Randall Co., TX - 1929 Le Mirage, Yearbook of West Texas State Teachers College, Canyon, Texas This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm **************************************************** 1929 Le Mirage, Yearbook of West Texas State Teachers College, Canyon, Texas The following students and faculty from West Texas State Teachers College are individually pictured in the 1929 Le Mirage. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman; fac=faculty), hometown and yearbook page. For each senior the yearbook includes the student's major and a listing of club/sports participation. For this or other information you are welcome to contact: Don Brownlee Abernathy, Jewell, fr, Tulia, 97 Agee, James C., jr, Nacona, 74 Allen, Avis, sr, Plainview, 42 Allen, Hazel, fac, 23 Allen, Inez, jr, Waco, 36 71 Allen, L. G., fac, 20 Anderson, Clara, fr, McLean, 103 Anderson, Hattie M., fac, 28 Anderson, Mary Louise, jr, Canyon, 75 Anderson, Sue Brown, sr, Canyon, 55 Angel, Geraldine, fr, Plainview, 97 Armitage, Maryan, so, Vega, 81 Ashworth, Delmer, sr, Lockney, 53 Askew, Vera, fr, O'Donnell, 103 Atkeison, Kathyleen, jr, Munday, 67 Atkeison, Thelma, so, Munday, 80 Atkenson, Effie, fr, Dalhart, 104 Babston, Linnie, fac, 30 Baer, Ola Mae, fr, Texline, 94 Baggerman, Rosie, fr, Pampa, 95 Baker, Flora, sr, Spring Lake, 47 Baker, James Obed, sr, Mineral Wells, 55 Baker, L. S., fac, 26 Baker, Mary Opal, fr, Mineral Wells, 92 Baker, Mildred, fr, Memphis, 102 Bandy, Boyce, jr, Canyon, 66 Barger, Dortha, fr, Farwell, 94 Barker, Eula Mae, fr, Ballinger, 95 Barksdale, Rubie, fac, 27 Barnes, Frank, sr, Plainview, 58 Barnett, Albert, fac, 31 Barnett, Ona Love, fr, Canyon, 102 Barton, Hazel, sr, Amarillo, 58 Batchelder, C. Wesley, fac, 24 Baucom, Nellie Joe, sr, Mineral Wells, 64 Beal, Joe, fr, Plains, 100 Bean, Bernice, fr, Plainview, 96 Beard, Juanita, fr, Carlsbad NM, 100 Bearden, Helen, fr, Canyon, 96 Bearden, Ruth, fr, Canyon, 95 Beck, Gordon F., jr, Floyd NM, 68 Bennett, Willie, jr, Amarillo, 76 Berryman, Mary, ffr, Canyon, 93 Berryman, Mavis, fr, Canyon, 104 Bird, Grace, fr, Pampa, 102 Birdwell, Doll, jr, Seminole, 75 Blackburn, Martha, jr, Clarendon, 73 Blanton, Helen, fr, Amarillo, 90 Boedeker, Edwin H., so, Lockney, 82 Bookout, John, fr, Hartley, 90 Bookout, Minerva, jr, Hartley, 69 Boren, Ruth Bell, so, Snyder, 88 Boston, Mary, jr, Hedley, 72 Boswell, Geraldine, so, Memphis, 87 Bourne, Marguerite, fr, Amarillo, 90 Bowman, Lurline, so, Canyon, 86 Brigham, Pauline, fac, 23 Broadwell, Ella, so, Hereford, 85 Brookshire, Maude, so, Maverick, 82 Brosier, Mrs. H. E., so, Graham, 