Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Robertson CO. TX Submitted by Kent Brunette ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** MOUNT PLEASANT CEMETERY 3101355N / 09625373W Map To Cemetery From the traffic signal in Franklin, take Farm Road 46 South a couple of blocks, turn left onto 2446, proceed several miles, cemetery will be on your right, next to the highway. A VOLUNTEER IS NEEDED TO ADOPT THIS CEMETERY Activities Might Include: Walking This Cemetery To Confirm Accuracy Of Information Updating This List With Burials Since 1980 Posting Cemetery Association Meeting Dates Serving As An E-Mail Contact For People Needing Additional Information About This Cemetery Volunteer or send corrections/additions to or P.O. Box 25701, Washington, D.C. 20007. ABBOTT, JESSIE IRENE, 1899 1952 ABBOTT, MARIAN E., 1887 1960 AINSWORTH, BENNIE LUE GREEN, 1893 05.22.1953, h Lev Ainsworth, sister of Emma Lue Green Ainsworth, c Leo, Ama Bell Rogers, Marlin, Irene Mae AINSWORTH, DAVID ALEXANDER, 01.06.1896 03.20.1976, s Samuel A. & Martha Jane Archer Ainsworth, w Maudie Lee Cheatham AINSWORTH, LARRY WAYNE, 10.29.1942 01.14.1962 AINSWORTH, LEV, 08.20.1893 09.01.1950, s Samuel A. & Martha Jane Archer Ainsworth AINSWORTH, MAUDIE LEE CHEATHAM ROBERTSON MOORE, 09.19.1886 01.25.1971, h1 James Cleveland Robertson, c1 Myrtle Rebecca, h2 James Wesley Moore, h3 David Alexander Ainsworth, c3 Maudie Inez AINSWORTH, MICHAEL EUGENE, 03.07.1947 11.18-1971 AINSWORTH, TINA BROOKE, ? 01.04.1950 ALGOOD, LEVI, 10.02.1903 03.31.1918, h J. L. Algood ANDERSON, RAFORD, 10.04.1925 08.15.1966 ANDERSON, RUBEN LANE, 08.16.1883 06.24.1963 ANDREWS, ELLIS, ? 09.01.1907, w Irene ANDREWS, IRENE, ? 08.27.1922, h Ellis Andrews ANDREWS, NATHAN, 01.10.1891 09.26.1973, brother of Ellis Andrews ANDREWS, ROGER, ? 12.17.1947, s E. A. Andrews ARCHER, AGNES JANE CHEATHAM, 02.17.1832 04.19.1896, b Smith Co., TN, d Edmond Cheatham, h David Alexander Archer, c Emily E. Simpson Howard, Delia Ann Kennery Cheatham, Mary Ann, Alva, Martha Jane Ainsworth, Andrew, Jean, John Thomas, Florence Penelope Kirby ARMSTRONG, EDITH, 12.02.1921 01.03.1923 ARMSTRONG, IDA LEE, 02.02.1892 10.03.1961 ARNETT, NANNIE, 10.06.1870 07.17.1945 BAILEY, DAISY MAE, 08.1882 01.01.1929, h Samuel Allen Bailey BAILEY, SAMUEL ALLEN, 06.11.1862 02.26.1941, w Daisy Mae BAKER, STELLA T., 1890 1967 BARNETT, ALFRED, 01.20.1909 11.05.1909 BARNETT, ALMA O., 11.22.1902 01.14.1976, h R. Arthur Barnett BARNETT, ARMITTEE, 05.30.1896 09.09.1900, d Luther C. & Mary Evelyn Mollie Bolton BARNETT, BERRY A., 09.13.1855 09.22.1929, w Liza Elizabeth BARNETT, DOLLIE E., 12.16.1880 09.04.1963, h John C. Barnett, c Georgie BARNETT, ELDRIDGE W., 08.10.1923 11.07.1975 BARNETT, EMMETT G., 04.27.1902 07.18.1976, w Winona L. BARNETT, GEORGIA, 04.19.1914 01.22.1972, h Travis Barnett BARNETT, GEORGIE, d John C. & Dollie E. Barnett BARNETT, HENRY HOWARD, 1911 1916 BARNETT, JOEL G., 11.08.1894 11.17.1972, WWI BARNETT, JOHN C., 06.26.1878 01.22.1932, w Dollie E. BARNETT, KATHERINE M., 05.01.1920 05.11.1958, h R. E. Barnett BARNETT, LEVI J., 04.07.1884 07.27.1965, w Vera May BARNETT, LIZA ELIZABETH, 03.20.1866 07.25.1950, h Berry A. Barnett BARNETT, LUTHER C. MAN, 11.23.1870 02.16.1937, w Mary Evelyn Mollie Bolton BARNETT, M. A., 03.17.1885 01.18.1936 BARNETT, MALINDA, 1861 1944, h Reverend B. A. Barnett BARNETT, MARVIN E., 01.30.1913 09.05.1961 BARNETT, MARY ANN, 10.23.1832 06.22.1921, h Mathew A. Barnett BARNETT, MARY EVELYN MOLLIE BOLTON, 12.13.1876 01.05.1964, d James Tacitus Bud & Mollie Eveline Cobb Bolton, h Luther C. Man Barnett, c Armittee BARNETT, MATHEW A., 01.24.1834 08.24.1909, w Mary Ann BARNETT, MYRTICE ESTELLE, 06.20.1905 02.12.1908 BARNETT, NEWTON C., 09.01.1882 06.28.1953, w Willie G. BARNETT, OLLIE, 12.18.1896 08.06.1900 BARNETT, PLEAS T., 06.05.1881 12.18.1955, w Viola V. BARNETT, R. ARTHUR, ? 02.05.1901, w Alma O. BARNETT, REVEREND B. A., 11.29.1859 05.22.1924, w Malinda BARNETT, S. ALTON, 01.16.1905 03.23.1978, e Elorene BARNETT, VERA MAY, 01.26.1884 09.27.1962, h Levi J. Barnett, c Walter J. BARNETT, VIOLA V., 03.27.1883 02.03.1951, h Pleas T. Barnett BARNETT, WALTER J., 07.24.1912 04.02.1972 WWII, s Levi J. & Vera May Barnett BARNETT, WILLIE G., 10.29.1883 05.23.1958, h Newton C. Barnett BARNETT, UDELL, d John C. & Dollie E. Barnett BARNETT, child, c Luther C. & Mary Evelyn Mollie Barnett BARTCHAK, STELLA COBB, 1898 - 1977 BECK, DOROTHY MAE LEE, 10.12.1917 10.18.1978, h Vernon Koen Beck BECKTOLD, ALTON, 12.17.1928 05.03.1936, s Hardy Lee Roy & Katie Annette P. Nicholson Becktold BECKTOLD, ALVA ELLSWORH, 09.22.1887 06.20.1969, s Godfrey & Mary Elizabeth Crawford Becktold, w Linda Barbara Annie Beck, WWI BECKTOLD, ALVIN MITCHELL, 12.02.1934 07.06.1966, s Donnell Bryan Sr. & Oma Idell Hollar Becktold BECKTOLD, DONNELL BRYAN SR., 03.03.1897 01.21.1974, s Godfrey & Mary Elizabeth Crawford Becktold, w Oma Idell Hollar, c Inez Effie Seigler, Hazel Nora Peterson, Donnell Bryan Jr., Bertha Oma Tuttle, Alvin Mitchell, WWI BECKTOLD, FANNIE MAE COPELAND, 1906 1951, h George Godfrey Becktold, c Thomas Harold, Eleanor Ann Self BECKTOLD, GEORGE GODFREY, 12.15.1901 04.01.1980, s Godfrey & Mary Elizabeth Crawford Becktold, w1 Fannie Mae Copeland, w2 Nell Nevada Cleveland Medlin Marlow BECKTOLD, GODFREY, 05.02.1858 09.25.1917, b New Orleans, LA, s Adam & Anna Barbara Gasser Becktold, w Mary Elizabeth Crawford BECKTOLD, HARDY LEE ROY, 02.03.1895 07.12.1964, s Godfrey & Mary Elizabeth Crawford Becktold, w Katie Annette P. Nicholson BECKTOLD, KATIE ANNETTE P. NICHOLSON, 06.16.1895 ?, w Hardy Lee Roy Becktold, c Nona Jewel Lindley Glasson, Elmer Ray, Virgie Mary Meadors, Albert David Dave, Calvin Luther, Selma Faye Hatfield Shadden, Alton BECKTOLD, LEONARD DEE PROCTOR, 11.26.1917 11.99, s Millus Procter/Alva Ellsworth Becktold & Linda Barbara Annie Beck, w Rose Marguerite