RANDALL COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1927 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed,please send a message to Lola Withrow: lola_w@pacbell.net Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com May 14, 2000 http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Acker, Carl N. Inf Of 4-3-1927 F Alma Daugherty Carl N. Acker Albers, Bruce 9-28-1927 M Emma Michael Emil H. Albers Anderson, Juneta Pearl 4-18-1927 F Alice Richards Carl John Anderson Batenhorst, Joseph Henry 3-14-1927 M Clara Scheuler Henry J. Batenhorst Bauer, Leona Irene 7-2-1927 F Erna Leseberg Carl W. Bauer Bauer, Una Rebecca 1-29-1927 F Linnie Edna Bauer Irvin Louis Bauer Beckman, Henrietta Mildred 11-28-1927 F Elizabeth Hartman Fred Beckman Brazil, Louis Milton 1-28-1927 M Launa Campbell Finis Marvin Brazil Brents, Mildred Lucile 6-30-1927 F Sallie Payne Davis James Wilson Brents Broom, Jack Jr. 9-11-1927 M Mabel Tucek Jack Broom Brosier, Dan Scott 10-15-1927 M Lora Armine Sedclose Howard Ernest Brosier Bullock, Bart Roland Jr 5-11-1927 M Mary Ingres Bart Roland Bullock Burnett, Lovie Ellen 10-7-1927 F Zeyla Mcdonald Bernice Leroy Burnett Carter, Everett Vernon 3-5-1927 F Lola Smith Everett W Carter Carter, Traneir Lo 12-18-1927 F Anna Bell Hull Howard Clinton Carter Clark, Ralph Carlton 7-20-1927 M Anna Starr Russell Clark Cox, J. B. Inf Of 9-18-1927 F Ora Korsey J. B. Cox Crowley, Alfa Joyce 5-27-1927 F Alfa May Schramm Joseph Marion Crowley Dewd, Robert Till 6-29-1927 M Ida Rowan John Cephas Dewd Dinkel, John Jr. 9-8-1927 M Nettie Kelley John Dinkel Duff, Anna Joyce 11-14-1927 F Anna Elliott James Ross Duff Dunlap, Roy L. 8-15-1927 M Blanche Easter William R. Dunlap Elliott, Val Vaughn 8-26-1927 M Irene Miller Homer Lee Elliott Ellis, Zenie Lucile 3-30-1927 F Hattie Wells Henry Bacon Ellis Evans, Charles Lee 3-19-1927 M Bertha Ida Shuman Charles Taylor Evans Faulkenberry, Irvin Andrew 6-13-1927 M Lillian Roberts Irvin Andrew Faulkenberry Fegerson, Charlette 12-27-1927 F Myrtilene Biggers M. O. Fegerson Ficke, Sybil 7-18-1927 F Hannah Swearingen Thomas Doheney Ficke Ficke, Sylvan 7-18-1927 F Hannah Swearingen Thomas Doheney Ficke Finley, Robert Dalton Jr. 1-14-1927 M Clara Braddock Robert Dalton Finley Flippin, C. B. 6-16-1927 M Sallie May Johnson Carl Bunyon Flippin Ford, Ralph D. 3-6-1927 M Lucile Arelia Spangler Alford James Ford Foster, Manus Read 3-10-1927 M Katherine Louise Reach Dewey Manus Foster Gonzales, Jesus 1-7-1927 M Maria Lopez Juan Gonzales Groom, Frank Emanuel Jr. 4-16-1927 M Lucy Lee Huston Frank Emanuel Groom Guthridge, Mary Jane 5-12-1927 F Mary Wineinger Carl White Guthridge Hicks, Holman Hoyle 12-26-1927 M Jewill Mc Carley W. G. Hicks Hill, Jessie Metha 12-13-1927 F Meryl Haws Hubert Clayton Hill Johnson, John William Inf Of 3-20-1927 M Pearl Ann Boggs John William Johnson Jones, Herschell Newton 6-9-1927 M Leora Smith Jewell Jones Jones, Rowena Eula 9-24-1927 F Lula Munsterman Edwin A. Jones Keene, Billy Raymond 4-5-1927 M Lura Allard Roy J. Keene Lair, James Byron 2-28-1927 M Gladys Arent Thomas Lair Langhery, Dorothy Phillis 1-12-1927 F Eva Mae Millers Mark Glen Langhery Lockard, Mary Alene 6-26-1927 F Grace Williams Allen Rubbles Lockard Lopez, Juana 3-30-1927 F Virginia Mendoza Patricio Lopez Love, Catherine Jo 5-8-1927 F Vera Handley Carl Wm. Love Machen, Jimmie