80 Brosier, Howard, sr, Canyon, 63 Brown, Caudie Ola, sr, Canyon, 50 Brown, Cleo, fr, Clarendon, 102 Brown, Frances, fr, Wellington, 106 Brown, Mary Morgan, fac, 24 Brumley, Marie, fr, Hereford, 95 Brumley, Virgol, fr, Hereford, 99 Brummett, Thelma, sr, Kirkland, 36 Bumpass, Jessie, jr, Quanah, 76 Burton, S. D., fac, 27 Byars, Robin, fr, Lockney, 102 Cain, Alton, so, Canyon, 85 Cain, Belva, sr, Canyon, 56 Calloway, Ferne, so, Childress, 83 Campbell, Duverne Smith, so, Canyon, 78 Campbell, Herbert, so, White Deer, 78 Campbell, Mary Kate, sr, Merkel, 53 Campbell, Mayrene, so, Tulia, 87 Campbell, Ouida, sr, Merkel, 53 Cantrell, Hajelle, sr, Tulia, 57 Carlisle, Mary, fac, 33 Carpenter, Marguerite, sr, Abilene, 50 Case, Velma, fr, Haskell, 103 Cash, Harvey, fr, Canyon, 90 Cayton, Audrey, fr, Canyon, 99 Cayton, Greta Mae, so, Wellington, 86 Chambers, Bessie, so, Canyon, 86 Chambers, Lillian, fr, Canyon, 92 Chambers, Mary, fr, New Boston, 102 Chandler, Elizabeth, jr, Amarillo, 36 74 Charlton, Agnes, fac, 25 Cheatham, Roy, jr, Canyon, 67 Cherry, Elizabeth, sr, Childress, 50 Christopher, Laura, so, Miami, 36 87 Clark, Ada V., fac, 34 Clark, Maxine, fr, Albany, 98 Clark, Thomas M., fac, 25 Clark, Wallace R., fac, 23 Clay, Lottie Eva, fr, Wheeler, 91 Cleavinger, Elmer, sr, Canyon, 45 Cleland, Sam, so, Canyon, 82 Clinkscales, Orline, sr, Hillsboro, 43 Clyde, Margaret, so, Canyon, 88 Coffee, Herschel, fac, 23 Coley, Opal, jr, Childress, 70 Collins, Lucille, fr, Munday, 98 Compton, Eurith, jr, Portales NM, 70 Condron, Stuart H., fac, 28 39 Cook, Harris M., fac, 21 Cook, Thelma, jr, Bushland, 69 Cooley, Iva, fr, Hale Center, 98 Cooper, Leo, fr, Lockney, 92 Cope, Ida Lee, fr, Claude, 93 Copeland, Harmon T., jr, Bowie, 71 Couch, Marie, fr, Canyon, 94 Cowan, Jewel, fac, 32 Cox, Elizabeth, fac, 29 Crawford, Edna, fr, Channing, 96 Crawford, Maggie Louise, fr, Channing, 98 Crawford, Olga, so, Channing, 80 Crawford, Ruth, fr, Channing, 96 Crites, Audry, fr, Follett, 100 Cronin, Molly Ray, fr, Hereford, 96 Croson, Frances, sr, Canyon, 58 Crowder, Jim, fr, Chillicothe, 103 Crump, Cleatice, sr, Ralls, 40 Curry, Evelyn, fr, Rule, 93 Curtis, Freeman, fr, Meador, 96 Curtis, Vivian, fr, Rule, 101 Daniel, Mayme, fr, Plainview, 98 Dauer, Viola, sr, White Deer, 59 Davis, Minnie, jr, Wilson OK, 76 Davis, Raymond, so, Hollis OK, 87 Debo, Angie, fac, 34 Denhert, Maxine, fr, Pampa, 105 Denson, Loreta, fr, Amarillo, 99 Devin, Mattie, jr, Tulia, 73 Dickenson, Marguerite, sr, Silverton, 43 Dill, Dallas, jr, Rising Star, 74 Doak, Orville, so, Canyon, 88 Dodgen, Marie, jr, Groom, 68 