Red River County, TX - History - 1940 Clarksville Yearbook *************************************************************** Contributed by Don Brownlee Copyright. All rights reserved. **************************************************************** 1940 Tiger Claw, Yearbook of Clarksville High School Listed below are the students and faculty at Clarksville High School in Clarksville, TX in the 1939-1940 school year. They are listed in order of last name, given name (if provided) and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshmen). For information on sports or club memberships, you may contact Adams, Doris, sr Adams, Lawrence, jr Adams, Raymond, jr Aiken, so Allen, Billie Sam, jr Allen, William, jr Anderson, fr Anderson, so Anderson, Jane, sr Atkins, fr Atkins, Philip, sr Atkins, Reba, sr Audrey, fr Bachman, Dorothy, sr Bailey, Curlee, jr Baldwin, so Ballard, fr Banke, George, jr Bartlett, Velma, sr Barton, Billie, jr Bateman, Sally, fac Bean, fr Benningfield, so Beville, fr Bishop, fr Blanche, Laverne, sr Bland, Bruce, so Bollman, Virginia, fr Bolton, so Boswell, fr Boswell, Sara, sr Bowers, Ben, sr Bowers, Inez, sr Brackett, fr Branson, Lillie, fac Brewer, fr Brewer, so Brooks, Billie, jr Brooks, James, jr Brooks, Wanza, sr Burford, Jackie, jr Butts, so Butts, Dorcas, sr Bynum, so Cagle, fr Cagle, Lillie Mae, sr Calhoun, fr Campbell, J. D., jr Canterbury, Robert, jr Capps, so Carlton, Frances, sr Carlton, Mary Jane, sr Causey, fr Caviness, so Chambers, so Cheyne, Edith, jr Coltharp, fr Compton, fr Conway, so Cook, Charles, jr Cornett, fr Cornett, so Council, so Crain, so Crain, B. A., sr Crittenden, Erma, fac Crouch, fr Cruce, fr Cummings, Billy, jr Curlee, Maurice, sr Daniels, fr Daniels, Rondel, sr Dawson, so Dickson, Rosine, fac Dinwiddie, fr Dobson, W. A., fac Donovan, fr Dozier, Dorris, jr Dozier, Georgia Ann, jr Duncan, fr Dycus, Grover, jr Early, so Edmonson, Roger, jr Edwards, Ben, jr Ellis, Nadine, jr Emery, Juanita, so Emry, Marie, sr Erwin, David, sr Exum, fr Farrier, Lucian, jr Felts, fr Felts, John T., jr Ford, fr Foster, fr Foster, Marlin, sr Fowler, so Fowler, Oscar, sr Franklin, R. L., jr Franklin, Ruth, jr Free, Eugene, jr Freeman, Otha, jr Fulmer, so Gardner, fr Garrison, Mary Lynn, jr Gay, so Geers, Louis, jr Giddens, Jim, sr Giddens, Sam, jr Glidden, so Goelz, Sarah Dell, jr Goodman, so Goodman, James Ellis, sr Goodson, fr Gray, fr Gray, Mary, fac Greathouse, so Grey, fr Grimes, Birl, jr Grimes, Lona Mae, jr Hale, so Hale, Sam, jr Hamilton, Leroy, sr Hancock, so Hanna, so Harris, Samuel, jr Hausler, so Henry, so Henry, Frances, sr Henry, Mitchell, jr Herrington, so Hess, Geraldine, sr Higgins, fr Higgins, so Hill, so Hill, Verdun, jr Hill, Wilma, jr Hinkle, Pete, jr Hohmann, W. C., fac Holland, Martene, jr Hooser, fr Houser, so Housler, fr Hughston, Jane, sr Hulen, Len, jr Humphrey, fr Humphrey, so Humphrey, Nolan, jr Igo, fr Igo, Bessie, fac Isbell, Gerald, sr Isbell, John, jr Jackson, so Jackson, Richard, jr