Mickie Blake, c Linda Evelyn Schweitzer, Leonard Blake, WWII BECKTOLD, LINDA BARBARA ANNIE BECK, 04.20.1898 04.03.1985, d Robert Christian Sr. & Maria Welhelmina Benndorf Beck, h1 Millus Procter, c1 Arlie, 2 daughters, h2 Alva Ellsworth Becktold, c2 Leonard Dee Procter Becktold BECKTOLD, MARY ELIZABETH CRAWFORD, 03.17.1862 07.02.1951, h Godfrey Becktold, c Dora Nancy Davidson Luce, Alva Ellsworth, Martha Jane Marshall, Hazel Neona Bailey, Hardy Lee Roy, Donnell Bryan Sr., Walter J., George Godfrey, Nora Mae McBride Kirk Farbus BERSCH, ALBERT DAVID KIDDO, 10.02.1898 06.02.1967, s John & Amelia Henrietta Mollie Sitz Bersch BERSCH, AMELIA HENRIETTA MOLLIE SITZ, 02.25.1868 08.02.1953, d Julius & Emilie Berndt Sitz, h John Bersch, c Julius Phillip, Leora Smith, Linda Ann Healey, Albert David Kiddo BERSCH, JILL M., 07.03.1927 07.27.1962 BERSCH, JOE MARVIN, 07.03.1927 07.27.1962, s Julius Phillip & Mary Ola Threadgill Bersch BERSCH, JOHN, 05.13.1864 08.05.1949, s Phillip John & Anna Barbara Gasser Bersch, w Amelia Henrietta Mollie Sitz BERSCH, JULIUS CALVIN, 05.22.1925 12.30.1993, s Julius Phillip & Mary Ola Threadgill Bersch, w Betty BERSCH, JULIUS PHILLIP, 10.05.1890 03.21.1980, s John & Amelia Henrietta Mollie Sitz Bersch, w Mary Ola Threadgill BERSCH, LUTHER DOUGLAS, 11.06.1916 06.10.1917, s Julius Phillip & Mary Ola Threadgill Bersch, BERSCH, MARY OLA THREADGILL, 07.22.1895 12.04.1978, d John Winfred Sr. & Nancy Merchant Threadgill, h Julius Phillip Bersch, Edna Lucille Lucy Wilson Goodman, Luther Douglas, Linda Lorraine Rasey Young, Julia Elizabeth Judy Garrett Cahoon, Alma Leola Dollie Warboys, Julius Calvin, Joe Marvin, Robert Albert, John Morris Billy BERSCH, ROBERT ALBERT, 04.26.1929 09.01.1929, s Julius Phillip & Mary Ola Threadgill Bersch BISHOP, BANIME NINA, 03.03.1886 05.24.1968, h Val C. Bishop BISHOP, CLYDE, 04.12.1913 12.24.1928 BISHOP, VAL C., 08.10.1883 08.26.1965, w Banime Nina BLAIR, DON P., 04.21.1906 02.24.1927, s Thomas E. & Mary Ella Hall Blair BLAIR, MARY ELLA, 04.08.1895 07.24.1900, d Thomas E. & Mary Ella Hall Blair BLAIR, MARY ELLA HALL, 04.08.1871 08.07.1949, h Thomas E. Blair, c Mary Ella, Nugent Tom, Stanley, Don P. BLAIR, NUGENT TOM, 06.06.1896 12.24.1961, s Thomas E. & Mary Ella Hall Blair, w Olga Marie Niemann, w Olga Marie Niemann BLAIR, OLGA HELEN ZWEIFEL, 05.21.1905 08.27.1940, d John Dave Phillip & Johanne Jane Rabe Zweifel, h Stanley Blair, William Leroy, Adelle Faye Russell BLAIR, OLGA MARIE NIEMANN, 08.29.1898 09.27.1940, d John Henry & Annie Marie Zweifel Neimann, h Nugent Tom Blair, c Tom, Harlan, Ella Mae Cox Barnett, BLAIR, STANLEY, 07.22.1900 11.29.1970, s Thomas E. & Mary Ella Hall Blair, w Olga Helen Zweifel BLAIR, THOMAS E., 03.30.1860 08.25.1921, w Mary Ella Hall BLOUNT, JOHN T., ? 08.05.1885, w Perlina N. BLOUNT, PERLINA N., - 08.20.1900, h John T. Blount BOLTON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 01.09.1907 1920, s David Calloway & Minnie Pack Tumiller Bolton, twin of Charles Frederick BOLTON, BILLIE RAY, 07.22.1930 07.23.1930, s Nolie Clay Sr. & Pearl Smith Bolton BOLTON, CHARLES FREDRICK, 01.09.1907 04.19.1969, s David Calloway & Minnie Pack Tumiller Bolton, twin of Benjamin Franklin, w Vivian Marie Booker BOLTON, DAVID CALLOWAY, 03.13.1874 08.13.1933, s James Tacitus Bud & Mollie Eveline Cobb Bolton, w Minnie Pack Tumiller BOLTON, DEWARD ABNER SR., 09.01.1906 02.12.1978, s James William & Bethel Clara Bessie Parker Bolton, w1 Ella Mae Carr, c1 Deward Abner Jr., w2 Florence BOLTON, DEWITT TASTUS, 12.08.1892 01.07.1987, s James Tacitus Bud & Mollie Eveline Cobb Bolton, w Ada Black BOLTON, ELSIE IDENE SITZ, 04.12.1902 06.23.1983, d Albert August Theodore & Lillie Pinson Sitz, h Horace Finley Bolton, c Davis Oleta, Dorothy Alleen Perkins, Ramona Anita Corn, Billie BOLTON, HERMAN MARION JR., 04.19.1913 12.22.1961, s Herman Marion Sr. & Lela Rozella Rose Barnett Bolton BOLTON, HERMAN MARION SR., 12.23.1883 05.13.1965, s James Tacitus Bud & Mollie Eveline Cobb Bolton, w Lela Rozella Rose Barnett BOLTON, HORACE FINLEY, 10.29.1903 10.03.1969, s James William & Bethel Clara Bessie Parker Bolton, w Elsie S. Sitz BOLTON, JAMES TACITUS BUD, 02.07.1850 02.19.1930, w Mollie Eveline Cobb BOLTON, JOHN THOMAS, 07.23.1879 02.09.1959, s James Tacitus Bud & Mollie Eveline Cobb Bolton, w Mary Ada Tribble BOLTON, LELA ROZELLA ROSE BARNETT, 11.22.1888 09.18.1973, h Herman Marion Bolton Sr., c Herman Marion Jr., Glenn Evina, Ruby Pearl, Irwin Rudolph, Vada Leatrice BOLTON, MARY ADA TRIBBLE, 10.30.1881 01.14.1966, h John Thomas Bolton BOLTON, MINNIE PACK TUMILLER, 04.22.1881 10.12.1965, h David Calloway Bolton, c William Tastus, Pack Cleveland, Charles Frederick BOLTON, MOLLIE EVELINE COBB, 10.23.1857 01.13.1929, d David Daniel & Diana Mercer Cobb, h James Tacitus Bud Bolton, c David Calloway, James William, Mary Evelyn Mollie Barnett, John Thomas, Canada Can, Herman Marion Sr., Nolie Clay Sr., Dewitt Tastus, Lillie Mae BOLTON, NOLIE CLAY, 05.11.1887 02.11.1975, s James Tacitus Bud & Mollie Eveline Cobb Bolton, w Pearl Smith BOLTON, PACK CLEVELAND, 08.17.1904 06.01.1955, s David Calloway & Minnie Pack Tumiller Bolton, w Donna Andrews, c T. C., Delois, Dalton, Verta Mae, Ola Faye, Joyce Janette BOLTON, PEARL SMITH, 11.23.1892 04.18.1972, h Nolie Clay Bolton, c Doris Lee Nola, Nolie Clay Jr., Aubrey Dell, Billie Ray, James L. BOYD, JANIE FAY, 03.11.1922 11.14.1977, h A. Z. Boyd BREWER, SALLIE EATON, 09.07.1898 03.21.1960 BRISHER, ROBERT, 07.15.1887 04.06.1969 BUCHANAN, CLIFFORD, 08.12.1893 11.26-1949, w Faye BUCHANAN, FAYE, 04.22.1897 02.09, 1961, h Clifford Buchanan BUCHANAN, IVAN D., 12.08.1952 10.28.1972, s G. & a. Buchanan BUCHANAN, IVAN GILBERT, 11.13.1903 07.11.1973, w A. C. BUCHANAN, JOBIE, 05.25.1900 05.25.1900 BUCHANAN, JOHNNIE WYOT, 06.07.1887 10.16.1889 BUCHANAN, LUCY, 06.22.1860 07.16.1894 BUCHANAN, MARY