Dodgen, Rufus, fr, Groom, 94 Donald, Robert, fac, 34 Donnell, Orville, fr, Canyon, 99 Dorris, Flora, fac, 36 Dorris, Veta Belle, fr, Iowa Park, 97 Draper, Mabel, fr, Tahoka, 102 Draper, Montie, sr, Tahoka, 47 Duke, Helen, sr, Amarillo, 45 Duke, Myrtle, fr, Claude, 92 Dunlap, Victor, fr, Acme, 98 Elliot, Virginia, fr, Spur, 99 Elliott, Nora, so, Hammond OK, 79 Ellis, Ruth Long, so, Warren AZ, 80 Elliston, Alleith, fr, Canyon, 91 English, E. J., so, Crosbyton, 87 Eubanks, Wayne, jr, Claude, 67 Evans, Earl, fr, Canyon, 97 Ewing, Lucy, so, Lockney, 81 Faulkner, Jewell, so, Canyon, 84 Fletcher, Lorene, fr, O'Donnell, 100 Folsom, Ella, fr, San Diego CA, 94 Ford, Dalton, sr, Halfway, 47 Ford, Herman, sr, Halfway, 61 Fowler, Mrs. J. B., sr, Canyon, 42 Fowler, Ragnvald, fr, Lockney, 100 Frazier, Vina, fr, Follett, 101 Freeman, Emma, jr, Follett, 69 Freeman, Nellie, fr, Follett, 96 Freeman, Winnie Mae, so, Tahoka, 79 Fronabarger, Elva, fac, 33 Fry, Dalma, sr, Canyon, 51 Fry, Tate, fac, 33 Fry, Vera, sr, Floydada, 62 Fuller, Vallas, fr, Cuthbert, 100 Gamble, J. D., sr, Canyon, 41 Gamble, Wilmoth, fr, Canyon, 93 Garrett, Clovis, fr, Borger, 100 Garrett, Verna, fr, Pecos, 104 Gatewood, Stella, fr, Hedley, 105 Gee, Elbert, jr, Nacogdoches, 76 Gibson, Alma, so, Paducah, 83 Gifford, Ruth, fr, Amarillo, 105 Gilbraith, John, fr, Hereford, 93 Gilliland, Marlin, fr, Hereford, 97 Gillispie, Mrs. Gilbert, so, Canyon, 83 Glass, Margaret, fac, 36 Goats, Elizabeth, fr, Rosebud NM, 101 Good, Margaret, sr, Perryton, 41 Goodman, Novella, fac, 33 Goodrich, Lois, sr, Tahoka, 52 Gore, Dorothy, fr, Canyon, 99 Graham, Edna, fac, 30 Grant, Haskell, fr, Big Spring, 103 Green, Alice, fr, Lockney, 93 Green, Elsie Mae, fr, Muleshoe, 97 Green, Geraldine, fac, 21 Griffin, Maetha, so, Hereford, 86 Griggs, Mary Alice, fr, Lubbock, 96 Grinstead, Ruth, fr, Rochester, 99 Groves, Blanche, jr, Shamrock, 75 Grusendorf, A. A., fac, 28 Guill, Ben, jr, Canyon, 69 Hackworth, Yetta Mae, so, Memphis, 83 Haley, D. H., so, Big Spring, 85 Haley, Evetts, fac, 28 Hall, Ruby, fr, Stratford, 100 Handley, Leatha, jr, Childress, 68 Handley, Ruth, sr, Childress, 52 Hanna, Ruth, fr, Kemp, 101 Harbert, Freda, fr, Dumas, 93 Harding, Charlsie Mae, so, Iowa Park, 86 Harmon, Vernon, sr, Tulia, 60 Harper, Ples, sr, Memphis, 59 Harris, Eugene, fr, Lockney, 104 Harrison, Mattie Lou, jr, Hereford, 71 Hart, Pauline, so, Plainview, 85 Hartrick, Hal, jr, Temple, 70 Hartrick, Mary T., fr, Temple, 95 Hastings, Ina Mae, ffr, Hereford, 94 Haygood, Thelma, fr, Lorenzo, 92 Hays, Elizabeth, sr, Snyder, 40 Hazlewood, E. A., fac, 34 Hazlewood, J. D., jr, Canyon, 