Runnels Co, TX - District Medical Society Holds Successful Meeting ******************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - To Bookmark this file: ******************************************************************* Ballinger Ledger - Date Unknown The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Fourth District Medical Society closed here Tuesday afternoon. At the final business session Dr. Charles F. Bailey, of Ballinger, was elected president of the organization for the next year; Dr. D. D. Wall, of San Angelo, vice- president; and Dr. D. J. Jordan, of Brady, secretary-treasurer. Brady was selected as the next meeting place next October, the exact date to be set later by the officers. The Ballinger meeting was declared to have been one of the best in the history of the group. Prominent specialists of the Southwest read papers on various diseases which are attracting much attention in the profession today. These papers declared to have been among the best heard at any meeting of the organization, and the discussion which followed, were considered of vital importance by the members. The visiting doctors were guests of the Runnels County Medical Society at a banquet at the Central Hotel Monday evening. Dr. T. R. Sealy, of Santa Anna, toastmaster, presented numbers on the program in a pleasing manner. These numbers included a vocal solo by Mrs. J. A. Schnable, dance numbers of a class instructed by Mrs. Schnable, and a reading by Mrs. Charles F. Bailey. Dr. Sealy paid high tribute to Drs. A. S. Love and W. B. Halley, of this city, terming them pioneers in hospital practice in this section of the state. He praised them as physicians, surgeons and gentlemen and all present stood at attention in honor of these popular Ballinger surgeons. Dr. Love was ill and unable to attend the banquet and Dr. Halley had been called away on business and neither was present to receive the special tribute. The doctors were guests of the Rotary and Lions clubs at luncheon Tuesday noon. The guest speaker for this occasion was Dr. John Potts, of Fort Worth, specialist in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis. Dr. Potts delivered a pointed message for both physicians and laymen, indicating that the way to stamp out this dread disease was by education of the young people. He stated that he would like to see it a required subject in high school and declared great numbers of people are reduced to poverty and put on charity simply because they do not know how to prevent this plague.