Rains Co. TX - Births, 1933 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed,please send a message to Lisa Thomas: This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: shall@balista.com 12/30/2000 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/bvs/registra/index.htm _________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================================================================= Last Name First Name Middle, Suf Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ============================================================================================================================= Adams Thomas Jed 11-2-1933 M Exa Potts Stanley Adams Rains Agburn Dwayne 10-20-1933 M Mattie F. Benifield W. H. Ogburn Rains Akins W. L. 11-25-1933 M Birdie May Monk William L. Akins Rains Armstrong Billie Clay 1-9-1933 F Willie G. Thompson W. H Armstrong Rains Auders Jay T. 7-1-1933 M Rada C. Rass John Taylor Auders Rains Badois Adair 11-30-1933 F Connie Malone W Badois Rains Bailey Minnie Louise 5-9-1933 F Alice Bailey Rains Barnett Windle Wayne 12-18-1933 M Vera Lee Mcleroy Willie Barnett Rains Billak J. H Inf Of 11-21-1933 M Larrue Adair J. H Billak Rains Borcheth Barbara Genett 10-21-1933 F Loretta E. Cortes Edgar Borcheth Rains Bowen Ted ,Jr 8-26-1933 M Raye Barker William H Bowen Rains Bowen Peggy Joyce 4-30-1933 F Grace Northcut Jim Buck Bowen Rains Bowles Jimmie Lane 12-22-1933 M Zillian Mckay B. F. Bowles Rains Box Velva Mae 3-5-1933 F Ida Smith John Box Rains Brimer Kenneth Alton 1-20-1933 M Annie Lathon Duke Brimer Rains Brumit Esta Lee 7-16-1933 F Ethel Irene Britton William Edgar Brumit Rains Brummit James William 9-29-1933 M Susie Lemons Travis Oliver Brummit Rains Bullard Loyd Keith 3-23-1933 M Vera Bullard Herman Swagerty Rains Burns Ben Earl 8-24-1933 M Virgie Bloodsworth Gordon Burns Rains Burrough Barbara 8-6-1933 F Wanda Campbell Thomas J. Burrough Rains Byram Jessie P. Inf Of 5-18-1933 M Rosa Ward Jessie P. Byram Rains Calloway Elizabeth Ann 2-26-1933 F Ina Bell Stokes Sam Ray Calloway Rains Carroll George W. Inf Of 3-7-1933 F Bertha Bird George W. Carroll Rains Carter Bobbie Jean 4-22-1933 F Oneta Lee Albert Carter Rains Childers Royce Dean 9-19-1933 M Mattie Gertrude Latham Raymond Franklin Childers Rains Cline Mary Francis 7-9-1933 F Billie Mccollum Okey B Cline Rains Coker Clinton Inf Of 1-9-1933 M Donnie Lee Ryelant Clinton Coker Rains Couch C. C. Inf Of 12-7-1933 M Fannie Dixon C. C. Couch Rains Courtney Mildred J 8-30-1933 F Marjorie Jerald Elbert Courtney Rains Crabtree P. B. Inf Of 1-6-1933 M Willie May Butler P. B. Crabtree Rains Cupp Danny Oliver 11-3-1933 M Permelia A. Hamilton Oliver Amos Cupp Rains Daugherty Sam A. Inf Of 1-22-1933 F Lorain Duke Sam A. Daugherty Rains Deckard Jim Chandler 7-23-1933 M Vida Knight J. W. Deckard Rains Doris Emanuel Inf Of 7-21-1933 F Ethel Thomas Emanuel Doris Rains Ely Annie Lavana 9-5-1933 F Bettie Lee Cook Opa Ely Rains Fatheree Geraldine 2-16-1933 F Etta May Gordon Roscoe Fatheree Rains Fenter Marena Joyce 2-28-1933 F Marena Pearl Prince James Franklin Fenter Rains Fisher Robert Lee 11-29-1933 M Lizzie Butler Monroe Fisher Rains Fitzgerald Peggy Jo 11-23-1933 F Nannie Kate Montgomery William Terry Fitzgerald Rains Flemons Charles G Inf Of 5-14-1933 M Rosa Harvey Charles G Flemons Rains Ford Mattie Lynn 9-15-1933 F Daisy Hass Roy Ford Rains Franklin Jimmie Lee 9-1-1933 M Maudie Murphy Clyde Franklin Rains Freeman Peggy Gearldine 4-9-1933 F Edna Williams H. Freeman Rains Gaby Ola Maxine 3-29-1933 F Georgia Ruth Jones T. N. Gaby Rains Gate Peggy Sue 