66 Head, Tom, so, Erick OK, 79 Heath, George, sr, Lubbock, 52 Heaton, Catherine, so, Liberal KS, 85 Heaton, Josephine, jr, Liberal KS, 71 Hershey, Katherine, fr, Hereford, 95 Heyer, Ernst, sr, Braunschweig GERMANY, 54 Hibbets, Anna I., fac, 31 Hicks, Bertha, sr, Slaton, 60 Hill, Berta, so, Tahoka, 87 Hill, Edith, so, Hedley, 79 Hill, H. C., jr, Canyon, 75 Hill, Ishmael, so, Canyon, 79 Hill, J. A., fac, 18 Hill, Mozelle, sr, Hereford, 63 Hinkle, Irma, fr, Canyon, 90 Holcomb, Jessie, fr, Canyon, 104 Holland, Lorena, sr, Bradshaw, 48 Holmes, Cleo D., fac, 34 Holt, Myrle, jr, Spearman, 70 Hopkins, Mary Edith, sr, Amarillo, 61 Hopkins, Ina Mae, sr, Amarillo, 61 Howell, Weldon, fac, 36 Howton, Ewell, fr, Hereford, 96 Hudspeth, Mary E., fac, 25 Humphreys, John S., fac, 25 Hunt, Lonie, jr, Canyon, 71 Hunt, Malcolm, so, Canyon, 81 Hunt, Robert, so, Canyon, 86 Ireland, Edgar, fr, Hereford, 101 Irons, Lula Mae, sr, Canyon, 45 Irons, Pauline, fr, Canyon, 103 Israel, T. C., sr, Amarillo, 46 Ivey, Reginald, fr, Canyon, 106 Ivie, Inez, so, Crowell, 80 Jarrett, R. P., fac, 20 Jarrett, Robert, fr, Canyon, 99 Jennings, Arthur, so, Tulia, 88 Jennings, Herschel, fac, 29 Jetton, Trula Maud, so, Hale Center, 87 Johnson, Gladys, jr, Plainview, 74 Johnson, Merle, fr, Canyon, 91 Johnson, Ollie Mae, sr, Paloduro, 48 Johnson, Ruth, fr, Loraine, 98 Jones, Frank, sr, Canyon, 48 Jones, Mildred, fr, Haskell, 90 Jones, Mitchell, fac, 27 Jones, Mrs. Mitchell, sr, Canyon, 60 Jordan, Mattie, sr, Tulia, 46 Kahlbau, Edna, jr, Canyon, 73 Kayler, Clifford, jr, Plainview, 69 Keith, Clifford, jr, Ralls, 67 Kelly, Hazel, sr, San Antonio, 59 Kesler, Dorothy, fr, Wellington, 103 Kesler, Othella, fr, Wellington, 99 Kiker, Charlie, so, Canyon, 83 King, Lois, fr, Perryton, 101 King, Ruby, so, Newlen, 88 King, Virginia, fr, Perryton, 103 Kiser, Fay, fr, Running Water, 97 Knowles, Melton, jr, Tulia, 68 Kohn, Dorotha, fr, Panhandle, 91 Kollaer, June, sr, Amarillo, 63 Kollatt, Angeline D., fr, Taylor, 94 Lacewell, Boone, so, Tulia, 83 Lain, Ruby, fr, Panhandle, 101 Lamb, Mary Adaline, fac, 32 Landers, LeRoy, jr, McLean, 75 Landis, H. DeWitt, sr, Amarillo, 44 Lane, Cyril, so, Canyon, 81 Layne, Howard, fr, Canyon, 91 Leggett, Doris, sr, Wellington, 45 Leith, Mildred, fr, Thrift, 90 Lewis, E. W., so, Snyder, 85 Lewis, Opal, fr, Jayton, 101 Lewis, Richard, fr, Wheaton IL, 95 Lloyd, Dora, fr, Floydada, 91 Loard, Avis, so, Memphis, 82 Lockhart, W. E., fac, 29 Long, Pauline, fr, Roaring Springs, 91 Lott, G. N., so, Tulia, 80 Loudder, Dorris Lynne, so, Canyon, 82 Love, Margaret, fr, Pecos, 95 