CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: Battle of Raymond *********************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 6 June 2002 *********************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, page 231 BATTLE OF RAYMOND. The battle of Raymond, Miss., was a terrific strife in which Texans bore a conspicuous part. Col. Granberry, commanding the 7th Texas, said: "Capt. W. H. Smith, after acting with marked gallantry, fell pierced with three balls; Capt. J. W. Brown was wounded in the head and ab­domen, but borne from the field and saved; Capt. J. H, Col­lett was wounded by a grapeshot; Capt. 0. P. Forrest fell in the retreat; Lieuts. J. C. Kidd, J. W. Taylor, A. H. White, were wounded. Lieuts. J. D. Miles and T. S. Townsend were slightly wounded. Lieuts. W. A. Collier and J. N. Monin are among the missing. Capt. E T. Broughton was also among the missing, being one of the last to leave the position. Lieutenant-Colonel Moody and Major Van Zandt were commended for bravery. Of the regiment as a whole the greatest compliment to its valor is the record that it lost 158 out of 306."