RED RIVER COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1928 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - June 7, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Adams,Dorris Louise 11-22-1928 F Thelma Hall Gifford Adams Adams,Frank Clifton Jr. 8-6-1928 M Buna C. Camp Frank C. Adams Sr. Adams,Jean 1-8-1928 F Betty Bagby Kitt Adams Adams,Joan 1-8-1928 F Betty Bagby Kitt Adams Adams,Mary Lee 3-2-1928 F Cecile Oneta Wakefield Chas P. Adams Ailewine,Robert 7-30-1928 M Callie Alderman Thomas Ailewine Akins,M. H. 1-22-1928 M Durce Bell Dores Charly Andrew Akins Jr. Allen,Sammuel Hall 4-30-1928 M Etta Mcpatten Andy Allen Alsobrook,Reba Geraldine 5-5-1928 F Maggie Mae Riggs Jessie James Alsobrook Alsup,Genata Fay 9-5-1928 F Bonnie Alsup C. M. Alsup Alsup,Virginia Bee 4-1-1928 F Edna Lee B. C. Alsup Ampry,Ivey May 9-24-1928 F Fannie Ampry Enis Ampry Anderson,J. B. 10-29-1928 M Stella Foster J. Anderson Anderson,James 6-15-1928 M Evie Scott Alford G. Anderson Anderson,Ollie May 12-29-1928 F Dovie Pearl Foster John Austin Anderson Anderson,Rosalie 7-2-1928 F Rosa Stubblefield Claude Anderson Anderson,Willie Mae 7-30-1928 F Carmealia Zeephrea Anderson J F Anderson Ashley,Bobbie Jr. 7-7-1928 M Lizzie Sheffield H. T. Ashley Austin,Alberta 4-21-1928 F Virgie Mcintoush Louis Austin Austin,Deliah Inf Of 7-30-1928 M Deliah Austin Bachman,Curtis Edwin 12-26-1928 M Alice Jane Bollman Louis Carl Bachman Baeriswyl,Blanche Angelina 9-1-1928 F Mary Philomena Delese Seraphin Baeriswyl Bagby,Andrew Inf Of 9-13-1928 F May Etta Ewings Andrew Bagby Bagby,Bernett 6-15-1928 M Charline Bagby George Bagby Bagby,Ike 1-9-1928 M Avie Lindsy Thomas Henry Bagby Bagby,Paul Inf Of 10-15-1928 F Ola Albertia Bagby Paul Bagby Baghaw,James Leslie 10-5-1928 M Grady Russell Robert H Baghaw Baird,Frank 1-25-1928 M Mildred Floyd Alvis Baird Baird,Margaret La Verne 8-30-1928 F Willie Hendricks M. B. Baird Baird,Naomi 5-20-1928 F Rosa Gibson Joseph Baird Baird,Raphael Lee 7-31-1928 M Susie Williams Walter Baird Baird,Virginia Dell 9-10-1928 F Eula Bell Lumkin John Vernon Baird Bales,Clara Louise 4-4-1928 F Lila Austin Royman Bales Barlow,John Thomas 6-27-1928 M Elizebeth C. Lewis Ralph M Barlow Beal,Jim 7-17-1928 M Genoie Beal Nolen Beal Benson,Carrie Beth 4-12-1928 F Willie Lou Christian Louis Flatto Benson Berry,Thomas 1-7-1928 M Rhedonia Johnson Thomas Berry Betterton,Marcel 9-26-1928 F Verdie Lena Franks Marvin Thomas Betterton Bevins,Mary Joe 7-4-1928 F Murmon Phillips Ather Bevins Bishop,Lenora 8-29-1928 F Emmie Peek Floyd Bishop Bishop,W. R Inf Of 9-1-1928 F Virginia Howison W. R Bishop Black,Alice Louise 10-27-1928 F Alice Dillard Julius Black Black,Thast 5-23-1928 M Alana Thomas Enoch Black Blackmon,Patsy Ruth 8-9-1928 F Willie Brown Jessie Blackmon Blair,Willie Flin 12-17-1928 M Sarah Ethel Lumkins Harris Blair Blissard,Vivian 6-21-1928 F Virgie Crowsky Frank Blissard Body,Vornia 12-25-1928 F Lucy Crittenton Dock Body Bolton,Mary Ann 5-10-1928 F Jimmie Gullion Logan Lee Bolton Booth,Minnie Lee 8-20-1928 F Mabel Welch Gus Booth Borger,Harvy Jefferson 4-27-1928 M Emma Bradley Harvy Lincoln Borger Bostic,Marguerite Inf Of 7-2-1928 F Marguerite Bostic Boswell,Jack 7-7-1928 M Mozell Cassell John Boswell Bourne,Betty Jo 12-12-1928 F Pearl Frances Clough Charles Dudley Bourne Jr. Branson,F L Inf Of 11-29-1928 F May Wallace F L Branson Brantley,Carl Edward 8-16-1928 M Ela Thomes Cliff Brantley Braxton,Daniel Jr. 12-31-1928 M Dorothy Justice Daniel Braxton Bridges,Hardie Lee Inf Of 8-22-1928 M Ollie Mae Rhoades Hardie Lee Bridges Briggs,Luther Inf Of 5-6-1928 F Maggie Lesters Luther Briggs Brooks,Carolyn Elizabeth 9-10-1928 F Nina Floy Phillips Harold E Brooks Brown,Bennie Lee 8-28-1928 F Ollie Johnson Link Brown Brown,Geraldine 9-26-1928 F Maggie Gertrude Stringer R. H. Brown Brown,Rosalie 8-28-1928 F Ollie Johnson Link Brown Brown,Will Inf Of 2-29-1928 M Kathelien Caton Will Brown Broyles,Bettie Delena 3-25-1928 F Hattie Beatrice Sanders F. P. Broyles Brumley,Lidie 11-4-1928 F Fannie Bumgardner Ples Brumley Bryan,Rily 7-15-1928 M Mary Bryan Wily Bryan Bryant,Benjimen Berry 7-13-1928 M Zadie Parchman Willie Bryant Bryant,Billie Fred 10-5-1928 M Johnie Wilkins William James Bryant Bugg,Oscar Lee Jr 6-8-1928 M Elvey May Walker Oscar Lee Bugg Burgess,Leonard A. 9-9-1928 M Vannie Layland C. E. Burgess Burkett,Carrie Lee 4-22-1928 F Carrie Featherstone S. F. Burkett Burkett,Loyd & Lois 6-22-1928 M Bertha Turner Austin Burkett Burnett,Defar Jr. 4-6-1928 M Maude Pierce Defar Burnett Burris,William J Inf Of 9-8-1928 M Lena Swindles William J Burris Burris,William J. Inf Of 9-8-1928 M Lena Swindels William J. Burris Burrow,Gavin Henry 4-4-1928 M Mettie Tyburn W. H. Burrow Burrow,Lucile Zena 3-2-1928 F Nellie Anderson Aubrey Burrow Burrow,Wm. Henry Inf Of 4-4-1928 M Mettie Lavanda Bartlett Wm. Henry Burrow