Confederate Biography : J. W. ARNOLD, Shrevport, LA ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Susie McFarland Lemin Nov. 3, 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, p. 154 James W. Arnold, of Shreveport, La., was born in Taldega county, Ala., in 1836. He removed to Smith county, Texas in 1858 and located at Tyler. When the war came on he joined Co. "K" 3rd Texas Cavalry, and his command immediately went to the front. He participated in the battles of Oak Hills, Elk Horn Tavern, Farmington, Iuka Corinth, Thompson's Station and Franklin. Was in the Georgia campaign, and the retreat from Nashville. Surrendered in 1865 and settled in Shreveport, La., where he lived a useful life. He married in 1866, Mrs. Gus Howard. He died some years ago, leaving behind him a good name.