REFUGIO COUNTY, TX - List of Insolvents - 1859 *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: "Rena McWilliams" July 2002 (c) Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** List of Insolvents 30 Apr 1860 Source: Minutes of Commissioners' Court, Refugio County, Texas. Microfilm located at Corpus Christi Public Library. I transcribed these Minutes of Commissioners' Court from poor quality microfilm. The copies were very light in places and difficult to read. I have copied the records just as they were written, including punctuation, spelling and capitalization. If you know of any corrections that need to be made, please contact me. Please Note: This material and/or transcription is for use by researchers for personal use only. Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. James M. Doughty, assessor and collector, having presented his Insolvent List for the year A.D. 1859, as follows: Wm. Dudly John Dorsey C.E. Goodwer ?? John Holcomb Robt. Paten ?? W.W. Roberts J. M. Willeford It is ordered by the Court that the Court stand adjourned sine die. C.G. Norton John A. Barber D. C. Doughty Attest C.G. Norton Deputy C.C.R.C.