Byram,James Wesley 5-9-1928 M Valley Woodyard H L. Byram Cagle,Bettis Joe 2-7-1928 F Glewndale Bettis O J Cagle Cagle,Rosemary 5-5-1928 F Rosa Irene Fann Charlie Green Cagle Campbell,Ossie Jean 10-22-1928 F Isabelle Jones Ossie Campbell Cardwell,Norma Jean 7-27-1928 F Grace Lassiter W. A. Cardwell Carroll,Dessie May 10-16-1928 F Lillie Miller Leonard Carroll Carroll,Francis Luverne 8-28-1928 F Rowena Carroll D. Carroll Chandler,Bonnie Lorene 10-8-1928 F Lula Mae Anderson John Franklin Chandler Cheatham,Billy Stiles 1-31-1928 M Daisie Elizabeth Allen Robert Lawrence Cheatham Cherry,Don Rosevele 9-12-1928 M Donie Cherry Dan Cherry Childress,Gladys 1-15-1928 F Sallie Jones Sam Childress Christain,Thelbert Lee 1-24-1928 M Maggie Bell Carver Ben Jones Christain Christopher,Ella Dale 6-25-1928 F Bonnie Mildred Barnes James A Christopher Christopher,Mary Ethel 8-21-1928 F Odie Shoffines Lens Christopher Clampett,John Jr 3-23-1928 M Emer Roxie Calaway John H. Clampett Clark,Ben Inf Of 7-9-1928 F Lillie Bell Lamb Ben Clark Clark,Jessie Lee 3-31-1928 M Bonnie Lee Bradley Jessie J Clark Clark,Peyton Ray 3-31-1928 M Bonnie Lee Bradley Jessie F Clark Clifford,John Nolen 12-27-1928 M Susie Nolen Onnie V. Clifford Cockerham,Jack 7-8-1928 M Clara Dyke Jess Newton Cockerham Coffman,Dorthy Jene 4-15-1928 F Lela Hunt Sam Coffman Cofield,Billie Joyce 9-29-1928 F Suzanne Dyer William Madison Cofield Cofield,Billie Joyce 9-29-1928 F Suzanne Gloria Cofield W. M. Cofield Cole,R L Baty 8-24-1928 M Henretta Baty Roy Cole Cole,Thomas Nathan Jr. 10-30-1928 M Mary Nell Hutchins Thomas Nathan Cole Coleman,Menerva 7-14-1928 F Sarah Bates Bennie Coleman Coleman,Rose Marie 2-15-1928 F Virgie Lee Jackson Terrell T. Coleman Coleman,Terrell Inf Of 2-15-1928 F Virgie Lee Jackson Terrell Coleman Coley,Henry Justice 7-24-1928 M Salina Justice Lonza Coley Cooks,Louvella Jean 8-28-1928 F Anniebell Brown Jeff Cooks Cooper,Y. C. W. 4-2-1928 M Mabel Dennis Lee Cooper Cornutt,Lee Roy 7-27-1928 M Era Mae Epperson Willis Cornutt Cosaway,Mary Emma 12-8-1928 F Bany Miles B. D. Cosaway Courtney,Mary Ilene 11-20-1928 F Nora Gibbs Clyde Courtney Cousey,Willie Jim 9-25-1928 M Parille Tippit William Cousey Cox,James Francis 7-21-1928 M Clarra Shaver Ellis Cox Cox,Libbie Jane 5-12-1928 F Vada Bridges Thomas Love Cox Cox,Loritha Dell 5-26-1928 F Lora Carr Cox W. L. Cox Cozort,Thomas Roy 8-3-1928 M Maud Banister John Cozort Crader,Evelyn Ray 9-7-1928 F Mary Gertrude Morgan Jack Van Crader Crawford,Belle 7-19-1928 F Laura Belle Dimson Thomas Crawford Crawford,Ramon Prentiss 3-11-1928 M Edith Irene Smith James Raymond Crawford Crews,Willie D. Inf Of 8-6-1928 M Nannie Whittaker Morton Willie D. Crews Crouch,Harvey Wm. Inf Of 7-29-1928 F Maggie Geneva Sewell Harvey Wm. Crouch Crow,John E. 9-26-1928 M Nora A. Brimhall A. S. Crow Cruce,Sallie Frances 3-11-1928 F Maud Hill B W Cruce Cruce,Sally Francis 3-11-1928 F Maud Hill B. W. Cruce Culberson,Sophie 2-24-1928 F Stella Smith Jamie Culberson Curlee,Bertrude 7-1-1928 F Bertrude Curlee Limon Burks Daffern,Ada 10-27-1928 F Ahi Yee Huff M. J. Daffern Dalby,J. T. 2-16-1928 M Marthy May Huff J. D. Daffern Dason,Mattie 9-21-1928 F Albirder Dason Munk Dason Davidson,Edna 3-23-1928 F Edna Halaway Claud Davidson Davis,Robbie Juanita 3-7-1928 F Marnie Forbes Cecil Davis Davis,Robbie Yualitia 3-7-1928 F Mamie Fobbs Cecil Davis Davis,Robert 9-2-1928 M Cardie Lillian Halenworth Andy Lee Davis Dawson,J. D. 8-31-1928 M Milldred Chapman Joe Dawson Dawson,Mack 10-21-1928 M Erskey Dawson Dean,Mark Lindbergh 8-18-1928 M Linda Krouse Josh A. Dean Deviney,Albert Casimer 2-20-1928 M Julia Delese Jack Deviney Devlin,Dorothy Sue 12-8-1928 F Mettie Sue Parks Chas. J. Devlin Devose,Mack 6-8-1928 M Coraine Devose Eleo Devose Dickey,Audry Eulolia 8-16-1928 F Gladys Baird F M Dickey Dillard,Lizzie Belle 12-8-1928 F Annie Smith William Dillard Dilworth,Christine 3-4-1928 F Mintha Bridges Clay Dilworth Dilworth,Mary A 3-23-1928 F Caroline Rice Marion Dilworth Dismuke,J D 8-19-1928 M Gladys Lawson Jackson D. Dismuke Dixson,Bucker Inf Of 7-14-1928 M Porline Dixson Bucker Dixson Dordin,Freeman Inf Of 10-19-1928 M Lilly Smith Freeman Dordin Doudney,James Edward 8-31-1928 M Leota Doudney William L. Doudney Dunaway,Delmar Chambers 2-20-1928 M Viola Roe Sam Dunaway Dunaway,Delmar Columbus 2-20-1928 M Viola Roe Sam Dunaway Duncan,Anneta 11-7-1928 F Julie Bails Walter Duncan Duncan,Delbert 5-15-1928 M Ida Mae Butler Mckinley Duncan Duncan,Elva Inez 5-7-1928 F Eloie Amis Herman Talmage Duncan Duncan,Jeneva Lorene 11-20-1928 F Lorene Barrett Jane A Duncan Duran,Amado 9-13-1928 M Baera Guadalupe Jose Duran Dwinddie,Dewitt Inf Of 1-11-1928 M Bettie Dwinddie Dewitt Dwinddie Easman,Wilie 5-22-1928 M Nelil Sanders Will Easman Eastman,John Eva 4-5-1928 F Helene Marie Mckey John W. Eastman Eators,Dorthey Dean 9-6-1928 F Vergie Scaggs Elmer