JANE, 06.08.1870 08.11.1945 BUCHANAN, NORA EFFIE, 02.08.1895 02.04.1928 BUCHANAN, THOMAS OTHO, 12.05.1907 02.14.1940 BUCHANAN, W. H., 12.10.1864 04.17.1916 BUCHANAN, WILLIAM CLIFTON, 01.14.1885 05.20.1886 BUCHANAN, WILLIAM HARRISON, 1895 06.08.1967 BUCHANAN, infant, 12.28.1923 12.30.1923, s William Harrison Buchanan BYRUM, AUGUST L., 08.12.1907 12.26.1974 BYRD, DOLLIE LORETTA, 1885 07.03.1979, h Oscar O. Byrd BYRD, IRVIN, 01.28.1905 10.1998, h Gracie Pauline Russell Brunette BYRD, OSCAR O., 08.23.1890 07.06.1960, w Dollie Loretta CAFFEY, EMMA LOU, 12.10.1888 09.10.1973 CAFFEY, JOHN HENRY, 11.26.1861 03.10.1889 CALHOUN, A. S., 1858 1930 CALHOUN, ERNEST D., 10.01.1887 03.14.1974, WWI CALHOUN, JESSIE, 1892 1952 CALHOUN, MATTIE J., 1862 1928 CARGILL, JOHN ALLAN, 09.22.1887 11.29.1974 CARGILL, MICHAEL WAYNE, 11.20.1958 11.20.1958 CARGILL, VIRGIL ALLEN, 01.07.1950 01.26.1951, s O. Cargill CARR, CLAUDINE FLANAGAN, 08.14.1816 12.29.1942 CARR, TIM, 08.10.1954 12.24.1974 CAZEY, GARY LEE, 07.07.1953 03.30.1971, s James William J. W. & Alice Maurine Holiday Cazey CAZEY, JAMES RAY, 09.29.1939 12.25.1961, s James William J. W. & Alice Maurine Holiday Cazey CAZEY, JAMES WILLIAM J. W., 09.27.1917 02.20.2000, s Willie & Margaret Cazey, w Alice Maurine Holiday, c Patricia Young, Sharon Blazek, Linda Duncan, Barbara, Frank, James Ray, Michael Eugene, Gary Lee CAZEY, MICHAEL EUGENE, 10.29.1941 12.25.1961, s James William J. W. & Alice Maurine Holiday Cazey, w Gennie Blair CHEATHAM, ANNIE DORA, 11.14.1898 12.24.1900 CHEATHAM, ARCHIE DOCK, 03.22.1855 03.02.1941, w Laura Dee CHEATHAM, E. C., 1770 02.14.1870 CHEATHAM, E. C., 07.10.1858 01.05.1905 CHEATHAM, FRANCIS JOEL, 03.12.1882 12.11.1918, s Joel A. & Rebecca Mullins Cheatham, w Effie Click CHEATHAM, FRANCIS MARION, 10.10.1830 08.21.1903, b Smith Co., TN, s Archibald L. & Mary Cheatham, w Rhoda L. CHEATHAM, JOEL A., 11.01.1852 11.22.1888, s Francis Marion & Rhoda Cheatham, w Rebecca Mullins CHEATHAM, LAURA DEE, 01.24.1862 11.16.1929, h Archie Dock Cheatham CHEATHAM, MARY, 02.11.1856 05.17.1883 CHEATHAM, MOLLIE, 07.09.1889 09.03.1889 CHEATHAM, NORA, 11.27.1893 07.25.1921 CHEATHAM, REBECCA MULLINS, 10.12.1862 12.22.1888, h Joel A. Cheatham, c Francis Joel, John Edmond, Maudie Lee Robertson Moore Ainsworth CHEATHAM, RHODA L., 1830 01.25.1884, h Frances Marion Cheatham, c Joel A., Catherine, Francis, Frances, Mary, Edmond D., Marion Franklin CLANTON, IRENE, 1923 1944 COBB, ALBERTSON, 11.20.1889 10.30.1889, s C. A. & L. S. Cobb COBB, BRYANT FRANKLIN, 10.28.1875 10.15.1918 COBB, ELLA, 04.25.1884 06.12.1967, h Harvey Cobb COBB, EMMA, 02.22.1888 03.06.1888, d P. S. & C. T. Cobb COBB, HARVEY, 06.28.1878 02.25.1948, w Ella COBB, JAMES, 12.30.1865 11.22.1900, s Bryant Williamson & Nancy Mauk Cobb, w R. A. Coffey COBB, JAMES EARL, 01.19.1884 07.10.1963, w Lucy Annie COBB, LAWRENCE P., 12.26.1904 05.04.1943 COBB, LUCY, 08.05.1869 06.19.1897, h P. Cobb COBB, LUCY ANNIE, 12.18.1887 02.28.1975, h James Earl Cobb COBB, MACCA A., 01.19.1872 07.15.1943 COBB, MINNIE G., ? 1861 COBB, MOSES B., 10.25.1897 08.25.1898 COBB, NANCY, 02.26.1881 01.19.1882, d C. A. & L. S. Cobb COBB, OCTAVIA, 05.08.1851 05.19.1890, h P. Cobb COBB, OTHAL C., 12.03.1892 07.24.1900, s James & R. Cobb COBB, P. S., 1882 1941, w C. T. COBB, PINK, 07.15.1854 12.29.1912 COBB, REVEREND ORA DAVID, 07.04.1891 07.02.1968 COBB, TERRY, 11.01.1910 06.01.1973, U. S. Army COBB, THOMAS J., 10.25.1867 08.07.1944 COCKERELL, DANNY LEE, 1970 08.08.1975 COTTON, MARY LOUISE, 1933 - 1977 CORN, CORA MAYBELLE, 05.01.1877 02.19.1900, h W. F. Corn CORN, PAUL STEPHEN, 12.26.1923 10.25.1994, w Ramona Anita Bolton CORN, RAMONA ANITA BOLTON, 08.05.1928 01.11.1970, d Horace Finley & Elsie S. Sitz Bolton, h Paul Stephen Corn COURTNEY, JESSE MYER, 08.15.1844 11.02.1922, w U. Carrie, CSA COURTNEY, JACK, 08.03.188_ - 07.29.1961, s Jesse Myer & U. Carrie Courtney COURTNEY, MARY L, 10.12.1849 10.06.1882, h S. L. Courtney COURTNEY, U. CARRIE, 10.01.1847 06.22.1935, h Jesse Myer Courtney, c Jack COX, ROY ERNEST, 1910 1968, w Ella Mae Blair COX, WILLIAM STEPHEN, 04.14.1956 04.14.1956, s Jack Cox CRANE, ALPHEUS BRAINARD, 06.25.1885 12.25.1900, s Colonel Columbus Jefferson & Maggie A. Dickson Crane CRANE, COLONEL COLUMBUS JEFFERSON, 1857 03.01.1937, w Maggie A. Dickson CRANE, MAGGIE A. DICKSON, 11.05.1865 05.11.1950, h Colonel Columbus Jefferson Crane, c Alpheus Brainard CRAVY, AMOS, 04.30.1807 01.27.1885, w Eliza M. CRAVY, ELIZA M., 06.01.1815 06.20.1874, h Amos Cravy CRAVY, infant, s A. P. & S. E. Cravy DAVIDSON, ERIC, 1886 1900 DEASON, IRENE, 09.02.1863 11.13.1951 DEASON, LILLIAN PARDEW, 12.06.1909 01.30.1978 DEMAN, ROBERT J., 07.20.1891 12.19.1917, w Katie DODDS, MADIE MAUREEN RUSSELL, 10.26.1914 - ?, d William Wesley Will & Zula Elizabeth Meadors Russell, h Edd J. Dodds DODSON, DANIEL, 1892 1972 DOOLEY, WILLIE CLYDE, 08.18.1899 07.15.1967, w L. S., WWI, WWII DOUGLAS, JAMES F., 05.19.1898 04.03.1978 DOUGLAS, MICHELE YVONNE, 04.09.1970 04.10.1970 DOUGLAS, WILLIS, 02.13.1904 06.07.1976, w Opal EATON, DEWLIN C., 01.06.1911 02.13.1960 EATON, SALLIE QUICK WILKERSON, 4.5.1854 - 3.9.1933 EATON, THOMAS ALLEN, 03.25.1892 07.21.1969 EATON, VELMA, 1894 1913, by Dewlin C. Eaton EATON, WILLIAM G., 09.04.1895 11.03.1974, w T. L. EASTERLY, D. J., SR., 11.13.1855 10.02.1924, w Texasa EASTERLY, JESSIE, 12.21.1879 12.21.1880, d J. W. & L. E. Easterly EASTERLY, MARTHEY RATCLIFF, 1842 08.08.1886, d Moses & Mary B. Easterly EASTERLY, MARY B., 12.22.1818 12.07.1911, h Moses Easterly, c Marthey Ratcliff EASTERLY, MOSES, 09.21.1812 12.25.1881, w Mary B. EASTERLY, TEXASA, 09.09.1862 03.16.1881, h D. J. Easterly Sr. ELLIOT, CLARENCE E., 07.12.1886 10.08.1963, WWI ELLIOT, MABEL FORSON, 01.03.1918 12.22.1971, h Arnett Elliot ELLISON, ANDREW J., 11.04.1887 01.08.1963, w A. L. ELLISON, GARVIN MALAN, 02.09.1930 05.28.1953, w C. L. ELLISON, HELEN, 