Lovell, S. J., jr, Snyder, 72 Lovell, Mrs. S. J., fr, Snyder, 91 Lowe, Marile, sr, Tahoka, 44 Lowes, Ruth, fac, 33 Lowry, Dee, so, Canyon, 86 Lowry, Hazel, so, Canyon, 83 Mace, Minnie, fr, Lelia Lake, 105 Malone, Katherine, so, Plainview, 85 Malone, Naomi, fr, Tulia, 93 Malone, Tennessee, fac, 30 Marble, Velma, so, Lockney, 88 Martinez, Joe, fr, Logan NM, 95 Matteson, Mildred, so, Lefors, 87 McCarter, Thomas B., fac, 26 McCarty, Bonner, jr, Canyon, 73 McCauley, Juanita, fr, Moody, 105 McClure, Boone, fac, 30 McCuan, Marvin, so, Farwell, 84 McDonald, Mary Ester, so, McAdoo, 84 McDonald, T. H., sr, Canyon, 38 McElhaney, Lola, so, Canyon, 80 McElvaney, Ruby, sr, Panhandle, 57 McGlaun, Mabel, so, Tulia, 79 McGlaun, Mary, so, Tulia, 84 McIntosh, Lucille, fr, Canyon, 102 McKay, Opal Frances, sr, Pampa, 53 McKinney, Emma Lou, sr, Floydada, 57 McMaster, Dorothy, fr, Roswell NM, 91 McMinn, Perry, jr, Canyon, 71 McMinn, Thelma, fr, Hereford, 102 McMurtry, Florence, fac, 31 McNabb, Ruth, jr, Vega, 72 Meador, Susan, so, Portales NM, 84 Megart, Bessie, fr, Hereford, 103 Menke, Freda, so, Canyon, 81 Merritt, Hazel, fr, Hart NM, 101 Metcalf, Eva, fac, 36 Metcalf, J. M., sr, Stanton, 54 Metcalf, Mrs. J. M., jr, Plainview, 69 Meyer, Matalie, so, Canyon, 88 Midkiff, Irma Lee, so, Moran, 81 Miles, Marie, jr, Mineral Wells, 36 66 Miller, Elanor, jr, Hollene NM, 73 Miller, Mary Frances, sr, Amarillo, 60 Miller, Mary Opal, fr, Hollene NM, 103 Milton, Arthur, sr, Canyon, 41 Montague, Jewell, so, Silverton, 87 Montfort, Tommie, fac, 32 Montgomery, Juanita, fr, Pampa, 99 Montgomery, Margie, fr, Tucumcari NM, 106 Moore, Agnes, sr, Canyon, 58 Moore, Jean, fac, 33 Moore, Margie, so, Electra, 84 Moore, T. M., fac, 34 Moreman, Radie, fr, Memphis, 94 Morse, R. B., fr, Gatesville, 90 Moseley, J. N., fac, 31 Mullins, George M., fac, 22 Murray, C. A., fac, 30 Newman, Irene, fr, Friona, 97 Newton, Lora, fr, Canyon, 92 Nichols, R. A., fr, Shamrock, 104 Noel, Frances, fr, McLean, 101 Norman, Clyde, sr, Canyon, 42 Normington, Marion, fac, 29 Noyes, Maude E., fac, 32 Oberst, Wilhelmina, sr, Canyon, 55 O'Brien, Ernestine, sr, Amarillo, 63 O'Donnel, Estelle, sr, Canyon, 51 O'Keefe, Arless, sr, Panhandle, 40 O'Keefe, Wallace, so, Panhandle, 78 O'Keefe, Winston, fr, Panhandle, 90 O'Neall, Gladys, fr, Mineral Wells, 36 100 Orr, Marie, fr, Mobeetie, 99 Osborne, Rosebud, so, White Deer, 81 Osgood, L. A., fac, 22 Osgood, Mrs. L. A., fac, 22 Palm, Maxine, fr, Albany, 105 Parker, Bertha, sr, Tucumcari NM, 49 Payne, Alice, fr, Dalhart, 100 Pearson, Murble, fr, Perryton, 102 Pearson, Roger, sr, Perryton, 62 Phillips, Frank