Eators Eddie,La Fern 1-4-1928 M Cora Gamble Charles Baker Edwards,Auther Inf Of 6-8-1928 M Minnie Lyons Auther Edwards Edwards,Clifford Tyler 10-22-1928 M Maudie Flynn Lon D. Edwards Edwards,Mildred Louise 6-21-1928 F Hattie Maroney Troy Edwards Elliott,Ebena Roy 8-17-1928 M Missus Wiley Milford Ebin Elliott Elliott,Ebina Ray 8-17-1928 M Missumi Wiley Milford Ebin Elliott Ellis,Barbara Gene 12-19-1928 F Carrie E. Ellis Ramon Ellis Emdy,Jessie Albert Inf Of 12-19-1928 F Jessie Albert Emdy Emory,Billie Joe 12-5-1928 M Marna Belle Bowman A. L. Emory Emory,Georgie Mae 9-22-1928 F Georgie Martin George Emory English,John Henry 8-4-1928 M Pearl Huff Henry English Ervin,Linerd 3-25-1928 M Creeat Thompson Will Ervin Eudy,Ramona Joyce 12-20-1928 F Lula May Parkess Sidney Delma Eudy Faulkner,Ovella Marcella 12-18-1928 F Nellie Stringer Ocie Faulkner Fears,Theodore Garfield 7-15-1928 M Elizabeth M. A. Fears John Dabney Fears Ferguson,Lewis Gordon 1-18-1928 M Trilby Patton I. C. Ferguson Finch,H R Inf Of 10-31-1928 F Alma Leatherwood H R Finch Fincher,Wanda Jean 12-28-1928 F Cleo Franklin Bellah Fincher Fincher,Wanda Jean 12-28-1928 F Cleo Franklin Bellah Fincher Finley,Clarecer 1-18-1928 F Sedalia Body William Finley Finley,Maurice 1-18-1928 M Sedalia Body William Finley Flannagan,Mary Virgina 6-1-1928 F Bessie James D. N. Flannagan Fleeks,Minerva 8-15-1928 F Lizzie May Taylor Sam Fleeks Flora,Wade Davis Inf Of 5-1-1928 M Jewel Mae Adams Wade Davis Flora Fodge,Orville Hardie 4-12-1928 M Eva Vickers Carl C Fodge Fodge,Orville Harlie 4-12-1928 M Eva Vickers Carl C Fodge Ford,Billy Morgan 6-23-1928 M Sallie L. Brown Morris S. Ford Ford,Lena 3-20-1928 F Bessie Wells Joe Ford Ford,Oran Lee 7-28-1928 M Minnie May Ford Lee Henery Ford Ford,Sallie Margette 10-23-1928 F Anna May Burks Aubrey C. Ford Ford,William Hubert 4-25-1928 M Dovie Irene Potts Larry Hubert Ford Forte,Jessie Lee 10-28-1928 M Bessie Lee Forte Joe Forte Foster,James Andrew Jr. 3-5-1928 M Annes Elaine Ellison James Andrew Foster Sr. Fowler,Dewey Harvey 4-30-1928 M Lina Emma Hays Oscar William Fowler Fowler,Evelyn Lee 1-17-1928 F Leota Gamble James Lemly Fowler Frank,Robt Lee 3-31-1928 M I J. Frank Fryar,Mary 4-22-1928 F Zona Lawrence James H. Fryar Furguson,Lewis Gorden 1-18-1928 M Trulby Pattons I C Furguson Gafney,Floyd Allen Jr 11-19-1928 M Pearl Adams Preston Gafney Galender,Willie 11-10-1928 F Lillie Jones Joe Galender Gallender,Madaline 5-28-1928 F Willie L. Stewart Oscar M. Gallender Gamble,Arthur Forrest Jr 9-22-1928 M Bonnie Roberts Arthur Forrest Gamble Gamble,Bettye Ruth 8-21-1928 F Nora Godwin Edward Gamble Garrett,Mary Helen 11-17-1928 F Hattie G. Garrett L. T. Garrett Gasaway,Marie Francis 10-25-1928 F Maud Hasting Walter Gasaway Geter,Freddie A. J. 2-11-1928 M Mary Brown Abraham Geter Gibbs,Andrew 8-19-1928 M Ellie Williams John Gibbs Gibbs,Bonnie 4-25-1928 F Ona Bell Davis Paul Gibbs Giddens,Hollis Franklin 6-15-1928 M Eula Gracie Walker Walter D. Giddens Gifford,Helen Lou 4-1-1928 F Gertrude Mary Anne Slaton Less Lorenzo Gifford Gilles,Sabetain 12-18-1928 M Dorthea Fisher Jessie Gilles Gist,Cecil Cornelius 8-12-1928 M Dewey Mccain Goodnight,Odessa 3-4-1928 F Annie Jackson Collin Goodnight Goodwin,Lee Jr. 2-22-1928 M Edith Cocherham Lee Goodwin Gray,Susie Mae 11-10-1928 F Lee Ella Mcculloch Lewis Gray Green,Jno Wayne 5-31-1928 M Maggie Young B. C. Green Greer,Minnie Belle 1-1-1928 F Essie Patt Vernon Greer Greer,Wanda Oleta 7-11-1928 F Lottie M. Patton Ben F Greer Griffin,Claude James 10-12-1928 M Maudie Suttle James A. Griffin Griffin,Ruby Louise 2-17-1928 F Zura Ida Grogan John Alex Griffin Grizzle,Baila May 9-20-1928 F Annie O Lee D M Grizzle Grogan,Robert Loyd 3-5-1928 M Vera Alma Bell Thomas Earl Grogan Guest,Martha Jane 2-16-1928 F Francis Susan Bethis W H Guest Guest,Martha June 2-16-1928 F Francis Swann Bettis Wm Henry Guest Guffey,Minnie Muriel 9-17-1928 F Clida Hancock A C Guffey Guiden,Vera 6-16-1928 F Annie Hill Albert Guiden Gullion,Alta Wayne 11-14-1928 F Fannie Lou Grogan Herschel Hendricks Gullion Gunn,Mary Joyce 7-5-1928 F Allie Murphy Marsal W. Gunn Guyden,Mary 11-12-1928 F Hattie Hill Eddie Guyden Hacker,Charlie Inf Of 12-23-1928 M Belle Pratt Charlie Hacker Hacker,Charlie Inf Of 12-23-1928 M Belle Pratt Charlie Hacker Haley,Travis Edgar Jr. 1-14-1928 M Lula Mae Clarks Travis Edgar Haley Hall,Gwendleon 9-24-1928 F Annie Bell Hall Thad Hall Hall,Joy Lee Yona 12-12-1928 F Willie Leona Myers Walter Leroy Hall Hall,Stanley Owen 11-19-1928 M Edith May Embree Sidney Owie Hall Halloman,Doyle Eudell 1-10-1928 M Pearl Walker W. A Holloman Hamilton,Betty Jean 4-4-1928 F Vera Humphreys Leonard Hamilton Hampton,Clara May 10-18-1928 F Flor Cavender Joe Hampton Hanley,Evelin 10-14-1928 F Nora Pitt William Longo Hanley Harbison,Will Jr. Inf Of 7-10-1928 F Lizzie Wright Will Harbison Jr. Hardin,Ernest Le Roy