Wayne 1-3-1927 M Macie Kiker Joe Lewis Machen Malcolm, Bertha Pauline 12-22-1927 F Bertha Leon Cain Paul Barnett Malcolm May, Josie Mabel 7-18-1927 F Mary Juanita Quintana Frank May Mcdonald, Carl Ray 11-16-1927 M Florence Haines H. Carl Mcdonald Mcdonald, Charles Eugene 2-21-1927 M Mary Davidson Bryan Eugene Mcdonald Miller, Virgie Lorine 2-12-1927 F Alma Cordie Grounds Elmer Wilson Miller Montoya, Inansicio 9-22-1927 M Angela Chavez Francisco Montoya Morgan, Joseph Stern 2-22-1927 M Daisy Jewel Westbrook M. A. Morgan Nelson, Johnnie Mae 12-29-1927 F Bessie Lura Thomas James M. Nelson Parker, Billie Lee 11-10-1927 F Myrtle Parsons W. D. Parker Peppard, Earl Gene 12-30-1927 M Murrel Sanders Eugene Peppard Phillips, Frankie 7-3-1927 F Olga Standefer Frank R. Phillips Phillips, William Allen 11-8-1927 M Eula Bragg David E. Phillips Pierce, Lora Jeane 3-28-1927 F Thelma Hough Wm. Nelson Pierce Prichard, Alice Modie 7-17-1927 F Cleo M. Wells Emmett C. Prichard Reynolds, Rey Alton 6-18-1927 M Hellen Cozart Britt Edward Walter Reynolds Rhodes, Marjory Nell 11-28-1927 F Lois Murff Audley Henry Rhodes Robertson, Donald Ray 3-2-1927 M Louise Margaret Stewart James Paul Robertson Robinson, Dollie Letitia 4-1-1927 F Dollie Chamberlain William Robinson Robinson, Gene Porter 4-11-1927 M Hattie Kathryn Finn Sterlyn Porter Robinson Roddy, Freda Caroline 3-2-1927 F Carrie M Hacker Oscar T Roddy Rogers, Pattie Loun 3-6-1927 F Taessie B. Alexander William Rogers Romo, Delfino 12-4-1927 F Cecelia Rangel Ambrocio Romo Rowell, Joe Paul 8-17-1927 M Gertrude White James Almer Rowell Rusk, Billy Lee 4-8-1927 M Annie Lewis C. E. Rusk Sherer, Martha Jean 11-13-1927 F Mamie Ruth Kriling Ernest J. Sherer Shuman, Robbie Jean 4-26-1927 F Hope Heath Robert Swan Shuman Skarke, Geraldine Catherine 10-15-1927 F Marie Vorwald Otto Charles Skarke Smith, Anita Marie 2-11-1927 F Willie Vaughn Harold Main Smith Smith, Gwendoline 1-3-1927 F Bernice Hollingsworth Olga Ostell Smith Smith, Lola Mae 12-19-1927 F Maude Agnes Perkins Wray D. Smith Stockhaus, Otto Gustaf 5-3-1927 M Bessie Elvira Anderson Otto Gustaf Stockhaus Stone, Armel Lee 1-19-1927 F Daisy Grounds H. R. Stone Stringer, Bettie Jo 7-4-1927 F Irma Mclemore Joseph Bryan Stringer Summer, Paret Imogine 2-23-1927 F Julia Simpson Henry Cleavland Summer Sutton, H. H. Inf Of 7-25-1927 M Clara Washburn H. H. Sutton Taylor, George Williams 11-7-1927 M Dessie D. Graves Roy Taylor Thomas, Martha Laurice 4-28-1927 F Myrtle Bingham Lynson E. Thomas Thompson, James Edward 7-21-1927 M Cora Beatrice Moore Roy C. Thompson Tucker, Etta Jean 5-12-1927 F Virgie Langdon W. Edgar Tucker Turner, B. L. Inf Of 1-19-1927 F Ida Hausinger B. L. Turner Turner, Clifford Owen 6-17-1927 M Ida Mae Payne James L. Turner Upfold, William Wayne 6-7-1927 M Myra Lewis Harry Upfold Vanarsdall, James Everett 2-18-1927 M Ora Lee Marshall Carl Vanarsdall Walls, Thelma Fay 4-27-1927 F Jessie Lee Bailey James Wm Walls Wendelken, Wilbert Carr 1-12-1927 M Pauline Niemann George Wendelken Wesley, Alvin Inf Of 1-31-1927 F Lillie Moye Gatten Alvin Wesley Wesley, Mildred Dean 9-30-1927 F Mable Langston J. H. Wesley Worley, Calvin Eugene 4-5-1927 M Myrtle Ingram Claude P. Worley Wright, Richard Benjamin 1-12-1927 M Alta Mae Hall Allen Eli Wright Younger, Charles Leslie 2-16-1927 M Willie Paralle Johnson Randall Oakes Younger