04.30.1926 10.09.1931 ELLISON, JAMES W., 10.26.1956 01.01.1975 ELLISON, JOE, 10.09.1894 08.12.1977, w Jessie ELLISON, RONNIE LYNN, s Garlan Malan & C. L. Ellison FAIREY, J. J., FAULKENBERG, CHARLES F., 1907 1976 FERGUSON, L. F., 03.31.1876 10.27.1945 FERGUSON, MARY, 12.28.1892 05.25.1950 FERGUSON, MINNIE DORA NIEMANN, 12.18.1906 08.27.1942, d John Henry & Annie Marie Zweifel Niemann, h Thomas Lafayette Ferguson, c A. L., Tommie Norman, Adaline Dora Puckett Haverkorn, Coralee Annie Reynolds Mathews, Emma Sue Everett, Andy F., Rachel Marie Johnson FERGUSON, O. L., 07.06.1933 09.05.1936, s Thomas Lafayette & Minnie Dora Niemann Ferguson FERGUSON, TOMMY JR., 12.03.1950 12.03.1950, s Tommy Norman Sr. & Wilma Everett Ferguson FLANAGAN, CLAUDE C., 02.14.1878 06.29.1940 FLANAGAN, EWELL, 06.21.1933 01.16.1936 FLANAGAN, GUY, w Henrietta Gertrude Bolton FLANAGAN, HENRIETTA GERTRUDE BOLTON, 10.29.1917 ?, d Jesse Pierce & Tillie C. Peters Bolton, h Guy Flanagan FLANAGAN, KATE, 06.06.1881 02.07.1929 FLANAGAN, MOLLIE M., 07.12.1858 07.11.1934 FLANAGAN, OBA DELL, 06.30.1897 03.26.1969, WWI FLANAGAN, PAT FLANAGAN, ROBERT C., 03.18.1854 12.25.1938 FLANAGAN, VIRGINIA MADELINE, 1929 01.14.1931 FLANAGAN, W. MARK, 1923 1977 FLANAGAN, WALTER T., 1894 1970 FLOYD, PENUEL, 04.05.1810 03.30.1900, w Permelia FLOYD, PERMELIA, 05.14.1833 01.09.1906, h Penuel Floyd FLOYD, THOMAS ALEXANDER, 07.26.1898 08.13.1939, w Verta Bolton FLOYD, VERTA BOLTON, 04.28.1900 08.1919, d William Calloway & Minnie Pack Tumiller Bolton, h Thomas Alexander Floyd FLOYD, WILLIS P., 09.21.1866 08.08.1956 FRANKS, CARRIE, ? 06.11.1902, h William E. Franks FRANKS, DELANO, 05.03.1933 05.22.1937 FRANKS, DOCK F., 05.02.1871 08.06.1954, w Florence F. FRANKS, FLORENCE F., 10.15.1883 11.08.1936, h Dock F. Franks FRANKS, VENDETTA, 02.08.1919 07.14.1925 FREEMAN, JUANITA, 03.22.1916 01.28.1920, d William Edward & Sallie Pinson Freeman FREEMAN, SALLIE PINSON, 04.02.1833 12.29.1958, d Frank & Sarah Sweat Pinson, h William Edward Freeman, c Burl, Juanita, 9 other children FREEMAN, WILLIAM EDWARD, 06.09.1873 08.16.1955, w Sallie Pinson FULTON, EUGENIA, 1879 1956, sister of Tom Fulton FULTON, S. P., 12.05.1867 04.31.1884 FULTON, TOM, brother of Eugenia Fulton GOODMAN, BUD, 06.17.1875 07.26.1949 GOODMAN, DOLLIE, 07.03.1883 03.12.1954 GOODMAN, ELISHEBA MATHEWS, 03.19.1829 01.15.1892, h William Goodman, c Luke, Mary GOODMAN, MARION MONROE, 04.05.1885 07.21.1974, WOW GOODMAN, MARY, 03.19.1834 02.20.1900, h Matthew Goodman GOODMAN, MATTHEW, 07.29.1829 07.19.1905, w Mary GOODMAN, SAMUEL G., 09.12.1886 05.22.1887 GRAY, EVIE, 02.28.1899 02.06.1966, h John Lee Gray GRAY, JOHN LEE, 08.09.1894 02.11.1971, w Evie GREEN, J. W., 07.18.1923 07.23.1974, WWII GRIMES, VERA M., 03.31.1895 02.06.1970 GROVES, BETTY BYRD, ? 9.13.1910 HAIRE, NANCY MCBRIDE, 07.28.1914 05.05.1951 HALL, HENRY, 01.01.1821 03.14.1910 HALL, JAMES, 1854 06.23.1877 HALL, L. E., 05.15.1852 04.01.1913 HALL, MARY S., 06.14.1890 01.29.1918 HALL, MINERVA, 09.12.1821 06.30.1881 HALL, WILLIS D., 09.11.1884 10.18.1900, s S. A. & J. M. Hall HAMILTON, ANNIE MAURINE, 07.11.1922 09.28.1974, h Roy C. Hamilton HAMILTON, HATTIE KATHRYN, 10.23.1918 07.06.1976, h Willie Hamilton HAMILTON, ROY C., 04.10.1917 12.06.1966, w Annie Maurine, WWII HANCOCK, AMANDA C., 11.23.1878 07.30.1961, h Will W. Hancock HANCOCK, EDDIE MARSHALL, 04.03.1905 08.17.1930, by Richard T. Hancock HANCOCK, FLORENCE ESTES, 08.31.1900 07.07.1954, by Richard T. Hancock HANCOCK, GLADYS A. STARKEY, 1912 08.04.1977, h W. R. Hancock HANCOCK, MATTIE IDELLA, 09.26.1876 10.14.1959 HANCOCK, RICHARD T., 08.29.1895 11.02.1950 HANCOCK, WILL W., w Amanda C., 07.12.1877 05.06.1971 HARDIN, ALLIE MAE, 06.02.1905 02.18.1978, c James F. HARDIN, JAMES F., ? 1975, s Allie Mae Hardin HARDIN, KATHRYN, 11.08.1950 10.22.1978 HARRIS, JOHNNIE, 01.16.1910 07.30.1966, by Willie Mozelle & E. H. Harris HARRIS, WILLIE MOZELLE, 03.07.1907 01.20.1972, w E. H. HART, R. R., 11.18.1831 01.07.1894 HAWTHORN, C. C., 1851 02.06.1890 HAYGOOD, M. AYLENE, 02.11.1920 09.20.1975 HENRY, ELLIE M., 1904 1970, h Walter Henry HENRY, WALTER, 06.16.1906 04.05.1978, w Ellie M. HICKMAN, BRADLEY, 01.09.1866 11.14.1962, w Ora Belle HICKMAN, ORA BELLE, 05.10.1878 01.14.1965, h Bradley Hickman HICKMAN, MARVIN BRADLEY, 02.18.1900 01.18.1977, w Pauline HOCKLEY, NANCY, 1810 12.20.1898 HOLDEN, ARTEMIA F., 10.26.1859 09.12.1941, h James B. Holden HOLDEN, JAMES B., 03.04.1858 01.26.1908, w Artemia F. JAMES, ELVIRA DAVISON, 10.25.1889 08.19.1968, h Rufus Coleman James, 6 children JAMES, FRANK A., 12.18.1884 06.24.1965, w Sarah Annie JAMES, JOHN THOMAS, 01.08.1891 04.07.1960 JAMES, RUFUS COLEMAN, 01.08.1878 01.17.1938, s William Bill & Sarah E. Greer James, w Elvira Davison JAMES, SARAH ANNIE, 05.10.1887 09.05.1960, h Frank A. James JETT, BILLY CHARLES, 12.17.1930 06.12.1973, s Silmon Buster & Lillie Mae Nicholson Jett, w Billie, Korea, Vietnam JETT, LOUIS EDMOND, 03.28.1928 6.1979, s Silmon Buster & Lillie Mae Nicholson Jett JOHNSON, STELLA BERNICE, 1915 1976 JOHNSON, WILLIAM, 10.12.1846 09.08.1893 KENNEDY, MARY G., h Reverend S. W. Kennedy, 69 years old KINTZ, CHARLENE LARY, JAMES L, 05.18.1854 05.19.1923, w Sarah D. LARY, SARAH D., 12.06.1853 04.30.1924, h James L. Lary LAWRENCE, JESSE A., 10.21.1887 07.06.1913, s J. & S. J. A. Lawrence LAWRENCE, LOLA L., 1895 1972, h Thomas J. LAWRENCE, SARAH D., 11.01.1858 01.15.1938 LAWRENCE, THOMAS J., 1880 1965, w Lola L. LEE, CLAUDE A., 04.13.1881 03.19.1955, w Minnie S. LEE, EDMON, 08.06.1830 03.05.1915 LEE, ELIZABETH ELEANOR, 06.09.1894 01.28.1972 LEE, MINNIE S., 04.24.1887 11.03.1952, h Claude A. Lee LEE, SOLONA ANN, 06.23.1870 01.20.1900 LEE, WILLIE MAE CARGILL, 07.26.1926 07.17.1962 LENNON, ADDIE MAE, 1896 1972 LINAM, infant, 12.19.1873 07.25.1874, s J. C. & E. W. Linam LINER, JAMES, 11.15.1882 03.18.1973, w Nettie LINER, NETTIE, 07.16.1887 07.21.1973, h James Liner LOVIN, N. J., ? 