Inf Of 3-18-1928 M Velma Lee Roten Ernest Le Roy Hardin Hardman,Annie Irene 4-8-1928 F Hallie B. Lipe John Joel Hardman Harp,Jno Wesley 1-12-1928 M Nancy Elezabeth Bridges W. F. Harp Harp,Rufus Inf Of 2-1-1928 F Rosie Anderson Rufus Harp Harp,Thelma Gendler 1-28-1928 F Rosie Anderson Rufus Harp Harris,L C 6-16-1928 M Mary Westbrook Clyde Harris Harris,Washington 4-5-1928 M Azie Ford Jeff Harris Harrison,Graham Henry 5-13-1928 M Raviah Sulivan William C. Harrison Hartsell,Wilson Inf Of 10-7-1928 M Clara Moore Wilson Hartsell Hasting,Henry Jr 10-4-1928 M Sallie Eastman Henry J Hasting Hastings,Henry Norris 10-4-1928 M Sallie Eastman Henry J. Hastings Hawkins,H C Inf Of 6-8-1928 F L E Jenkins H C Hawkins Hawley,Henry W 5-10-1928 M Rosa Bell Castleman Henry W Hawley Hawley,Henry W. 5-10-1928 M Rosa Bell Castleman Henry W Hawley Hayes,Elise 10-19-1928 F Laura Lee Bennie Hayes Hays,Cal H Inf Of 8-14-1928 M Ada Trapp Cal H Hays Hays,J. E. Inf Of 4-27-1928 M Jennie Mae Cherry J. E. Hays Haywood,Jack (Junior) 2-2-1928 M Mellie Daniel Waller Charlie Julian Haywood Hearnsberger,William Vester 5-20-1928 M Ima Marie Carr George L. Hearnsberger Henry,Oreano 12-2-1928 F Dealia Henry Wood James Henry Herring,Aubrey Lee 10-19-1928 M Minnie Helen Stagner Willie Herring Hicks,David Inf Of 9-9-1928 F Elord Roach David Hicks Hicks,Jnis Louise 9-9-1928 F Unad Rod David Hicks Hicks,W R Jr 9-20-1928 M Mabel Denison W R Hicks Higgins,Bettie Jane 10-31-1928 F May Heron W. F Higgins Hill,Albert Gaston 4-4-1928 M Sudie Siddens Claud A. Hill Hill,Claud Jr. 4-4-1928 M Lidie Sidden Claud Hill Hills,Odes 7-31-1928 M Girtrue Hills Dan Hills Hills,Orroles Inf Of 6-7-1928 M Orroles Hills Hilton,Abe Hardie 5-7-1928 M Bertha Lynn Carlos Hilton Hilton,Carlas Inf Of 5-7-1928 M Bertha Lynn Carlas Hilton Hobbs,Geneva 4-23-1928 F Tessie Johnson George Hobbs Hobbs,Geneva 4-23-1928 F Tessie Mae Johnson George Hobbs Hobbs,Philip Harold Jr. 7-19-1928 M Helen Catherine Fennell Philip Harold Hobbs Holdaway,Cathleen Marie 5-5-1928 F Lizzie Stringer Roscoe Holdaway Hooker,Narca Nell 11-18-1928 F Iva Lassiter John Hooker Hooser,G. W. Inf Of 7-16-1928 F Wilma Philips G. W. Hooser Horten,Erera Inf Of 11-26-1928 F Ofla Graham Erera Horten Horton,James Edward 8-28-1928 M Maudie Dilworth Will Horton Horton,Levencul Inf Of 8-4-1928 M Alie Horton Levencul Horton Horton,Mary 12-26-1928 F Mary Odonel Ezra Horton Horton,Ocie 11-11-1928 F Mattie Lee Horton Gilbert Horton Houe,Bettie Louise 9-18-1928 F Zelma Houe Jack Houe Howison,Graham H. 5-13-1928 M Raviah Sullivan W. C. Howison Howland,James Thomas 1-4-1928 M Zelma Tucker Roy Howland Hudson,Mary Elizabeth 5-13-1928 F Susie C. Puckett Ona W. Hudson Huff,Iola 4-3-1928 F Bessie Woods William Huff Hughes,Rbt E Lee Inf Of 4-20-1928 M Nettie Jewell Rbt E Lee Hughes Hulen,Anna Lou 6-8-1928 F Jettie Smith N. G. Hulen Hulen,Charles Henry 12-27-1928 M Etta Leora Watson W F Hulen Hulen,Felix Vandyke Inf Of 4-8-1928 F May Louis Reep Felix Vandyke Hulen Humphreys,Truman Elbert Inf Of 5-7-1928 F Vera May Shelton Truman Elbert Humphreys Hunt,Matie Inf Of 2-4-1928 F Lulina Johnson Matie Hunt Hunt,Minnie 2-4-1928 F Luline Hunt Bell Moses Hunt Hunt,Ruthie Oleana 6-17-1928 F Lelia Sullivan Louis Edward Hunt Hyatt,R C Inf Of 4-2-1928 M Dora L Fox R C Hyatt Ibarra,Juana 9-28-1928 F Maria Sanchez Juan Ibarra Isbell,Billy Wayne 8-14-1928 F Edith Norman Sam Isbell Jackson,Isom Inf Of 8-2-1928 M Sallie Barry Isom Jackson Jackson,R. T. Inf Of 4-16-1928 F Ocenia Reeves R. T. Jackson James,Claud William 8-30-1928 M Eva Jones Fred James Jamison,Dorothy Jane 9-26-1928 F Tillie B. Kramse W. Dack Jamison Jefferson,Martin 10-22-1928 M Huie Lois Chambers Jeffus,Billie Honey 1-18-1928 M Willie Craddock Horice Jeffus Johnson,Amie May 8-7-1928 M Amie Johnson Jack Johnson Johnson,Ben Inf Of 4-20-1928 M Ellen Johnson Ben Johnson Johnson,Clemmie Mae 9-25-1928 F Flossie Lillian Stevens Cecil Allen Johnson Johnson,E. D. 1-1-1928 M Fannie May Johnson Walter Norman Johnson,Jim James 7-16-1928 M Kneeler Johnson Jim Johnson Johnson,Sarah Ann 1-8-1928 F Mary Tyndal Houston Johnson Johnson,Sim 5-30-1928 M Allie Mahan Jack Johnson Johnson,Williams Charly 9-29-1928 M Sirley Ward William Johnson Johnston,James Barry 4-30-1928 M Mary Barry James Calvin Johnston Jones,Delbert 7-25-1928 M Estell May Green Amos Jones Jones,Delbert 7-25-1928 M Eula May Green Amos Jones Jones,Goldie Lucille 8-26-1928 F Lodesta Pinkie Wilson Louie Jones Jones,Hettie Bell 10-1-1928 F Rosabel Jones Corley Jones Jones,Mary 4-19-1928 F Mattie Belle Tapp Philip A. Jones Jones,Patricia Dallas 1-16-1928 F Francis Payton Verner Elster Jones Jones,Sarah Ann 3-4-1928 F Myrtle Rourk C. A. Jones Jordan,Roy Cleveland 12-19-1928 M Pearley Maybell Bryant Cleveland Jordan Joyner,David Thomas 8-23-1928 M Bettie Crabtree Alvin Burton Joyner Kenedy,G. B. 1-16-1928 M Lillie