REFUGIO COUNTY, TX - Miscellaneous Commissioners' Court Minutes - January 1861 *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: "Rena McWilliams" July 2002 (c) Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** Abstracts from Commissioners' Court Minutes January 1861 Source: Minutes of Commissioners' Court, Refugio County, Texas. Microfilm located at Corpus Christi Public Library. I transcribed these Minutes of Commissioners' Court from poor quality microfilm. The copies were very light in places and difficult to read. I have copied the records just as they were written, including punctuation, spelling and capitalization. If you know of any corrections that need to be made, please contact me. Please Note: This material and/or transcription is for use by researchers for personal use only. Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. "It is ordered by the County Court of Refugio County that the County Treasurer of Refugio County pay to Daniel C. Doughty the sum of two dollars and fifty cents for the Editor of the Goliad Messenger on account of printing election tickets for the Presidential Election and the Clerk is hereby ordered to give a draft for the same." "It is ordered by the County Court of Refugio County that the County Treasurer of Refugio County pay to the County of Goliad the sum of Eighty Dollars the amount due said County for the support and maintainance (sic) of the prisoners May J. Stephenson, Liddy C. Stephenson, James Stephenson and George Stephenson on the order of the Chief Justice of Goliad County." "It is ordered by the County Court of Refugio County that Election Precinct No. 9 be established at the house of James H. Hughes and that James H. Hughes be and is hereby appointed Presiding officer." "It is ordered by the Court the following be appointed the presiding officers at the different precincts of Refugio County until otherwise ordered viz. At Precinct No. 1 at the Town of Refugio, S.M. Robinson; at Precinct No. 2 at the house of Fagan, Joseph C. Fagan; at Precinct No. 3 at the store in Crescent Village, John Huff; at Precinct No. 4 at Lamar, Jas. W. Byrne; at Precinct No. 5, St. Joseph's Island, Jas. B. Wells; at Precinct No. 6, Copano, Walter Lambert; at St. Mary's Precinct No. 7, F.M. Ellis, at the School house on the West side of the Mission River, being Precinct No. 8, M. Barlow." "It is ordered by the County Court of Refugio County that Dr. P.A. Thurmond be and is hereby authorized to erect and build a house for an office and a store on the lot North of the Court house and fronting on Parissumo (Purisima ??) Street and belonging to the County, conditioned that on ten days notice, at any time, given by the County Court to the said Dr. P.A. Thurmond that he shall remove the said house off the said lot." "It is ordered by the Court that the County Court of Refugio County that the County Treasurer pay to P. Shelly the sum of ten dollars for his services in notifying and issuing writs on Road Overseers and for cash paid for map for the use of the County." "It is ordered by the Court that the County Court of Refugio County that Lieuen M. Rogers, Chief Justice, D.C. Doughty, A.J. Heard and Joseph C. Fagan County Commissioners and P. Shelly Clerk the sum of three dollars each their services at the term of the Court."