06.29.1910, h J. T. Lovin MCBRIDE, ANDREW W., 04.1872 04.19.1951 MCBRIDE, A. W. JINKS, 03.08.1912 07.11.1966 MCBRIDE, DOROTHY MAE, 1912 1965 MCBRIDE, ELBERT MITCHELL, 11.27.1897 12.12.1961 MCBRIDE, ETHA E., 08.15.1886 09.20.1968, h John W. McBride MCBRIDE, GEORGE BUCHANAN BUCK, ? 10.09.1964 MCBRIDE, JOE, 03.08.1889 04.24.1946 MCBRIDE, JOHN W., 02.08.1883 01.12.1929, w Etha E. MCBRIDE, LILLIE, 07.16.1875 07.08.1950 MCBRIDE, MAGGIE E., 09.05.1854 09.15.1909, h Mathew McBride MCBRIDE, MAGGIE LUDENIA, 09.26.1900 02.20.1966, h Thomas Lenard MCBRIDE, MARY HARDENIA, 12.08.1877 06.28.1934 MCBRIDE, MATHEW, 05.19.1840 03.15.1923, w Maggie E. MCBRIDE, ROY A., 01.19.1897 06.08.1864, WWI MCBRIDE, THOMAS LENARD, 01.22.1914 02.16.1978, w Maggie Ludenia MCBRIDE, WILLIAM THOMAS, 02.14.1876 12.24.1961 MCCLURE, DARNELL, w Gertrude Russell Gibson, c Mackie Lee, Norman, Glenda MCCLURE, MACKIE LEE, 08.11.1954 11.14.1971, s Darnell & Gertrude Russell Gibson McClure MCCORMICK, AMANDA J. CRAVEY, 08.12.1842 02.01.1927, b Polk, TX, h John W. James McCormick, c J. Ross, Seth R. MCCORMICK, BERTA MAE, 11.30.1919 02.25.1925 MCCORMICK, BERTHA, 12.20.1879 06.12.1903, d John W. James & Amanda J. Cravey McCormick MCCORMICK, CLAUDE B., 1900 1974, w Susie Lee Sitz MCCORMICK, J. B., 09.02.1876 10.29.1900, s John W. James & Amanda J. Cravey McCormick MCCORMICK, JOHN CURTIS, 01.15.1894 09.24.1943, s Seth R. & Mary Forston McCormick, w Leda Thelma Gladney MCCORMICK, JOHN W. JAMES, 09.12.1847 05.30.1925, b AL, s David Reid & Mary F. Polly McCormick, w Amanda J. Cravey MCCORMICK, LAVAUGHN, ? 12.24.1923, d Claude B. & Susie Lee Sitz McCormick MCCORMICK, LEDA THELMA GLADNEY, 06.28.1896 02.16.1945, h John Curtis McCormick MCCORMICK, MARY FORSTON, 03.06.1874 11.19.1963, h Seth R. McCormick, c J. Curtis, Tom, Claude B., Clyde B., Forrest MCCORMICK, MARY F. POLLY, 12.25.1829 12.11.1893, c John W. James, J. Ross MCCORMICK, SETH R., 11.02.1867 02.16.1946, s John W. James & Amanda J. Cravey McCormick, w Mary Forston MCCORMICK, SUSIE LEE SITZ, 10.30.1900 11.08.1980, d Albert August Theodore & Lillie Pinson Sitz, h Claude B. McCormick, c LaVaughn MCDONALD, DEE, 10.06.1922 02.11.1984, s Jake M. & Fredrick Elizabeth Rickie Niemann McDonald MCDONALD, ELMIRE, 06.01.1852 09.18.1905, h Jerry M. McDonald, c Jake, Ethel MCDONALD, ETHEL, 01.14.1894 05.05.1895, d Jerry M. & Elmire McDonald MCDONALD, FREDRICK ELIZABETH RICKIE NIEMANN, 12.03.1896 07.10.1978, d John Henry & Annie Marie Zweifel Niemann, h Jake M. McDonald, c Dee, Leroy MCDONALD, JAKE M., 1884 1966, w Fredrick Elizabeth Rickie Niemann MCDONALD, JERRY M., 06.13.1852 04.24.1934, w Elmire MCDRICE, NANCY S., 1850 - 1893 MCLEROY, DEEMER L., 02.11.1884 03.18.1954, w Nora Ann MCLEROY, JOHN JAMES, 04.28.1917 10.31.1960 MCLEROY, MABLE, 10.29.1913 05.28.1940 MCLEROY, MAGGIE, 1918 - 1978 MCLEROY, NORA ANN, 03.22.1885 10.03.1964, h Deemer L. McLeroy MARSHALL, BELLE V., 12.20.1872 07.05.1950, h Henry S. Marshall MARSHALL, ELIZABETH, 11.04.1844 12.05.1919, w William Jackson Marshall, c Cicero, Dallas, Sila Ann Lolley, Mary E., Henry S., Jessie Jackson, Bethany Emeline Owen, Missouri, James Cleburn, William Robert, Joseph, Nathan, Savannah Georgia Williams Vaughn Smith, Lily Bowshell MARSHALL, GEORGIA ANN GOODMAN, 11.10.1870 03.06.1961, d Jessie & Catherine Goodman, h Jessie Jackson Marshall, c Ardella, Willie, Robert W., Albert L., Walter, Jessie, Nora, Etta M., Era, Roy MARSHALL, HENRY S., 06.20.1866 04.18.1952, b Coffee Co., AL, s William Jackson & Elizabeth Goodman Marshall, w Belle V. MARSHALL, IDA L., 12.30.1884 11.21.1973, h William Robert Marshall MARSHALL, JAMES CLEBURN, 05.05.1875 07.29.1964, s William Jackson & Elizabeth Goodman Marshall, w Martha Jane Becktold MARSHALL, JAMES M., 01.16.1893 10.13.1918, WWI MARSHALL, JESSIE JACKSON, 03.11.1869 12.17.1954, b Geneva Co., AL, s William Jackson & Elizabeth Goodman Marshall, w Georgia Ann Goodman MARSHALL, MARTHA JANE BECKTOLD, 05.03.1890 04.26.1975, b Macoupin Co., IL, d Godfrey & Mary Elizabeth Crawford Becktold, h James Cleburn Marshall, c Lois Lavelle Tatum Brown, Mary Elizabeth Wallace, James Harold Jim, William Alva Sr., Robert Jackson Sr. MARSHALL, ROBERT, 05.31.1901 04.02.1902 MARSHALL, WILLIAM ROBERT, 05.29.1877 04.06-1946, s William Jackson & Elizabeth Goodman Marshall, w Ida L. MARSHALL, infant, ? 08.10.1928, d Robert & R. Marshall MARSHALL, infant, ? 1909 MARTINEZ, WILLIAM, 03.03.1971 03.03.1971 MATHEWS, FANNIE L., 03.30.1895 09.01.1956 MATHEWS, HENRY FRANKLIN, 07.16.1912 02.26.1973 MATHEWS, ROBERT L., 1891 1976 MAUK, ALBERT W., 09.01.1880 05.01.1937 MAUK, FRANKIE, 01.15.1885 06.11.1886 MAUK, GRADY, 10.24.1891 05.09.1948 MAUK, GRANVILLE, 01.21.1889 11.06.1946 MAUK, JAMES JIM, 03.01.1845 02.07.1917, b AL, s Albert William & Mary Jane Sephey Walker Mauk, w M. A., WOW MAUK, JANE A., 02.21.1916 01.18.1897 MAUK, JOHN SAMUEL, 01.15.1853 08.26.1939, s Albert William & Mary Jane Sephey Walker Mauk, w Tirrissa Ann Neely MAUK, JOSEPHUS JOE, 12.04.1854 05.31.1924, s Albert William & Mary Jane Sephey Walker Mauk MAUK, M. A., 12.04.1849 12.25.1915, h James Jim Mauk MAUK, MARY INA, 07.07.1889 11.08.1908, d Albert William Bud & Florence Augusta Springfield Mauk MAUK, TIRRISSA ANN NEELY, 08.03.1853 09.15.1926, h John Samuel Mauk MAY, ALMA, 11.26.1898 ?, h Roger May MAY, DAVID, 09.26.1909 11.26.1970, w Zenell MAY, MONTIE DALE, 01.17.1959 07.26.1976, s L. & S. May MAY, ROGER, 01.08.1890 ?, w Alma MAYFIELD, RUTHIE, 1899 1899 MEADORS, BETTIE, 05.12.1887 04.27.1921 MEADORS, DALTON FRANKLIN, 09.08.1929 12.24.1932 MEADORS, ELLIE MAY, 06.29.1903 12.16.1904, d W. W. & M. F. Meadors MEADORS, J. HARDY, 09.14.1884 01.09.1940 MEADORS, LOIS LAND, 07.13.1931 04.12.1978, h W. A. Meadors MEADORS, MARY FRANCES, 11.15.1881 07.15.1929, h W. W. Meadors, c Ellie May MEADORS, MARY VIOLA, 12.17.1900 08.13.1860, h