Hutton Kautz Chas. E. Kenedy Kennidy,Samanthia 10-16-1928 F Sugar Lee Kinnidy James Kinnidy Kidd,Mary Willis 9-1-1928 F Emmie Garren Buck Kidd Kilmer,Mary Helen 11-29-1928 F Winifred Vernell Crosby Willie Byarm Kilmer King,Joel Henry 7-3-1928 M Nellie Mace Iley Joel King King,Patsy Ruth 10-24-1928 F Fern Ada Burrur Norris Lee King Kinslow,Estaline 3-16-1928 F Eveliner Dunn V H Kinslow Kinslow,Esterline 3-16-1928 F Evelenn Duns V H Kinslow Kirkley,William Wayne 7-26-1928 M Mattie Cheatham Jeff C. Kirkley Knowels,Dorthy Francis 10-26-1928 F Francis Smith Joe B. Knowels Kraft,James Henry 11-29-1928 M Dovie Barder John Kraft Lafferty,Billie Jean 6-7-1928 F Hattie Crump O. J. Lafferty Lamb,Joyce Fern 2-22-1928 F Lula Elam Luther Lamb Lamb,Joyce Furn 2-22-1928 F Eula Elens Luther Lamb Landers,Willie Dean 4-18-1928 F Mamie Scroggins Clifton Landers Lane,William Joseph 8-23-1928 M Belle Dozier John Lane Lanious,Irville M. 7-25-1928 M Vivie Wilson T. L. Lanious Latimer,Billie Eugene 12-25-1928 M Ruth Smith Weldon Latimer Legate,Robbie Nell 6-21-1928 F Maud Mitchell Earl Legate Lewis,Erma Jean 2-20-1928 F Lorean Becknell Sampson Lewis Lewis,Gerald Ray 6-7-1928 M Rettie Mae Warren George Lewis Lewis,Henry Inf Of 9-9-1928 M Minerva A. Jones Henry Lewis Lewis,James Henry Jr. 12-20-1928 M Ora V. Day James Henry Lewis Lindsay,Sarah 4-3-1928 F Mary Jackson William Lindsay Linzle,Allis Norin 12-9-1928 F Agnes Smith W. L. Linzle Little,R H Inf Of 12-23-1928 M Liza Chitwood R H Little Loftin,Emma Ruth 9-11-1928 F Hattie Loftin S. P. Loftin Lofton,J B 9-11-1928 M Hattie Crosby Booker Lofton Lovell,Hershylee 11-28-1928 F Zodie Knowles Raz Lovell Lovell,Jeff W Inf Of 10-21-1928 M Virgie Turner Jeff W Lovell Lovell,Mary Laura 5-3-1928 F Fannie Varner Bud Clifton Lovell Lowery,Bessie 3-5-1928 F Vernie Holt Bedford P Lowery Lowry,Bobbie Ruth 8-31-1928 F Alma Smith Kirby Lowry Luke,Virginia Lee 10-15-1928 F Susia Lucke R. B. Luke Lurn,Willie Lenora 10-2-1928 F Willie Marshall Horace Lurn Mabry,Mat V 9-29-1928 M Alice Burgess Mat Mabry Mabry,Thurman Lee 7-18-1928 M Ivy Beard C H Mabry Malone,Veleria D. 5-25-1928 M Velma Williams R. W. Malone Mantooth,Lillie Fay 10-10-1928 F Nellie Marie Hutson Chief Mantooth Marcy,Carry May 7-20-1928 F Lucy Cherry Jim Marcy Margraves,James Edward 1-28-1928 M L C Mc Cord E C Margraves Margraves,James Edward 1-28-1928 M L C Moland E C Margraves Maroney,Onis 5-21-1928 F Lillie Jackson O. M. Maroney Marshall,Bertha May 2-8-1928 F Samantha Marshall Martin,Doyle Wayne 12-25-1928 M Lola Mae Dryden James Edgar Martin Martin,Jesse J Sr Inf Of 5-5-1928 F Luther Bolten Jesse J Martin Sr Martin,R. R. Inf Of 8-1-1928 M Margaret Watkins R. R. Martin Mathis,Tommye Irene 1-25-1928 F Dovie Mae Cagle Thomas Walter Mathis Mauldin,Alice 12-21-1928 F Ida M Mauldin Arthur Mauldin Mauldin,Alice M. E. 12-21-1928 F Ida M. Mauldin Arthur M Price Mauldin,Billie Dave 7-31-1928 M Lidis Fancher Dave Mauldin Mauldin,Burnice E. 6-17-1928 F Lillie G Bonds William E. Mauldin Mauldin,Fulton Jr. 3-30-1928 M Lonie F Tippit Fulton B Mauldin Mauldin,Martha 3-29-1928 F D A Mauldin Mayes,Davie Jewel 11-2-1928 F Ruthie Patton Raymond Mayes Mays,Eldridge Glenn 8-18-1928 M Alma Lee Williams Hubert Eldridge Mays Mays,S. E. Inf Of 9-22-1928 F Cora V. Tuten S. E. Mays Mcallister,Bobbie Ruth 4-12-1928 F Oleta Lillian Provence W. B. Mcallister Jr. Mccann,Jewel Elois 2-28-1928 F Beulah Agnes Dean William Storum Mccann Mccoy,Billie Bernice 8-12-1928 F Bernece Fuller Mart Scaff Mccoy Mccoy,Cecil Cleo 8-18-1928 M Cecil Fay Mccoy Mccrury,Cale Inf Of 9-1-1928 M Della Huring Cale Mccrury Mcculloch,Clarence Jr. 4-23-1928 M Ophelia Jones Clarence Mcculloch Mccurry,Tint Inf Of 8-31-1928 F Maud Warren Tint Mccurry Mcguire,Howard Gordon Inf Of 2-17-1928 M Flora Young Howard Gordon Mcguire Mcguire,J. W. 10-14-1928 M Clara Baker Thurman Mcguire Mckay,Samuel Horise 8-24-1928 M Ella Anglan Harrish Mckay Mckey,Samuel Horice 8-24-1928 M Ella Anglan Horice Mckey Mckinney,Norman Jr. 11-4-1928 M Minnie Green Norman Mckinney Mcknight,Iris Delenea 9-7-1928 F Anne Grace Asken Charles Mcknight Mcpeak,Gerald Olan 10-4-1928 M Lorene Holloway William Mark Mcpeak Mcpherson,Mary V 3-15-1928 F Lubell Griffin Collin Mcpherson Mcpherson,Montana Inf Of 2-6-1928 F Lillie Cherry Montana Mcpherson Menter,Vener Lee 8-21-1928 F Bessie Brandon Eddie Menter Metts,Norma Louise 12-17-1928 F Esther Madel Presley Robert Houston Metts Miesch,Helen Elizabeth 8-3-1928 F Mary Agnes Igo Frank Edward Miesch Miller,Dorthey Aline 7-27-1928 F Evelin Jackson Juel Miller Miller,Dorthy Aline 7-27-1928 F Anilene Jackson Jewell Miller Miller,Will 6-28-1928 M Anna Furguson R E Miller Miller,Wilmer 6-28-1928 F Anna Furguson R E Miller Mills,Mary Ella 9-4-1928 F Ethel Mavis Walter Mills Mitchel,Lillie Mae 4-8-1928 F Lillie Childress T. T. Mitchel Mobley,Finas Inf Of 6-22-1928 