R., fac, 29 Pickett, Edgar, fr, Hereford, 94 Pierle, Chester A., fac, 26 Pinson, Lola, fr, Canyon, 94 Pinson, Ola, fr, Canyon, 91 Pitts, Beth, so, Canyon, 78 Powers, Winfield, fr, White Deer, 105 Priddy, Nelle, fr, Wichita Falls, 104 Pundt, J. Halley, fr, Canadian, 105 Purvines, Margaret, sr, Panhandle, 44 Rawlins, Otis, so, Mangum OK, 88 Rea, Thelma, sr, Canyon, 61 Reeve, Esther, so, Friona, 81 Reeve, Mary, fr, Friona, 92 Reeves, Leon, jr, Hedley, 73 Reeves, Mrs. M. I., fr, Canyon, 96 Reeves, Mrs. T. V., fac, 20 Reinken, Katherine, sr, Plainview, 56 Ribble, Iris, sr, Portales NM, 59 Rice, John B., fr, McLean, 93 Rice, Lucille, fr, McLean, 98 Rice, Sinclair, so, McLean, 82 Richardson, M. Moss, fac, 22 Ritchie, Jennie C., fac, 20 Robbins, Lorine, fr, Canyon, 104 Roberts, Vertriece, so, Dalhart, 80 Robertson, Lula Alice, so, Spur, 82 Robinson, Georgia, sr, Hereford, 54 Robinson, Isabel, fac, 24 Robinson, Ola Mae, so, McLean, 86 Robinson, Theresa, so, Canyon, 78 Rogers, Myrtle, sr, Perryton, 44 Rutherford, Earl, fr, Miami, 106 Saunders, Laura R., fac, 33 Savage, F. E., fac, 20 Savage, Orlena, fr, Hereford, 102 Scales, Gladys, so, Hedley, 82 Scales, Myrtle Mae, so, Hedley, 81 Scoggins, Maggie, so, Claude, 83 Scott, Henrietta, fac, 21 Scott, Jessie Mae, fac, 24 Scott, Pauline, sr, Canyon, 48 Sears, Mary Sue, jr, Amarillo, 66 Shackelford, Irene, fr, Canyon, 92 Shackelford, Julia, so, Canyon, 87 Shanklin, Evelyn, so, Canyon, 78 Shaw, Ethel Gray, fac, 27 Shaw, Travis, fac, 20 Shaw, Travis B., sr, Canyon, 64 Shearer, Kathryn, fr, Perryton, 105 Sheers, Margaret, fr, Amarillo, 98 Sheets, Alice, so, Spearman, 85 Sheffy, L. F., fac, 28 Shephard, Myrtle, sr, Canyon, 62 Shewmaker, Alma, so, Shamrock, 83 Shirley, D. A., fac, 20 Shook, Shirley, so, Canyon, 79 Short, Gertrude, jr, DeLeon, 70 Slack, Ila, fr, Canyon, 104 Slack, Mae, fac, 34 Smith, Agnes, fac, 21 Smith, Alice, jr, Mickey, 67 Smith, Gladys, fr, Wellington, 93 Smith, Imogene, fr, Groom, 101 Smith, Rosalie, fr, Post, 103 Smith, V. E., sr, Quanah, 49 Smoot, Martha Ann, fr, White Deer, 100 Snow, Ann Ruth, so, Littlefield, 80 Speer, Gladys, so, Tulia, 84 Speer, J. B., sr, Dickens, 51 Spivey, Elizabeth, ffr, Gruver, 104 Spring, Mary, fr, Friona, 91 Stalcup, Marie, sr, Tyrone OK, 52 Staley, Dorothy, fr, Amarillo, 90 Stanley, Felice, so, Amarillo, 78 Stapleton, Ruth, fr, Lockney, 94 Stephenson, Albessa, so, Canyon, 86 Sterling, Vivian, fr, Snyder, 103 Stevens, Minard, fr, Miami, 92 Stinebaugh, Wanda, so, Lockney, 83 Stock, Lorna, sr, Canyon, 42 Stocker, Melba, so, Miami, 84 Stovall, Virginia, fr, Hereford, 95 