Ruben Bert Meadors MEADORS, ONNIA MAY, 11.26.1879 04.13.1937 MEADORS, RUBEN BERT, 06.05.1896 03.07.1974, w Mary Viola, WWII MEADORS, W. W., 11.04.1875 03.03.1946, w Mary Frances MEADORS, WILBURN THOMAS, 06.14.1927 03.10.1975, w Billie Maxine Bolton, U. S. Air Force MEADORS, WILLIAM EARL, 08.06.1898 09.12.1970 MEADORS, WILLIE, 09.15.1908 03.28.1965 MENEFEE, CAROLINE MARTHA, 1832 1918, h Reverend T. A. Menefee MENEFEE, CLAY COBB, 12.24.1856 06.11.1929 MENEFEE, DELLA C., 02.18.1880 07.03.1958 MENEFEE, MARY ETNA, 12.29.1858 05.04.1941 MENEFEE, WILLIAM CLARK, 1861 - 1933 MERRYMAN, CICERO F., 11.26.1890 06.14.1950 MERRYMAN, CLAUDIE C., 10.16.1909 02.19.1971 MERRYMAN, EARL, 1904 1978 MERRYMAN, JEPPIE LEWIS, 11.14.1877 11.29.1942 MERRYMAN, MARSHALL O., 03.23.1917 10.23.1977, w Elsie MERRYMAN, MARY A., 02.24.1880 12.26.1953 MERRYMAN, OSCAR COLQUIT, 09.29.1913 02.17.1967, w Doris Oleta Bolton MERRYMAN, SUSIE, 05.05.1859 09.10.1949 MERRYMAN, WILLARD JESSIE, 10.01.1902 12.04.1969 MERRYMAN, W. P., 09.06.1907 08.02.1970 MERRYMAN, infant MICKLEWITZ, JOEY, 1977 1977 MILLER, JAMES LEE, 10.07.1935 02.19.1937, s Norman L. & E. A. Miller MILLER, NORMAN L., 09.08.1911 10.06.1949, w E. A. MILLER, WILLIAM NORMAN, 09.09.1939 09.10.1939 MOON, BEN P., 02.18.1910 10.03.1959, w Ethel L. MOORE, ELVIN GLENN, 03.22.1955 08.13.1978 MOORE, HOWARD F., 01.31.1920 06.20.1944, WWII MOORE, LARRY W., 12.19.1957 05.21.1974 MOORE, LEE WILLIAM, 12.31.1897 05.25.1969, Martha Lenora MOORE, MARTHA LENORA, 03.13.1902 07.06.1958, h Lee William Moore MOORE, WILLIAM DANIEL, 08.10.1872 08.17.1919 MORRIS, SIDNEY B., 08.23.1892 01.26.1977, w Selma I. MORRIS, STEVEN MICHAEL, 08.14.1967 08.14.1967, s Sam H. & Verna Kathryn Morris MORRIS, VERNA KATHRYN, 12.23.1929 08.14.1967, h Sam H. Morris NALE, JAMES F. JR., 07.17.1928 07.18.1928 NALE, JAMES N., 07.07.1872 05.25.1962, w Virginia E. NALE, VIRGINIA E., 06.23.1876 09.19.1937, h James N. Nale NEELY, AMZI, 03.11.1849 06.15.1923, w Mary M. NEELY, CARRIE, 12.30.1884 02.19.1968 NEELY, CRAFFORD A., 02.16.1880 09.02.1881 NEELY, DEE AMZI, 07.18.1891 06.19.1897 NEELY, FRANK A., 1889 1942 NEELY, KIRSA, 11.12.1814 06.19.1898, h S. F. Neely NEELY, LUCINDA C., 04.16.1842 09.25.1904 NEELY, MAE B., 08.18.1878 12.19.1879 NEELY, MARY M., 05.10.1854 10.04.1939, h Amzi Neely NEELY, NEIL, 02.04.1888 02.04.1888 NEELY, OLA, 10.30.1886 11.02.1887 NEELY, S. F., 05.13.1815 11.11.1885, w Kirsa NEELY, TRESSIE, 02.11.1883 03.14.1966 NICHOLSON, ALICE, 04.19.1897 02.07.1900, d Charles C. & E. Nicholson NICHOLSON, BETTIE, 12.07.1869 12.31.1948 NICHOLSON, CHARLES C., 02.22.1865 12.17.1916, w E., WOW NICHOLSON, CLAUDIE WRIGHT, 09.26.1894 03.04.1942 NICHOLSON, MARION E., 04.27.1891 10.25.1957 NICHOLSON, WILLIAM CLIFFORD, 1888 02.24.1927 NICKELSON, DAYTON L., 06.24.1908 07.11.1931 NICKELSON, EDWARD EARL, 10.08.1920 10.08.1920 NICKELSON, EURAL LEE, 11.25.1894 - ? NICKELSON, JAMES ALFORD, 09.01.1886 12.13.1971 NICKELSON, JAMES A., JR., 08.04.1932 10.01.1932 NICKELSON, JAMES LOUIS, 10.03.1950 11.09.1975 NICKELSON, RUTHEY JANE, 05.14.1886 01.20.1955 NICKELSON, SALLY LOUISE, 11.05.1863 07.07.1943 NICKELSON, WILLIAM ASA, 08.13.1884 12.07.1936 NICKELSON, W. H., 12.09.1851 04.21.1932 NIEMANN, ALVIN HERMANN, 08.25.1925 02.09.2000, s Adolph Hermann & Ida Marie Witmer Niemann, w Mary Sue Ferguson, c Barbara Sue Fox, Becky June Calhoun, Donnie Ray ONEAL, L. A., 05.01.1830 12.05.1895 PACK, ARCHIE LEE, 03.31.1915 07.19.1924 PAGE, ARTHER, 12.10.1911 12.20.1967 PARDEW, CHAUNCEY J., 12.30.1906 02.23.1971, WWII PARKER, HENRY CLIFFORD, 08.17.1871 05.21.1948, w Lizzie Patrick PARKER, LIZZIE PATRICK, 03.01.1882 11.04.1942, h Henry Clifford Parker PARKS, JESSE R., 04.12.1901 09.11.1963, w Gladys L. PETERS, FRED H., 07.21.1881 09.30.1962, s K. F. & Minnie C. Stassen Peters, w Myrtle C. PETERS, MYRTLE C., 12.09.1894 06.25.1985, h Fred H. Peters PETTY, EDGAR E., 09.10.1888 09.07.1924 PETTY, EDWARD A., 06.26.1894 02.05.1975, w Verta Mauk, WWI PETTY, FRANK, 1856 1916, w Jodie PETTY, JODIE, 1859 1948, h Frank Petty PETTY, VERTA MAUK, 01.23.1896 1979, h Edward A. Petty PHILMAN, NANCY, 01.03.1840 01.22.1916 PIPKIN, ANNIE BRUNETTE, 07.31.1893 05.18.1969, d Frank & Annie Marie Bersch Benndorf Brunette, h Willis Claude Pipkin, c Lillie Mae Hempel, Beulah Faye Leal PIPKIN, WILLIS CLAUDE, 01.27.1892 05.18.1966, s William Willis & Miranda Ann Rutherford Pipkin, w Annie Brunette POLASEK, ? 1942 PRUETT, JIMMIE JOE, 12.19.1934 02.09.1936 PURSER, TROY ELOIS, 03.19.1940 05.05.1969, w Nadine PUSKA, ELIZABETH ANN, 1950 1971 QUICK, J. T., 1843 05.10.1877 RABE, ESTELLE JAMES, d Rufus Coleman & Elvia Davidson James, h Theodore Hugo Tator Rabe, c Arvell, Janice J., Phillip K., Dwight G. RABE, KENNETH DEWAYNE, 05.20.1971 05.20.1971 RABE, THEODORE HUGO TATOR, 11.30.1905 05.25.1968, s John Gerhard Jr. & Elizabeth Christina Lizzie Pfistner Rabe, w Estelle James RAMSEY, ARCHIE R., 07.14.1921 06.02.1940 RICE, ELIZABETH, 11.25.1844 01.30.1883, h W. S. Rice RICE, ELIZABETH SHEFFIELD, 1850 1894 RICE, GAZZA, 1876 1879 RICE, J. W., 07.25.1845 08.29.1903 RICHARDSON, MADIE M., 10.26.1914 02.18.1969 RIGBY, M. O., 11.12.1847 09.24.1888 RITCHIE, HAZEL N., ? 11.19.1921, h Walter R. Ritchie RITCHIE, WALTER R., ? 