F J M. Buele Finas Mobley Mobley,Finis Inf Of 1-22-1928 F J. M. Bevels Finis Mobley Monir,Robt Inf Of 11-7-1928 M Opal Day Robt Monir Monkhouse,C. E. Inf Of 5-2-1928 M Velie E. Thompson C. E. Monkhouse Montgomery,Chas Marion 9-22-1928 M Lois Jones Raymond Montgomery Moore,D. B. 8-24-1928 M Lizzie Moore Delbert Moore Moore,George Ghram 8-3-1928 M Elena Belle Spell Joe Grady Moore Moore,George Graham 8-3-1928 M Clara Bell Spell Joe Grady Moore Moore,John Earl 6-21-1928 M Merie Fersnill Jim Moore Moore,Victory 10-25-1928 F Bettie Jones Reuben Moore Morgan,Leonard Gene 11-25-1928 M Mamie Louise Parker Leonard Morgan Morris,Ollie Wandeolyne 4-1-1928 F Gertie Lee Gentle William Henry Morris Morrow,Josephine 11-13-1928 F Leola Mae Williams James Christen Morrow Mullen,Martha 2-3-1928 F Delta Mullen Mullican,Wanza Nadine 2-26-1928 F Mildred Wright Delton Leon Mullican Mullins,William Porter 5-19-1928 M Thelma Jones Elvin S Mullins Mullins,Williams Porter 5-19-1928 M Thelma Jones Thuis S Mullins Murchison,Albert Henry 1-22-1928 M Vertie Murchison Charlie Murchison Neal,Maud D 7-28-1928 F Margrett Frances Rumph Joe Neal Neal,Maud D 7-29-1928 F Margeritt F Rennels Joe Neal Nelson,Willie 6-19-1928 M Ola Barnett H. H. Nelson Neuman,Mary Hellen 5-15-1928 F Mary Mc Elyea Ernest Neuman Newsome,Mildred Faye 10-8-1928 F Ona B. Newsome J. M. Newsome Noe,Tommie Lee 9-4-1928 F Iva Warthors W. M. Noe Noe,Tommie Lee 9-9-1928 F Iva Warthan W. M. Noe Nunley,Eddie B. 5-19-1928 M Add Nunley Willie Nunley Nunley,Geneva 7-18-1928 F Floridia Love Dan Nunley Nunly,Mary 11-24-1928 F Berthy Nunly Walter Nunly Nutt,Rufus Lee 1-9-1928 M Bessie Beatrice Graddy James Rufus Nutt Oneil,Willena 4-6-1928 F Gladys Jackson Louis Oneil Oniel,Chas. Roy 5-27-1928 M Lillie Coats Jack Oniel Osborne,Benjamin Byers Jr 9-2-1928 M Rose Storm Benjamin Byers Osborne Ottwell,Robert 4-6-1928 M Nancy Vashti Couch G. C. Ottwell Outland,Tellus Inf Of 10-11-1928 M Lerecia Ray Crawford Tellus Outland Pace,Byron Thomas 5-27-1928 M Ima Lee Williamson Byron L. Pace Page,Mary F. 6-2-1928 F Bessie Rose O E Page Page,Mary F. 6-2-1928 F Bessie Rose O E Page Parker,Clarence I. T. 2-11-1928 M Luciel Miller John Parker Parker,James Inf Of 2-10-1928 F Mary Lee Williams James Parker Parker,Joe 2-12-1928 M Fanie Watts John Parker Parker,Joe 2-12-1928 M Fanie Watts John Parker Patton,Goldie Cristine 1-20-1928 F Eula Mauldin Marvin Patton Pearce,Patsy Ruth 10-14-1928 F Edna Lottie Dewitt Ralph Pearce Peek,Doris Ray 8-20-1928 F Reba Jones Allen Peek Pendergroft,James Edward 6-13-1928 M Rachel Waggard Edd Pendergroft Perkins,J S Inf Of 8-31-1928 M Dora Cox J S Perkins Perkins,Thomas Rollins 8-31-1928 M Dora Cox John S Perkins Perry,Jim Inf Of 7-3-1928 M Lulla Mccowan Jim Perry Petty,Travis Hubert 7-31-1928 M Malessa Kathley Mauldin J. Hubert Petty Phelps,Vestaline 8-25-1928 F Thelma Frunk Hermon Phelps Phillips,Betty Sue 12-7-1928 F Beatrice Dabbs Pressie Phillips Phillips,Billie Pat 7-20-1928 M Veda Adams Gordon Phillips Phillips,Grace Bevele 2-9-1928 F Tollie Worler W Clark Phillips Phillips,Grace Burle 2-9-1928 F Tallie Marlen Wm Clark Phillips Phillips,Willie Edgar 4-10-1928 M Mildie O Edwards Will Norris Phillips Piles,Nathan Inf Of 3-10-1928 F Nannie Soler Nathan Piles Pirtle,James Ervin 10-2-1928 M Katie May Horn Scott Pirtle Pittman,Doyce Edward 12-11-1928 M Maudie Sneed Magnus Pittman Plott,Donald Larry 9-3-1928 M Alice Elizabeth Turner John Quincy Plott Pogle,Bettie Joe 2-7-1928 F Gwendela Bettis O. L. Pogle Pollard,Charlie Lee 5-23-1928 M Mollie Barger Clifford Pollard Porter,Margie Lee 10-15-1928 F Susan Peck P. C. Porter Porter,Margie Nell 11-12-1928 F Sudie Pick P C Porter Potter,Dave Inf Of 9-10-1928 M Joe Perkins Dave Potter Potts,Howell 12-18-1928 M Minnie Howell Otis Potts Pruit,Charles Lee 3-23-1928 M Lela Dawson Ernest Pruit Pruitt,Ernest M. Inf Of 3-23-1928 M Lela Dawson Ernest M. Pruitt Ragland,John Daniel 1-18-1928 M Mirne Elens John R. Ragland Raglin,Linuel Leon 1-18-1928 M Minnie Elem Jno. P. Raglin Raglin,Margaret Nell 1-31-1928 F Opal Theo Elem Mont Raglin Ragsdale,Hughie Willis 11-11-1928 M Bertha Beatrice Mauldin Hughie Houston Ragsdale Ramsey,Thurman Inf Of 5-12-1928 F Beula Lena Bell Jordan Thurman Ramsey Ramsey,Thurman Inf Of 5-12-1928 F Beule Lenabell Jordens Thurman Ramsey Raney,Majorie Del 12-2-1928 F Bertie Rice A G. Raney Reed,Dave 8-11-1928 M Christine Eastland David Reed Reed,David 8-11-1928 M Christine Eastland David Reed Reeves,Hobert 12-17-1928 M Ola Reeves Jim Reeves Renfrow,Fances Lucille 11-24-1928 F Jessie Eura Bryson Tommie Alvin Renfrow Rhodes,Richard Lee 5-1-1928 M Onita Ross Williamson Richard Rhodes Rhodes,Ruby Louise 11-10-1928 F Harrie Henson Benjamin Frank Rhodes Richardson,Daisy Lee 9-23-1928 F Permilia Aaron J. W. Richardson Riggins,Ivan Inf Of 3-3-1928 M Virgie Tucker Ivan Riggins Riley,Alvin 