Jackson, Werdna, jr Jamison, William, jr Jeffers, fr Johns, Virginia Ann, jr Johnson, fr Johnson, so Johnston, fr Johnston, Warren, jr Jones, Mary, sr Joyner, so Kelty, fr Kelty, James, jr Kenkel, fr Kennedy, fr Kilmer, Sidney, jr King, fr King, Earl, sr Kingwell, so Knowles, fr Knowles, Juanita, jr Kocurek, fr Kunkel, Martha Ann, sr Lawler, Helen, jr Lawson, so Lee, fr Lee, Charles, sr Lee, Edward, sr Lee, Kent, jr Leffel, fr Lennon, DeWitt, sr Lennon, Fay, jr Lennox, C. D., fac Lewis, Lloyd, sr Lowe, Geraldine, sr Lowrance, so Luderick, Raymond, jr Lyons, so Maas, Henry, sr Marable, Allen, jr Martin, T. K., fac Mathis, so Mathis, Audrey, sr Mathis, Eula Mae, jr Mauldin, Naomi, sr McBeth, Billie Sue, jr McCain, so McCoy, so McCoy, Jack, jr McDonough, so McDowell, Tony, fac McGuire, so Mehaffey, fr Melton, fr Miller, so Miller, Dimple, jr Moore, fr Moore, so Moore, Joe, jr Morrow, fr Morrow, Dorothy, sr Newsome, so Norwood, fr O?Donnell, Margaret, sr Oliver, fr O?Neill, E. C., fac O?Neill, Tom, fac Osteen, fr Pace, so Pace, Ben, jr Pace, Bernice, jr Parker, fr Parks, so Parks, James, jr Peek, so Perrin, so Pool, so Pool, Marlin, jr Ponder, Harold, jr Porterfield, so Porterfield, John C., jr Posey, Mary Katherine, fac Presley, fr Proctor, fr Proctor, Hazel, sr Putteet, Jeanette, sr Quarles, fr Quarles, Billy, jr Quick, fr Ragsdill, fr Raines, fr Rains, fr Rains, so Ralston, so Ralston, June, jr Raney, Mary, jr Reed, fr Rhodes, Louise, sr Richardson, fr Roberson, Nora Jean, jr Roberts, fr Roberts, so Roberts, Carol, jr Roberts, Kathleen, fac Rose, fr Rose, Lou Ada, jr Sargent, fr Sargent, Edward, sr Scaff, Martin, jr Scott, Lester, sr Scott, Pat, sr Shadid, so Shearer, Parx, jr Silberburg, fr Silberberg, Harold, sr Simpson, fr Sims, J. S., fac Slate, so Sloan, so Smith, so Smith, J. F., jr Smith, Lucy, jr Smith, Valer Mae, jr Smith, Verda, sr Somersville, Martha, sr Soward, fr Soward, Betty, jr Spencer, Elden, jr Stafford, so Stewart, C. V., fac Stiles, E. R., fac Storey, so Strickland, fr Tate, D. M., fac Taylor, fr Taylor, Juarez, jr Taylor, Margaret, jr Terry, so Terry, Juanita, jr Terry, Roland, jr Thompson, fr Thompson, Joyce, sr Thorpe, Willie, jr Townes, fr Townes, so Trussel, fr Tyndell, fr Tyndell, Stanley, sr Underwood, so Underwood, Thomas, sr Upchurch, T. G., fac Vail, so Vail, Virginia, sr Van Burkleo, so Van Dyke, Georgia Swann, fac Varley, Earl, jr Varner, Bertha, jr Wacasey, fr Waldrum, fr Wallace, Edith, jr Ward, so Ward, Billie, sr Warren, fr Warren, Neva, jr Warthan, Claudia, sr Watley, fr Watson, fr Watson, Margaret, jr Weaver, fr Weaver, Denson, jr Weir, Shirley, sr West, fr West, so Westbrook, fr Wharton, fr White, Don, sr White, Joe Henry, sr White, R. M., fac Whiteman, so Whiteman, Alberta, sr Whiteman, Martha, jr Whitten, fr Williams, so Williams, Bobby, jr Wilson, fr Witmer, Mary Louise, sr Wolf, Cab, fac Womack, fr Wooley, fr Wren, D. B., fac Wren, Thomas, jr Wright, fr Yager, Frances, fac Yoes, Paul, sr Young, fr