09.16.1920, w Hazel N. ROBERTSON, LEE ROY, 12.05.1889 04.16.1901, s M. J. & M. F. Robertson ROSS, FANNIE, 01.08.1887 01.16.1900, d O. S. & J. Ross ROSS, JAMES S., 07.29.1856 12.02.1916 ROSS, JERUSHA, 10.05.1856 12.02.1916 RUSH, ANNIE C., 03.21.1891 10.12.1935, by John H. Rush RUSH, ANNIE F., 04.07.1897 06.15.1959, by John H. Rush RUSH, JOHN H., 11.26.1884 07.02.1964 RUSSELL, AVOLT, 11.24.1927 ?, s William Wesley Will & Zula Elizabeth Meadors Russell, w Adelle Faye Blair, c William Stanley Buddy, Carolyn RUSSELL, BONNIE FAYE JETT, 1913 1995, d Henry Benton Sr., & Lavina Ellen Vina Winkler Jett, h Grady Henry Russell Sr., c Chester, Grady Henry Jr., Judy, Linda, Travis Wayne Sonny, David Elton, Wanda Faye RUSSELL, GRADY HENRY SR., 09.07.1913 1971, s William Wesley Will & Zula Elizabeth Meadors Russell, w Bonnie Faye Jett RUSSELL, GRANVILLE WILLIAM SR., 05.22.1912 08.10.1971, s William Wesley Will & Zula Elizabeth Meadors Russell, w1 Opal Wanita Smith, w2 Carrie Mae, c2 Debbie, Travis RUSSELL, OPAL WANITA SMITH, 02.23.1918 01.28.1956, d William J. & Phenie M. Ainsworth Smith, h Granville William Russell, Sr., c Granville William Jr., Opal Wanita Mayfield, Imogene Jean Roberts RUSSELL, RANDELL J. COWBOY, 1950 09.30.1972, s George & Louvelle Cunningham Russell, w Madeline Lampost, c Kelly RUSSELL, WILLIAM STANLEY BUDDY, 08.09.1944 04.21.1956, s Avolt & Adelle Faye Blair Russell RUSSELL, WILLIAM WESLEY WILL, 03.28.1885 01.08.1964, s William Bill & Annie Martha Davis Russell, w Zula Elizabeth Meadors RUSSELL, ZULA ELIZABETH MEADORS, 02.05.1891 11.11.1960, h William Wesley Will Russell, c Jorine, Gracie Pauline Brunette Byrd, Granville William Sr., Grady Henry Sr., Madie Maureen Dodds, George Delmar, Gertrude Gibson McClure, Gretchen Annie Brown, Burl Bernard, Junior Avolt, Erie Wanita Jett RUTHERFORD, D. C., 06.17.1834 09.17.1895 RUTHERFORD, GEORGE SEVIER, 03.14.1832 03.09.1909, b Jackson Co., AL, s James & Susan Starkey Rutherford, w Martha Jane Cornelison, CSA RUTHERFORD, MARTHA JANE CORNELISON, 09.14.1849 10.18.1928, b Colbert Co. AL, h George Sevier Rutherford, c Miranda A. Pipkin SANDERS, A. P., 06.25.1853 11.22.1915, w Nancy Ann B. SANDERS, ALBERT P., 04.10.1884 01.22.1956, w A. B. SANDERS, ANNIE, 03.02.1886 03.20.1888, d Albert P. & A. B. Sanders SANDERS, B. J., 05.11.1820 12.22.1897, h W. M. SANDERS, DEE R., 05.10.1886 05.10.1971, w Ethel SANDERS, EDWARD M., 11.18.1907 03.01 1979, w L. N. SANDERS, ETHEL, 08.03.1890 02.28.1974, h Dee R. Sanders SANDERS, EVA LEE, 12.17.1883 01.13.1961, h George P. Sanders SANDERS, GEORGE P., 05.12.1878 07.23.1961, w Eva Lee SANDERS, JOE HOWARD, 05.13.1923 11.05.1972, WWII SANDERS, NANCY ANN B., 09.12.1858 08.09.1899, h A. P. Sanders SANDERS, ODIS WILBURN, 09.19.1913 11.02.1917 SANDERS, OLLIE RAYMOND, 06.18.1893 04.29.1938 SANDERS, VERNON C., 09.12.1918 08.27.1969, w L. M. SANDERS, W. M., 1819 05.03.1903, w B. J. SANDERS, ? 1951 SANDIFER, ERA MAE, 08.28.1887 02.17.1941, h Jim O. Sandifer SANDIFER, JIM O., 02.06.1887 11.08.1969, w Era Mae SANDIFER, MOLLIE J., 1874 1956, h Will W. Sandifer SANDIFER, WILL W., 1875 1952, w Mollie J. SANDIFER, infant, 12.05.1920 12.06.1920, d Will W. & Mollie J. Sandifer SCARBOROUGH, MARY BRYAN, 10.12.1817 05.30.1877 SCASTA SELLERS, GEORGE HENRY, 04.11.1875 05.26.1951 SIKES, RILEY B., 06.13.1921 10.26.1974, w Adele, WWII SLAWSON, DAVE, 03.27.1891 01.02.1941, WWI SLAWSON, JOHN A., 03.04.1867 11.24.1931, w Marthe SLAWSON, MARTHE, 01.22.1869 02.09.1945, h John A. Slawson SLOAN, BEN, 02.04.1848 12.01.1892 SLOAN, BEULA, 1880 1943 SLOAN, GEORGE W., 10.16.1882 11.10.1941 SMITH, ALICE, 1868 1892, h J. A. Smith SMITH, ALICE NEELY, 08.16.1876 02.08.1968, h William L. Smith SMITH, ANDREW CAVITT, 1913 1917 SMITH, BENJAMIN A., 11.20.1876 02.08.1968, s D. F. & M. D. Smith SMITH, CECIL LUTHER, 03.14.1921 04.03.1945, s Luther Roy & Leora Bersch Smith, WWII SMITH, EDGAR EUGENE, 04.23.1917 10.21.1918, s Luther Roy & Leora Bersch Smith SMITH, GEORGE W., 04.19.1858 05.17.1933, w Miranda Ann Rutherford Pipkin SMITH, HOWARD R., 09.21.1902 05.19.1964 SMITH, LEE FREDERICK, 08.10.1889 05.10.1905, s George W. Smith SMITH, LEORA BERSCH, 07.30.1892 11.24.1948, d John & Amelia Henrietta Mollie Sitz Bersch, h Luther Roy Smith, c Golda Alice Woodyard, Lee Roy, Edgar Eugene, Cecil Luther, Albert Paul SMITH, LORA V., 1887 1952 SMITH, LUTHER ROY, 02.26.1890 07.24.1948, w Leora Bersch SMITH, LYNN MELTON, 1915 1917 SMITH, MARTHA H., 01.01.1969 06.22.1937 SMITH, MARY ANN, 01.20.1829 02.24.1902 SMITH, MIRANDA ANN RUTHERFORD PIPKIN, 02.07.1871 12.04.1945, b Colbert Co., AL, d George Sevier & Martha J. Cornelison Rutherford, h1 William Willis Pipkin, c1 Willis Claude, Chessie Alma Wyatt, h2 George W. Smith SMITH, ORON WELDON, 10.20.1919 05.26.1974, w D. M. SMTIH, ROBERT A., 09.05.1868 01.08-1954 SMITH, ROBERT A., 08.10.1894 12.11.1948, w Emma SMITH, WILLIAM L., 08.28.1876 01.20-1954, w Alice Neely SMITHERMAN, ADA MCDONALD HALL, 1878 12.24.1961, d Jerry M. McDonald, h1 Mr. Hall, h2 Mr. Smitherman SMITHERS, DANIEL O. SR., 08.05.1886 02.10.1969, s George Sylvester Smithers, w Gertrude Elizabeth Niemann SMITHERS, FERMAN THOMAS, 10.291925 06.30.1951, s Daniel O. Sr. & Gertrude Elizabeth Niemann Smithers, Korea, killed in action SMITHERS, GEORGE WILLIAM, 05.21.1919 01.19.1975, s Daniel O. Sr. & Gertrude Elizabeth Niemann Smithers, w Frances SMITHERS, GERTRUDE ELIZABETH NIEMANN, 03.10.1890 03.17.1962, d John Henry & Annie Marie Zweifel Niemann, h Daniel O. Smithers Sr., c Adeline Vann, Daniel O. Jr., Elizabeth Taylor, Imogene, James C., W. H., Eva Annie Carter, George William, Ferman Thomas SMITHERS, GWEN W., 08.11.1876 07.08.1949 SMITHERS, IMOGENE, 06.09.1931 12.02.1931, d Daniel O. Sr. & Gertrude Elizabeth Niemann Smithers SMITHERS, JAMES C., 08.09.1924 11.26.1924, s Daniel O. Sr. & Gertrude Elizabeth Niemann Smithers SNIDER, LAVENIA, 1859 1900, h W. C. Snider SNIDER, VIRGIE W., 12.26.1895 04.08.1968, h N. C. Snider SPEIGHTS, GREEN H., 11.13.1840 02.22.1929, w R. E. SPEIGHTS, R. E., 1848 1926, h Green H. Speights SPRINGER, ? SPRINGFIELD, A. J., 1822 1882 SPRINGFIELD, ALMA, 10.21.1870 08.25.1871, d W. B. & A. A. Springfield SPRINGFIELD, D. P., 09.01.1857 08.11.1893, w Eddie SPRINGFIELD, EDDIE, ? 