7-12-1928 M Valaska Berry George Riley Riley,Alvin 7-12-1928 M Valasta Berry Garge Riley Ritchey,H. C. Inf Of 7-4-1928 F Minnie Ritchie H. C. Ritchey Roberds,James 8-3-1928 M Nellie Roberds Tom Roberds Roberts,Daniel Arling 12-20-1928 M Ollie Jones W. T. Roberts Robinson,Clentious Katheryn 7-3-1928 F Zelma Arlina Kelly Ernest Robinson Robison,Wilma Fern 2-3-1928 F Bernice Boshart Ira Thomas Robison Rodden,John Lewis 5-16-1928 M Annie Maude Stephens D. Rodden Rodgers,Clifford Murell 8-15-1928 M Beatrice Rateliff Wylie D Rodgers Rogers,Charles Inf Of 8-22-1928 F Mildred Ford Charles Rogers Rogers,Sam William Jr 8-30-1928 M Susie Edna Mankins Sam William Rogers Rose,Virginia Mae 3-24-1928 F Anna Virginia Rice W. M. Rose Rosenfield,Sam Inf Of 6-13-1928 M Kate Cooles Sam Rosenfield Runels,Bill 6-22-1928 M Mary Bell Marshall Bill Runels Runnels,Grace Ella 4-12-1928 F Arvella Lewis Eugene Runnels Russell,E. K. 7-6-1928 M Lucy Phillips Leroy Russell Russell,Nolan Gaines 9-28-1928 M Lillie Russell William Russell Sameal,Cresteen 8-13-1928 F Clarerenda Sameal Lumer Sameal Sanders,Francis Inf Of 8-15-1928 F Beatrice Trimble Francis Sanders Sargent,Jim O'dell Inf Of 4-25-1928 M Robbie Nell Gibbs Jim O'dell Sargent Sartice,Jean 3-8-1928 F Maud Lamatte Eugene Sartice Savage,Robert H. 4-24-1928 M Joetta Fulbright Jim Savage Scales,Hazel Jean 9-22-1928 F Mattie Bell Jones J. C. Scales Schrader,James Curtis 4-14-1928 M Norma Atwell James Gillespie Blai* Schrader Schuler,H. E. Inf Of 9-22-1928 M Gladys Mcguire H. E. Schuler Scott,Jesse Inf Of 7-15-1928 F Mary Lou Davis Jesse Scott Sears,Rachel B. 10-10-1928 F Viola Ordra Williams John Sears Sears,Richard Lee 10-10-1928 M Viola Ordra Williams John Sears Shamblin,Cora Jo 5-25-1928 F Corilla Hanley Josephus Edwin Shamblin Sheppard,Clifton Roosevelt 5-13-1928 M Sarah Humphrey Aaron Sheppard Shimpock,Virginia 4-12-1928 F Irene Bailes Author Shimpock Show,Tom Fren 11-28-1928 M Ruth Fren Show Tom Fren Show *Simmons,Bernard Wesley 2-5-1928 M Fannie Walker P. K. Simmons Simmons,Margarett Sue 5-30-1928 F Sudie Hunt Chess Simmons Simms,Catherine 2-0-1928 F Nickie Robinson H. Simms Simms,H Inf Of 2-1-1928 F Nickie Robinson H Simms Simms,Kathrene 10-14-1928 F Nickie Simms H. Simms Sinclare,James E 2-24-1928 M Dizzie G Geere Joe M Sinclare Sinclare,James E. 2-24-1928 M Dizzie M Geers Joe M Sinclare Sitzer,Willie Mack 11-13-1928 F Maud May Bridges F L Sitzer Smith,Annie Laura 3-15-1928 F Lovie Lou Finley Cotrel Smith Smith,David Laurence 12-22-1928 M Ola Mae Grigg D. L. Smith Smith,David Lawrence 12-22-1928 M Ola May Grigg D. L. Smith Smith,Elizabeth 5-17-1928 F Willie May Block Willie Smith Smith,G L Inf Of 8-19-1928 M M P Gray G L Smith Smith,Georgia Lee Dortha May 2-22-1928 F Beauty Smith Edgar Smith Smith,Homer Levan 6-12-1928 M Evie Ladyman Ernest Smith Smith,John Elbert Inf Of 5-28-1928 M Mandie Mary Blackenship John Elbert Smith Smith,Napoleon 2-17-1928 M Tinnie Burks Clarence Smith Smith,Ophelia 7-19-1928 F Annie L Smith T. E. Smith Smith,Sallie Frances 8-13-1928 F Deborah Smith Louis Smith Smith,Walter Thomas 8-18-1928 M Lucile Burke Ivan Thomas Smith Smith,Wilma Jo 8-27-1928 F Lillie Emma Taylor Robert Lee Smith Snell,Odis 12-30-1928 M Frances Bell R. E. Snell Spangler,David Isaac 11-12-1928 M Ora Gamble Dave Spangler Spangler,Ora Irene 11-12-1928 F Ora Gamble Dave Spangler Spears,A A Inf Of 6-15-1928 M Nona E. Mitchell A A Spears Stafford,Carl Wright 5-6-1928 M Willie Bell Kirkland Mackie Stafford Stephens,Josephine 10-8-1928 F Willie Lorene Smith Fred A Stephens Stevens,Edna Mae 12-17-1928 F Tommie Freeman Guy Hubert Stevens Stillwell,Bobbie Leen 7-16-1928 F Vera Olian Hamilton Robert Stillwell Stogner,James Hershel 6-25-1928 M Mary Miller Bail Stogner Storey,James Moody 10-25-1928 M Ina Bell Hanah M. T. Storey Storey,Mildred Jane 9-21-1928 F Verna Marguerite Storey Wilmer Spear Storey Story,Walter Dale 6-25-1928 M Verda William Herman Story Strawn,Homer M. Inf Of 3-28-1928 M Alsie Lucile Sturgeon Homer M. Strawn Strickland,George Willi Inf Of 9-26-1928 M Mary Myrtis Roberts George William Strickland Sullivan,Dorothy Jo 9-12-1928 F Ossie Gertrude Peace Dennis E. Sullivan Swan,Pauline 10-1-1928 F Lilian Hobbs Robert Swan Taylor,Claude Dickson 2-29-1928 M Nellie Parker Claude E. Taylor Taylor,Edith Lorene 11-19-1928 F Lillie Jones Preston Taylor Temple,Sydney Inf Of 8-23-1928 M Imogene Epperson Sydney Temple Thacker,B. W. 10-20-1928 M Ludia Mcham Everett Thacker Thomas,Elles 8-20-1928 M Loney Mea Thomas Elles Thomas Thompson,Cecil Inf Of 8-18-1928 M Pearl Moody Cecil Thompson Thompson,Maxie Joe 10-5-1928 M Edith Jarrett Walter Thompson Thorton,Willie 5-8-1928 M Lules Thorton Will Thorton Townes,Nathaniel Ban 7-23-1928 M Ora Laswell Hudson James H Townes Townes,Ruthie Mae 10-28-1928 F Lucy Fashee Jack Townes Traube,Francis 9-29-1928 F Fannie Traube Alex