 Thomas 14,21,34,35,36,41,58,61,63,65,74,87,108,111,116,128,145,153,154 Thomason 5,46,89 Tompkins 9,39,73,114 Thompson ix,12,69,73,85,109,114,136,139 Thornton 67 Thorp 30 Thurman 23,27,92,136,163 Tice 46 Tidwell 109 Tiller 10,17,33,38,111,142 Tillery 15,31,100,114,118,136 Tillus 122 Tilson 148 Timmons 35,62,119 Tims 60 Tinkle 33 Todd 30,41,61,162 Tolbert 44 Tomlinson 53,70,154 Tomkins 96,101,138,145,155 Tophan 70 Toumbs 4 Trabue 8,80,114,126,155 Trichell ix Troy 90 Truelock 102 Trulark 48 Tucker 147 Tulley 75 Tullos 32 Turlington 96 Turnage 145 Turner 16,85,94,103,111,156,162 Tuttle 29 Twomey 111,127 Ulsaker 49 Unidentified child 3 Unidentified man 31,83,119 Unidentified woman 51 Unidentified Negro Man 64,120,122,146,154 Underwood ix,115 Upchurch 30 Ussery 77 Vanderboug 44 Vandergriff 11,16,17 Vandigriff 89 Vanlandingham 100 Van Sandt 148 Vaughan 40 Vaughn 15 Vaught 64 Verdan 83 Vermillion 56,59,72,73,74,76,77,78,85,87,90,91,92,93,94,100 Vickers 95 Vincent 60,61,66,67,72,74,76,89,107 Vinning 54 Vinson 9,26,117 Voight 131 Voorheis 6 Waits 85,89 Wakefield 161 Walden 144 Walding 45 Waldrop 71,89,131 Walker 1,4,23,32,43,48,49,57,58,60,67,72,82,93,104,105,124,135,144,154,15 Wall 28,34,42,43,47,52,53,66,69,72,85,104,112,131,132,137,156,160 Wallace 1,50,76,88,93,94,108,109,123,161 Waller 73,77,79,80,95,96,103,106,107 Walton 28 Wapatuk 22 Ward 7,45,108,109 Ware 39,57,102 Waring 68 Warmack 137 Watkins 37,39,50,87,136 Watson 11,112,117,151 Watts 25,91 Waverly 73 Weatherby 58,61 Weaver 35,75 Webb 49 Weeks 61 Weir 111,141 Weist 92 Welborn 67 Welch 2,9,146 Weldon 156 Wells 108 Werner 70 West 94 Westmoreland 65,95,97,118,148,156 Wetherford 32 Wetzel 147 Whaley ix,109 Whatley 139 Wheat 42 Wheeler 75 Whitaker ix,30,33,48,52,79,95,105,118,119,128,148,155,157,164 White ix,12,20,30,51,65,80,147 Whiteside ix,117 Whitfield 17,37,66,116 Whitmire 94 Whittaker 29 Whitton 47 Whittson 143 Whorley 127 Wilhelm 13,39 Wilkerson 115,149,156 Wilkinson 45,133 Willard 2 Williams 7,16,31,32,45,47,48,61,63,64,69,73,82,88,99,102,109,110,112,113,12 Williamson ix,19,52,94,96 Willingham 86,103 Willis 108,161 Wills 65,144 Wilson 33,59,93,100,150 Winchester 58 Winder 143 Windham 99 Winters 13 Wisely 54 Witcher 151 Witherspoon 9,30,152 Wolf 69 Womack 67,91,143 Wood 75,96,159 Woodley 112 Woodlow 60 Woods 38,105,143,149 Woodworth 40,162 Woodyard 12,22,68,74,142,156 Woodley 12,69,129,133 Woolworth 16,50,75,85,136 Wooten 94,114,117,131,136,100 Worrel 64 Worsham 28,30,152 Wortham 100 Worthington 123,145,147 Wroten 2,123,147 Wright 65,123,148 Wutkeys 24 Wyatt 41,65,83,84,135,137,145,153 Wycoff 5 Wylie 123,160 Wynn 156 Wynne 38,42 Yarborough 17,49 Yates 43,48,112,133 Yecham 42 Yoakum 31,32 Young ix,9,14,25,26,39,63,83,90,109,130,164 Youngblood ix,101,140 Yount x Zimmerman 103 Zorn 108 Zwengrosch 46,47