Estate of Willis Murphrey--Sabine County, Texas Transcribed from the "original" document by Tony Abruscato Submitted by: Sue Skay Abruscato ( More information on this line can be obtained at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estate of Willis Murphrey, deceased: Filed for record this the 26th day of August 1907 at 2 o'clock PM Estate of Willis Murphrey, deceased Heirs of Murphrey vs. Widow and Heirs of Murphrey On application for Partition & Distribution filed 1858 Decree of Partition made at February term, County Court & Order made at April term of said court A D 1858. A true copy to accompany Writ of Partition issued this day. Issued May 10th, 1858 Robert J. Oliphant, Clerk Co. On petition of Jessee B. Drawhorn & wife; J.B. Drawhorn, assignee of J.S. Murphrey; James Dewees & wife; Sarah Murphrey; Ezra Green and Priscilla Green, by guardian Fitz Green; Willis Murphrey, heirs at law of said estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Narcissa Eddings; Ezra & Priscilla Green, children of Emily Green deceased in right of said deceased mother; Martha Drawhorn wife of J.B. Drawhorn; Jared S. Murphrey; Elizabeth Dewees (wife of James Dewees); Willis Murphrey; Sarah Murphrey; and Priscilla Murphrey (widow) are all the heirs at law of said estate and that due and legal service has been made upon Sterling Eddings and Narcissa Eddings his wife of citation and copy of partition herein. And it further appearing to the satisfaction of the court that said Narcissa has received by way of advancement from said deceased in his lifetime a large amount of property of great value, to wit, of the value eighteen hundred dollars and having failed and neglected and refused to bring the same into latch pot; It is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that said Narcissa Eddings be and she is hereby excluded from participating in the Partition of the remainder of said estate. And it further appearing to the satisfaction of the court that said Martha Drawhorn, heir as aforesaid has received by way of advancement from said deceased in his lifetime a large amount of property of great value, to wit: of the value of five hundred; and having failed, neglected and refused to being the same into latch pot. Therefore, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that said Martha Drawhorn be excluded from participating in the partition of the remainder of such estate. And Priscilla Murphrey widow of said deceased and executor of said estate, having at this term of the court appeared in her own proper person and renounced her community interest in such estate and stipulates to receive in lieu thereof one equal share with the other distributees. There- fore it is ordered and decreed by the court that George W. Cartwright, John Ruddall, and John F. Hankla be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to make as fair and equal partition and distribution of all and singular the following described piece or parcel of land, situated in Sabine County, and described as follows, to wit: twelve hundred acres bounded on the north by lands belonging to Thompson's heirs, on the east by lands of William A Thompson and George W. Cartwright, on the south by lands belong to Issac F. Roberts, on the west by Presnell lands; being a part of said deceased Murphrey's headright to be divided into six equal parts; and make report of their proceedings to this court at the next regular term. And it is further decreed and adjudged that Priscilla Murphrey, widow, one share; Ezra & Priscilla Green, minor children of Emily Green, one share; Jessee B. Drawhorn, assignee of Jared S. Murphrey, one share; Elizabeth Dewees, wife of James Dewees, one share; Willis Murphrey, one share; and Sarah Murphrey, one share; are all the legal distributees entitled to partition and distribution of such land and further ordered that Joshua H. Speights be and he is hereby constituted and appointed attorney ad letem to represent the interest of said Sarah Murphrey infant heir of said estate in such partition and distribution of such land; and Ordered by the court that a Writ of Partition issue, commanding them to proceed forthwith to make such partition and distribution, in accordance with the decree of the court, a copy of which decree shall accompany such writ; and also commanding them to make due return of said Writ, with their proceeding under it at the next (March) Term of the Court AD 1858. State of Texas, County of Sabine} I, Robert J. Oliphint Clerk of the County Court in & for said county, hereby certify that the above and foregoing transcript written one side of five half sheets of foolscap making five pages, numbered 1,2,3,4,5 is a true copy of the Order and Decree of Partition and Distribution made at the February term of the County Court of said Sabine County pertaining to estates of deceased persons AD 1858. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. 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