8-25-1933 F Margie Addington J M Gate Rains Gilbert Opal Levearm 3-13-1933 F Millissie Ratliff William Gilbert Rains Gilley Marilyn 6-11-1933 F Jewel Hotcox Albert Gilley Rains Greshaw Sam 9-17-1933 M Annie E. Fields Samuel A. Greshaw Rains Hamill Emma Lee 4-11-1933 F Elsie Phillips T. W. Hamill Rains Hamilton James Oliver 5-6-1933 M Mary Cupp R. L. Hamilton Rains Hardy Billie Joe 7-10-1933 M Dora Geoas Sam Hardy Rains Harrison Mattie Jane 3-1-1933 F Katie Poulis Ba Harrison Rains Harvey Lora Munrue 3-29-1933 F Myrtle Duwet James Henry Harvey Rains Hass Bobby Wayne 12-18-1933 M Birdie Whitehurst I. B. Hass Rains Hill Billy Farris 2-25-1933 M Maud Jones Farris F. Hill Rains Hodge Louis H. Inf Of 9-19-1933 M Jessie Threet Louis H. Hodge Rains Hogue Edgar Inf Of 1-17-1933 M Duah Webb Edgar Hogue Rains Holland Betty Louise 9-22-1933 F Dessie Beasley Deward Holland Rains Holland Jane Ruth 12-21-1933 F Lou Sells D. E. Holland Rains Holland Marron Baxter 3-18-1933 M Lilly Mae Shoemaker W E Holland Rains Holman Guy S Inf Of 5-3-1933 F Balmy Lenon Guy S Holman Rains Holmes Melba Gene 11-7-1933 F Essie Senter Eugene Holmes Rains Hooten Enos F. Inf Of 11-23-1933 F Jessie Lee Parker Enos F. Hooten Rains Huff Pearson 11-2-1933 M Annie Gore A. D. Huff Rains Hukill Joe Inf Of 8-18-1933 F Annie Culverhouse Joe Hukill Rains Jenkins Wayne Mark 7-1-1933 M Lucile Mccallun O G Jenkins Rains Jenkins Billie Inf Of 8-17-1933 M Billie Jenkins Rains Jennings C. H. Inf Of 1-23-1933 M Dorothy King C. H. Jennings Rains Jobe Melvin Alton 6-19-1933 M Rose Martha Burchett Andrew T. Jobe Rains Johnson Alfred Inf Of 7-5-1933 M Loise Burgett Alfred Johnson Rains Johnson W. C. Inf Of 7-15-1933 F Aleva Wheeler W. C. Johnson Rains Jones Thomas Henry 1-2-1933 M Fannye May Mcdonald Thomas H Jones Rains Kelley F M. Inf Of 11-28-1933 M Willie Latimer F M. Kelley Rains Kerr Bettie Jean 8-21-1933 F Mattie Inez Reeves George R. Kerr Rains Kerr Claudette 2-21-1933 F Dala Lois Mcleroy Claude A. Kerr Rains Kirkpatrick Hubert Ray 2-20-1933 M Lela Morrow E. N. Kirkpatrick Rains Lair Audry Law 7-15-1933 F Ima May Bullord Jim Lair Rains Latham Patsy Fern 8-15-1933 F Modena Childers Billie Latham Rains Lewers Edward Howard 5-6-1933 M Nuedrad Buchanan Leonell Lewers Rains Linebaugh Jimmie Iell 2-26-1933 M Pearl Brown Walter H. Linebaugh Rains Loveday Dorothy May 7-2-1933 F Jewel Huddleston Floyd Earl Loveday Rains Luckett Glometta 5-27-1933 F Cora Viola Woodall Jess Luckett Rains Luckett Flossie Immogene 10-21-1933 F Esther Irine Cupp Odie E. Luckett Rains Lyles William Jerry 2-11-1933 M Mattie Lou Wilklow Thomas Traylor Lyles Rains Lynch E. L. Inf Of 5-4-1933 M Leona Monasco E. L. Lynch Rains Lynch Loyd Odell 1-17-1933 F Odessa Pritchell Lloyd Lynch Rains Lynch Joe Ben 5-8-1933 M Anna Katherine Olen Loyd Oscar Lynch Rains Maddox Floyd Douglas 1-2-1933 M Leona Woodson Quinnis Burl Maddox Rains Mcclanahan Henry Ellis 9-22-1933 M Callie Hukill C A Mcclanahan Rains Mccolluces Howard Inf Of 3-4-1933 M Bernice Wright Howard Mccolluces Rains Mcdaniel James Barney 3-12-1933 M Georgia E. Gill Benthold N. Mcdaniel Rains Mcdaniel Chas Elton 8-23-1933 M Grace Rushing Ray Mcdaniel Rains Mcdonald J. T. Inf Of 12-21-1933 F Vivian Hughey J. T. Mcdonald Rains Mcdonald Damon Dale 6-6-1933 M Myrtle Lee Fose Marvin Denis Mcdonald Rains Melton Lanona 7-24-1933 F Rubye Kearney Luther L Melton Rains Melton Lora Lee 3-8-1933 F Lillie C Hebison Olen A Melton Rains Mitchell Loyce Marie 5-9-1933 F Velma Marie King James W. Mitchell Rains Mitchell Coleta Madie 9-18-1933 F Marie Taylor Clarence Mitchell Rains Morse Rita