02.06.1884, h D. P. Springfield SPRINGFIELD, FLETCHER, 1902 06.08.1902, s F. L. & A. Springfield SPRINGFIELD, MARTHA A., 1839 1929, h A. J. Springfield SPRINGFIELD, MARY, 1855 1916 SPRINGFIELD, MOLLIE, 01.03.1853 08.05.1887, h C. P. Springfield STARKEY, EMMA R., 02.16.1885 02.17.1964 STARKEY, FERMAN FORREST STEVE, 1939 1963, s L. Ferman & Vena J. Starkey STARKEY, GEORGE FORREST, 04.01.1876 11.03.1958, b Fackler, Jackson Co., AL, s John Benton & Margaret Smith Starkey STARKEY, JOHN BENTON, 1826 1909, b Jackson Co., AL, s John Forrest & Margaret Price Starkey, w1 Elizabeth Ballard, c1 John W., w2 Margaret Smith, CSA STARKEY, L. FERMAN, 08.16.1905 12.01.1965, w Vena J. STARKEY, LESLIE MITCHELL SNOOKS, 12.22.1919 08.30.1972, w Rosalie Annie Niemann, c Leslie Yvonne Maris, Glenn Edward STARKEY, MARGARET SMITH, 1846 1913, h John Benton Starkey, c John Edward, George Forrest, Bennett Hillery STARKEY, VERNON, 12.29.1901 04.26.1972, w Effie STARKEY, WILLIAM M., 12.30.1872 12.24.1967 STEWART, BILL, 02.14.1887 08.03.1970 STEWART, JAMES H., 12.08.1881 12.19.1964 SWEAT, VODIE, 11.20.1885 07.27.1963, w Nona TARVER, JOHN B., 01.27.1884 01.27.1884 12.24.1955, w Pearl D. McBride TARVER, PEARL D. MCBRIDE, 12.15.1913 01.18.1973, h John B. Tarver TAYLOR, CHERYL ANN, 01.28.1957 01.30.1957, d Henry E. & Len Taylor TAYLOR, HENRY E., 07.17.1922 01.16.1979, w Len TEMPLETON, GLYNN CURTIS, s William Henry Templeton, c William Glynn "Willy" Templeton, U. S. Army, WWII TEMPLETON, WILLIAM HENRY, 10.17.1889 10.20.1976, s John J. Templeton, c Glynn Curtis Templeton THREADGILL, BENJAMIN R. BENNIE, 09.11.1887 09.22.1953, s Louis A. & Martha Lea Sissy Hall Threadgill, w Mollie Mary Stewart Threadgill THREADGILL, ETNER, 1902 -1916 THREADGILL, JOE WINFRED SR., 1874 1947, s Louis A. & Martha Lea Sissy Hall Threadgill, w Nancy Merchant THREADGILL, MOLLIE MARY STEWART, 12.03.1892 11.23.1971, h Bennie R. Threadgill, c Rafia, Ruby Eugene, Billie Louise, Gladdie, Louis Otho, Mary Inez, Wilma Pauline, Ben Aaron THREADGILL, NANCY MERCHANT, 1875 1939, h Joe Winfred Threadgill, Sr., c Mary Ola Bersch, Effie Lee, Robert Louis, Joe Winfred Jr. TOWNS, AMIE MCDONALD, 07.30.1877 09.23.1900, d Jerry M. & Elmire McDonald, h Thomas Alford Towns, c Alford Miles, Irene Ada Stephens, Willie Newton TRIBBLE, BILLIE JACK, 1928 1978, s Ralph Artist & Idella E. Tribble TRIBBLE, COWAN C., 04.23.1854 01.09.1936, w Francis E. TRIBBLE, FRANCIS E., 03.05.1858 04.12.1937, h Cowan C. Tribble TRIBBLE, IDELLA E., 03.21.1904 11.18.1975, w Ralph Artist, c Billie Jack TRIBBLE, L. W., 11.30.1826 06.15.1889 TRIBBLE, M. A., 12.07.1830 03.08.1917 TRIBBLE, RALPH ARTIST, 12.28.1894 11.16.1963, w Idella E., WWI TYLER, LEE OLA, 1882 1902 TYLER, MARY E., 1871 06.25.1929 WADE, NOBLE, 01.17.1922 10.08.1923, s C. C. & V. C. Wade WALKER, ELIZABETH, 10.27.1869 02.14.1946 WARNICK, WILHELM HENRY, 1890 1940 WATSON, JOHN T., 1851 1922, w Mary Jane W. WATSON, MARY JANE W., 1848 1918, h John T. Watson WATSON, OLIVER WEBSTER, 04.17.1890 09.08.1892 WATSON, OSCAR, 08.25.1891 09.12.1892 WATTS, ABBIE E., 04.03.1861 10.01.1926 WATTS, WALTER L., 03.24.1865 06.24.1920 WELCH, JAMES M., 10.15.1866- 01.12.1916, w Emma, WOW WELCH, THOMAS D., 07.09.1876 11.06.1951 WHATLEY, JOHN W., 07.29.1870 03.03.1942, w1 Nora E., w2 Siney Idella Sweat Byrd WHATLEY, MONROE THOMAS WHATLEY, NORA E., 03.07.1872 07.08.1915, h John W. Whatley WHATLEY, SINEY IDELLA SWEAT BYRD, 08.07.1874 02.03.1969, d William Levi Bill & Mary Jane Singleton Sweat, h1 Isaac Wilburn Byrd, h2 John W. Whatley WHATLEY, WILEY N., 1907 - 1907 WHEELESS, ELLIS THOMAS, 02.27.1919 02.28.1919 WHITTINGTON, WILBURN, 10.05.1910 11.1981, s Moses Clifton & Stella Mae Bush Whittington WIDMER, JOE J., 03.14.1891 08.08.1967 WILKERSON, JAMES S., 01.22.1907 05.06.1975, w Marie, WWII WILKERSON, JOHN W., 12.27.1872 12.07.1929, w Lizzie WILKERSON, LIZZIE, 01.30.1882 12.19.1964, h John W. Wilkerson WILKERSON, MARIE, 1907 1978, h James S. Wilkerson WILLIAMS, ELLA MISSOURI, 02.14.1878 11.02.1957 WILLIAMS, GENE, s General Walter Washington Williams WILLIAMS, GENERAL WALTER WASHINGTON, 11.14.1842 12.19.1959, CSA, historical marker reads: "Reputed to have been last surviving soldier of the Civil War (1861-1865). Born in Ittawamba County, MS, Williams during the war was a forage master for the celebrated Hood's Texas Brigade. Soon after the war he moved to Texas and farmed near here. He was twice married and had a large family, with descendants numbering over 200 when he died. He had lived very quietly until in extreme old age he gained fame as one of a very few remaining veterans. After the nation lost all other men who had fought in the Civil War, he was given honorary rank of General by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. When General Williams died in Houston at the home of a daughter, President Eisenhower proclaimed a period of national mourning. Williams rests here in Mount Pleasant Cemetery among families who migrated to Texas and braved the dangers of the frontier for years before he came. This is one of the oldest public burial grounds in Robertson County, situated within boundaries of colony planned north of El Camino Real by the pioneer Sterling Clack Robertson, from Tennessee. The Robertson Colony was founded in the 1820s and was a major civilizing influence in East Texas." (#10957/1970) WILLIAMS, GEORGE W., 08.17.1895 07.12.1918 W------, 05.18.1881 04.21.1885 WRIGHT, LIZZIE, 04.18.1887 01.08.1900 ZERT, FRANK JORDON, 11.28.1899 10.01.1975, w Z. F. ZWEIFEL, ADDIE MARSHALL LEAMON, 08.05.1895 06.25.1972, h Fred John Zweifel, c Elaine ZWEIFEL, ELAINE, 03.23.1919 07.08.1921, d Fred John & Addie Marshall Leamon Zweifel ZWEIFEL, FRED JOHN, 11.27.1885 05.31.1949, w Addie Marshall Leamon The above list is partially based upon information contained in the out-of-print book Cemeteries In Robertson County, Texas by Verna Corn Floyd and Vernelle Corn, copyright 1980, D. Armstrong Co., Inc., Printers/Publishers, Houston, Texas. Updates, additions, and corrections have been made as a result of extensive cemetery and family history research and the invaluable assistance of relatives of people buried in this cemetery.