Strain, C. E., fac, 23 Strain, Charles, so, Canyon, 86 Strain, Margaret, fr, Canyon, 91 Strain, Martha, fr, Canyon, 105 Strain, Ruth, jr, Canyon, 72 Strain, William, fr, Canyon, 97 Strange, Stella, sr, Tulia, 47 Stringer, Clementine, fr, Hartley, 96 Stroope, Donnie Lee, jr, Pampa, 68 Stroud, Lorene, fr, Electra, 96 Swain, Lela, sr, Floydada, 49 Swayne, Mattie, fac, 22 Sword, Ruth, so, Laramie, 85 Tankersley, Geneva, fr, Tahoka, 104 Tarwater, Ruth, jr, Running Water, 74 Terrill, R. A., fac, 29 Terrill, Royal, sr, Kirkland, 57 Thomas, Bessie, jr, Canyon, 67 Thomas, Dorothy, sr, Canyon, 51 Thomas, Ellen, so, Farwell, 82 Thomas, Hattie Mae, fr, Claude, 93 Thomas, Virgil, sr, Canyon, 43 Thompson, Gordon, jr, Dalhart, 72 Thorne, Willa, fr, Spearman, 98 Thornton, Myrtle, fr, Canyon, 99 Throckmorton, Anna, jr, Borger, 72 Tidrow, Rachel, fr, Clarendon, 102 Totty, Alma, jr, Mobeetie, 75 Totty, Anna, so, Mobeetie, 87 Truitt, Mary Louise, fr, Friona, 95 Ulm, Carmen, sr, Amarillo, 46 Vaughan, W. L., fac, 32 Vick, Jessie, sr, Rule, 55 Wade, Laura, fr, amarillo, 97 Wagnon, Vance, so, Muleshoe, 84 Walker, Amos, sr, Canyon, 56 Walker, Darthula, fac, 26 Walkup, Rex, jr, Goodlett, 76 Wallace, Garrison, sr, Belton, 64 Wallace, Willie, sr, Canyon, 46 Wallingford, Maurine, jr, Amarillo, 68 Wallis, Dent, so, Nolan, 88 Walser, Zella Mae, sr, Hereford, 66 Walter, Mildred, so, Lockney, 85 Walters, Marjorie, sr, Tulia, 62 Walters, Nelle, so, Canyon, 80 Walton, Mary Alice, fr, Portales NM, 94 Watson, Celestia, fr, Canyon, 97 Watson, Frankie, fr, Iowa Park, 92 Watson, Ruth, so, Amarillo, 81 Webb, Alta, so, McGregor, 79 Webb, Carroll, sr, Canyon, 49 Webster, Bernice, so, Memphis, 82 Welsh, Edna Smith, sr, Hereford, 56 Wester, Virginia, fr, Plainview, 98 Whatley, Olene, fr, Canyon, 105 Whitaker, Lalah, so, Big Spring, 78 White, Helen, jr, Canyon, 74 Whitley, Henry, so, Amarillo, 88 Whittenburg, Georgia, so, Canyon, 85 Whittenburg, Nannie Mae, jr, Canyon, 70 Williams, Alta, so, Canyon, 78 Williams, Amy, fr, Carlsbad NM, 92 Williams, Bennie Mae, so, Wheeler, 79 Williams, Irene, fr, Lockney, 97 Wilson, Mabel Faulkner, sr, Hereford, 54 Wilson, Vera, so, Lockney, 84 Wiman, Emily, fr, Tulia, 100 Wiman, Marguerrite, fr, Tulia, 90 Wiseman, Ruth, fr, Canyon, 104 Witt, Marion, fac, 21 Wofford, Darry Bell, so, Chillicothe, 86 Wood, Delpha, so, Canyon, 79 Wood, Reba, fr, Clovis NM, 105 Woods, Bernice, fr, Wellington, 95 Wooten, Elmer, fr, Canyon, 101 Wright, Edythe, so, Roscoe, 88 Wright, Gladys, sr, Clarendon, 43 Young, Edith, fr, Panhandle, 92 Younger, Vinson, fr, Newark, 98 Zimmerman, Bertha, fr, Tulia, 93