Janice 9-11-1933 F Vesba Ella Funk James Lester Morse Rains Neal Ila Florice 10-2-1933 F Essie Mae Oler Archie Alvic Neal Rains Norman Robert Bruce 12-18-1933 M Marguerite Ione Coupland Floyd Herman Norman Rains Norris Alvis Lewell 5-19-1933 M Bettie Roleuis Rass Norris Rains Northcut Billie 11-12-1933 F Evie Bullard Edgar Northcut Rains Northcutt Billie D. 2-8-1933 M Lena B. Taylor John D. Northcutt Rains Nutt Glen Clyde 8-1-1933 M Jessie A. Rape Robert L. Nutt Rains Oswalt Tomy Dell 8-18-1933 F Emma J. Hurst Thomas Oswalt Rains Otis James D. 3-1-1933 M Sarah Weatherford Oran Otis Rains Palmore Jo Nell 7-23-1933 F Edna B. Morris Dencis B. Palmore Rains Panter S. C. Inf Of 5-8-1933 M Opal M. Yaudle S. C. Panter Rains Plunk Milton Inf Of 6-1-1933 M Minnie Fouston Milton Plunk Rains Pope Robert T. Inf Of 7-15-1933 M Laura Bell Dunevaut Robert T. Pope Rains Porter Phelps ,Jr. 2-3-1933 M Mildred Hornby Phelps Porter Rains Potter Orville Wilburn 9-5-1933 M Nellie Vance William E. Potter Rains Potts Billy Ruth 11-15-1933 F Nettie Richards J. E Potts Rains Powell Otis Inf Of 5-11-1933 M Henry Etta Little Otis Powell Rains Powell Pattie Cothell 9-2-1933 F Susie Viola Barrett William T. Powell Rains Prather Walter Foster 2-14-1933 M Lula Foster I. W. Prather Rains Prince Freddie Lou 9-21-1933 F Davie A. Mayo James Thomas Prince Rains Ray L L Inf Of 10-10-1933 F Fay Ellis L L Ray Rains Reynolds Mary Rachel 6-7-1933 F Birdie Dosie Reeves Eugene Reynolds Rains Robe J. C. Inf Of 10-20-1933 M Melvia Palmore J. C. Robe Rains Roberts Genova Loyce 5-6-1933 F Nellie Maye Akins Burlin E Roberts Rains Robertson Lois Inf Of 2-24-1933 F Lois Robertson Rains Robinson Betty Lou 1-29-1933 F Ida Mae Cooper Raymond Clifford Robinson Rains Russell Francis Louise 8-18-1933 F Lillian Samford Alma Russell Rains Shedd Daisy Erelene 2-23-1933 F Willie Mae Parsons Daniel Steve Shedd Rains Sisk Robert Allen 1-17-1933 M Clarica Marie Jared Raymond B. Sisk Rains Sisk Robert Melton 7-26-1933 M Mattie Anderson John Sisk Rains Skinner James Elvis,Jr. 5-27-1933 M Gladys Mccollum Elvis Skinner Rains Smith Joe Inf Of 6-17-1933 M Nellie Jones Joe Smith Rains Spencer Cecil Inf Of 11-26-1933 M Duecie Stockton Cecil Spencer Rains Stevens Norma Faye 4-17-1933 F Navell Long Ray Ralph Stevens Rains Tadlock Vivian Marie 2-1-1933 F Zela Stones George Lester Tadlock Rains Tales Caroma Jane 9-9-1933 F Coreen Gordon L. W. Tales Rains Thornhill Leroy Inf Of 11-15-1933 M Josie Hamm Leroy Thornhill Rains Thrum Lester 4-10-1933 M Cora Bell Burt Thrum Rains Treadwell Anna Louise 8-22-1933 F Lillie May Luke James L. Treadwell Rains Turley Helen Virginia 1-9-1933 F Virginia Ray Henry Thomas Turley Rains Turner Edna Lorine 5-5-1933 F Mary Simms Ballord Turner Rains Turnipseed Doris Wayne 9-1-1933 M Polly Ann Sparks Monroe Turnipseed Rains Vandlandingham Minnie Louise 9-20-1933 F Opal Rushin Henry Vandlandingham Rains Wade Mozell 7-3-1933 F Ruth Marguerite Wallis Mat Echols Wade Rains Whittey Iva Lee 7-12-1933 F Cora Lee Rushing Homer Altus Whittey Rains Whittington W. P. Inf Of 2-28-1933 M Glays Sheets W. P. Whittington Rains Whitus Thelma Joyce 12-23-1933 F Ruby Fay Northcut George Whitus Rains Wilkey Garry 7-7-1933 M Lula Haynes Lee Wilkey Rains Williams Claude Delbert 8-12-1933 M Annie Florine Horton L. O. Williams Rains Williams Juardo June 9-27-1933 F Ruby Gilbert Ray Williams Rains Wilson Chester Ben 4-8-1933 M Annie Pearl Hudnall Alshus A Wilson Rains Woodall Emma Joy 3-13-1933 F Rubye C. Prather Lewie Lane Woodall Rains Yarbrough Homer Truman 10-14-1933 M Mabel Bourn J. T. Yarbrough Rains