T. Traube Trent,Rosie Stella 5-7-1928 F Emma Galloway G. W. Trent Tucker,Lavenda B. 5-30-1928 F Velma Alexander Frank M Tucker Turner,Patsy Ruth 8-1-1928 F Margie Latham Weldon Mcgee Turner Ussery,Gerald Dean 9-29-1928 M Maggie Kilmer R. J. Ussery Varner,Thelma Fay 2-13-1928 F Velma Fay Bryant Marvin M. Varner Varner,Velma May 2-13-1928 F Velma Fay Bryant Marvin M. Varner Vickers,H W Jr. 6-22-1928 M Eva Morgan H W Vickers Wages,P. Z. 8-28-1928 M Lovemore Allen Vid Wages Wagner,Huebert B. 6-15-1928 M Rachel Chambers Huebert Wagner Walker,Adison A Inf Of 7-8-1928 F Annie Parkers Adison A Walker Walker,Audrey Laverne 10-30-1928 F Verna Brown Richard Walker Walker,Mirelene 5-20-1928 F Kara Cooks John Walker Walker,Thomas Ardell 4-12-1928 M Mattie Doris Burks Milas Virgil Walker Wall,Dorothy Joyce 4-26-1928 F Jocie Whitten L M Wall Walthall,Imogene Odessa 12-1-1928 M Edith Elleanor Dickson Edwin King Walthall Ward,Billie Joe 4-15-1928 M Mollie Lucile Stevens Corley Ward Ward,Pierce Russell Inf Of 6-29-1928 M Minnie Ruth Cross Pierce Russell Ward Warren,Grady Wilburn 11-22-1928 M Laura Mae Palmer Floyd Warren Washington,Alfred 4-18-1928 M Maude Burns Alfred Washington Washington,Alfred Jr 4-18-1928 M Maud Burns Alfred Washington Watkins,Bettie Gene 10-9-1928 F Ludie Sanders A. L. Watkins Watkins,J H Inf Of 7-21-1928 F W M Carroll J H Watkins Watson,Kinney Ray 3-6-1928 F Alma Senter Pete Watson Watson,Tomie Inf Of 10-16-1928 F Exia Swafford Tomie Watson Watson,Velma Kathleen 10-16-1928 F Exie Velma Swafford Tom Harvey Watson Weaver,Gladys Oleta 4-10-1928 F Ethel Clara Grubb William Green Weaver Weaver,Robt Walter 12-15-1928 M Lula Self Tal. Weaver Webb,Bob 5-6-1928 M Ada A. Hargett Allen Webb Webb,Mary Lou 10-19-1928 F Eunice Mays Virgil Webb Webster,Bettie Marie 3-30-1928 F B. Roddy A. L. Webster Webster,Ruby Grant 9-9-1928 F Lily May Grant Arthur Van Donn Webster Welch,Glen Odell 1-20-1928 M Leola Stroud C. E. Welch Welch,Glenn Odell 1-20-1928 M Leola Stroud Clyde Welch Wells,Lenora 3-30-1928 F Nellie Ann Green Frank Williams Wells Westbrook,Dewey Octavia 11-23-1928 M Attice Hutson William Henry Westbrook Westmoreland,Thetus Laverna 8-20-1928 F Pearl Kilmer Powell Westmoreland Westmoreland,Walter Inf Of 1-31-1928 M Missie Myrtle Cannon Walter Westmoreland Wharton,Gladys Virginia 12-26-1928 F Ola Fern Graham J. E. Wharton Whatley,Willis Lindsey 6-16-1928 M Cleo. Ray Willis Whatley Whetten,Richard 3-2-1928 M Willie Clark J. J. Whetten Whitaker,Raymond Edward 12-22-1928 M Madge Rodden Shelby R. Whitaker White,Carrie May 10-3-1928 F Birdie Wilbourn White Tommie White White,Ernest W. Jr 8-30-1928 M Bertha Clara C Woodall Ernest W. White White,Mary Marguerite 11-3-1928 F Beula Bertrude Watson Thomas Irvin White Whitfeild,Alvis Bonnie 1-5-1928 F Viola Whitfield Charlie Whitfeild Whitfield,Alvis 1-5-1928 M Viola Woods Charlie Whitfield Whitfield,Bonie Alvie 1-5-1928 F Viola Whitfield Charlie Whitfield Whitley,Esther Christine 7-17-1928 F Alma Presley Mack Leroy Whitley Whitten,Artis 4-25-1928 F Artis Finch Jessey Whitten Whitworth,Mary Doris 12-25-1928 F Annie Francis Brundridge Harlin Whitworth Wilburn,Roy Washington 4-5-1928 M Azie Wilburn Williams,Frank Jr. 9-12-1928 M Lula Mae William Frank Williams Williams,Gracie Harriman 11-27-1928 F Viola Mcpherson Walter Williams Williams,Jay Jefferson Jr. 2-26-1928 M Cora Mae Howell Jay Jefferson Williams Wilson,Eller May 11-20-1928 F Lucyan Wilson Everett Wilson Wilson,Euylyes 1-5-1928 F Martha A Patt Wilson,J. E. Inf Of 11-22-1928 F Nancy Lee Hill J. E. Wilson Wolf,Billie Frank 9-12-1928 M Anna Chapman Joe Wolf Wolf,Edward Earl 5-24-1928 M Zera Tisdale Earl Wolf Wood,Bemcasy 12-1-1928 M Becky Woods Willie Woods Wood,Berncasy 12-1-1928 M Becky Woods Willie Woods Wood,Emma Sue 5-1-1928 F Estelle (None) Mathis Julian Cuba Wood Wood,Paul Willis Jr 7-30-1928 M Ruby Ella Chesshis Paul Willis Wood Woodall,Johnne Joice 6-14-1928 F Catheline Woodall R. E Woodall Woodard,Cecil Victor 8-27-1928 M Clara Bailey John H Woodard Woods,Lola C. 8-11-1928 F Mary Woods Smith Nelson Woods Woods,Prince Edward 6-17-1928 M Addie Woods Roberts Scott Woods Woodt,A. B. 11-25-1928 M Anie Woodt Kellie Woodt Wooten,Joeneva 6-8-1928 F Eva May Davidson Bob Wooten Wooten,Willie James 10-15-1928 M Estella Sneed Otis Wooten Wootten,Sarah Belle 9-20-1928 F Alice Strain Henry Wootten Wortham,Ruby 1-20-1928 F Emma Estelle William Jno A. Wortham Wrenn,Lonzo 8-23-1928 M Olivia Mitchell Lonzo Wrenn Wright,Bob Inf Of 7-19-1928 F Martha Young Bob Wright Wright,Helen June 8-9-1928 F Florence Rufus Crawford John Posey Wright Wright,Roy Thurman Inf Of 9-15-1928 F Ada Imogene Johnston Roy Thurman Wright Wright,Ruth Virginia 10-19-1928 F Willie Lee Slaton Thomas W Wright Yarbrough,Lee 1-11-1928 M Cora Lee Suttle R. J. Yarbrough Yarbrough,Lenora 1-11-1928 F Cora Lee Suttles R. J. Yarbrough